Gordon Ramsay/Quotes (2024)

Quotes by Gordon Ramsay in Hell's Kitchen.


  • 1 All Seasons
    • 1.1 Season 1
    • 1.2 Season 2
    • 1.3 Season 3
    • 1.4 Season 4
    • 1.5 Season 5
    • 1.6 Season 6
    • 1.7 Season 7
    • 1.8 Season 8
    • 1.9 Season 9
    • 1.10 Season 10
    • 1.11 Season 11
    • 1.12 Season 12
    • 1.13 Season 13
    • 1.14 Season 14
    • 1.15 Season 15
    • 1.16 Season 16
    • 1.17 Season 17
    • 1.18 Season 18
    • 1.19 Season 19
    • 1.20 Season 20
    • 1.21 Season 21

All Seasons[]

  • "Jean-Philippe/James/Marino/Matthew, open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go."
  • (Calling out an order) "On order, (Number of Diners) covers table (Table No.), (Number of Dishes), Entrée (Number of Dishes), yes?"
  • (Whenever an dish is sent out to the dining room) "Service, please."
  • (Whenever a chef or team gets kicked out of dinner service) "You, you, you... GET OUT!"
  • "f*ck OFF!"
  • "IT'S RAW!"
  • "IT'S f*ckING RAW!"
  • "PISS OFF!"
  • "sh*t!"
  • (Whenever a service ends in disaster) "Shut it down!"
  • "Come here, you."
  • "You f*cking donkey/donut/muppet!"
  • "f*cking Hell."
  • "When it's brown, it's cooked. When it's black it's f*cked."
  • "How long?"
  • "WAKE UP!"
  • (When food of poor quality is sent up to the window) "All of you come here!"
  • (To a chef nominated for elimination) "Why do you think that you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?"
  • (When a chef is spared at elimination) "Back in line."
  • (When a chef is eliminated) "Take your jacket off and leave Hell's Kitchen."
  • (Announcing the winner of a season) "Ladies and gentlemen, Hell's Kitchen Season (Season Number) winner, (Winning Chef's Name)!"

Season 1[]

  • (First quote) "I'm Gordon Ramsay. Welcome to Hell's Kitchen."
  • (About Andrew's signature dish) "Whose is this? (Andrew: Andrew, Chef Ramsay.) Andrew, step forward. And what is it? (Andrew: It's called "Andrew's Absolute Penne".) "Andrew's Absolute Penne"? (Andrew: Correct.) (Gordon spits out his dish) That, is Absolute Dogsh*t. Have a little taste. (Andrew: Could use some salt.) You think you're smart, yeah? (Andrew: I have my moments.) And how long have you been cooking? (Andrew: About 10 years.) What a waste of 10 years. Get back in f*ckin' line." (Andrew quietly gets back in line)
  • (To Dewberry) "Blueberry?"
  • (Reveals Chris' dish) "Bloody hell. (Chris: It's mine Chef. Chris: Executive Chef.) Executive Chef? (Chris: Executive Chef.) Can you just explain to me what it is? (Chris: Salmon roasted on a plank of cedar.) I think you're a plank. (Chris: Well, I don't really know what that means, Chef.) 'Plank' means 'an idiot'. Why is it raw on the bottom? (Chris: Well, it's medium-rare. That's how I would eat my salmon.) You need to clean your glasses. It's raw. (Chris: I don't agree Chef-) Let me tell you something, and listen to me. You've got a lot to learn. So be a good plank. Get back in line.(Chris: Thank you, Chef.)"
  • (To Michael about his signature dish) "You, sir, have the palate of a cow's backside."
  • "Be prepared for anything and everything."
  • (To two customers) "Can you just shut the f*ck up for 30 seconds?"
  • (To the blue team about the two customers) "Just ignore these bimbos."
  • (To another two customers) "Can you escort these two ladies? Back to plastic surgery?"
  • (To Chris about his overcooked salmon) "You're an executive chef, right? (Chris: Yes chef.) Yeah? What do you think of that? (Chris: It's a little f*cked up, chef.) (shoves the plate to Chris) Sorry, I told you f*cking earlier. Hello? And you knew it was f*cked up, yeah? (Chris: You're right chef.) And an executive chef doesn't serve sh*t like that, do they? (Chris: I apologize chef.) No, you apologize. Don't you DO IT AGAIN, OK?"
    • (About Chris) "Chris has a huge chip on his shoulder. He's an executive chef, which basically means you sit on your arse all day long, and clearly he's been doing that for the last 10 years."
  • (To Jimmy) "So, if it doesn't look good to you, why are you serving it to me? That looks like a dog's dinner. And you want me to serve that in there? And you want to walk away winning a restaurant? (Shoves the plate to Jimmy) f*ck yourself. Get in the bin. Get that sh*t outta there."
    • (After shoving the plate to Jimmy) "How can you do that? What do we talk about standards? What do we say about 'if it's not right'? So you want that to go out? Is that your best shot? (Jimmy: No, chef.) And what were you going to think of me, tomorrow morning if you watched me serve that? You were going to think I'm the biggest arsehole in America, aren't you? And you expect me to serve that? For as long as I'm alive, big boy, I'm never going to serve that sh*t."
  • (To Andrew) "What do you mean, how does this look? Hey, Andrew, get out of the habit. Come here, you. I'm not going to run to you. I'm trying to run the hotplate, here, so would you be so kind to come and talk to me? Is that clear? (Andrew: Is this acceptable, sir?) Listen to me. Did you hear my f*ckING QUESTION?! ANSWER IT! OK?!"
  • (To Jeff when he doesn't give him the spinach) "Just give me the f*cking spinach, Jeff! Look, there's the food! (Jeff: Yes, chef.) Hello? It's there!"
  • (To an impatient customer) "You're waiting on a Wellington and one bass, yes? Well, I'm deeply, deeply, deeply sorry but right now we're seven tables behind. (Customer: That doesn't do much for me.) Yeah, right. Can I just say you do f*ck all for me either? (Customer: I'm sorry?) You do nothing for me either. (Customer: I just don't understand why it's so difficult to serve some people their food.) Are you that arrogant? You haven't got a clue what's going on behind me? (Customer: It seems like you have a lot of amateur.... sous chefs.) Right. Finally, your head's coming outside your arsehole. Now sit down, you f*cking dick. What an arsehole."
  • (When Dewberry returned to his station after attempting to walk out earlier) "Thank you for coming back. You NEVER, hello, desert your station again! Do you understand? (Dewberry: Yes, chef.) You stand there like a man and you face it. (Dewberry: Yes, sir.) Because I'm standing here in front of customers taking sh*t, because of you!" (Dewberry: Yes, chef.)
  • (To Andrew) "You haven't got a clue, you know that, that's what I've just found out. I'm not impressed with you one little bit. You know all this big f*cking fat mouth of yours, it's getting you nowhere. (Andrew: I'm just trying to do the job right, chef.) Yeah, are you? f*ck. You're trying to do nothing. My advice to you is to just shut your mouth!"
  • (When Jeff called 5 minutes on the lamb) "Oh no no no. Lamb bass, I want in f*cking 4 minutes. I'm not doing as you please, Jeff. (Jeff: Yes, chef.) If I had to listen to you all night long, NO ONE would get served! I'LL do the lamb if you can't do it! Yeah, come here, you. Come here, come here. (Jeff: What?) Do you know why? Because you're just all over the shop. You just do it to suit you. (Jeff: It is cooked.) Look at them out there, look at those tickets. (Jeff: I understand, chef.) MOVE YOUR ARSE!"
  • (To Jeff) "You know you've cooked nothing exact yet. Nothing has come out of that kitchen right yet, you know that? And we struggled, and we struggled, and we struggled, and now I can't even get any lamb cooked. Well, your f*cking timing, you jumped up f*cker, has just stopped the dining room with 30 customers not eating. Now f*ck off back to your section."
  • (To Wendy about heating the spaghetti sauce) "Everything I tell you, you come back with the most pathetic answers. (Wendy: Yes, chef.) You've always got something to say. Button it! You've now pushed me to the limit, I suggest you shut your mouth. Last chance!"
  • (To Jimmy when he says "I'm trying my best") "Hey, young man, well, that's not good enough for me, do you understand? Because that's sh*t. So don't come to me you wimp 'I'm TrYiNg My BeSt.' And it's CRAP. You send me one more cold garnish, you're washing pans for the rest of your life."
  • (To Jessica about the missing fillet mignons) "No, don't say that to me now. Surely. Jess, why do you want to give us big attitude? (Jessica: I'm not.) I've got to go back out there and f*cking tell them. Unfold your f*cking arms right now. And don't dare start getting f*cking chippy, or lippy, or f*cking pissy with me. We've got a massive problem now. And we've got no f*cking filet steak."
    • (Later) "Can I just send this food here? Get back on your section and talk to me. (Jessica: Serve it. I'm trying to talk to you.) Hey! Hello, what's this (imitates her hands-up gesture)? GET BACK ON YOUR SECTION!!"
  • (To Jimmy) "Listen, listen, don't f*cking start showing your fat mouth at me. Hey! Hey! Look at me. So I'm asking you, why you're putting f*cking fish stock ON A f*ckING RISOTTO? GET IT OFF! BECAUSE I THINK IT'S A BIT BIZARRE THAT YOU FINISHED IT, AND YOU GET A LADLE OF FISH STOCK LIKE THAT, AND YOU PUT IT ON THE RISOTTO! SO I'M ASKING YOU AND YOU REFUSE TO TELL ME! THEN YOU WILL OPEN YOUR FAT f*ckING MOUTH!"
  • (To Jimmy) "Why is the fish in the pan? WHY isn't the fish- (Jimmy: I'M TRYING TO f*ckING DO BOTH AT THE SAME TIME! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?) Come here, you. Come here, you. (Jimmy: No!) What do you mean 'no'? (Jimmy: I'm trying to do both at the same time.) Just calm down. Just calm f*cking down. (Jimmy: I'm trying to do both at the same time.) Are you about to crack? Is that what it is? (Jimmy: No. No, I'm not going to-) No, OK? Don't f*cking shout at me. (Jimmy: Yes, Chef.) What are you going to do? (Jimmy: No. I'm going to save and finish-) Calm down. (Jimmy: Yes.) While I'm standing here pissed off, what about those f*cking customers there then? (Jimmy: Yeah, I'm trying to-) Right. Talk to me properly, or f*ck off. Is that clear?"

Season 2[]

  • (To Polly about her signature dish) "Oh my God. Right now, I'd rather eat poodle sh*t than put it in my mouth."
  • (To a customer complaining about their pumpkin risotto) "Right, well I'll get you more pumpkin, I'll ram it right up your f*cking arse would you like it whole or diced? Can we get security back and and get Knob back to the seat please, yeah?"
  • (To red team after the first service about Sara's cheering) "You thought that was a celebration for a cheer. Well, let me give you a cheer. C-R-A-P. Crap. That's what it was."
  • (About Virginia's busted tortellinis) "In your restaurant, would you serve that? (Virginia: Yes.) Say that again? (Virginia: Yes, I would, chef.) So that's good enough for you? (Virginia: Yes.) I'm gonna ask you one more time. Would you really serve that? (Virginia: I'll make some more, chef.) I think that's a really sensible idea."
  • (To Tom) "Come here, you. You idiot. I've f*ckING had enough! What I'm trying to tell you in your f*cking eyeballs that the quail in the spaghetti now, (Tom: Right.) yeah? And you're putting the quail in. (Tom: No, I have the one's there.) That's for THAT f*ckING ORDER THERE!!" (slams table)
  • (When Tom tried to blow out a burning pan) "THE DUCK'S BURNT! You're cooking in a burnt PAN, you f*cking dick! Oh my god, leave it, leave it, LEAVE IT! Just f*cking leave it! You're gonna blow fire in your face, you f*cking DONKEY!"
    • (After Tom burns the duck) "Keith. (Keith: Yes, chef) Get on the meat section, and stand next to him, and don't let him cook a f*ckING thing! (To Tom) And you, open those BIG eyes and watch what the f*ck this guy's doing. (Tom: Yes, chef.) SHUT IT, and watch. SHUT IT!"
  • (To Tom) "Tom, the stove is off! Hello, I'm standing here and you're there! And I KNOW the f*cking thing's off from HERE! Tom, if nothing's happening and your pan's stone cold, think, big boy."
  • (To Larry) "Larry, I know you don't have much to do. But it would be just nice to see you (jumping) a little bit more lively, jumping, agile, and understanding what's going on, rather than just standing in one spot, big boy. Like the Statue of Liberty. So are you ready for this? (Larry: Yes, chef.) Thank you so much, GOD BLESS AMERICA!"
  • (After Giacomo unnecessarily fried cabbage) "So you agreed to take sh*t- (Giacomo: Yes, sir. I still served it.) And you still served it. (Giacomo: Sorry, chef.) Hey, hey. And you want a restaurant in Vegas? (Giacomo: Lot of work to do, chef.) Hey. Why don't you become a hairdresser? Poncing around with woman's hair. (Giacomo: Sorry, chef.) Now get the cabbage on."
  • (To Giacomo about the oven) "Hello, dirtbrain. Why is the oven not on? (Giacomo: I'm not sure, chef. I'm sorry.) 'You're not sure'. You DONKEY!"
  • (To Gabe) "Shut the f*ck up! Would you MIND not being so rude?! There's quail NOWHERE on that ticket! Just... listen... concentrate! FOUR minutes to the window! One... spaGHETTi of lobster, one... SCALLops! Now, do you want me to f*cking email that to your BlackBerry?! MOVE YOUR ARSE!"
  • (To Maribel, when she dropped some spaghetti) "Right now, here's what I'd suggest you do. Find a restaurant, put one table in there. Any more than that, you'll be f*cked."
  • (When Tom tried to interject after the Relay Challenge) "'May you speak'? May you stand up straight and stop acting like a slob? (Tom: No. I-) No, no. Let's cut the f*cking bullsh*t, will you? Just stand up straight! At least look like a f*cking cook! (Tom: Yes, chef.) Do I slouch and slump and talk like this like some big fat f*cking slob?"
  • (To Maribel) "Missy. (Maribel: Yes, sir.) Table has walked out. And the sad thing about it, you've given up SO f*ckING EASILY, BECAUSE YOU DON'T GIVE A sh*t! (kicks something) sh*t!"
  • "Ladies, I personally don't want to do this anymore. (To Rachel) I'm fed up with your sh*t. (To Maribel) I'm fed up with your sh*t. (To Virginia) You've been a f*cking let down since the minute you started cooking. (Virginia: Yes, chef.) Then you LIED to me that the turbot was on route. (To Sara) And she hasn't even gotten out of the f*cking fridge! (To the red team) Do you want to continue like this? (Virginia: No, chef.) f*ck the lot of you. Is that clear? (Red team: Yes, chef!) f*ck the lot of you."
    • "Let me tell you something. (throws his apron at Tom) Yeah, there you go. (throws his towel at Tom) Yeah, there you go. (To both teams) I've had enough. I've had ENOUGH!! I cannot believe you are actually attempting to f*cking win a restaurant. Get BACK in your f*cking dorms. And hello? By the time you get back in here, from the blue team, nominate someone that's going tonight. And for the red team, come back with someone that's leaving. Now GET OUT!! OUT!! LEAVE THE STOVE!"
  • (To Garrett, when a cold lobster spaghetti was sent back) If you haven't tasted your own f*cking food, what chance have you got? (Garrett: None.) I'd rather f*ck off for a burger!"
    • (After Garrett sent the lamb sauce) "f*ck off, you fat useless sack of f*cking yankee danky doodle sh*te." (To a server) "f*ck off will you please, yeah?"
  • (To Sara after she justifies stuffing the salmon) "Don't f*cking dare. DON'T f*ckING DARE! Missy, missy come here you fat-mouthed little stupid bitch. You're pissing around with something that's not working. Has that f*cking clicked?! IT'S f*ckING RARE!!"
  • (To Jean-Phillipe following Sara's mistakes on her lamb) "Take the lamb off the menu. Stop it. I don't give a flying f*ck!"
  • (After seeing the red team's embarrassing performance) "I personally, I don't want to stick around for any more sh*t. (walks out of the kitchen) What a f*cking embarrassment."
  • (To Sara) "Missy? If you sauté scallops on a non-stick pan, they won't stick! THAT'S WHY IT'S CALLED f*ckING NON-STIIIIIIIIICK! (voice cracks) I don't know what non-stick means in Texas sweetheart, but f*ck ME!"
  • (About Garrett's raw chicken during the 7th dinner service) "Garrett! The chicken is raw. (Garrett: Yes, chef.) You're gonna kill someone. You know it's raw. (Garrett: I was just doing it because it's faster, chef. That's the only reason.) FASTER?! You've always got a f*ckIN' answer for everything! (Garrett: I was just trying to-) SHUT IT! YOU SHOULDN'T BE IN WHITE!!!"
  • (To Jean-Philippe who was chatting with the bachelorettes) "Hey. What are you trying to do, lose your virginity?"
  • (Motivating the red team) "Please please please please please please please move your arses!"
  • (To a female customer at the pass) "Would you mind taking your breasts off my hot plate? Yeah, look at that. How can I serve food with those f*cking things there? (The customer angrily overturns a plate, pushes it down to the kitchen floor, and walks off) Security, please."

