6 Adaptogenic Mushrooms & How To Use Them—Plus A Recipe (2024)

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Functional Food

Functional Medicine Practitioner

By William Cole, IFMCP, DNM, D.C.

Functional Medicine Practitioner

Will Cole, IFMCP, DNM, D.C., is a leading functional medicine practitioner with a certification in natural medicine and a doctor of chiropractic degree.

Mushrooms are not just for coating the forest floor, or those looking for a psychedelic experience. Throughout history, fungi have been cultivated for medicinal benefits too. Though more large-scale clinical trials are needed, ongoing research suggests that certain mushrooms may provide adjunct treatment for a number of conditions—most notably stress and inflammation.

This doesn't mean you should eat any ol' mushroom you find the next time you feel anxious or sniffly. Some varieties are bioaccumulators, meaning that they absorb and store the chemicals that surround them, so you need to be super careful with sourcing the right 'shroom. With that being said, here are a few mushroom varieties that show some promise for their calming, adaptogenic properties.

1. Chaga

Chaga has been used in traditional medicine in eastern Europe in a variety of health problems such as stomach diseases. More recently, research (albeit, on animal subjects) has emerged finding that chaga can help reduce pro-inflammatory compounds1 like nitric oxide and cyclooxygenase.

In another study, the water-based extract of chaga exhibited antiviral activity against common infections2 such as the flu. Chaga is also packed with beneficial antioxidants3.

2. sh*take

sh*take mushrooms are commonly used in cooking, and lucky for us they might potentially help protect the body against heart disease4 and lower cholesterol5, according to animal trials out of Japan.

3. Himematsutake

In one literature review, Himematsutake, or Royal Sun Agaricus, was found to promote a healthy immune response6, though more research is needed to look into exactly how they work in the body. We do know that this type of mushroom is rich in β-glucans, a healthy dietary fiber.

4. Lions Mane

Lion’s mane mushrooms are increasingly studied for their potential neuroprotective benefits7. Nerve Growth Factors (NGFs)8 found in this mushroom might have the ability to regenerate and protect brain tissue.

About a dozen studies have been published on the neuroregenerative properties of lion’s mane so far. One small-scale study9 gave human patients four 250 mg tablets containing 96 percent lion's mane mushroom powder three times a day for 16 weeks. Those who took the lion's mane powder showed significantly increased scores on the cognitive function scale compared to the placebo group. Another small study found that the mushroom has the potential to reduce depression and anxiety symptoms10 in some cases.

5. Cordyceps

One animal study out of China found that cordyceps extract was able to increase powerhouse antioxidants 11are rich in β-glucanssuperoxidedismutase and glutathione peroxidase. This fungus also decreased pro-inflammatory monoamine oxidase and lipid peroxidation activity, which causes us to age.

Another double-blind placebo-controlled trial on humans 12found that cordyceps acted like an adaptogen, or hormone balancer, helping people struggling with fatigue increase their levels of energy and endurance.

6. Reishi

Preliminary cell studies have shown that the polysaccharides and triterpenes in reishi13 extracts may help reduce excess fat storage and promote blood sugar balance due to their ability to down-regulate alpha-glucosidase14, the enzyme responsible for breaking down starches into sugars.

How to use adaptogenic mushrooms safely.

You should always talk to your doctor before introducing a new supplement into your routine. If you have the go-ahead to start experimenting with adaptogenic mushrooms, here are some tips on how to safely incorporate them into your well-being practice.

1. Choose the format you want.

These superfood mushrooms typically come in a few forms:

  • dry powdered form
  • capsules
  • extracts
  • whole food form

Go for the form that works best for you and your daily routine. Of course, again, talk with your doctor about your interest in supplementing with anything.

2. Go for organic.

Any way you bring healing mushrooms into your life, make sure they are organic and harvested from a trusted source.

3. Consider growing your own.

Mushrooms are easy to grow and there are many places to buy your own mushroom starter kit. This is a fun, affordable way to get these foods into your diet. They typically come in terrariums or logs which are inoculated with mushroom spores.

You can add your fresh crop to everything from salads and soups to tonics and elixirs. For some inspiration, here's my favorite adaptogenic mushroom drink recipe:

My go-to mushroom elixir recipe.


