How to Garden with Grow Bags (2024)

Introducing Grow Bags

How to Garden with Grow Bags (1)

Grow bags are usually made of recycled plastic, but some are made from natural fibers. Unlike plastic and clay nursery pots, many grow bags have handles, making the lightweight bags easy to move around. An advantage for grow bags is the breathability of the fabric. This allows more oxygen to plants’ roots, and boosts growth and yields.

Water drains differently in a grow bag versus a traditional nursery pot. The porous fabric allows water to drain out the sides as well as the bottom. This makes it pretty much impossible to overwater plants and alleviates root rot problems.

Gardeners are familiar with plants that are pot-bound, sometimes called root-bound. The roots run out of room to grow and will grow in a circular pattern. This doesn’t happen in a grow bag. Instead of circling, the roots branch out.

How to Choose the Right Grow Bag

How to Garden with Grow Bags (2)

Grow bags come in a variety of sizes, from one gallon bags appropriate for houseplants, to 100+ gallon types that make excellent raised garden beds. Some have handles that make them portable. This is especially useful when you have a lot of smaller plants that you may be moving in and out of a greenhouse.

When choosing grow bags, keep in mind the fabric. Most are made of recycled plastic, like beverage bottles. Some are made with natural fibers, and some use a mix of both. Each fabric has its own benefits.

You can expect grow bags to last for several seasons, but just like nursery pots that are exposed to weather, they do not last forever. They are a sustainable choice though, because they use recycled products that would otherwise clog up landfills and waterways.

Raised Bed Gardening with Grow Bags

How to Garden with Grow Bags (3)

Grow bags are an inexpensive option for a raised garden bed. For less than $50, you can get a 400-gallon grow bag that you can plant with vegetables, flowers and herbs for a summer garden. At the end of the season, pull and compost the plants. You can dump the soil in a garden bed, wash the bags, fold and store for the next year.

Grow bags can be used in existing raised garden beds, too. Just put them directly on the soil, fill and plant them as usual.

To create a raised garden bed out of grow bags, you can place them on the ground. First, put down a cardboard base, open up the grow bag, fill with soil and plant with vegetables, herbs and flowers. A layer of mulch between the bags keeps down weeds for a tidy look.

Tips for Success with Grow Bag Gardening

How to Garden with Grow Bags (4)
  • Plants in grow bags need frequent watering, especially in summer. Drip irrigation makes this simpler.
  • Grow bags make vertical gardening easier by keeping the soil and moisture close to the plant.
  • Grow bags can be used indoors like clay and ceramic pots. Be sure to put a saucer under the bag, just like if it’s on a deck or patio.
  • Grow bags can be cleaned. For best results, manufacturers recommend you hand wash with a gentle detergent and allow to air dry.
  • Grow bags make great gift bags, too. Fill small bags (1- to 5-gallon) with garden tools, seedlings, seed packets and a Home Depot gift card for a gardener’s gift.

Grow bags help you grow plants in the space where you want to grow. These innovative planters can be used for vegetables, flowers, shrubs, even trees.

When you need the right planters, seeds or potting soil, The Home Depot delivers online orders when and where you need them.

How to Garden with Grow Bags (2024)


How do you garden with garden bags? ›

Just put them directly on the soil, fill and plant them as usual. To create a raised garden bed out of grow bags, you can place them on the ground. First, put down a cardboard base, open up the grow bag, fill with soil and plant with vegetables, herbs and flowers.

What vegetables do well in grow bags? ›

Planting In Bags

Plant it with pepper, lettuce, eggplant, squash, or cucumber transplants rather than using seeds. Fabric grow pots are great if you don't have room to store pots over the winter. They're great for growing potatoes. Fill with compost and potting mix, 3 plants to a grow bag.

What are the disadvantages of grow bags? ›

The cons of fabric grow bags

Because there is so much exposure to the air, the soil can dry out much faster than it does in a terra cotta, wood, or stone container. This means your plants will use more water, which means you'll need to water them more often.