Season 3[]

  • (About Eddie's age) "How come I look wrinkled and f*cked and you look so angelic?"
  • (To Vinnie regarding the wasted Wellingtons) "Oh, f*ck me senseless."
  • (To the red team after service) "Ladies, I've never seen girls bitch so much. It was evil and twisted, Hell's Bitches."
  • (To Vinnie when he added water to the risotto) "It tastes like gnat's piss!"
  • (To Eddie regarding his risotto) "It's way too peppery and you wouldn't even serve it to a f*cking pig!"
  • (To the blue team) "Hey, hello! Come here, donkeys! Here we go. We've started. Come here! What is that? (Vinnie: It's a raw egg.) (Shows to Josh) What is that? Wh- what is that? What is that? (To Vinnie, after smashing the raw egg on him) f*ck off, will you, yeah? f*ck off, okay? f*ck off!"
    • (To Vinnie) "Hey, why'd you let it go when you know it's not f*cking ready? (Vinnie: I screwed up again, chef.) He- hey, hey, look at me now. You've now just confirmed in my mind, you're not trustworthy. So f*ck you!"
  • (To Joanna) "Can you not smell that? The crab is off! It's f*cking rancid! How can you do that? (Joanna: I didn't smell the crab, chef.) We've sent one out already? (Joanna: No chef, we haven't.) Thank God for that! YOU'LL KILL SOMEONE!"
  • (When Melissa claimed that she's in charge for the Wedding Planning Challenge) "Stop, stop. I didn't put you in charge, madam. You're standing there acting like some jumped up cave woman."
  • (To the red team after losing the Wedding Planning Challenge) "You four Hell's Bitches, I am embarrassed. I don't think I've ever, EVER been so embarrassed inside this restaurant in my entire life! That was a joke! You should be ashamed. All four of you are going to work your arses off. Get. Out. My. Sight!"
  • (To Josh about the sauce for the fish entree) "Heat the sauce up! It's STONE COOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDD!!! Look at him running around with a pan. Oh my- GET IT ON THE STOVE!"
  • (To the blue team about Brad's cold omelets) "Gentlemen, today is about consistency. Brad? (Brad: Yes, chef.) Are you consistently sh*t? (Brad: No, chef.) You're about to sink the Navy, you dickhe*d!"
  • "Hold on, hold on. There's someone being dishonest. (To Brad) Lift the bottom of the Wellington over. (Brad shows the burnt part he was scraping off earlier) Oh, come on. You give me them anemic bits of sh*t, I'll f*cking throw them up your arse sideways. (Kicks bin) Where's your f*cking brain? I just cannot believe it. CAN WE MAKE TWO COURSES TOGETHER (voice crack)? (Kicks bin again) sh*t!!"
  • (To the blue team) Hello, look at me. (To Melissa) Thanks for the overcooked monkfish, (To Josh) thanks for shafting me on the mashed potatoes, (To Brad) and thanks for being a twat on the appetizers. It's just so sad. Shut it down!"
  • (To the blue team after the sixth service) "You got beaten by a nanny (Bonnie), a short order cook (Julia) and a pastry chef (Jen)".
  • (When Josh cooked spaghetti not to order) "In your restaurant, before you come in, do you cook spaghetti before the customer orders it? (Josh: Never, chef.) So why are you doing it here? (Josh: It was wrong.) Oh, was it really wrong? Even my mom cooks spaghetti seven minutes before she wants it. Get it in the bin!"
    • (When Josh does it again) "What-? MORE spaghetti in there! (Josh: Sorry.) We cook SPAGHETTI TO ORDER! (Josh: Yes, chef.) Even the f*cking scummiest Italian restaurant in Venice Beach cook spaghetti to order, you donkey." (Josh: Yes, chef.)
  • (Eliminating Josh mid-service) "What are you doing? Just what the f*ck are you doing?? Every table so far, nothing's coming out. You're standing there, you're screwing me, and you're f*ckING USELESS. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? (Josh: Sorry, chef.) Yeah, do me a favor (Josh: Yes, chef.) take that off and f*ck OFF OUT OF HERE!! Get out! GET OUT!! Hey you, leave the jacket and GET OUT!! GET OUT!! GIVE ME THE JACKET. GIVE ME THE f*ckING JACKET. (takes the black jacket from him and tosses it in closet) f*ckING USELESS SACK OF sh*t! GET OUT! GET OUT!!"
  • (To Jen and Rock) "SHUT THE f*ck UP! Enough's enough.
  • (To a customer) "Take the giraffe back to the table please.”

Season 4[]

  • (Upon seeing Petrozza's signature dish) "What in the f*ck? Happy Halloween?"
  • (To Dominic about his scallops) "Touch that. Touch that. Rubber. They're rubber, they're like a ball of elastic bands. It's like a f*cking golf ball. GOLF ball!"
  • (To Dominic) "RUN, DOMINIC! You lazy f*cker!"
  • (To the blue team) "Ah, f*ck ME! sh*t! Bobby. I'm looking for someone to take control of this disgusting, embarrassing mess. (Points to Jason) He doesn't give a f*ck, (Points to Dominic) he's dreaming, (Points to Matt) he's standing there pissing his pants looking for his tartare caviar white chocolate crap, (Points to Louross) and he's just running around like a toilet brush! Is anyone gonna TAKE CONTROL?!"
  • (To Jason about his burned risotto) "Hey you! Come here! I'VE HAD ENOUGH! You can't even get two f*cking dishes together. That's how sh*t you've been. I don't want anymore embarrassments. I JUST WANT TO GO WITH SOME FOOD!!"
    • (After making Jason eat his risotto) "Let me know when you're done. I'll get dessert."
  • (To Jen) "Have you got the garnish on the salmon? (Jen: No, I didn't hear that either.) Hey, you ain't look at me when you talk to me-- (Jen: I don't know about that when I'm pulling it, chef.) Yeah hey, Jen look at me! You're one f*cking co*cky lady! As someone knows jackass, you know that?! (Jen: Yeah, chef.) You're so far on your own sh*t, you don't know how f*cking co*cky you are! I can't tell you anything anymore. I can't even give you any direction!"
  • (To Matt, when a minor fire erupted at his station) "What the f*ck are you trying to do? You can't f*cking win in here so you set the place on fire? (Matt: No.) Is that your little motive? (Matt: No, not at all chef.) I've never seen such f*cking flames for a gnocchi." (Matt: Sorry, chef. Won't happen again.)
  • (To both teams during the second service) "Oi, all of you, come here! (To Sharon) You've stopped, (To Christina) you've given up, (To Matt) you're setting the place on fire, (To Jason) and you're sending me raw fish, but it's f*cking cold and f*cking raw! (Jason: It's not mine.) 'It's not mine'. How dare you! It's just come back from the table!" (Jason: Oh, okay.)
    • (To Jean-Philippe) "SHUT IT DOWN! GET THE f*ckERS OUT!!"
  • (To the red team regarding Vanessa's meat) " Hey, ladies, ladies, ladies, come here. f*ck! (slams meat on counter) One medium well, and one medium. It's RAW! (To Vanessa) I can't believe you've done this. I honestly can't believe you've done it."
  • (To the blue team during the third service) "All of you COME HERE!! Get in there (red kitchen)! Let's put one sh*t mess with another sh*t mess. GET IN THERE! (Both teams gathered) There you go: Joint forces. WE'VE GONE BACKWARDS! (To Vanessa) And you're just all over the place, (To Jason) and you're just hopeless, (To Ben) and you don't care! Pathetic! And then you look at me gormless like, the salmon's raw, and she (the customer) requested it medium. And what did you say? (Ben: Different techniques.) (throws tickets at him) f*ck off! Not good enough! I'm not gonna continue this any longer. Winning team? Forget it. WHAT'S SO f*ckING COMPLICATED?!"
  • (To Bobby after waving his hand to the customers) "Bob, come here. Yeah, I wouldn't go around looking for applauders right now. Right now is the wrong f*ckING TIME!! GET OUT!!! JACKASS! WAVING AT THEM, WHAT WE GOT TO WAVE ABOUT, I DON'T CARE!!! GET OUT!!!"
  • (When both teams were dismissed after Jason's elimination) "I'd love to say goodnight, but it was a sh*t night. Ben, punk! Psh, useless!
  • (To Jean-Philippe) "One more thing, it's a family service, take your tie off and relax a little bit, open your shirt. (Jean-Philippe: I feel more comfortable, chef.) No, no, I'm not f*cking around, give me the- take the tie off. You're like a f*cking stiff! Walk straight, you donut."
  • "Oh, f*ck me, Shayna's on fire. Hey, don't burn the kitchen down, yes!?
  • "Hey, you, Matt! (Matt: Yes, chef.) Come here with those burgers. Why are we cooking the burgers off so early on? They're like ice hockey pucks! (Tosses to Louross) Catch.. catch, catch, (Tosses to Petrozza) there you go. Look, look, (Tosses to Bobby) hey, there you go, up, up. (To blue team) Are we a fast food joint, now? (Blue team: No, chef!) (To Matt) And now you're standing there with your little balls of f*cking (throws burger patty at a wall)- look at them- f*cking sh*t!"
  • (To Ben) "Let’s give a big round of applause to the captain who hit an iceberg on the f*cking Titanic!"
  • (To Rosann when a fire erupted at her station) "Stand back. Stand back! STAND BACK! (removes burnt meat from pan) There's cooking, and there's f*cking bonfire- STAND BACK!! Same sh*t, different day. (throws burnt pan into the sink) THIS IS f*ckING EMBARRASSING! That's not a f*cking sauté pan, THAT'S A FURNACE! LOOK AT THE MEAT! IT'S SCORCHED! COOKING, MY ARSE!"
  • (To Matt, after throwing a raw langoustine at him) "Did it hurt? f*cking sue me!"
  • (When Ben stated he's not used to the brigade system) "You're one of the most f*cking saddest I've ever met in a f*cking kitchen. 'It takes a little time'. 'I can't get used to this'. Sounds like a f*cking weirdo on Dr. Phil."
  • (To Ben when his undercooked Wellingtons came back) "There you go, there you go. Requested well done! Now look at it then, SCHMUCK! JERK! (kicks the bins over) Anything to say?! It's easy for you, that's your f*cking problem! You've had it f*cking easy, you're not even busting a gut! ALL f*ckING NIGHT YOU"VE TAKEN IT EASY! And listen, hey, hey, look at me; STOP IT! Switch it off! You're not sending anymore sh*t out of here, you've sent enough! Take it easy. You deserve it! (pats Ben on shoulder) You've had a hard night! (Ben: Are we done? Because if not, I'm gonna complete my station tonight Chef.) SHUT IT DOWN! TURN IT OFF! YOU DICK!"
  • (When Louross' raw steak came back) "And he goes like this (imitates his groan and disappointed expression), as he's performing for the Oscars. (To Louross) If your f*cking cooking was as good as your acting, you'd be talented, you dick!"
  • (To Matt during the post-mortem) "Matt. Take off the bandana. It's not the Simpsons. Homer."
  • (To Louross) "The customer's gone. (Rips the left table's order apart) Customer's f*cking gone! sh*t!" (Kicks two trash cans)
  • (Witnessing Matt take a headache pill during service) "He's got a migraine. (To Matt) Come here a minute. Let me just tell you something. You've had a migraine? (To his ear) I've had one ever since you walked in here. (Matt: I know, I know.) What I just told you two minutes ago, you completely forgot. Do me a favor. Do me a fa... (Matt: I've got no feeling in my hands and I'm trying to-) No feeling in your hands. Yeah, come here. (grabs Matt's arm and drags him out of the kitchen) Go upstairs to the dorm and lie down, yes? Lie down! (Matt: I wanna work through it.) (turns around) GET OUT! f*ckING GET OUT! (returns to the kitchen) 'I've got a migraine?' f*ck off. f*cking useless piece of sh*t."
  • (To Jean-Philippe after head-butting the glass door) "Open your eyes, you Belgian twat."
  • "USELESS f*ckING PIECES OF sh*t!"

Season 5[]

