A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold (2024)

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A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold (1)

I was in escrow and had them inspect the new home for mold. Many forms of mold were found in all bathrooms and kitchens, including airborne black mold. We were able to negotiate a $10,000 price reduction on our home as a result.

Dorsaye was very attentive and thorough. She always picked up the phone and inspections was scheduled without delay, which was critical during our 14-day escrow. They also provide recommendations for remediation companies, one of which I used and did a great job.

Guaranteed came out and did the final inspection and cleared the house for mold. Great experience during a stressful time.

~ Ben W.

Moldy homes are a major problem in the United States, as it is present in nearly every building in the country. The reason that mold is so prolific is that it only takes 24 to 48 hours for mold to grow in a moist indoor area. It also grows well in dark, damp spaces, so it’s often found in kitchen cabinets, bathrooms, basem*nts, and crawlspaces.

Now, not all mold is worrisome. And since virtually every home has trace amounts of mold growing, it’s nearly impossible to avoid buying a mold-free house. However, there are some significant dangers to buying a house with mold growth.

If left untreated, mold will soon spread to other areas of a home and may cause health troubles and expensive home repairs. If you’re thinking about buying a property with some kind of mold problem, you may want to think again. In this blog post, we will explore the seven dangers of buying a house with mold, why it is crucial to collaborate with ethical realtors when mold is present in a property, and how they can help navigate this potential challenge.

Here are seven key reasons why you should avoid buying a house with mold.

1. There Are Many Types of Dangerous Mold

A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold (2)

One of the dangers of buying a home with mold is that there are so many different kinds – some of which can be extremely toxic. Researchers have identified over 100,000 different varieties of mold, many of which are routinely found indoors.

Someone who is unfamiliar with mold might be unable to recognize the signs, even if they were to see them. Further, mold often grows in hidden spots you can’t easily get to, like underneath carpets or in the attic.

Mold growth is often missed by traditional home inspectors as well unless there are obvious physical signs. This means they will not be able to identify all the problem areas properly, so you could wind up buying a home with severe mold issues. To avoid this issue, it is highly recommended to schedule a professional mold inspection before buying.

2. Mold Can Spread to the HVAC System

A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold (3)

Mold infestations get exponentially worse if they spread into heating and air conditioning systems. HVAC ducts can attract mold growth since the air is quite humid inside. Mold also feeds on dust moisture, which is plentiful inside an HVAC system.

The issue with mold growth in the air ducts is that the spores can travel through the air and spread to other rooms. This also means that mold spores can enter your family’s lungs and cause potential health issues.

Having mold around is never healthy – and it gets exponentially worse when that mold is breathed in. Mold can trigger allergic and asthmatic reactions and lead to respiratory issues and infections.

3. Mold Is Unsightly

A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold (4)

The appearance of mold is very unappealing. Mold comes in a variety of sickly colors, including green, brown, or yellow. It may also be blue, black, or white, which tends to stand out on carpets or walls.

Once it has taken root, mold stains can be very difficult or even impossible to get rid of. Mold growth can leave an unsightly stain wherever the mold infestation has taken hold, even after a thorough cleaning. Sometimes, repainting will not fix it, as the mold will show through!

4. Mold Is Bad for Your Health

A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold (5)

Mold can cause detrimental effects on human health, especially for children or people with pre-existing health conditions.

Asthma is the most common health issue associated with long-term indoor mold exposure. Adults who live in moldy homes are up to 50 percent more likely to develop asthma. Children are even more likely to develop health issues like asthma and rhinitis.

Mold exposure has also been associated with other upper respiratory infections, with symptoms that can range from sinus infections to sore throats. Mold can cause infections of the lower respiratory system as well. This often leads to shortness of breath, wheezing, or even whooping cough.

As if this all weren’t enough, mold can also trigger allergies. Sometimes mold-related allergies can develop into more serious illnesses, such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

If someone in your home has a weakened immune system, they will be more susceptible to developing mold-related infections. These infections are dangerous to immuno-compromised people and can lead to long-term illnesses and, in some cases, death.