  • 1.5 cups plain full-fat organic coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp each of organic powdered of chaga, reishi, lion's mane, turkey tail, cordyceps, sh*take, and himematsutake
  • 1 tsp chia seed
  • 1 tbsp raw organic honey
  • 2 pitted medjool dates (more if you want it sweeter!)
  • 2 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 1 tsp maca powder
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • Himalayan sea salt to taste


  1. Blend all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Serve cold or, if it's chilly where you are, warm it up in a pot and enjoy!
6 Adaptogenic Mushrooms & How To Use Them—Plus A Recipe (2024)


What is the best way to consume adaptogenic mushrooms? ›

Beverages: Many mushroom elixirs come in powder or liquid form and can be mixed with hot water to make a soothing tea. You can also add them to coffee or herbal teas.

Which mushroom is the best adaptogen? ›

Some of the most common adaptogenic mushrooms include reishi, cordyceps, and Lion's mane. There are records of the use of mushrooms going back thousands of years for various medicinal purposes, including reducing inflammation, caring for wounds, antitumor properties, and immune support, amongst others.

Do mushroom adaptogens really work? ›

There are many herbs and mushrooms that qualify as adaptogens, and what experts know about most of them is still limited. But growing research shows that adaptogens help the body regulate in many ways, including improving mood, balancing hormones, fighting fatigue and boosting the immune system.

Who shouldn't take mushroom supplements? ›

People who shouldn't use it include those with bleeding disorders, people taking blood-pressure-lowering medication, and those who are pregnant or breastfeeding (26). Additionally, there have been two documented cases of liver toxicity related to the consumption of reishi powder ( 27 ).

Who should not take adaptogens? ›

Certain populations that should avoid adaptogen use include: Pregnant and breastfeeding women. Diabetics. People with high or low blood pressure.

What is the most healing mushroom? ›

Some of the mushrooms considered best for human health include chaga, lion's mane, reishi, turkey tail, shiitake, cordyceps and maitake.

Do adaptogens give you a buzz? ›

Yes, some adaptogens can give you a buzz. These include green tea, holy basil, ginseng, cordyceps mushrooms, Schisandra berries and maca root. Medicinal mushrooms and maca root are well known for giving you an energy buzz without the anxiety or accelerated heart rate that caffeine often entails.

Do adaptogens affect the liver? ›

Adaptogenic substances must affect the liver because of this organ's central role in metabolic and detoxification reactions. Ginseng affects the liver in several ways.

What organ is mushroom good for? ›

Other research has shown mushrooms may also be protective against cancers of the liver, uterus, pancreas, and stomach, as well as acute leukemia. 23 However, more research is needed to understand if and how much mushrooms may reduce cancer risk.

Are mushroom supplements hard on your liver? ›

The Susan G. Komen Foundation note that reishi mushroom extract is possibly safe for up to 1 year when a person takes it orally. However, they also note that taking powdered reishi mushroom for longer than 1 month may be toxic to the liver.

What are the disadvantages of eating mushroom? ›

Mushrooms can cause stomach problems (Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting): As Mushrooms are fungi, in some people, diarrhea can get triggered right after eating mushrooms. They do not go well with everyone's body. Mushrooms can cause skin allergies: One of the side effects of Mushrooms are that they cause skin allergies.

What is the most effective way to take medicinal mushrooms? ›

How should you take your extracts? We recommend taking your tinctures directly under the tongue for the most effective and quickest absorption. Sublingual absorption is more effective because the mushrooms do not have to go through your stomach and digestive system before being absorbed into the bloodstream.

What is the most effective way to take reishi mushroom? ›

We recommend using your powder or elixir to make tea, by placing your chosen dosage of reishi into a mug, and adding hot water. Leave to simmer for 5 minutes, perhaps adding a teabag, or herbal tea of choice.

Should you take adaptogens in the morning or at night? ›

While some adaptogens are more stimulating and most appropriate to take in the morning or early afternoon, others have a more calming effect and are best taken later in the day or evening when you want to wind down.

How long do adaptogenic mushrooms take to work? ›

Usually, adaptogens take two to three weeks to have a noticeable effect on the body, and some of the resilience which is built up by adaptogens over time can take even longer. For example, certain studies have shown that taking ashwagandha consistently for 8 weeks improves cognitive function and working memory recall.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.