  • (When Seth giggled at him during the Signature Dish Challenge) "15 years to cook that sh*t, and you're laughing? You can make history, on being the fastest exit in Hell's Kitchen. And I'm f*cking serious, you know that?"
  • (To Robert) "Hey you, hey f*ckWIT! Come here, you. Come here! I'm calling out an order, and you just shout over. You f*cking call out the order then, you f*ck-- f*ckING CALL OUT THE ORDER! (After Robert called out the order) You f*cking interrupt me again next time, you're going for an early bath. A big one, in a hot tub."
  • (To the red team after tasting Colleen's sweet risotto) "That's the risotto! That, quite frankly, is the WORST RISOTTO I've ever tasted in my entire cooking career. WHY IS IT SO SWEET?! WHO PUT SUGAR IN THERE?! That is sh*t!"
  • (To Lacey during the Scallop Cleaning Challenge) "Why do you look so surprised when you created sh*t like that? Face like that (surprised face), was that me?"
  • (Doubting Colleen's profession) "You're not a cooking school teacher, are you? You- You're joking, aren't you? (Colleen: No, I am not joking, chef. I am a-) Tell me. Tell me you're pumping yourself up to make yourself look good. You don't really have a cooking school. (Colleen: No, chef. I own a cooking school! I have a business just like you do.) Your f*cking business is not like my business. Hey, madam. Let's get that f*cking right. (Colleen: You're right.) YOU'RE ROBBING PEOPLE!! YOU'RE A THIEF!! I'M CONCERNED FOR THE POOR BASTARDS THAT YOU'VE TAKEN MONEY OFF OF!"
    • (About the salmon) "Hey, madam. Lift that lid off. It looks black. (Colleen: It IS black!) GOD! (Colleen: Both of them!) sh*t! sh*t! IT'S BLACK! (Colleen: Yes, chef.) OH MY GOD! Hey, madam, madam, GET OUT!! Get in the raw bar."
  • (Noticing Ben serving desserts too early) "dickhe*d, put them down. (To the blue team) Ay, all of you. Come here. Ben's now bringing a chocolate f*cking brownie. (tosses a plate on the counter) WHAT'S GOING ON?! So let's do it this way, then. (Starts to 'serve' the brownies) There you go. Ben wants to serve the chocolate brownie before we serve the appetizers. (Ben: No, chef.) What are you dreaming of? Are you STUPID? (Ben: No, chef.) You've got cheesecake made as well? (Ben: Yes, chef.) We've trashed six desserts before we've sent our f*cking appetizers. (Ben: It's my fault, chef.) Have you been drinking or sniffing? (Ben: No, chef.) (Pushes Ben out of the kitchen) Go upstairs and lie down. (Ben: No, no, chef.) Go upstairs and lie down. (Walks away) Useless. Absolutely useless."
  • (To Giovanni and Robert) "Giovanni? Robert? come here, Robert, bounce your way down here, let's go. (slams table) Touch it. Touch it. Touch it. f*ck it. sh*t! (Throws RAW steak) It's still walking, that f*cking piece of beef. Giovanni! (Giovanni: Yes, chef,) Thank f*ck I've never visited your steakhouse, It's f*cking blue." (Giovanni: Yes, chef.)
    • (After one of Giovanni's steaks was returned) "GIOVANNI! (Giovanni: yes, chef.) This is a joke. Now there's more steaks coming back, You're really screwing up!"
  • (To the blue team) "Hey! All of you! Here, quickly. There's the filet, yes? Look at the (dumps the wasted meat on the counter) f*cking waste. That's what he (Seth) took off, and there's the filet. LOOK AT THE FILET!! WE'VE f*ckING (Throws the meat Seth wasted at him) WASTED THE MOST EXPENSIVE PART!! LOOK AT IT! (To Seth) WHAT ARE YOU'RE GOING TO DO, GET DADDY TO BUY YOU A NEW ONE?!"
    • (To Seth) "How can you do that? (Seth: I've never butchered a filet before, chef.) Congratulations, you just have. (Seth: Thank you. Yes.) Hey, hey, hey, smart-arse. Not in the right way, you f*cking bozo!"
  • (After Giovanni called 4 minutes on the New York Strip) "Oh, my God. (Briefly holds his anger back) SWITCH IT OFF!! We're now over two hours, (To Giovanni) he f*cks the filet! (To Charlie) The shrimps go down! (To Ben) This dick sent me dessert before the appetizers! (throws his apron) f*ck off! (To Jean-Philippe) Jean-Philippe, shut it down, yes? Two hours over. Clear down!!!"
  • (To Ben about his lamb) "How can someone so f*cking fat slice something so f*cking thin? (Ben: Sorry, chef. It won't happen again, chef.) I wouldn't even serve that for my f*cking dog!" (Ben: I'll fix it right now, chef.)
  • "What is going on? Oh no! Oh! (When Coi accidentally dropped her spaghetti on her station) f*ck off, oh, no! sh*t! Look at that! You, guy! (To Robert) Come here, you fat f*ck! Come here! All of you, come here! COME HERE! Hey, hey, look at me. You are pathetic. NO-ONE'S won! f*ck off, both teams, start thinking about two of you to f*cking go home! (To Coi) You, pathetic! I don't want anymore! (To Ben) I don't want to wait for your sh*t anymore, (To Danny) I don't want your sh*t anymore, (To Seth) I don't want you drying your face, and then f*cking cooking with a cloth, YOU SCUMMY f*ckER! GET OUT!!"
  • (To J) "J? The chicken's RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!!"
  • (To J in the pantry room) "WHAT THE f*ck ARE YOU DOING!?! (J: I'm here, chef.) IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH, J! (J: I know. Got no f*cking excuse.) WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?! (J: I don't know. I'll f*cking turn it on right now, chef.) I CAN'T f*ckING GO ANY FURTHER! PLEASE WAKE UP!" (J: Yes, chef!)
  • (To an inattentive LA) "Come on. More SAUCE (voice crack), you silly cow!"
  • (Eliminating J mid-service) "Unbelievable, No, NO NO NO NO! NO! (throws overcooked scallops down on ground) GET OUT! OUT! OUT! OUT! GET OUT! OUT! GET OUT! TAKE YOUR JACKET OFF AND f*ck OFF!!"
  • (To Ben) "I'm watching you like a f*cking hawk. (Ben: I know you are, chef.) You know why? Do you know why? (Ben: I don't know why.) I want you out. You're not cutting it. You're dreaming."
  • (To Lacey about her lamb) "What is THAT? f*cking bone's thicker than the meat! What is that? (Lacey, I don't know, chef!) (throws lamb into bin) It's not good enough! GET OUT!! YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH! PISS OFF!"
    • (Eliminating Lacey mid-service, in the pantry room) "Madam, look at me. Let's be honest; you're done. You can't waste my time any longer. (Lacey: I agree.) Give me your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen, and go in there (the blue kitchen) and say your goodbye. Properly, say it properly. Let's go. (Lacey to the blue team: Thank you for everything.) Piss off!"
  • (To a waiter regarding the chicken) "Sorry about the time, yeah? Ditzy's (Carol's) nail broke.
  • (Shutting down the red kitchen) (Referring to the blue team) "Three of them cooking in there, they've sent all of their entrees. Five of you, and we're still waiting on two Wellingtons from ditzy (Carol). (To Andrea) She gives me a rubbery John Dory, (To Carol) she's shouting at me about the oven, (To LA) and she can't give me a hot mashed POTATO! One, two, three pathetic excuses for three pathetic women. I've had enough. Stoves off."
  • (To a customer who whistled) "Don't whistle, ma'am. I'm not your f*cking dog. Yeah, you look more like a dog than I do. f*ck off, will you?"
  • (To Ben about his blanched pomme fondant) "How can that be a f*cking pomme- Just taste that, you. If that's a pomme fondant, then I'm the f*cking Pope (throws it in the bin). Pomme fondant, my arse. It looks like a school dinner. Do something about it."
  • (After Robert was caught cooking bacon with John Dory) "Come on, Mr. Bacon Man!"
  • (To Ben when Giovanni ruined his chicken special) "Your special has become... not very special, thanks to dickface (Giovanni) there."
    • (When Giovanni talked back to him) "Yeah, say that again? (Giovanni: I said I'm not Dickface, chef.) Yeah, you're pissed are you? That last f*cking- yeah look at me- LOOK AT ME IN THE EYES! NOT AS PISSED AS I AM, YOU f*ckING ARE, DONKEY! (Giovanni: No.) CAUSE RIGHT NOW I DON'T GIVE A f*ck! DICKFACE! YOU'RE SENDING sh*t, AND YOU'RE TRYING TO GET AWAY WITH IT! NOW I'M READY FOR AN ARGUMENT, SENDING ME THAT YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED! AND YOU WANT TO GET ALL SENSITIVE, (Giovanni: No, chef.) YOU WANT TO GET ALL SENSITIVE. (Giovanni: No, chef.) Hey, look at me, Look at me, if you serve me sh*t like that, TAKE YOUR JACKET AND f*ck OFF! (Giovanni: Yes, chef.) I'm not sending that sh*t, sh*t! (Giovanni: No, chef. Sorry, chef.) That's a well done one, and look at me. I don't give two f*cks if you get upset with me. (Giovanni: I'm sorry, chef.) I don't give a f*ck what I call you, This is not personal, this is professional. (Giovanni: I'm sorry, chef.) That first one was a piece of sh*t, now PULL IT BACK! (Giovanni: Yes, chef.) DICKFACE!"
  • (To Ben about the chicken) "All the goodness is running out of it 'cause you cut through it, you thick c*nt! Let's just stand back, and watch that chicken and the juice piss out of it. See all that there? Taste. It's delicious. Unfortunately, it should be the customer tasting it, not you. I think you've tasted enough."
  • (To Ben about his garnish station) "You've got a pan here like that, and you're throwing lettuce on top like that; you're sh*t. You're so sh*t, you don't realize what you're doing. Hey, come here a minute. Why are you doing this? You just added a lettuce to the tomato cucumber. You're not sauteing the lettuce? (Ben: Chef, I was, in a side pan sauteing the tomatoes and the cucumber, chef. But I did it wrong, chef.) Yeah, you're f*cking up, you're cutting corners, and you're slipping big time."
    • (To Ben) "You know what? Yeah, your biggest problem will always be the downfall of your career, you're full of f*cking sh*t. Because every time you got f*cking something wrong, you'd give a bullsh*t f*cking excuse. Well right now, I'm fed up with your bullsh*t excuses. f*ck OFF! (Ben: Yes, chef.) You're too dangerous to have on service. I asked you what are you doing, you said you're sauteing tomatoes. Are you, f*ck?! YOU DIRTY PIG! GET OUT!! GET OUT!"

Season 6[]

  • (To Melinda about her signature dish) "Poached lobster tail, where's the f*cking tail? Absolutely f*cking (throws the dish, plate shattering) pathetic!"
  • (To the red team about overcooked scallops) "I swear to god, it's the kind of sh*t you'd expect Tiger Woods to tee off with. Look at it. Rubber, rubber, RUBBER!"
  • (To the red team about the frozen salmon) "Hey, what's that piece of sh*t there? (Amanda: Supposed to be the salmon.) Look at that. Looks like a bison's penis, WHAT IS THAT sh*t?! Look at that. Stone Cold, frozen salmon. Who put the salmon in the freezer? (Amanda: Me. I f*cked it up.) Yeah, you f*cked up BIG TIME!"
  • (While pulling out the red team's pasta from the trash that Melinda threw away) "Look at all this f*cking... who's putting all this in the bin?! How many portions are you putting in there? How much is in the BIN?! LOOK! LOOOK! WHAT THE f*ck IS THIS?!"
    • (To Melinda) "Hey, madam. How much capellini are you throwing away? LOOK at it! What are you doing, Melinda? What are you doing? (Melinda stays silent) You're making me mad! (Melinda: Yes, chef.) f*ckING MAD!!" (Melinda: Yes, chef.)
  • (To Louie) "What's all that lamb here? Look at this! Hey, Van! You, hey, Joseph! Stop! LOOK! AT! THIS! LOOK! LOOK! LOOOK! WHAT THE f*ck IS THIS?!"
    • (Eliminating Louie mid-service) "LOUIE! (Louie: Yes, sir.) f*ck off back there! GET OUT!!! Yes, GET f*ckED! PILE OF sh*t!!" (After kicking Louie out) "Hey, get upstairs, Get your bags packed--(Louie: Can I help? Can I help in the kitchen?) Yeah, you can help me. GET OUT!!!"
  • (To Dave during the blue team's reward) "Each and every service, you're gonna get stronger. Have you have any idea how much sh*t I've taken in the kitchen? And the more I took, the better I became."
  • (Defusing an argument between Jean-Philippe and Van, after bringing them to the pantry room) "What is going on? (Jean-Philippe: He's (Van) got no respect for the-) DON'T SHOUT! WE'RE IN FRONT OF THE CUSTOMERS NOW! (Van: I'm sorry, chef.) (Jean-Philippe: He's not respecting the dining room, chef.) (To Van) Calm down. Listen to him. (To Jean-Philippe) And you, pay a little bit of respect. And if (points to Van) you do your job, and (points to Jean-Philippe) you do your job, we'll come together. Because right now, you're turning the whole place upside down. (To Jean-Philippe) Are you gonna do it? (Jean-Philippe: If he listens to-) ARE YOU GONNA DO IT? (Jean-Philippe: Yes, I will if he listens-) (To Van) Are YOU gonna do it? (Van: Yes, chef.) (To both of them) Last chance!"
  • (When Tennille revealed that she was 6 tables behind during the second service) "D'you know something? (Tennille: Yes, chef.) You're a great f*cking talker, but you're a sh*t cook. You've just sunk your team. (Tennille: I did not, chef.) Madam, f*ck OFF!"
  • (To Joseph) "Look at you, you've just blown your... yeah, f*ck the cameras! Yeah, you're standing here. I asked you one, simple question, and you couldn't f*cking answer me. And then you wanna get all tough, and up close, and personal? Yeah, there you go. You've got no respect, now get out. Watch the step."
  • (To the contestants after Joseph's unexpected departure) "I'm nobody's bitch!"
  • (To Sabrina about her inconsistent performance) "Hey, now we're back to a stunning risotto. (Sabrina: Yes, chef. Err- sorry!) Hey, I don't get it with you! Perfect. sh*t. Perfect. So next risotto's going to be sh*t? (Sabrina: No, chef.) I'm not gonna stop, start, stop, start like a f*cking traffic light with you, madam."
  • (About Andy's cold lamb) Andy, you're a first-class c*nt. Hey, look, there you go! That's Whistler for you, yes? (Andy: No, chef.) Yeah? That's the Araxi restaurant in Whistler, yes? (throws lamb in bin) f*ck off, will you!?"
  • (When Robert was shouting at Andy about the lamb) "Every f*cking goddamn customer can hear that sh*t going on. Look at me. Turn the volume down. It's a restaurant, yeah, not a fast food sh*thole."
  • (Confronting Tennille at the back store after ejecting her) "Hey! That's right, that's right. You're not, you're lying! You're lying! Get off your back? You're lying! Don't you dare turn around and tell me that I'm f*cking crap when you f*ck OFF through those doors!" (Tennille: You can dish it, but you can't take it?)
    • "That's right. That's- Hey, madam! (Tennille: LET ME IN the kitchen!) What are you doing? (Tennille: Just let me in the kitchen.) Listen to me! You're not, (Tennille: It's not good enough for you, man!) you're not listening to me. Shut your FAT f*cking mouth and listen to me! The potatoes- (Tennille: I'm trying to learn from you.) You're not learning. You're running your fat mouth! (Tennille: I AM!) Shut up, then! Shut up!"
      • "Are you gonna keep it shut? (x2) (Tennille: Shut.) Good. If you can't hack it, f*ck off! If you can, get back in there! (Tennille starts returning to the kitchen) Hey, madam! Come here! I want an answer. (Tennille: I'm on my way back to the kitchen, chef.) GOOD! Let's go!"
  • (When the blue team's sea bass was brought back for the second time) "Hey, guys. All of you. STOP! (To Robert) And you, hey, big boy, come here! (To the blue team) All of you! I begged for f*cking concentration, I begged for f*cking focus, and now for the f*ckING second time, more f*ckING (throws wrap into bin) PLASTIC WRAP!! (throws plate into bin) sh*t! (To Van) THEY'RE NOT LITTLE BIT OF PLASTIC WRAP, THESE ARE WHOLE f*ckING LAYERS! (Van: Yes, chef.) Hey, f*ck OFF! Stop looking for excuses and CHECK everything!"
  • (Noticing Andy watching Kevin make crepes) "Andy, why aren't you doing anything? (Andy: He's assisting me, chef.) (To Kevin) You're not assisting him, you're DOING it. And he's (Andy) standing there watching you. (To Andy) Hey, you. (Andy: Yes, chef.) Hey, come here. Do me a favour. f*ck OFF!! Upstairs! Get out! PISS OFF!"
  • (To Suzanne and Sabrina about chewed lamb requested medium rare) "Come here, both of you. It was requested med rare. (To the red team) All of you, Come here. Touch that. Yeah, Touch that. You TOUCH IT as well! What is that? (Suzanne: It's medium well, chef.) MEDIUM WELL? (Suzanne: Well done.) Hey, overcooked. MEDIUM TO WELL! ANNND THAT'S WELL DONE! WELL DONE TO YOU! AND WELL DONE TO YOU! I CAN'T BELIEVE JUST HOW INCONSISTENT YOU ARE! DO ME A FAVOR! YOU AND YOU, f*ck OFF UPSTAIRS! GET OUT! BOTH OF YOU! GET OUT! GET OUT! (To Tennille and Ariel) Come here, I haven't finished yet. Ariel, do the fish (Ariel: Yes.) and the garnish. Tennille, do the meat, yes?" (Tennille: Yes, chef.)
  • (To Ariel about raw lamb in the pass) "What are you doing to this? (Ariel: Nothing, chef.) Just. Just. Just. Just hold that, and come here a minute, madam. Come here a minute. (Pulls Ariel out into the dining room) Come here. Before you get the f*ck out of here, answer me one f*cking question? Would you send that if you were standing at Araxi? (Ariel: What? I'm sorry, I thought one of these-) WOULD YOU SEND THAT LAMB IF YOU WERE STANDING AT THE ARAXI RESTAURANT, WHISTLER, ON THE HOTPLATE? Tell me! (Ariel: No, Chef.) BULLsh*t!"
  • "Dave, don't take this the wrong way... BUT YOU'RE 10,000 TIMES BETTER COOK WITH ONE HAND!"