5. Treating Mold Can Be Expensive

A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold (6)

Once a mold infestation affects a home, it can take a great deal of money, time, energy, and resources to eliminate the problem.

First, you’ll have to hire a mold inspection team to identify the type of mold(s) in your home and their potential health risks. They will also help to develop a remediation plan to remove the mold and address the source of the growth, known as the moisture intrusion source.

If the mold infestation is fairly advanced, you may need some major structural work to eliminate the issue. For instance, it might require cutting into drywall or even complete demolition of some parts of the home. Any infested carpeting, drywall, flooring, and other porous materials will need to be fully replaced, which can be quite expensive.

Serious mold problems need to be treated using special mold-resistant solutions. This can be something as simple as anti-fungal paint, but it may also involve using special seals and chemical solutions. These treatments were rather inconvenient as they restricted you from using your house to its fullest capacity.

Chances are that you will need to renovate the area after mold remediation is complete. In worst-case scenarios, your home may be condemned, especially if it is infested with toxic mold. This is an extreme scenario – and often preventable if you catch the mold issue early enough.

6. Mold Can Destroy Your Property

A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold (7)

When mold grows on personal items like furniture or clothing, it needs to be completely eradicated, so it doesn’t spread. It’s virtually impossible to remove mold completely from personal items like fabric or paper, so you will likely need to throw it out, even if it holds sentimental value.

Along with personal belongings, mold can damage large sections of a home, like built-in carpeting. You may even need to hire demolition services to remove mold from your home, and this could result in numerous home repairs. This also significantly lowers the value of your propertyunless it is remediated completely and renovated.

7. Investors May Try to Hide Mold Damage

A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold (8)

Homeowners often assume that newer buildings or recently renovated homes must be mold-free. But sadly, this is not always the case. Many real estate investors and “home flippers’ choose to paint or cover up mold infestations with new drywall. This is a quick, easy, and completely cosmetic fix. It does not get rid of the mold – it just covers it up.

States do have legislation in place against this. In California, sellers are required to disclose to potential buyers any known defects. However, this may not always be a thorough report, or the seller may be untruthful about the extent of the damage.

Buying a home that has been flipped or renovated can be quite risky. We highly recommend that you ask the seller to provide both an air quality test and a comprehensive mold inspection.

The Difference Between Buyers That Conduct Mold Inspections – and Those That Don’t

A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold (9)

Before you buy any home, you should conduct a professional mold inspection – regardless of whether you see visible signs or not. This will let you know how much mold, if any, is in a home and whether it’s easily removable. You want to know if the house is worth the investment upfront.

When buyers DO conduct a mold inspection, they have the chance to:

  • Identify all of the different affected areas.
  • Understand the extent of moisture or water damage.
  • Learn about past claims to insurance.
  • Talk to the seller about covering/addressing mold remediation costs.
  • Negotiate a better price for the house after finding the mold growth.
  • Back out of the sale if the mold problem is out of control.
  • Remediate the mold immediately if they plan to move in and stay safe.

When buyers DO NOT conduct a mold inspection, they will likely:

  • Not finding out about the mold until weeks or months after the purchase.
  • Overpay for a house with serious problems.
  • Expose their family and pets to health complications after moving in.
  • Jeopardize the safety of their belongings by exposing them to mold.
  • Face a hefty remediation bill (generally not covered by their homeowner’s insurance).
  • Deal with hefty medical bills after mold exposure.
  • Have to vacate the property if the infestation turns out to be extensive.

The bottom line is that if you’re considering buying a home, you need to have a mold inspection done to cover yourself and to avoid purchasing a nightmare of a situation.

The Importance of Dealing with Ethical Realtors in Home Purchases

Working with ethical realtors when mold is present in a property is crucial for a successful and informed home purchase. Their commitment to full disclosure, recommending inspections and remediation, negotiating repairs, and providing ongoing support ensures that your best interests are protected throughout the process. By collaborating with ethical realtors, you can navigate mold-related challenges with confidence and make informed decisions that prioritize your health and well-being.