Do plants grow well in grow bags? ›

Grow bags can be a great choice to grow plants like lettuce, potatoes, eggplants, flowers, and leafy greens.

Do you use garden soil or potting soil for grow bags? ›

Grow bags require well-draining soil that retains just enough moisture so the root mass will not dry out between waterings. Bagged products labeled as potting soil or container mix are ideal. Many potting soils contain peat moss but more and more mixes are now using coir (coconut fiber) instead.

Are grow bags good for tomatoes? ›

Tomato grow bags make the perfect, easy growing medium for greenhouse tomatoes and outdoor tomatoes. You can either plant the tomatoes directly into the growing bag, or you can try using a growing ring to increase the amount of compost the roots sit in.

Can I grow tomatoes in a 5 gallon grow bag? ›

For determinate tomato plants, a 5-gallon grow bag can be sufficient, while indeterminate tomato plants may require a larger 10-gallon grow bag or larger.

How many years do grow bags last? ›

Mobility and Durability

You can start a plant in a smaller grow bag and move it to a larger grow bag as the plant reaches maturity. Grow bags are predicted to last 7 to 8 seasons, but with good care, they can last for much longer. Grow bags' fabric is pressed together, not woven, which increases their durability.

Are grow bags good for cucumbers? ›

Growing bags are ideal for plants that don't have deep roots, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, chilli peppers, aubergines and courgettes. Plant two to three plants in each bag during spring.

Are grow bags worth the money? ›

If your soil isn't quite up to par, using a grow bag can fix that. Much like a raised bed or container, you can grow plants in a looser, healthier soil. Ease of use. The ease of which grow bags are assembled make them a viable and cost-effective option for many people.

Can you overwater in grow bags? ›

You can't overwater them: Grow bags will release any extra water through holes in the material. This avoids mold and fungus that can happen when overwatering a plant in a plastic container. Since they're impossible to overwater, you've already got a leg up on a common gardening issue.

How many times can you reuse grow bags? ›

How Many Times Can You Reuse Fabric Grow Bags? You can reuse fabric grow bags over and over again. They can last up to 10 years or more, depending on the quality of the material used to make them, and how well you take care of them.

How often do you water plants in a grow bag? ›

Plants in grow bag gardens need more frequent watering.

Because grow bags are so well aerated, they dry out quickly once the plants they contain have grown large enough to fill them. So you'll probably need to water the bags at least once a day during the heat of summer.

Do peppers do well in grow bags? ›

A single pepper plant will grow best in a 5- to 7-gallon (18 L-25L) pot, grow bag, or container A small pepper plant can be grown in a pot 8 inches deep, about a 2-gallon size. Give a pepper plant at least 12 inches (30cm) of space around. Set pepper plants in larger containers at least 18 inches apart.

What color grow bag is best? ›

Dark colored grow bags can absorb more heat from the sun, which can be beneficial for plants that prefer warmer temperatures. On the other hand, lighter colored grow bags can reflect heat and light, which can help to keep the soil and plants inside cooler.

Can I plant directly into bagged garden soil? ›

This no-dig planting method is the fastest way to a vegetable garden – a soil bag can be planted in under 60 seconds (I clocked it). Planting directly into a bag of topsoil is also easy and convenient. At first glance, this may look like a less-than-organic approach, what with the plastic and all.

Do you put holes in grow bags? ›

Pierce the base of bag for drainage and cut out the pre-marked planting squares or, if you are planting rows of salads, cut out a long rectangle. Scoop out compost from each square leaving a hole big enough for the root ball of your plant. Put a plant in each hole and refill around it with compost.

How often should I water tomatoes in grow bags? ›

Make sure you water your tomatoes enough and regularly. Grow bags will dry out faster than plants directly in the ground. Depending on how hot it is, you may need to water every day during the summer.

What can you put in garden waste bags? ›

Garden waste
  • grass, hedge and shrub cuttings.
  • leaves and weeds.
  • plants and flowers.
  • straw, hay and sawdust.
  • tree bark and small branches.
  • waste from pets that only eat plants; for example, animals like rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters.


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