Season 7[]

  • (To Salvatore about his signature dish) "An Italian that doesn't make his own pasta, from Naples?"
  • (To Andrew during the Signature Dish Challenge) "Are you some form of Hell's Kitchen Hannibal Lecter?" (Andrew: Maybe.)
  • (After Nilka revealed that she used half a bottle of tabasco for her signature dish) "(Drinks water then spits it out) Jesus sh*t! That's gonna blow your f*cking arsehole out, that. Burning my mouth."
  • (To Stacey about the scallops) "Stacey! (Stacey: Yes. Yes, chef.) I asked you to season them with curry powder. You macerated them. (presses the scallops) Look at the seasoning there. Look at that. I mean, you're gonna blow someone's mind off. But the sad thing is, they're not even f*cking cooked. They're raw. (throws scallop into bin) They're raw and stone cold. f*ck off, will you, yeah?"
  • (To Stacey about her time-calling) "How can I wait (checks watch) nearly two hours for an entrée, and now you want five more minutes with the salmon? (Stacey: Three minutes.) How long? (Stacey: Three minutes?) Three minutes now. Why are you jumping all over the place? 5, 3 (minutes). Tell me. (Stacey: I'm not sure how long it's going to take.) You're not sure. (Stacey: No, chef.) Madam, come here. Right now, I'm not too sure about you. Full f*cking stop. Do me one big favor: f*ck OFF OUT OF HERE!! Join the rest of them! (Mocking Stacey) I'm not sure."
  • (After Salvatore burned the capellini for the second consecutive time) "AGAIN!? (Salvatore: Yeah.) You've just burnt it two minutes ago! (Salvatore: Yes, chef.) Oh, COME ON, GUYS! Hey, you. Dress me a salad. That's what you need to do. You can't f*ck that up. Let's go!"
  • (To Benjamin) "Hey, Benjamin! (Benjamin: Yes, chef.) Come here. (Pointing to the dining room) There's customers standing right over there. (Benjamin: Yes, chef.) You're tasting the food and putting the spoon back in it (the pan full of risotto). YOU CAN'T STAND THERE AND EAT THE FOOD AND DIP YOUR f*ckING SALIVA IN THERE AND SERVE IT! I'M NOT SERVING THAT!"
  • (Kicking out Jamie, Fran and Maria) You, you, you. f*ck OFF out of here! We'll finish the service, GET OUT! (Fran: Chef, Chef, I'm not leaving my team.) (To Fran) I'm telling you, if you don't get out, I'll drag you out! Get upstairs the dorm! Videos, recipes, demos, it's a f*ckING JOKE!"
  • (To Mikey) "Yeah, gold star, under-f*cking-cooked rice. (Tastes risotto and spits it out) Young man, the rice is bullets. I'm pissed off! Hurry up, one more. What's going on? Not even talking to me! I'm f*cking mad! (hits kitchen roof) sh*t!"
  • (To Mikey about the raw halibut) "Mikey, come here! COME HERE!! (kicks the unseen trash can) There you go. RAW f*ckING HALIBUT! (smashes the halibut) sh*t!! (To the blue team, especially Mikey, about the raw halibut) "Raw! RAW! RAW! sh*t! (tosses the halibut) RAW!"
  • (While calling up Benjamin and Salvatore) "Hey, where's f*ckin' Smurf? (To Jay) Smurf! Come here, will you?"
  • (Gathering the blue and red teams during the first service) "YOU GUYS ARE f*ckING USELESS! But I am NOT gonna shut this place down! (Points the red team to the blue kitchen) You, you, you, over there. Work together! DOUBLE UP! (Red team: Yes, chef!)"
  • (To Scott) "Carrot top? Hey, come here, you. (pounds table) Hey, serve me 4 more f*cking tartare on table 12, and 4 more on 5, please. (Scott: "Right away, Chef.") Urgently. And apologize for the incompetence of a bunch of dicks."
  • (Kicking Andrew out of the kitchen) "You don't care, you've got no respect, and do you know what? You're a f*cking joke to the industry. Yeah, that's what you are. f*ck off."
  • (To Fran after she messed up the risotto) "You're about as f*cking consistent as pigeon sh*t on Trafalgar Square."
  • "FINE DINING?! (Jason: No, chef.) A FINE f*ckING (kicks trash can) MESS!"
  • (To Jay) "Blue Jay? Run upstairs and get bozo (Salvatore) for me, please."
  • (To Salvatore about his poor handwriting) "Are you writing in Japanese? f*ck off, will you!"
  • (To the red team, especially Jamie, about the crispy salmon) "Look, f*cking salmon crispy as f*ck on the bottom. 'Cause a pan you put in them while smoking, like I'll expect her (Holli) to sear a beef in it. sh*t!!! (severely smashes a salmon) (Jamie: Okay, chef) f*ckING sh*t!!"
  • (To blue team about the beef wellington's fat) "It's bright white fat! IT'S f*ckING RAW!!"
  • (After hearing Scott's elimination plea) "You talk like a politician. (Scott: No, chef.) You're full of sh*t. (Scott: No, I'm not full of sh*t, chef.) Let me tell you something quite interesting: You're not as good as you think you are. Pipe down, and have a little bit more of a... humble approach."
  • (To Scott) "Close the f*cking oven door! I don't want a conversation going on with the oven door open. She's (Maria) gonna come past with a f*cking pan, walking that and BANG! One f*cking arm in the fryer, one on the f*cking stove. Now STOP IT! (Scott: Yes, chef.) WE NEVER COOK WITH THE DOOR OPEN! HAVE SOME f*ckING SAFETY! We're NOW, THE most dangerous kitchen in the country!"
  • (To the red team when Siobhan's raw burger came back) "All of you come here! ALL OF YOU! (Siobhan: That's my fault. It's completely my fault. It was the last one I did.) (smashes the burger four times) IT'S f*ckING RAW!!!"
  • (To blue team about the cold ribs) "Just touch inside that! Oh, f*ck off! IT'S STONE f*ckING COLD!! ICE-COLD IN THE CENTER!!"
  • (To Jason) Get the fries out at first then put your f*cking chicken in there! (Jason: Yes chef) Thank you!!"
    • (To Jason when attempting to cook the fries) "The fries are a f*cking side! Get your chicken going and get the f*cking- Listen to me Jason! (Jason: I'm listening, chef!) THEN DO IT, THEN! DO IT!!! (Jason: I'm doing it, chef!)"
  • (After Salvatore lied about knowing the risotto order) "Salvatore, working with a cook that tells lies is ten thousand times worse than working with a chef that can't cook! YOU JUST LOST MY TRUST! HOW DARE YOU! PATHETIC! (To Benjamin) Benjamin, watch him. The guy's a f*cking liability."
  • (To red team) "LOOK AT ME! Is that the best?! (3x) (Red team: No chef) Do me a favor. f*ck OFF ALL OF YOU!! GET OUT!!! GET OUT!! And don't you dare switch you off. I'll finish it. f*ck off! (Nilka: I will love to stay an-) GET OUT!! OUT!! GET OUT!! GET OUT!! (throws food) (Nilka: I'm sick of this sh*t!) GET OUT!!!"
  • (To the black jackets) "You all done it before and you can do ten times better, BUT NO ONE (kicks trash cans) GIVES A f*ck!! THAT'S WHAT f*ckS ME OFF! WHAT ARE WE DOING JAY, ED, AND BENJAMIN?!"
  • (After Ed brings up burnt scallops) "Benjamin. (Benjamin: Oui, chef.) Come here. Ed! (Ed: Yes, chef) Come here, Ed! So, he (Benjamin) brings the next table to me, he's (Jay) f*cking saying nothing, and then that (the scallops) comes up to me. Do me a favor: you (Ed) and you (Benjamin), GET OUT!! ENOUGH! f*ck off to the dorms. Get out! Get out, Benjamin!"
  • (Noticing a pan of Siobhan's boiled scallops) "Look at this. (takes the pan) What are you doing there? (Siobhan: I thought they looked golden brown, chef.) Stop. f*ck off, will you? (Siobhan: I thought they looked fine, chef.) You THOUGHT they look golden brown?! (dumps the scallops on the plate and hands it to her) Take that, yeah? (Siobhan: There were some on here that are fine, chef.) So, where's the fine ones, then? (Siobhan: *searching* They're right over-) Where are they?" (x2) You've got the nerve to tell me that some of them are fine. Wishy-washy, not even seasoned, and you know what? More importantly, they're boiled. You DONKEY! (Ejecting her) f*ck OFF OUT! Get out. (x3) There you go. Get out. f*ck off to the dining (room) and eat it."
  • (When Nilka attempted to come back to the kitchen after being ejected earlier) "Nilka! (Nilka: Chef-) No, no. I'm in the middle of service. Take your jacket off and leave Hell's Kitchen! I've had enough. I, I can't do it, okay? (Nilka: Please.) Leave me- Nilka, don't do this to me. They're (customers) under pressure, we're under pressure. Take your jacket off and GET OUT!"
    • (To the other chefs when Nilka refused to leave) "Hey, guys. I'm telling you now! Do something for me! GET! HER! OUT OF HERE!"
  • (When Benjamin wasn't communicating with his team) "This is where it really gets f*cking painful. You still haven't shown me that you can talk naturally! NOW, look at me. Will you f*ckING wake up and TALK TO YOUR TEAM?! You have got to do it! (Benjamin: Yes, chef.) Whether you like it or not, TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR YOU! YOU CAN'T JUST SIT THERE AND THINK! OPEN UP!"
  • (Noticing Jay was wearing jeans at the dining room) "Jay? (Jay: Yes, chef.) How come everyone is so smart and you look like a sack of sh*t? (Jay: I feel smart.) Look at you, standing next to Benjamin." (Jay: I'm smarter than Ben.) (The other chefs laugh)
  • Madam! Touch the risotto, taste the rice. Up and down, up and down, up and... f*ckING DOWN!

Season 8[]

  • (To Antonia) (Throws up her signature dish) "Are you crazy? Have you tasted that? (Antonia: No, I didn't get a chance to taste it, chef.) (Ramsay throws up again) So you cooked it and didn't even taste it. (Antonia: I didn't have enough time. I'm so sorry you don't like it.) Don't like it!? (Antonia: I'm sorry, it wasn't up to par.) Up to par? It's inedible! (Antonia: Okay, then throw it out.) No, I'm not gonna throw it out."
  • (After getting served badly-made sushi by Curtis) "Gentlemen, gentlemen, GENTLEMEN! Look at this: Fat f*ck, fat f*ck, fat f*ck... look at that there. Look at that. Look. Look at the... come here you! It's not good enough for me. It's not good enough for me!"
  • (To blue team about the walnuts) "Come here, all of you! There's the walnuts on one. There's the walnuts on the other! f*ck!!!"
  • (To Boris) "Boris? (Boris: Yes, sir.) Come here. (Boris: Yes, sir.) So I'm telling her (Melissa) about a raw pizza, and you're mimicking me at the back. (Boris: Sorry, chef.) Yeah, so I'm telling her the pizza is raw, come here, you f*ckface. And there you go. You touch it then. (After Boris touches the pizza) NOW LOOK AT ME! Take the piss out of me now, f*ckface! What's your f*cking crack? (Boris: I don't have any crack, sir.) WHAT'S YOUR GAME? (Boris: I'm just here to cook, sir.) NOW LOOK AT ME! You f*cking take the piss out of me one more time in the middle of f*cking service, yeah, kiss your f*cking arse goodbye. Is that clear? (Boris: Understood, Chef.) WAKE UP! (Boris: Will not happen again.)"
  • (Shutting down the kitchen for the first service) (To the blue team) "Hey! All of you, come here! (To red team) LADIES!! MOVE YOUR f*ckING ARSE! BORIS! (Boris: Yes, chef.) (To both teams) Look out there (dining room). Are you kidding me? Tables are leaving. No one's even working together! No one's even caring. (To Sabrina) You're bringing me the main courses, bypassing your team. (To Boris) You laughed at me earlier, pissing around with your f*cking pizzas. (To Raj) And you? You just switched off. (To both teams) Where do we go? No one's even caring. f*ck off. Is that clear? (Both teams: Yes, chef.) Everything off. Clear down."
  • (To blue team after Louis undercooked a pork) "All of you come here! ALL OF YOU!! You f*cking go on the reward, you take advantage, you come back and you perform like f*ckING IDIOTS!! Get a grip! Or f*ck off!"
  • (To Boris) "Can you stop washing pans? THIS IS A f*ckING KITCHEN, I'M TRYING TO f*ckING RUN A RESTAURANT! (Boris: Yes, chef.) COME HERE YOU! YOU WANT TO WASH PANS? GET DOWN THERE (points to the cleaner's station in the back) AND f*ck OFF WILL YOU, YEAH? DO IT FULL TIME! GET ON THERE! (Walking away) What a Muppet."
    • (To the blue team after ejecting Boris) "L.A. MARKET IS NOT LOOKING FOR A f*ckING HEAD CHEF IN "PANS"!!"
  • (About Melissa's Dover Sole) "Overcooked on the bottom, crispy as f*ck, and it looks like Gandhi's flip flop. What a shame."
  • (To blue team about Vinny's spinach egg) "Look, a big f*cking rhinoceros arse! (throws the spinach egg, slams the cloth on the table)"
  • (To blue team about Vinny's performance as assistant maître de) "Stop everybody! Now Captain Vinny here is telling the customers not to order sides!"
    • (To Raj) "Come here. Did you tell him not to order sides? (Raj: Of course not, why would I say that?!) "Don't f*cking shout at me, f*ckface. If you told him that, don't push the sides so I look good" (Raj: I'm-I'm ready with the sides. Look, I got all the sides ready. I'm waiting for them to--) "So why is he not taking the orders?" (Raj: I have no idea, look at all the sides. He's all ready. I'm-I'm-he's- OK.)
      • (After Vinny voiced his lack of faith in Raj completing the sides) "You better understand one f*cking thing: You do NOT decide what goes out of this kitchen! GET OUT! GET OOOOOOUUUUUUUTTTTT, YOU!"
        • (Later, to Raj) "Come here, you big f*cking sack of piss and wind. You're stacking up your garnishes, and it's getting longer, and longer, and longer, and longer. In about five minutes time, you'll have all those f*cking garnishes right outside the kitchen. Shut up, GET OUT! GET OUT! NOW!"
  • (When Emily stated that she can't cook meat) "If you've given up, (Emily: No, chef.) do me a favour: f*ck off home. Walking around with your face on the floor when you put YOUR team in the sh*t! (Emily: Yes, chef.) You f*ckED UP! I need to see some bounce back." (Emily: I'll bounce, chef.)8
  • (To the contestants after the second service about Vinny's poor performance as assistant maître de) "Vinny decided, there is a BRIGHT IDEA, to tell the CUSTOMERS don't order sides. Because the kitchen can't deliver. HOW DARE YOU?! THAT'S MY DECISION, AND NOT YOURS! None of you are here to kiss my ass. But I expect some f*ckING RESPECT!!!"
  • (To Vinny at elimination) "I am pissed, You have no right to recommend to the guests not to have a side with an entrée. (Vinny: After my first table waited nearly 2 hours for their appetizers, I just wanted them to have an opportunity to experience some of your food. That's what they came here for.) Entrees on that menu are designed to go with sides, is that clear?" (Vinny: Yes, chef.)
  • (To the blue team) "And the big surprise is the f*cking bass is f*ckING RAW! (throws raw sea bass down the floor) What the f*ck is going on?!"
  • (sees Raj turning back without answering) "You, come here! You're standing here next to me, I called it out, and you just turned your FAT ARSE AROUND! You didn't even acknowledge me!"
  • (When Raj talked back about his unseasoned scrambled eggs) "Say that again? Hey! Say that again? Say that- DON’T SPIT f*ckING SCRAMBLED EGG IN MY FACE! Say that again? Say that again? (Raj: Yes, chef.) There’s not an ounce of f*cking seasoning in there. These guys save lives for a living, and you're about to f*ck up their breakfast. GOT IT?" (Raj: Yes, chef!)
  • (Noticing that Raj had cooked Dover Sole not to order) "What are you doing, playing the odds? Maybe one will be good out of three? Why would I try to fire three tables? (Raj struggling to answer) (walks away) Donkey."
    • (Later) SOLE SPECIAL! (Raj: Chef, we have ran out of the Sole Special.) What? (checks ticket) I've got three on ORDERRRRRRRRRRR!!!"
      • (To Raj) "Get out there and tell them you're dragging (table) 2, and you go to the customers and tell them you f*cked it up!" (Raj: I need another jacket. I can't go out there with this jacket.) Ay, come here, come here you. If I tell you to get out there, I don't give a f*ck if you got a thong up your fat crack. GET OUT THERE!!"
  • (After Rob's burnt pizza was sent back) "Come on, chunky monkey. I trusted you. I don't need to turn your pizzas upside down. (Rob: It shouldn't have happened.) If it's f*ckING burnt, don't send it. In fact, you know what? f*ck off to the bar and eat the pizza. GET OUT, EAT IT, COME BACK!"
  • (Kicking out Louis after his chicken parmesan came back) (Louis: It's raw. It's f*cking raw.) (bangs table) GET OUT! (Louis: Yes, chef.) GET, OUT! (Referring to Boris) And the bulldog washing dishes, both of you get out."
  • (After Melissa cooked the filets too early) "Melissa? (Melissa: Yes, chef.) WHAT IS THAT?! ALL OF YOU, come here! We've sent three tables of appetizers, and you're STICKING all the beef in the oven. Do you want to go home? Why don't you make my life easier and just f*ck off home? YOU CAN'T BE NORMAL! (starts counting the cooked filets) (Melissa: There's twenty-three on board, chef.) SO WHAT?! WHY ARE YOU COOKING THEM NOW?!"
    • (To Nona) "Nona, WHY? (Nona: I don't know, chef.) IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! (To Melissa) They're gone, they're overcooked. (Melissa: Yes, chef.) I can't do it anymore with you. You need a system. There's NO SYSTEM! I CAN'T KEEP ON TELLING YOU EVERY (bangs table) f*ckING SERVICE!! (Melissa: Yes, chef.) Madness."
  • (When Vinny attempted to send an old batch of risotto to his family) "That's not fair, that's old. Trying to get away. (To Vinny) Hey, bozo. Come here, you. (Vinny: Yes, Chef. What happened?) Yeah, shut your fat east coast mouth. (Vinny: Yes, Chef.) (Shows Vinny his family ticket) This table that you JUST sent me that sh*t for happens to be MY FAMILY. (Shoves the pan of old risotto at Vinny) AND even if it's NOT MY FAMILY, they deserve a FRESH risotto. Look at me. (Vinny: Yes, Chef.) You dirty little f*cker. And if you can't be bothered to do it, f*ck off out of here. DO YOU WANT TO GO HOME? (To the blue team) Whether it was my family or not, (To Vinny) IF YOUR FAMILY WERE HERE OR (To Boris) IF YOUR FAMILY WERE HERE OR (To Russell) IF YOUR FAMILY, (slams pan on the counter) I'D MAKE YOUR FAMILY OR YOUR WIFE, YOUR CHILDREN, A FRESH f*ckING RISOTTO! He (Vinny) sneaks that in there. Yeah, that's the sh*t I served five minutes ago."
  • (Warning Rob at the dining room after his raw halibut) "You've got five minutes to wake up, otherwise you're history. (pats his shoulder twice, both enter kitchen) Ay (x4) big boy, and I mean five minutes. I'll do my-f*ckING-self , and I'll do on the SECTION myself, and I'll run the f*ckING (bangs table) HOT PLATE on my f*cking own!"
  • (About Vinny's raw lamb) "Vinny! Are you f*cking kidding me?! (Referring to Josiah Citrin) With a man like that with his reputation, are you (bangs table) f*ckING SERIOUS?! OH COME ON! IT'S STILL f*ckING WALKING, LOOK AT IT!! THIS IS A CAR CRASH! (To the blue team) TREV, RUSSELL, VINNY, DO SOMETHING!! WHAT THE f*ck IS GOING (voice crack) ON?!"
  • (To Gail about raw pasta) "Gail! Look, I've got RAW past-- look at it. It's standing up straight. Look, madam! It's like a f*cking thong leftover from a f*cking night out in Vegas. COME ON! All of you, just taste that will you? Taste it. Taste it. That's what you sending me. Taste it. Hold on, hey. It gets worse. (shows the red team a pan of raw lobster Gail brought up) Touch that. (Nona: Rubber.) (Sabrina: It's raw.) Every lobster you've sent me tonight has been undercooked, overcooked, undercooked, overcooked. NOW THAT'S f*ckING RAW! Look at me! GET OUT! (Gail: Yes, chef.) GET OUT! GET OUT."
  • (About Gail's halibut) "It's not possible! That's what I got at the pass. When it's brown, it's cooked. When it's black it's f*cked. That's what I got given at the f*ckING PASS! (slams pan on the table) sh*t! (slams another pan on the table) This is like a sabotage, nothing coming out."
  • (About the black jacket's poor performance) "Look at us! WE DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS! WHERE'S YOUR PASSION?! (slams table) I'm done standing here with a bunch of idiots. f*ck you all. Good luck, superstars. (walks out of the kitchen) f*cking useless."
  • (To Jillian about her eggs) "I know it's easy for you, stroppy little, stuck up little bitch. I care for those guys out there. (shows the pan) Look, they're raw. f*ck off. (Jillian leaves) How rude are you. The only thing's missing is a feather."