1. Full Disclosure

Complete transparency is essential for a genuine real estate transaction to take place. All the intricate details must be openly shared and disclosed without any reservations. Ethical realtors understand the importance of full disclosure regarding the presence of water damage and mold in a property. They will provide you with accurate information about any known mold issues, including the type of mold, the extent of the problem, and any previous remediation efforts. With this information, you can make an informed decision about whether to proceed with the purchase or negotiate repairs/remediation as part of the deal.

2. Mold Inspection and Remediation Recommendations

In many cases, the presence of mold may necessitate a third-party inspection and analysis. Ethical realtors will often recommend or require a professional mold inspection as part of the home-buying process. They will work with reputable mold inspection companies to thoroughly assess the property and identify any mold-related issues. If mold is present, they can guide you in finding reputable mold remediation specialists to address the problem effectively.

3. Negotiating Repairs and Remediation

Working with an ethical realtor also ensures that any repairs and remediation efforts are properly negotiated. They can help you understand the potential costs involved and work with the seller to ensure that the necessary repairs are made before closing the deal. If repairs cannot be completed before closing, they may negotiate escrow funds to cover the cost of remediation.

4. Recommending Mold-Savvy Professionals

Ethical realtors have a network of trusted professionals, including mold inspectors, remediation specialists, and contractors, who have experience dealing with mold-related issues. They can recommend these professionals to ensure that the proper protocols are followed and that the problem is effectively addressed.

5. Education and Resources

From providing educational resources to helping you understand your options, ethical realtors will always be there to support you. They understand that mold-related issues can be complex and overwhelming for buyers. They will take the time to educate their clients about the potential risks of mold, the importance of proper remediation, and prevention strategies for maintaining a healthy home. They may provide resources, such as articles and guides, to help you understand the process and make informed decisions.

6. Long-Term Support

Most importantly, ethical realtors will continue to support you well after the purchase is complete. Ethical realtors are committed to building long-term relationships with their clients and providing ongoing support. They will encourage you to conduct regular inspections and maintenance to prevent future mold growth. Should any concerns arise after the purchase, they will be there to assist and recommend reputable professionals to address the issue.

What to Do When Buying a Property with Mold

If you have your heart set on buying a particular house and discover it has mold, you have options. A certified mold inspector can identify the problem and present you with a written report estimate based on the scope of necessary work for remediation/removal of mold.

You can take that estimate to your real estate agent or the sellers and ask them to either address the remediation before the close of escrow or to give you a price reduction on the purchase price of the property.

What Happens if I Find Mold After Buying a House?

If you discover mold in your house after buying it, contact an experienced mold inspector or remediator right away. Don’t try to clean the mold yourself – leave it to the professionals. The experts can assess the problem and determine the source of the moisture intrusion that is allowing for mold growth. They will then be able to advise on remediation.

If the mold was already present at the time of purchase, you may be able to seek damages from the previous owner or seller. However, it’s important to note that this is a lengthy and expensive process. We advise you to review your state’s regulations to find out what options you have. For example, California’s mold law protects buyers from undisclosed mold problems at the time of purchase. Under the bill, it becomes the duty of individuals selling real estate to disclose all instances of water intrusion or mold growth pertaining to the property in question.

Are You Considering Buying a Home with Mold?

Don’t worry – buying a house with mold isn’t the end of the world. The technicians from GP Inspect can identify and solve nearly any kind of mold infestation imaginable. We will also get you in touch with certified mold remediation services to tackle the job.

If you think you have a mold problem, contact us today, and let us help you!

First Published on: May 22, 2020

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

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A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold (2024)


A Hard Pass: The 7 Dangers of Buying a House with Mold? ›

Not finding out about the mold until weeks or months after the purchase. Overpay for a house with serious problems. Expose their family and pets to health complications after moving in. Jeopardize the safety of their belongings by exposing them to mold.

Is it bad to buy a house with mold? ›

Buying a house with mold can be a risky move. Mold can significantly reduce your property's value and fill your home's indoor air with health-devastating mold spores. This can lead to serious health problems if left untreated.

Is mold a deal breaker when buying a house? ›

While severity certainly plays a roll here, there is generally no reason to consider Mold a deal breaker. As part of the mold remediation project, the moisture issue that caused the problem in the first place should be resolved, eliminating the potential for future mold growth.

