3 Ways To Cook Freash Scallops - Pan Sear, Grill, Broil (2024)

3 Ways To Cook Freash Scallops - Pan Sear, Grill, Broil (1)When scallops areprepared right, they are tender and rich like a smallfilet mignon with amilder taste profile and fewer calories. The key tomaking perfect scallops isto make sure that they do not dry out. If youcook these little mollusks fortoo long they can quickly become tough.You want to cook them just enough thatthey are no longer translucentbut still juicy and airy. You should also add alittle fat, like oil or butter,so that this lean protein will brown nicely andhave a caramelizedflavor.

Cooking Scallops 101

No matter what method youuse to cook scallops, there are a fewsimple rules to follow.

Rule #1 – Always use ahigh-heat method with a little butter or oil. Ourfavorite methods for cookingscallops are pan seared, broiled andgrilled.

Rule #2 – Always rinsethem and pat them dry before cooking. Youwant to remove moisture from theoutside so that they brown nicely.

Rule #3 – Always cut largescallops in half so that they can cook allthe way through quickly.

Following these threerules is key to making top notch fresh scallopswhether they are pan seared,grilled or broiled.

How to Pan Sear Scallops

Use a paper towel to patthe scallops dry. Season them with a dustingof salt and pepper or a lightseasoning rub.

Warm a pan to mediumhigh. Add oil.

Once the pan is hotenough that a splash of water evaporates, placethe scallops in the pan with asmall distance between them.

Sear each side of thescallops until it is lightly brown and opaque, nolonger than 90 seconds.

Remove from panimmediately and serve.

How to Grill Scallops

The best way to grillscallops is on a skewer with vegetables and fruits(red onions, bell peppers,cherry/grape tomatoes and pineapple ormango are popular choices).

If you plan to use woodenskewers, soak the skewers in water for atleast an hour beforehand.

Prepare the scallops by pattingthem dry and then marinating them inan oil-base marinade for 10 to 15 minutes.Then, remove the scallops.

While the scallopsmarinate, cut up vegetables and fruit for theskewers.

Spear the scallops andother ingredients on the skewers, alternatingbetween them.

Set the grill to mediumhigh.

Place the scallop skewerson the grill (preferably on a lightly greasedrack). Cook for 2 -3 minutes oneach side until the scallops look whiteinstead of translucent.

3 Ways To Cook Freash Scallops - Pan Sear, Grill, Broil (2)How to Broil Scallops

Preheat the broiler.

Pat the scallops dry.Then coat with a light dusting of butter or oil. Addsalt, pepper and a dash ofpaprika or other seasonings to taste.

Lightly grease a broilerpan and place scallops on it. (You could alsomake up skewers and place them inthe broiler pan.)

When you place the pan inthe broiler, make sure there is about 4inches between the broil and the pan.

Cook for 3 -5 minutes oneach side. Brushing with melted-butter or oilin between.

You can make restaurantquality scallops by following these simplesteps. Stop by our seafood counterto pick up fresh scallops to maketonight!

Let us know in the commentswhich method you prefer. If you’relooking for recipes, check out ourPinterest!

3 Ways To Cook Freash Scallops - Pan Sear, Grill, Broil (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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