Season 9[]

  • (To Jonathon about his signature dish) "You open a can of pineapple, and you stick it on top of the chicken? (Jonathon: Limited time today.) 'Limited time'? 45 minutes, 'limited time'? You're so full of sh*t, even your eyes are brown. While you come in here and serve me a canned f*cking pineapple. You can f*ck off now. I'm serious. I'll pay for the ticket. You tell me."
  • (When Chino asked to repeat back an order) "Can I repeat that? Yeah, let me repeat it: f*ck yourself."
  • (To the red team about Elise's risotto) "STOP! No chance. It doesn't even look like a f*cking risotto, like a rice pudding. (Shows the pan) Look at it. (To Elise) You start showing me you don't care about my f*cking customers, (Elise: I do care.) I'm gonna start showing you that I don't care about you. (Elise: Yes, chef.)"
  • (Benching Steven for his rubbery scallops) Sit down and eat them. Enjoy your 'springy' scallops. Let me know how you feel halfway through. Bon appetit."
    • (To the benched Chino, Steven and Tommy) "One, two, three of you, all on the f*cking fish station. (Steven: I jumped over to help out.) Yeah, I wished you jumped in the oven. That would make my life a lot easier."
  • (Suspicious about Brendan's sea bass) "Brendan! (Brendan: Yes, chef.) Is that the same bass? (Brendan: No, chef.) You didn't start a fresh one? (Brendan: Yes, I did, chef.) So where's the old one, then? (Brendan: Threw it away, chef.) Show me. (Brendan starts searching in the trash bin) (Brendan: Chef, I can't find it.) Are you lying to me? Because I'm gonna stop this whole f*cking kitchen. I'm gonna ask you one more time to tell me the truth. Is that, the bass from ten minutes ago, or is that a fresh one you cooked? Because I'm gonna TURN this f*cking kitchen upside down. Is that old? (Brendan: Chef, yes.)
    • (Drops the tray with the seabass) Why? And how dare you go to the garbage can, search it and turn me out like that? (Brendan: Yes, chef. Firing again, firing again.) Period! You do that to me one more time, trust me, f*cking elimination, I'll send you out there and then. Let me tell you that. (Brendan: Yes, chef. Won't happen again.)"
  • (Upon kicking the blue team out for the 2nd consecutive time) "Blue Team! Blue Team! Stop! It's just got worse. Not one entree has gone together yet. Not one! (to Chino) You f*cked me on the risotto, (to Tommy) you screwed me on the duck, (to Brendan) and now I've got a raw bass. What are we going to do now? Any suggestions? (silence) I've got one big suggestion! You, you, you, you, you, you, you, f*ck OFF out of here! GET UPSTAIRS!"
  • (To the red team about a burger and an wellington not on order) "All of you come here! It's the first freaking ticket of the night, 2 bass, 2 New York strip, 1 lamb, 1 cod. NO burger. NO wellington. Your first ticket, Jennifer, THIS IS EMBARRASSING! Half of the dining room is filled with children, pathetic. Start again."
  • "James, Gina, and Chino, open Hell's Kitchen, please."
  • (To Gina) "Gina, please. Take this useless brigade around every frickin' table and I WANT A SINCERE APOLOGY ON THE BACK OF YOUR CRAP PERFORMANCE! PISS OFF. Every one of them."
    • (After the red team apologized to the tables) "Ladies! That was the first useful thing you have done tonight. It's also the last. Get out of here! All of you! And hang your heads in shame! Because you absolutely suck! Piss off! Embarrassing, and on family night! YOU CERTAINLY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN!"
  • (Watching Paul 'helping' Jonathon on garnish) "Jonathon! (Jonathon: Yes, sir.) Why is Paul taking over the garnish? (Jonathon: Uh, he's helping me out, chef.) Helping out or doing it? (Jonathon: I'm having a little bit of trouble.) Oh, come on. (To Paul) Paul. (Paul: Yes, chef.) Come here, you. (Paul: Yes, chef.) Helping him out, there's a big difference. But actually taking over, I'm not gonna let. (Paul: Yes, chef.) D'you understand? (Paul: Yes, chef!) (To Jonathon) Will the garnish be ready, Jonathon? (Jonathon: Yes, chef. It'll be ready.) Look at me. 'Cause if it's not, you can f*ck off!"(Jonathon: I'll have it ready, chef.)
  • (About Krupa's spaghetti) "So pissed off. I can't take it anymore. (To red team) ALL OF YOU! COME HERE! In my (bangs table) f*ckING time! What's wrong with that? (Krupa: It's look like sh*t.) There's no pasta! It's look like baby food out of a f*cking tin! IT'S DISGUSTING! (Krupa: Alright, chef.) From a soupy risotto to f*cking spaghetti drowned in sauce! Hey, you. You, f*ck OFF upstairs! GET OUT! I can't bear to look at you anymore!"
  • (To the red team about Gina's sea bass) "All of you! Come here! RAW bass. RAW f*cking bass. (To Elise) Anything to say now? (Elise: No, chef.) Nothing at all? Anything to say? Anybody? (Smashes bass) f*ck off, both of you (Elise and Gina). f*ck off upstairs."
  • (To a struggling Jonathon, in the pantry room) "What's happening? (Jonathon: Honestly Chef-) What's happening? Look at me STRAIGHT in the eyes! What's happening? Come on. Give it to me! (Jonathon: My mobility's a little limited. I didn't want to give up on the team, or be a bitch or give up, so I'm in here doing the best I can, and everything-) It doesn't stop you using your brain! (Referring to Dave from Season 6) I've had a young man in here two years ago that broke his f*cking arm. He went on to WIN the f*cking competition! (Jonathon: Yes, sir.) If you've given up, get out! (Jonathon: I'm not giving up, chef.) Well, f*ckING fight back! (Jonathon: I am fighting, chef.) Then stop sending me sh*t!" (Jonathon: Yes, chef.) (Both return to the kitchen)
  • (After chasing Tommy out for rushing the orders) "Romantic dinner? More like a f*cked up dinner."
  • (About Elise's oysters) "In fact, you tell me, chef, are they overcooked? (Elise: Yes, they are, chef.) Come here, you. GET OUT! (Elise starts to leave) Hey, d'you know what? Hey, you don't care. (Elise: I do care.) Look, come here, look. They're like bullets. Look at the water. Look at- You're going to say, you'll say they're fresh and delicious? (Elise: No, chef.) Yeah, take that (x2). f*ck off out of here. Eat them. Enjoy your dinner. Nice romantic plate of oysters for a little superstar. Bon appetit, princess!"
  • (To Elise and Elizabeth after the former sent overcooked New York striploin) "You and you, f*ck off out of here. Get out! Take that with you, just leave me alone. Get out of here, both of you! f*ck off up to the dorm... (Elise kicks the bin out of anger; to Elise) Hey, you! Pick that f*cking thing up! You want to serve sh*t, overcooked meat, now start kicking the bin! Wow! Un-f*cking-believable! GET OUT! f*ck OFF! Pathetic! Embarrassing!"
  • (After Elise tried blaming Tommy for the Wellingtons) "Elise, do you know the biggest problem with you? Yourself. Who are you going to blame? Carrie?! Krupa?! Jamie?!"
  • (Watching Tommy making out with his girlfriend) "Tommy. *psst* Your mom's there. (Tommy hugs his mom) God's sake, man. (Tommy: I'm getting yelled at here.) (Ramsay walks away, amused)
  • (To Elise after the winner was announced) "Get out there and continue, right? Take this, and run with it. Now really go with it. I mean seriously, just stop being such a bitch!"

Season 10[]