What happens if you find mold after buying a house? ›

The best course of action if you find mold after buying a house is to contact a mold inspector. Get a professional to tell you if there is mold, what type, and the best course of action. Professional mold removal isn't always necessary, especially if it's surface mold and can be cleaned with bleach.

Can you get a mortgage if a house has mold? ›

Some lenders, including those offering FHA loans, might not approve your request for a mortgage if the home you're buying has serious mold issues. You might have to shop around for a lender if the home you're buying has significant mold issues.

How long can you live in a house with mold? ›

Generally, a person can stay in a moldy home for years, though some people could feel extremely uncomfortable.

Can mold be completely removed from a house? ›

Mold can grow on or fill in the empty spaces and crevices of porous materials, so the mold may be difficult or impossible to remove completely. Avoid exposing yourself or others to mold.

Can a house full of mold be saved? ›

It is impossible to get rid of all mold and mold spores indoors; some mold spores will be found floating through the air and in house dust. The mold spores will not grow if moisture is not present. Indoor mold growth can and should be prevented or controlled by controlling moisture indoors.

Is it safe to live in a house after mold remediation? ›

The time you should stay out of the house after mold remediation depends on the extent of the remediation and the methods used. Typically, it's safe to return 24 to 48 hours after the remediation process is completed. This allows time for any airborne spores to settle and for the air quality to return to safe levels.

Does mold devalue a home? ›

Even After Treatment, Mold Could Cost You

Some estimates show that even a properly treated home can see its value drop by 3%, which means that your best option is to stay vigilant and get any mold issues taken care of as soon as they are discovered.

How to prove seller knew about mold? ›

Gather all relevant information from your neighbors, your agent, and even the sellers' agent. You must put your lawyer through depositions (interviews of relevant witnesses). And gather evidence demonstrating that the seller knew about the problem.

Will FHA approve a house with mold? ›

They will also check for hazards like mold, pests, and any leaks. You have to fix these problems to meet FHA home loan requirements. If these things come up, it doesn't mean the property you want to buy will fail a home inspection. Your inspector can give your home a conditional pass.

What are the 10 warning signs of mold toxicity? ›

What Are the Warning Signs of Mold Toxicity?
  • Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, and frequent sinus infections.
  • Rashes, itching, burning sensations, and persistent skin irritation.
  • Headaches, dizziness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, brain fog and memory problems.
Dec 15, 2023

Is it OK to be in a house with mold? ›

Can mold make my family sick? Exposure to mold can cause health effects in some people. Mold spores are always found in the air we breathe, but extensive mold contamination may cause health problems. Breathing mold can cause allergic and respiratory symptoms.

What percent of houses have mold? ›

Approximately 70% of homes have some kind of mold in them. People with asthma, allergies, or other breathing conditions may be more sensitive to mold. At least 45 million buildings in the United States have unhealthy levels of mold. Keeping humidity levels under 50% will prevent mold growth.

Do all old houses have mold? ›

In short, the answer is yes. Older buildings are more likely to have mold issues.

Is it okay to stay in a house with mold? ›

Mold can cause detrimental effects on human health, especially for children or people with pre-existing health conditions. Asthma is the most common health issue associated with long-term indoor mold exposure. Adults who live in moldy homes are up to 50 percent more likely to develop asthma.

How does mold affect the sale of a house? ›

Mold and Mortgages

Mold can affect lenders' assessment of a home's value, both at the time of sale and long-term. This can make it challenging for buyers to secure a mortgage for a property with mold. At best, this delays sales and makes the entire process take longer.

Does mold decrease the value of a home? ›

When it comes to the latter, it's not something those looking to purchase a property are willing to overlook; in fact, mold growth is considered a red flag. The presence of mold can lower the price of a house by up to 10-30%, depending on the extent of the infestation.

Should you move out of a house with mold? ›

If the mold damage is located in your living room, kitchen or the bathroom, the experts will recommend you to find alternative lodging for the time being. Also, if you have infants and elderly people at home or have family members with a weak immune system, you should probably leave your home for a while.


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