  • (To the blue team about Tavon's pigeon) "Hey, hey, all of you! Stop! Look. This f*cking pigeon is that raw it could still fly. (To Tavon) Touch it. Stone cold, and raw. Come on."
  • (To the blue team about the scallops) "Okay, STOP! (To Justin) You! Don't touch another f*cking scallop. Come here! Just touch these! Touch them! Jesus Christ. (At Justin's station, noticing them being poorly cut) Why are they all broken? What the f*ck have you done? Who sliced all these?" (Justin: Someone else did my platter, chef.) (Royce: Who sliced the scallops, chef? Answer the question!) (Tavon: I did.)
    • (To Tavon) "Come here, you. Executive Chef. Come here (Shows him the scallops) Look at these. Expensive, hand-dived scallops. Look. You've sabotaged him. Hold on, it gets better. (Shows a nearly-cut scallop) Look at this one! I mean, f*cking hell! Look! (Justin: That's it. It's everything.) You sliced all that! We haven't even SERVED ONE f*ckING (slams table) TABLE! They're all f*cked. Look! (x2) Like a bunch of idiots here!"
      • (To Tavon) "Ay, you, Executive Chef. Do you actually cook at your restaurants? (Tavon: Yes, I did.) And do they do the same there? (Tavon: Do we do what?) The same sh*t? (Tavon: No, no.) So why are you doing it here? (Tavon: I guess I froze. I mean-) You froze? (Tavon: What else- what else do you want me to say?) You haven't even f*cking defrosted! (Tavon laughs) You think it's funny? All those f*cking customers? Do me a favor. (Tavon: Yeah.) f*ck off upstairs! Get out!"
  • (To the red team) Ladies, STOP!! All of you come here! (To Barbie) You're telling her (Tiffany) to cook six bass, for three tables in front of what we're doing, and then this (ruined scallops) arrives, for the seventh time. Touch them. (x2) All of you, GET OUT!! (hands the tray of scallops to Barbie) Ay, you. Take that with you. Get out of my f*cking sight. GET OUT! OUT! Absolutely useless!"
  • (To the red team about Barbie's pizza) "Ay, all of you, come here. Welcome to America. (Shows the pizza) Look at that. (Hands a slice to Barbie) You eat that bit now. (To Briana) Hey, come here. You eat that as well. (To Barbie) That's what you're serving them: Burnt, sh*tty, black pizza. I'd rather flee the f*cking country. Get off the pizzas." (Barbie: Yes, chef.)
  • (To the red team about the beef Wellingtons) "Who cooked the Wellington? (Kimmie: I did, chef.) Kimmie, I've got one sort of rare, one sort of looking weird. Look at that. (Kimmie: f*ck me, dude.) (About Briana's cod) But here's the big insult: Boiled one side, and black the next. In over TWO hours, it's been a nightmare. Pathetic. You'll never, EVER get entrees out like this, EVER! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of you, f*ck off out of here. Get out! OUT! And one more thing: GET OUT!"
  • (To Brian) "Ay! It's coming BABY? (Brian: Sorry, chef.) You cook like a f*cking baby! (Brian: Won't happen again, chef.) GET OUT! (Brian: Yes, chef.)(Gordon hits something metal while Brian hits the side of the refrigerator and yells "f*ck!") What's the matter with that jerk?!"
  • (To Don) "Don, I've got burnt pizza on the top, yeah, and raw underneath. Burnt and raw. How the f*ck do you manage that one, I don't know."
  • (To the blue team about the shrimp) "All of you stop. (Calling Brian upstairs) BRIAN? BRIAN? It's urgent! (Brian: Yes, Chef.) (When Brian returned to the kitchen) Raw, and overcooked on the same f*cking table. Raw and overcooked. Start again." (Brian: Yes, chef.)
  • (To the blue team about raw scallops) "All of you, ALL OF YOU! HOW DARE YOU! DIDN'T YOU LEARN ANYTHING YESTERDAY? I MEAN, COME ON! THIS is where it really hurts. Touch those f*cking scallops. HOW f*ckING DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! All of you get over there (points to the red team's chef's table) take your f*cking sh*t, and eat it. Let me know that. Just see what we're about to send out. f*ck off, you GET OUT! ALL OF YOU OUT! Let's go. Have a snack. No one leaves until they're f*cking eaten. And if you don't want to eat them, f*ck off home. I've had enough." (Brian: Yes, chef.)
  • (To the red team about Roshni's Wellingtons) "All of you, come here! This far into service, look, it's f*cking raw. (To Roshni) You, get out! (Roshni: Chef. please, can I get one more?) GET, OUT! GET OUT! PISS OFF! (Roshni starts leaving) (To the red team) Can someone put that back in the oven? (Roshni: I have a fresh one.) Get out!"
  • (Noticing Royce and Justin cooking bass at the same time) "OH MY GOD! Ay, Royce. Are you stupid? (Royce: No.) YOU'VE GOT BASS THERE! HE'S GOT BASS THERE! IT'S THE SAME TABLE, YOU IDIOTS, and not ONE of you are f*cking communicating! Both of you, f*ck off out of here. f*ck OFF!"
  • (To the blue team) "Oh my god! One, two, three, four, five, six of you cooking scallops. There's more fricking chefs cooking scallops than there are SCALLOPS IN THE PAN! (slams table) GUYS! Have you had any idea how stupid you look?"
  • (Upon kicking Justin and Clemenza out on Mexican night) "Hey, both of you COME HERE! (hits the counter with his fist) Both of you! (Clemenza: I said it wasn't done.) (Shows Justin and Clemenza the RAW pork Justin brought up) That's it. GET OUT! (Clemenza: Yes chef. I said it wasn't done.) (Justin: Can I please-) GET OUT! (Clemenza slams fork on the other end of the counter)
  • (To the blue team during the 12th service) (bangs table) Ay, all of you, come here! (To Brian) Put that one down. (Examining his sea bass) A f*cking blind man can see that raw, raw, raw. Honestly, (To Justin, Robyn, Clemenza and Brian) YOUR menu! (x4) (About the sea bass) You give me that, followed by that. You, you, you, you, get out! f*cking idiots. Get the f*ck out of here!"
  • (To Brian about his burnt catfish) "Come here. Just take a bite of that. Just take a bite. Eat it, you f*ckwit. How's it taste? (Brian: Taste like fish, chef.) EXCUSE ME? Smart arse. You wanna be funny now, do you? (Brian: No!) (throws spoon aside) Yeah, you're such a dick. Get out. (x2) f*cking idiot. (After Brian left the kitchen) 'Tastes like fish'. What a f*cking dick."
    • (Noticing that Brian returned to his station) "Ay, you. Ay, come here you, f*ckface. What you're doing here? (Brian: I'm not done!) Don't f*cking shout at me. (Brian: I'm sorry.) I'm gonna ask you one more f*cking time. You give me a bullsh*t answer, THAT jacket's coming off and you're going through that door home. (Brian: Yes, chef.) How did that fish taste? (Brian: sh*t.) Yeah, so why did you give it to me?" (Brian: Burnt. I didn't see the bottom, chef. I didn't see the bottom. It's not gonna happen again.)
  • (To the blue team about Robyn's chicken) "Ay. (Robyn: Really?) You, you, you, you, come here. Ay, look. Raw. Do I really have to serve that? (throws a piece of chicken) MADNESS! Get out. (Robyn: Don't kick them out, chef. Just kick me out.) (To Robyn) Listen. (Robyn: Yes, chef.) Don't you f*cking dare tell me what to do. (Robyn: Yes, chef.) (To the blue team) You, you, you, you, f*ck off. (Blue team starts to leave) (Robyn: f*ck! f*cking hate this damn chicken.) GET OUT!"
  • (Upon checking Kimmie's catfish) "Oh, Jesus. *sigh* I could cry, I could just- I could just cry. (Christina: Oh, f*ck!) (bangs table) STOP! (To Kimmie) Come here, you. Let me show you something! I've got raw, RAW f*cking catfish there, then there's burnt sh*t there. (To the red team) You, you, you, you, GET OUT! YOU'RE A f*ckING DISGRACE! (Christina: f*ck!) (picks up a piece of the catfish) Hey! Ay! (tosses a piece to Christina) There, touch! That's the raw bits! (Christina: Yeah, I see it, chef. I see it.) f*cking disgrace! GET OUT!"
  • (To Justin during the 14th service) "Justin! Ay, you. Come here, you. So he (Brian) cooks fresh New York strip because he screws the previous table, and YOU REHEAT THE SAME BASS! (To Robyn) And you think it's funny? (Robyn: No, I don't think it's funny. I'm pissed right now. I don't think it's funny at all.) (Back to Justin) Justin, is that your best? Ay, IS THAT YOUR BEST?! (Justin: No, chef. No.) So all that time you're cook- (Interrupted by Robyn's fire) All that time you're cooking it, you couldn't think to put two fresh bass in?" (Justin: Chef, I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry.)
  • (To Dana) "Dana, hey! It's so much easier cooking three bass in one large pan and using one pan on the stove than three. (Dana: Yes, chef.) You're a smart girl, yet common sense is not your forte. (Approaching her station) Honestly, I don't get you. (While doing it for her) You've got so much more control over cooking in one pan! (Dana: Yes, chef.) Well, see the difference of using one pan for three bass." (Dana: Thank you, chef,)

Season 11[]

  • (When Sebastian came to the kitchen for the third time) "You... For the last time! Take him (Michael) and him (Barret)!! And GET OUT!!! And let me tell you something, you come back downstairs again, you'll be leaving through the front door, now GET OUT!! THREE OF YOU!!"
    • (When Barret was stalling) "OI!!! GET OUT!!!!"
  • (To Jon and Dan) "Jon... Take Dan and yourself and get out!"
  • (To Jacqueline) "What are you doing? (Jacqueline: I had to get my water chef.) Get out!"
  • (About Christian's rubber scallops) "Christian! He brings up scallops! f*cking rubber! I mean, seriously?"
  • (To Barret) "BARRET! I need some tickets please. Barret what's going on there? No recall Barret I need some energy in there yes?"
  • (To Jean-Philippe about a badly written order written by Barret) "Jean Philippe, what is that? Oh f*ck off! (Rips apart the badly written order) Hey JP! Take him (Barret) and yourself back to f*cking Belgium! f*ck off! f*ck right off!"
  • (To the red team) "You kept me waiting 28 minutes for raw pork. You, you, you, you, you, you! (smashes tray of raw pork) GET OUT! DISASTER!"
  • (To the blue team about a sample plate) "Hey, all of you come here. ALL OF YOU! (Shows the blue team the hour-old sample plate Jeremy brought up) "Some disgusting pig (Jeremy) brought me the sampled scrambled eggs. The sampled scrambled eggs that I cooked an hour ago. These guests, they save lives on a daily basis, and you want to serve that? (To Jeremy and Dan) Jeremy, Dan, you'll f*cking KILL someone with that."
  • (Upon putting Dan, Ray, Mary, and Nedra on probation) "You know, after all this bullsh*t and the bad performances, I've definitely got the right 4 (Dan, Ray, Mary, and Nedra) here. What I'm struggling with is which one of you to send home. My decision is...(To Ray) Ray. Give me your jacket. (To Dan) Dan. Give me your jacket, please. (To Nedra) Nedra. Give me your jacket, please. (To Mary) Mary. Give me your jacket, please. (To Dan, Ray, Mary, and Nedra) Tonight was such a f*cking disaster, I've decided to do something I've NEVER, EVER, EVER DONE BEFORE. All 4 of you (Dan, Ray, Mary, and Nedra) Are NOW ON PROBATION. GO BACK IN LINE. (Ray and Nedra: Thank you, Chef.) Don't thank me yet. And here's WHY. Each and every one of you (Dan, Ray, Mary, and Nedra) will have to earn your jacket back by the end of the NEXT dinner service. And IF YOU DON'T YOU'RE HISTORY. Piss off."
  • (Upon kicking the blue team out because of Jon’s raw scallops) "This is a joke. They’re not even seared. All of you! Come here! Quick! Like mush. Mush, mush, (hits the counter with his fist) MUSH! It’s just a f*ckin’ joke. Yet again! We are struggling! I’m putting in the gas, I’m turning on the engine. I’m driving every f*ckin’ table! I’M DONE! (To Zach) Listen, (To Jon) listen, (To Anthony) listen, (To Nedra) listen! f*ck off, f*ck off, f*ck off, f*ck off! GET OUT. GET OUT. IDIOTS!”
  • (Upon kicking the red team out because of Ja’nel’s raw halibut) “That’s raw. (Mary: There’s gonna be another-) No,(Susan: Four minutes-) It’s not another four minutes. Just let it- come here! It’s sushi time! Just touch that. Just touch that. (To Ja’nel) I don’t know what you’re doing now. (To the red team) Do you know who this is for? (Cyndi: The VIP, Chef.) (Ja’nel: I’m sorry, Chef.) I’m done! (To Ja’nel) YOU, (To Susan) YOU, (To Mary) YOU, (To Cyndi) YOU: f*ck off out of here! (Cyndi: f*ck me!) GET OUT! (To Cyndi again) Hey madam. (Cyndi: Yes, Chef?) 'f*ck me’?! How about 'f*ck YOU!'"
  • (To the blue team about Nedra's station mess) "Just look! Just look at the f*cking mess in here! The sh*t! The disarray! The disorganization! And look! Look! Look! LOOK AT THE MESS!!!"
  • (About Mary's stare) "She stares at me like something out of the f*cking Shining."
  • (When kicking out chefs) "I'M DONE!!! You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you... Kiss my ass!"

Season 12[]

  • (Confronting Mike during the signature dish challenge) Mike: "f*ck it that's bullsh*t, bro." (The audience, Richard, and Melanie look directly at Mike upon Ramsay calls him back up) Ramsay: "Come here, you. What did you JUST SAY? (Mike doesn't answer while audience goes "ooooh.") Yeah, OK if you've got anything to say to me, say to my face. NOT my back. (Mike: You've got it chef.) Now f*ck off. (Someone in audience: Yeah.)"
  • (About Gabriel's raw chicken) "Oh my god. ALL OF YOU! (hits the counter with his fist) (Blue team: Yes, Chef.) COME HERE! (shows the blue team Gabriel's raw chicken) Pink chicken! PINK f*ckING CHICKEN! (throws chicken onto the counter)"
  • (Shows the blue team Scott's raw halibut) "Raw halibut! And it's cold in the middle! (Scott: f*cking halibut. Damn it.) (Ramsay smashes the raw halibut)
  • (To Gabriel while he points at the raw chicken) "Do you want to eat that? (Gabriel: No, chef.) Why? (Gabriel: That's raw, chef.) Oh. So they (the customers) deserve to eat that? (Gabriel: No, chef.) (Chris: We're gonna come back right now, chef.) GET A GRIP! (Blue team: Yes, Chef!)"
  • (About Gabriel's second raw chicken) "Oh my good god. Again, chicken that is f*cking (throws some chicken onto the counter) PINK! (Slams the tray of chicken onto the counter) f*ck! RAW CHICKEN FOLLLOWED BY RAW CHICKEN! All of you, f*ck off out of here!"
  • (To DeMarco during the ingredient memory challenge) "Come on DeMarco, de-move!"
  • (When DeMarco is nominated for the fourth time) "Him again?"
  • (To Jason about his raw chicken) "Hey, (Slams the counter with both of his hands) IT'S f*ckING REDDER THAN YOUR BEARD AND LOOK AT ME!! IT'S STILL RAW!!! (Jason: Yes, Chef) NO, NO! (Slams the counter with both of his hands again) I'M DONE. NO. NO."
  • (To Jason and Sandra) "Hey, you and you, come here. (Jason: Ah, sh*t. Damn it, I just yelled in front of your kitchen and I owe the whole restaurant an apology.) Look at me, I told Sandra to get on there, YOU MAY NOT f*ckING LIKE IT, BUT ITS MY f*ckING CHOICE SO TAKE IT, SHUT THE f*ck UP, AND PUT YOUR HEAD DOWN. (To Sandra) Stay on this section. Let's go."
  • (To a couple walking out) (Jean-Phillipe: Chef.) "What? (Jean-Phillipe: They're about to walk out.) Can you bring them over, please? (Jean-Phillipe takes the couple into the kitchen) Please come through. (to the blue team) Hey, blue team, come here. You as well, Anton. This couple are now walking out because they're not prepared to wait any longer. (To Gabriel) Now you just say, "5 minutes, Chef. 2 minutes, Chef." I'm going to apologize on their behalf." (To the couple walking out) My apologies. (To Jean-Phillipe) Please take their details. I'd like to invite them back in a couple weeks time." (Jean Philippe: Definitely.) (To the blue team) WAKE UP!"
  • (To Gabriel) "Say that again?" (Gabriel: We're out of pizza dough, Chef.) What the f*ck is going on here? (Slams table) sh*t. (To Scott and Chris) Come here. We're out of dough. (Chris: I believe so, Chef.) What are we going to do now then? There's 36 portions of dough. We've only sent 10 f*cking pizzas. (Chris: We f*cked you, Chef. I'm sorry.) Get me Jean Phillipe. We have an emergency. (To Jean-Philipe) Get out to that table (A table of 4 customers) and give your sincere apologies."
  • (To Gabriel) "Now when you look at me, Gabriel, and say, "Hey, 5 minutes." They're leaving now! (Gabriel: I can't send out anything raw, Chef.) Hey, come here you! (Hits the counter with his fist) I told you at the beginning of service to get the f*cking chicken cooked. (Gabriel: Yes Chef.) Yeah, you're right; You can't send it out f*cking raw! But how long do you need? (No response from Gabriel) 45 f*ckING MINUTES?! (Gabriel: Yes Chef.)"
  • (To Anton) "Anton, come here. Get in here. (slams pantry door shut) What the f*ck are you doing? You've got to keep it together." (Anton: "I do have it together. I have a clear head on it.") "But the Wellingtons are way out of control. You're not communicating, your head's in the f*cking stand, and at this moment now I need you to rise and get it back together!" (Anton: "Yes, Chef.") "Let's go!"
  • (Eliminating Gabriel mid-service) "STOP!! YOU, ARE, DONE!!! THE COMPETITION FOR YOU, IS OVER!! GET OUT!!! HEY YOUNG MAN!! FRONT DOOR!! GET OUT!! GET OUT!!!"
  • (To Joy about her quitting) "What a selfish attitude! One thing wrong and you run away!!... Absolutely phenomenal! No you’re not telling me! You’re lying! You’re arguing, you’re shouting! Yeah I know you’re done, it shows in your cooking! Get out! Unbelievable... f*cking unbelievable..."
    • (To Black Jackets after Joy Quits) "And excuse me, everybody? (Jason: Yes, Chef.) That is not the attitude I expect at this stage of the game, let me tell you. (Melanie and Scott: Yes, Chef.) OK, So, we are one down, we're gonna get stronger, OK? (Black Jackets: Yes, Chef.) We can still have a great service, let me tell you. (Jason: Yes, we can.)

Season 13[]

  • (To Fernando) "Harry Potter looks older."
  • (To Sterling) "You look so excited like you're about to piss your pants."
  • "JP (JP: Yes chef), just pathetic! JR (JR: Yes chef), just ridiculous!"
  • (To the red team about the poor quality lamb, wellington, raw salmon and dry chicken) "What in the f*ck is going on?! The salmon is RAW, and the chicken is as dry as a f*cking camel's arsehole in the f*cking desert storm! Look how stringy that is. (La Tasha: Heard, Chef.) Hey no no no not heard! No STOP! That's food that's leaving the kitchen expecting to be served! (smashes the trays of food) No, no, no, no! .. Let me communicate something to you all: GET OUT! GET OUT! (Wendy: He's(Ramsay) kicking them(The red team) out.) AND so much for Wendy Williams being a source of inspiration. VIPS? You certainly didn't treat them like VIPs. PATHETIC. ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC!"
  • (To the blue team about perfectly cooked chicken next to a raw halibut) "Blue Team! Come here, you! Chicken's cooked perfectly. Look what's next to it on the same f*cking table! Look at that. And that's is an example of the sh*t THAT'S BEEN COMING OFF OF THAT STATION ALL f*ckING NIGHT! (smashes halibut) You and You (JP and JR), f*ck off upstairs! GET OUT! f*ck OFF! GET OUT! Fernando, get on the f*cking fish!"
  • (To Santos and Steve) "Hey, you too, come here, you 2. You 2, come here. (Brings Santos and Steve into the pantry next to the chef table) I got a VIP guest (Willie Mitchell) on the f*cking chef's table. (Slams pantry door shut) You've f*cking given up and you're just lost. (To Steve) GET A GRIP! (Steve: Yes chef.) (To Santos) Why? (Santos: Poor execution, chef. It won't happen again.) f*ckING WAKE UP!"
  • (To the red team about mushy risotto and raw lobster) "Hey, come here! It's soup. It's just too much liquid. It's too soupy. And the lobster is RAW. RAW. Ladies, please, who cooked the lobster? (Denine: I did, Chef.) Hey, too much sunshine? What's the matter with you girls?"
  • (Upon kicking Roe and Katie out during the sixth dinner service) "STOP. (Throws spoon on the counter) All of you, come here. All of you, taste that. So That doesn't stink of garlic to anybody here? (Sade: Yes, it does, chef.) Or are all you all just kissing Roe's ass? (Red team: No, chef.) And that's the scallops for the VIP guests. You and You (Roe and Katie) GET OUT!"
  • (To Red Team during elimination) "Have you reached a decision? (Roe: No, chef. We have not.) No, are you kidding me? (Roe: I wish I was, chef.) Oh come on, Roe. What have you got? (Roe: We have a split decision on two pairs, three and three chef.) A split decision on two pairs? (Roe: Yes, Chef. Not the assignment, chef.) So there's four of you? (Sade: Yes, Chef.) Oh what the f*ck? This is so insane. This is so insane. I can't do this. All of you, f*ck off in the red kitchen, and come back, with TWO names!"
  • (To graduating culinary students)"Thank you. Please take a seat. And first of all, I urge you to embrace each and every day with the same enthusiasm, the same passion as you possess right now. This will be more valuable than anything you've ever learned so far. Now, here's my last serious piece of advice: Don't f*ck up."

Season 14[]

  • (To Chrissa) "I'm glad you were inspired in the Cookery Aisle, not the f*cking Pet Food Aisle."
  • (To Milly about his beard) "Is that a stick-on, or is that- (Milly: Oh, no, no, on.) No, it's real. (Milly: Yeah, that's a lot of hard work.) Ok. Does it ever catch fire? (Milly: No.) No. (Milly: No.) Because it is long. (Milly: Yeah, yes.)"
  • (To the red team about an VIP order) "I seriously hope our VIP table (Dean McDermott) is f*cking ready, 1 pork and 1 lamb."
    • (To the red team about raw lamb and dry pork for a VIP) "Ladies, ALL OF YOU! Come here. RAW lamb and dry pork, like pork jerky. Look at it. RIDICULOUS! (Throws spoon into the air) Oh, f*ck off."
      • (Later during service) "Lamb! I've got the lamb, where's the pork? (Sees 6 chefs on the meat station and makes shocked face) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 chefs on meat... (T: Pork is f*ckING RAW.) Is it RAW? Stop, stop. Bring me the lamb, please. So you bring me the lamb, and the pork's RAW. Now I'm taking it personally. I need you to do one more thing together as a team. GET OUT! GET OUT! That's joke's a f*cking joke. PISS OFF!"
  • (Upon seeing Michael with a prep list) "What are you reading through there? What you read-- (Michael: I'm just practi- I'm just going through it (The prep list) in my mind, Chef.) This (The prep list) (Rips apart the prep list) You don't need. (Michael: Yes, Chef.) You do not need that. Look at yourself in the mirror and scream risotto ingredients." (Michael: "Risotto ingre...") Ingredient number one: what is it? (Michael: "Oil, chef.") Rice, you f*cking pillock. If he (Michael) doesn't know what's in a f*cking risotto, we're screwed."
  • (To Milly) "Come on, here! Speed it up, but Milly this is you. (Imitates a Frankenstein). You're big. Ay, ay, a f*ckin', a big- a big f*ckin' Frankenstein MOVE!"
  • (To Josh) "So you've tasted the white wine 10 times? Young man, you must be drunk then."
  • (To Josh) "Hey, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, WOOOO! WOOOO! WOOOO! Hey, I don't f*cking care! Just compose yourself. You're like a f*cking baboon there!"
  • (To both teams in the dorms) (To the red team) "In 14 Seasons of Hell's Kitchen, I've never set foot in these f*cking dorms. But I'm so pissed off. You were worse than opening night. I need 2 nominees. Have a good talk for once tonight." (To the blue team) "Sit down. Sit down. Be relaxed for now. Why get tense now? You may be here because of your poor performance, I've never seen a service so pathetic and so lackadaisical in all my f*cking life. Come up with 2 nominees. Try to do something as a team."
  • (To the blue team about Adam's stuck-to-the-pan risotto) "Hey, look at my risotto. Look, just stuck. Hey. Glue. Glue. Glue. Ohh. Look at it! It's Like a f*cking clock. What was it supposed to do? Hang on the wall? (Adam: No chef.) A risotto clock."
  • (To the blue team about soft salmon and overcooked New York Strip) "Hey, all of you. ALL OF YOU!!! Salmon's soft as sh*t. New York Strip cooked to f*ck. Do you want to serve it? (Blue team: No, chef.) f*cking eat it. Hey, all of you, sit down. (Makes the blue team sit down at the blue team's chef table.) (Bret: I'm not eating it) Enjoy. f*cking eat it."
  • "The last table of appetizers. 'Let us try again.' What do you think I want? All of you, GET OUT! f*ck off! What what do you say, Sarah? 'Can we try one more time?' GET OUT! 'Can we try one more time?!'"

Season 15[]

  • (To the blue team about a burnt pizza) "Oh by the way, in England we have a saying, when it's brown is cooked when it's black its f*cked!"
  • (Eliminating Kevin mid-service) (To the blue team) "What in the f*ck is going on here? What is going on? (Points at Kevin) You!" (Kevin: "I keep f*cking up chef".) Gordon: Do me a big favor. (Kevin: "Yes, chef?") "Yeah!? Get your apron off, get packed, f*ck off out! (Opens pantry room door for Kevin) First GET OUT! GET OUT!" (Kevin: "Yes, chef.") (Slams Pantry door shut) (To the blue team) Who's next? Get your sh*t together and salvage what's left. All of you, f*cking wake up! NOW! (Opens pantry room door)"
  • (To Eddie) "Eddie? Eddie? Eddie?!? Come here, Chef's table's (Dita Von Teese) arrived, welcome them, in and out 30 seconds in, get the f*ck out of there. Let's go."
  • (To Christina) "Who put that on the tray like that? (Christina: Meese) (To the red team) Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, (To Kris Jenner: Kris, I'm so sorry) Hey all of you come here. come here. Get in here, I'm done. (Kris: Are they grounded?) (Slams Pantry door shut) We have a chef table in there tonight. Sat a meter away and look how I got the mash. It's dumped on the f*cking tray! I've been INSIDE PRISON and they give food better than this sh*t! (Smashes Tray of mash on the floor) (Opens pantry room door)"
  • (Upon moving Hassan into the red team at elimination) (To Jackie) "Jackie, stand where you are because I'm not done yet. (To Hassan) Hassan, stand next to Jackie. Tonight not only have you step up tonight, you're the most vocal, the most confident, and you led your team, now I want you to do the exact same in the red kitchen. (Hassan: Yes chef.) Both of you, back in line."
  • (After Black Jackets disaster final 5 performance) "Hey all of you, all of you, come here a minute. Just go over to the chef table, just do one little thing. Just apologize, I'll cook the last table."
    • (After they apologize) "And my apologies, you two (Sous Chefs Aaron and Christina). It should have been a better service. f*cking, abysmal. (Aaron: I don't get it. I really don't f*cking get it.)

Season 16[]

  • (To Matt about the scallops) "Cameras? Come here you. Come here. (Matt: I've told him (Andrew) a hundred times. Chef, come on, man.) Look at me. Just look me in the f*ckING eyes! f*ck the camera! Unfold your f*cking arms, now, and don't give me a f*cking scallop unless it's cooked perfectly. You get it? (Matt: Yeah, I understand-) Look at me! And f*ck the attitude. Cook it or f*ck off. (Matt: Yes, chef.) And if I hear you talk about a f*cking camera one more time, I'll stick a GoPro up your ass so you can see how sh*t you are! GOT IT?!" (Matt: Yes, chef.)
  • (To Pat about his risotto) "Hey, come here you. That! (shows Pat his f*cked up risotto) How do you manage to make a risotto look like a bowl of vomit that's been dipped in oil? How do you manage that? Now get that sh*t out of here."
  • (To the blue team in the back on opening night) "Stay there. Stay there. Let me just sum up- PATHETIC! If you could hear the red kitchen tonight, just like you opening night, you would have heard a team in there. (Pat: We're going to regroup, chef.) Oh, yeah? You are going to regroup, but here's why. I need 2 nominees. Now f*ck off."
  • (To Pat after missing the door) "Pat? The door's there!"
  • (To the red team about a raw salmon) "You should a cook a salmon for the twenty-seventh time, skin side (punches salmon) down."
  • (To Gia) "You're such a drama queen!"
  • (To the blue team) "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, out, out, out, out, and out. Because you think I'm going to serve that sh*t? You eat it. Now all of you, f*ck OFF! Hey, Hey, Hey, are you serious? The entire team have given up, and for the last 30 minutes, There's no team effort, There's no fight back, There's no passion, Halfway through we switched off, and you've been trying all night. (Paulie: "I have been trying all night, Chef so I have not given up.") Right, so what do you want? (Paulie: "I want to- well, I want to stay here.") Yeah, well do you know what I want you to do? (points at the raw lamb that Devin is holding) Eat that sh*t, then come back down and tell me how f*cking good it was. BON APPÉTIT!"
  • (To both teams after eliminating Matt and Shaina) "I'm NOT going to tolerate a service like that ever again. Now get out of here."
  • (To Black Jackets) "Hey, hey all of you. All of you, come here (Kimberly: Raw pancetta. Oh, man.) I just tasted it. Look at me (X3). All of you (X3). GET THE f*ck OUT OF HERE! GET OUT! Aaron, Andi, could you do me a favor? Could you go and put a jacket on, please? (Both: Yep.) I'm so sorry."
    • "Hey! Hey all of you! I've never seen black jackets in such disarray. Two nominees, get out! A f*ckING EMBARASSMENT!"

Season 17[]

  • (Upon kicking the red team out on opening night) "All-Stars? Let's get one thing right. No-Stars!! All of you, GET OUT!"
  • (Upon kicking the red team out for the second consecutive time) (To the blue team) "Blue team? Blue team, get over here. (To the red team about overcooked lobster wellington and ice cold halibut) Hey, who cooked the lobster wellington? It is so overcooked it's got f*cking holes in there. And then look, ice cold halibut in the center again. (Throws halibut) GET THE f*ck OUT! (To the blue team) Blue team, Take over!"
    • (Later after service) "It is WORSE than last night (opening night). I ask you for passion, I ask for dedication, I ASK YOU TO GET IN THE GAME! You can't even switch it on. Do me a favor, get upstairs and come back with 2 names. Now f*ck off will you."
  • (To Ashley after she looking at her watch) "You got an appointment nails? (to Marino) Hello, hey, take her (Ashley) to the nail bar, open the door. Take her (Ashley) to the bar, get her nails done. She's little bit late for the date. f*ck OFF!"
  • (To the blue team about getting 5 risottos instead of 2 risottos) "Hey, blue team, Come here. 2 risotto. 17 minutes on order, 2, 4, this time I get 5. (To Josh) What are you doing? How screwed up is this? Hey. You sit down with Paige. Sit down with Paige. You've made enough. go on."
  • (To Josh) "Can you just count? You wanna look at that (the watch) oh f*ck. Look at your f*cking dish you dick. That's going to tell you how long. Give me the f*cking watch. f*ck's sake. Piece of sh*t. (throws watch in pizza oven)"
  • (To the garnish station) "Where's the garnish for the (Beef) Wellington? (Manda: Chef, working right now.) (To Josh) Hey what's in your hand there? COME HERE! Come here! Come here! (To the red team) ALL OF YOU COME HERE! (To Josh) Hold that in your hand! (Throws silverware) THE WELLINGTON'S AT THE WINDOW! Where's the garnish? (Josh: It's in my hand, Chef.) In your hand... ICE COLD! (Josh: I'm doing my best, Chef.) YOUR BEST IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! SAY GOODBYE, GET OUT!"
  • (To Marino about Jared's 'injury') "Hey Marino. Come in here. He's bleeding to death, he's bleeding to death. You've got a bigger cut at the end of your f*cking dick. Emergency, emergency."
    • (Later) Gordon: "Medic! Where was the cut?"
      Medic: "I'm not sure. I didn't see the cut".
      Gordon: "Thank you so much. Professional medic can't even find the f*cking cut! GET OUT! That's the worst performance I've ever seen in my ENTIRE f*ckING LIFE! GET OUT!"
  • (To the red team) "Ladies? Over here. This is what I call a disaster. Look at that, overcooked. (To Marino) Take these to those tables (A table of 4 customers) and apologize Now!"
  • (To the red team upon coming back into the kitchen from apologizing to a table of 4 customers) "Hey, Stop, I am NOT gonna let this continue. (To Giovanni) Gio! Come here. Can you go over to the meat please and cook New York strips. (Giovanni: Yes, chef.) Gio, I need 6 all day. (Giovanni: Yes, chef.)"
  • (To Nick) "Uh, Nick? (Nick: Yes, Chef.) Come here. They (blue team) were a disaster. Not just in the middle, not at the end, not even at the beginning. And then, Van, laughing his head off. I'm done. Upstairs. (Nick: Yes, Chef.)"
  • (To Red Team) "Michelle, what are you doing? (Michelle: Chef, I'm making a pork pot sticker.) A what, sorry? (Michelle: A pot sticker, Chef.) So would you say a pot sticker is pasta? (Michelle: It's made from, uh, pasta dough.) But the word "pot sticker" is not Italian, that's all. It's more of an Asian Dish. (Michelle: Ok, Chef. I'm going to make a soup dumpling.) (Dana: Call it a tortellini.) (Michelle: I'll make an Asian inspired tortellini soup.) It's a pasta challenge. (Michelle: Yes, Chef.) Thank you. (To Elise) Elise. (Elise: Yes, Chef.) Give me an insight to your pasta dish. (Elise: I'm doing a play on paella.) Just stop- paella is Spanish. (Elise: Yes) (To Red Team) Ladies, are we OK? (Red Team: Yes, Chef.) Are you interested in winning this? (Red Team: Yes, Chef.) (To Jennifer) Uh, Jennifer, give me something Italian. What is it? (Jennifer: Chef, Clams and Linguine, Chef.) Oh, thank god for that."
  • Raw duck. Raw pork. I mean... All Stars? f*ckin' no stars tonight! This has been the worst service ever by the red team. Send you last table now blue team and jump in here and salvage this sh*t.

Season 18[]

  • (During the Creative Risotto Challenge, to Scott) "That's good...Tell me, do you think your risotto tastes better than Mia's?...You're wrong, it's not."
  • (Arguing with Jen) "(Jen: You just pulled that from under there, chef, you threw that-under there,) Come Here. (Jen: I gave you enough.) Come here, you. (Jen: You trying to clown me up in here right now.) Hey come here you. Come here you. (Jen: No, You tryin to clown me up in here right now.) Hey, no. come here. (Jen: I gave you the leeks, chef) (Drops crate of dishes on the floor) All of you come here. All of you come here. (Jen: You trying to clown me, chef.) (Brings Veterans into the pantry) (Jen: You're trying to clown me, chef, And I gave you enough.) NO. YOU'RE LYING. All of you come here. All of you. (Jen: You're trying to clown me. And that's not going to happen.) GET IN THERE. (Jen: I appreciate that you bring me back but you're not going to disrespect me.) HEY, TAKE YOUR APRON OFF AND GET OUT. (Jen: Yeah, I will. Don't worry about it.) FRONT DOOR. FRONT DOOR. (Jen: cause at the end of the day, you're lying Chef. You trying to SABOTAGE me right now.) I-REALLY? WHERE? WHERE? (Jen: I'm steady bring you the food, chef, and you throw the pan under there and say I didn't give you enough. Have a good one, chef.) WHO SET YOU UP? YOU'RE MAKING EXCUSES. YOU'RE LYING. YOU'RE LYING. (Jen: No, I'm not lying.) ASK JOCKY. ASK JOCKY. (No, I'm not, and then you stand there whispering and say a little smart sh*t. I'm giving you food, chef.) SMART WHAT?... BULLsh*t! GET OUT!!! GET OUT!"
    • (After kicking Jen out) "I've had enough. All f*cking night we're struggling on that f*cking station. Get a grip, or follow her."
  • (To the Veterans) "Have you heard the marine saying no man left behind? You left your f*cking brains behind!"
  • (To both teams after switching them to Men VS Women) "Rookies Versus Veterans, forget it. The experiment is over. With both teams not performing, I need to change the chemistry in both kitchens. It's now Men VS Women. Now do me a big favor? f*ck off will you, yea."
  • (After Heather and T were nominated) "T, Heather, step forward. This is somewhat bizarre. I can't believe what I've got standing in front of me. A runner-up from Season 16 and a runner-up from Season 14. Shocking."
  • (Upon kicking the blue team out during Ramsay's daughter Tilly's 16th birthday party) "Hey. Hey. (Ariel: How long do you need?) Hey, no. Hey all of you, come here. Come here. I-- I-- I'm lost for words. (Throws empty box on the counter) (Shows the blue team the raw halibut Ariel brought up) THIS IS MATILDA'S TABLE! (Ariel: I have another one right here, Chef.) It's-- it's-- f*ck. Just touch that. (Ariel: I gave you the wrong one.) Just touch it. (Ariel: I gave him (Ramsay) the wrong one. I gave him the wrong one. That's the right one there.) I don't care WHAT YOU'VE DONE! (Throws raw halibut) IT'S RAW. (Someone in dining room: Oh! Oh, He (Ramsay) just threw it!) For the last 5 f*cking tables, timing is way off! What's happening?!? GET OUT! GET. OUT! I'M THE ONE WHO'S GOT TO STAND THERE IN EMBARRASSMENT WITH THE f*ckING STUPIDITY ON MY FACE. (Blue team: Yes, Chef.) GET OUT! Hey, 2 NOMINEES THAT DONT MAKE YOUR TEAM STRONGER. Sweet 16, My ASS! (Tilly: You'd be feeling pretty good if you were the red right now, wouldn't you)"
  • (Upon kicking the red team out during seventh dinner service because of Jose's raw salmon) "Look at this, it's still raw. (Christina: Are you f*cking kidding me? I can't.) (To red Team) Hey, hey men. Ay, ay, ay, ay look! HEY O! The salmon is still f*cking raw. The salmon is still raw. (Points at Scotley) Put the laddle down. You (Points at Trev), stand up straight (Trev: Yes, Chef.) Red team, GET OUT! (Someone in dining room: Oh my god! He's (Ramsay) kicking them out!) GET. OUT! (Jose: Yo, my bad.) (Someone in dining room: Red team is completely ousted from the kitchen!) I'M DONE! (Trev: Yes, Chef.) ENOUGH'S ENOUGH! HOLD YOUR HEADS IN f*ckING SHAME! HEY, RED TEAM! Maybe you can do one thing together. Come out with two names that you could do without, to let your team f*cking shine. (Red Team: Yes, Chef. ) Bullsh*t!
  • (After Motto explains why he chose to withdraw) "Wow. I'm... I'm surprised, but I respect your decision. Motto, step forward. You know, never before across this competition have I met a chef as sincere as you. So, whilst I accept your decision, I want you to accept this from me. Once you're done in Baton Rouge, and you're ready for the next move, call me."

Season 19[]

  • (Responding to Kori's advice about chicken) "Make love to it, don't f*ck it."
  • (To Kenneth during the Signature Dish Challenge) "Kenneth, you did something tonight that I haven't seen in over a decade. You had 20 minutes to go and you started plating this dish. (Kenneth: Yes Chef.) You were wiping your plate for 15 minutes. I'm not looking for the Usain Bolt of cookery. Use your time wisely. (Kenneth: Yes Chef.)"
  • (To Kenneth about the "potato" in his dish) "It's a block of Parmesan, you f*cking donut!"
  • (To Eliott) "Eliott, what the f*ck are you doing? Get involved Eliott, help your team! (Eliott: Yes Chef.)"
  • (To Red Team about raw duck) "Here's the insult. (Lauren: Rare.) Rare? It's f*cking quacking. With a table like that (Apolo Ohno's Chef Table), and that's the sh*t you serve? I'm done."
  • (To Drew) "Drew, have you got one of these? (shows him a belt) f*cking get one! Quickly!"
  • (Calling out Sous Jason's Family's Order) (To the blue team) "On order, chef table. Chef Jason's Family. (Marc: VIP boys.) He just butts over me. I don't know what it is with you, but you got a big mouth for a small guy. Cause I'm, I'm f*cking pissed. When I call out an order, everyone should be f*cking listening and cooking. That's it. Then you move on. Why are you shouting over me? (Marc: Sorry Chef.) What's more important, than Jason's family? (Marc: A- Yes Chef.) NO WHAT'S MORE IMPORTANT?! (Marc: Jason's family chef, absolutely. I apologize.)
  • (Eliminating Peter mid-service) (To the blue team) "Have you got the qualities to become a head chef at Lake Tahoe? (Peter: No chef, I don't.) (to Peter) You haven't? (Peter: I don't.) Take your jacket off and f*ck off."

Season 20[]

  • (To Matthew about his signature dish) "Right so visually, looks classic. I'm a big lover of shrimp. (Matthew: Okay.) But I'm not very good at eating shrimp and sh*t-sack. Why didn't you clean the shrimp? (Matthew: Uh, I didn't notice it. I was-) You didn't notice that? Would you like a bite of the sack? (Matthew: I'll avoid it.) I know you're now legal to drink, but were you actually drunk when you put this dish together? (Matthew: No chef.) So I'm gonna give you a 2."
  • (To Matthew about his dish in the Alcohol Challenge) "Let's hope you have bounced back. So yesterday, you gave me the shrimp with the sack of crap inside. (Matthew: Yes chef.) Not a smart introduction? (Matthew: No.) Describe the dish please? (Matthew: High, medium, and low levels of the bourbon glaze.) Visually it looks nice. Rustic. And what is that? (To the blue team) "All of you, come here. f*cking sh*t. You guys wanted me to eat pink chicken? Seriously? (Matthew, Payton, and Trenton: No chef.) And this is your top dish? Get back in line. Have you been drinking?"
  • (To Blue Team) "Do you have any idea what that man at the chef table (Mike Tyson) achieved at the age of 20? A world heavyweight champion. And every table tonight has been a stop- (Megan opens pantry door before quickly leaving) f*ck off! A stop, start, stop, start, stop, start. It's like you've all been knocked out by Iron Mike because your brains are scrambled."
  • (To Matthew at elimination) "Matthew. At Signature Dish, you delivered me a dish full of sh*t. Then in the Alcohol Challenge you serve me a raw chicken. And then tonight you serve me raw lamb. Worst of all, your attitude sucks. Therefore, I'm not listening to your bullsh*t. Give me your jacket."
  • (To Blue Team) "Where's the drive? (Antonio: Right here baby. Right here.) (Alex: We need to push.) Baby? What do you mean f*cking baby? Yea, you're acting like babies. You're COOKING like babies! And you're all standing there like a bunch of idiots!" Can we get our sh*t together? Walk back in there with some dignity and some f*cking passion. Is that clear? (Blue Team: Yes, Chef.) Let's go. (Antonio: Let's go baby, come on.) And if I hear you call one more chef a baby, I'm gonna get you a f*cking diaper. It's not baby, OK? (Antonio: Yes, Chef.)"
  • (To Blue Team during elimination) "How about this, Alex? Keeping f*cking control of your chicken? (Alex: Yes, Chef) Unbelievable. So now we got to the bottom of chicken gate. You opened them up, pulled them out, didn't even think of checking them, and handed them to Alex. (Sam: Yes, Chef.) Oh my lord. Now that is teamwork. NOT. Trenton, back in line. Antonio, f*ck off back in line. Sam, don't commit to something you're not in control and you're not prepared to follow through with. (Sam: Yes, Chef.) Back in line!
  • (To Trenton about his egg sticking in a cast iron pan) "It's called a non-stick because it doesn't stick, you f*cking muppet!"
  • (To Trenton during Emoji Jacket Challenge) "Tell me what's in there (Tartar Sauce for Fish and Chips) (Trenton: I got some lemon, and I threw a little bit of mayonnaise and parsley to make it pop.) You are trying to make my recipes pop? Are you saying they're dull? (Trenton: No, Chef.) Turn around please. (Kiya turns around) (Trenton: It's not on there, chef.) Yea, read it out, No. (Trenton: It's not- it's not on there, chef.) No, come on. There MUST be a little mayonnaise sign somewhere. (Trenton: No, no, no, Chef.) Well, let me tell you, big boy. One day when you've got 14 Michelin Stars, 37 Restaurants, 2,742 Staff, then you can put f*cking mayonnaise in your tartar sauce. Understood? (Trenton: Yes, Chef.) Thank you, it's there for a reason.
    • (To Trenton during Emoji Jacket Challenge) "Now, the batter. How did you make the batter. (Trenton: Flour, the baking soda, and just a little bit of cornstarch in there also.) Cornstarch? (Trenton: That's just what I'm used to doing chef.) Turn around, sorry. (Kiya turns around) (Trenton: It's not on there, it's not on there, Chef.) Oh dear oh dear. So we got mayonnaise and cornstarch, let's forget that."
  • (To the red team about raw lamb) "Red Team, come here. So let me just understand this. Who seared the lamb? (Sam: I did, Chef.) Who seasoned the lamb? (Payton: I seasoned it Chef.) You did what? (Keanu: I had it in the oven, Chef.) What did you do? You timed it? (Brynn: I timed it Chef.) What did you do? (Josie: I pulled it.) So one, two, three, four, FIVE of you cooking lamb, and look. (Shows raw lamb) Are you f*cking serious? That is a team effort screw-up at the HIGHEST order! Come up with three nominees because I'm cutting the fat, quickly. All of you, GET OUT! GET OUT!"
  • (Eliminating Kevin mid-service) "Every table you've touched, yeah, you've screwed. Apron off, jacket off, and f*ck off out of here! You're done! Get out! GET OUT! (To the blue team) Who wants to join him? Because this is going backwards. And I'm f*cking patient, but this is a f*cking joke. (To Kevin again) Get out! (to the blue team) Now, can we get it together or not? Otherwise, you're out!"
  • (To Josie) "Hey. Madam, madam. You have to stop being nice, we're running a kitchen, not a kindergarten, OK? Can you show some responsibility? Let's go!"
  • (To Sam during elimination) "Sam. (Sam: Yes, Chef.) Tough night. Are you the weakest cook in the red team? (Sam: No, Chef.) Who is? (Sam hesitates) Young man, you may sweat your nuts off asking one question. If that difficult, f*cking god help you if you ever run a steak house with 52 chefs in the kitchen. God help you. In the red team, who is the weakest cook? (Sam: Chef I, it's hard to say between my-) No, I need one answer. One straight f*cking answer is all required. That is it. Who is the weakest chef in the red team? (Sam: Chef tonight was, ah, the chicken tonight, tripped me up.) Oh my god. f*ck it, I'll move on."
    • (To Antonio during same elimination) "Antonio. Who is the weakest cook in the red team? (Antonio (almost immediately): Sam.) Sam? (Antonio: Yes, Chef.) Thank you."
  • (After Faking out a Winner Announcement during Finale) "I love those freaking doors!"

Season 21[]

  • (To Zeus) "Great White Shark has eaten half his f*cking brain!"
  • (To Red Team) "On order, 4 covers Table 4. So... (Alyssa and Ileana continue arguing) Hey! (The rest of the team shushes them) Am I supposed to shout over you? (Ileana: No, Chef.) You gotta listen! (Ileana: Yes, Chef.)
  • (To Red Team) "What has happened to the f*cking red team? You switched off, and I'm expecting you to step up, big boy. (Alejandro: Heard, Chef.) Vlad, you are just sitting there, silence. You're (Sommer) pathetic. And you're (Ileana) pathetic. Cause nobody's actually leading. If you got a risotto and you are 2 minutes away, what is the one thing you're screaming for? (Vlad: Lobster, Chef.) Have a f*cking meeting, sort it out, or f*ck off will you (Red Team: Yes, Chef.) Get out the f*cking way."
  • (To Blue Team) "Halibut please, Vlad. Vlad? No answer, he just turns away. I find that the height of bad manners. That's f*cking RUDE! Do you understand? When you f*cking stand there and just blank me - what the f*ck? It's strange, strange behavior."
  • (To Blue Team) "Are the lamb rested? (Brett: No, Chef.) Hey, come here. Come here. (Brett: Yes, Chef.) If I was running the meat, I'd tell you to shut the f*ck up. (Brett: Yes, Chef.) Why are you telling me about his lamb? (Brett: I don't know, Chef.) So can I talk to the f*cking chef that's in charge of the lamb? (Brett: I'll shut up chef.) How long for the lamb? (Alex: Four minutes, Chef.)"
  • (Right before elimination in Service 5) "Question. Was that a wedding or was that a funeral tonight?"
  • (To Blue Team) "I get hot hot, and just touch them (garnish), just touch them. They are what? (Blue Team: Cold.) Come on, young man! It's not good enough! (Abe: Yes, Chef.) You can't shout hot hot when it's f*cking ICE ICE!"
  • (To Black Jackets) "Hey. Come here. All of you. The diners can see that you are wearing black jackets. I've got more color underneath my salmon than I have on top. And just touch that now, just touch that. And we're waiting for your garnish here. (Dafne: Yes chef.) Your garnish set them (Alex and Cheyenne) back. Then we come on to the New York Strip. I got one medium-well and one rare. You, you, you, you, you, f*ck off out of here! Get OUT! Fab Five my ASS!"
    • (When they left the kitchen) "HEY! Across my entire culinary career, I've never said that to Black Jackets! Come back to me with 2 nominees. (All: Yes Chef.) Hey! The good news is, YOU'RE SPOILED FOR CHOICE!"

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Gordon Ramsay/Quotes (2024)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.