Kansas Register · 2020. 10. 20. · Kansas Register Vol. 39, No. 43 October 22, 2020 Pages 1319-1346 Kansas Register - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • Kansas RegisterVol. 39, No. 43 Pages 1319-1346October 22,2020

    Kansas Register

  • Kansas Register

    Vol. 39, No. 43, October 22, 2020© Kansas Secretary of State2020


    In this issue … Page

    Register Office:1st Floor, Memorial Hall

    785-368-8095Fax 785-296-8577


    Published byScott Schwab

    Secretary of State1st Floor, Memorial Hall

    120 SW 10th Ave.Topeka, KS 66612-1594


    The Kansas Register (USPS 0662-190) is an official publicationof the state of Kansas, published by au-thority of K.S.A. 75-430.The Kansas Register is published weekly and a cumulative index ispublished an-nually by the Kansas Secretary of State. One-yearsubscriptions are $80 (Kansas residents must include applicablestate and local sales tax). Single copies, if available, may bepurchased for $2. Periodicals post-age paid at Topeka, Kansas.

    POSTMASTER: Send change of ad-dress form to Kansas Register,Sec-retary of State, 1st Floor, Memorial Hall, 120 SW 10th Ave.,Topeka, KS 66612-1594.

    © Kansas Secretary of State 2020. Reproduction of thepublication in its entirety or for commercial pur-poses isprohibited without prior permission. Official enactments of theKansas Legislature and pro-posed and adopted administrativeregulations of state agencies may be reproduced in any form withoutpermission.

    Hard copy subscription information and current and back issuesof the Kansas Register (PDF Format) can be found at the followinglink:http://www.sos.ks.gov/publications/pubs_kansas_register.asp.

    Table of Contents

    Legislative BranchLegislative Administrative Services

    Interim committee schedule................................................................................................1321

    RatesPooled Money Investment Board

    Notice of investment rates...................................................................................................1321

    NoticesWichita State University

    Notice of intent to lease land and/or building space.......................................................1321Board ofRegents Universities

    Notice to bidders...................................................................................................................1322KansasDepartment of Administration – Office of Procurement andContracts

    Notice to bidders for state purchases.................................................................................1322NorthCentral Regional Planning Commission

    Notice to bidders for thermal imagers...............................................................................1323Noticeto bidders for search and rescue trailer.................................................................1323

    Kansas Department of Revenue – Division of VehiclesNotice ofintent to establish a new line-make for an existing new motorvehicle dealer......................................................................................................................1323

    Kansas Department of Revenue – Division of PropertyValuationAppraisal Directive No. 20-051, uniform standards ofprofessional appraisal practice...............................................................................................................1323

    Kansas Department of Agriculture – Division ofConservationNotice to contractors for Pawnee Watershed JointDistrict No. 81 spillway replacement project............................................................................................................1325

    Kansas Department of Health and EnvironmentNotice concerningproposed air quality class I operating permit renewal..................1325 Notice concerning water pollution controlpermits and applications ..........................1326

    Kansas Department of TransportationNotice to contractors.............................................................................................................1327Noticeto consulting firms for design services..................................................................1328Noticeto consulting firms for rehabilitation and shoulder wideningprojects ...........1329Request for comments on STIP amendment.....................................................................1331

    Kansas Water AuthorityNotice of meeting..................................................................................................................1332

    Executive BranchOffice of the Governor

    Executive Directive No. 20-525, authorizing personneltransactions ............................1332Executive DirectiveNo. 20-526, authorizing expenditure of federal funds.................1332

    BondsKansas Development Finance Authority

    Notice of hearing on proposed agricultural development revenuebonds ..................1332

    RegulationsKansas Lottery

    Temporary administrative regulations..............................................................................1333

    Index to administrative regulations...........................................................................1341

    Cover Artwork: Bill Snyder Family Stadium, ManhattanPhoto byTodd Caywood


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    Vol. 39, No. 43, October 22, 2020 © Kansas Secretary of State2020

    Legislative Branch/Rates/Notices

    State of KansasLegislative Administrative Services

    Interim Committee ScheduleThe Legislative Research Departmentgives notice that the following legislative committees plan to meeton the dates

    listed below based on current information and subject to change.Requests for accommodation to participate in commit-tee meetingsshould be made at least two working days in advance of the meetingby contacting Legislative Administra-tive Services at 785-296-2391or TTY 711, or email [emailprotected].

    Date Room Time Committee AgendaOct. 19 548-S 9:30 a.m. SenateConfirmation

    OversightConsideration of appointments.

    Oct. 20 Remote Mtg 12:00 p.m. Race and the Criminal JusticeSystem Subcommittee of the Kansas Criminal Justice ReformCommission

    Discussion of draft report; Possible discussion of Topeka’sCo-Responder Program.

    Oct. 20 112-N 9:00 a.m. Special Committee on Foster CareOversight

    Law enforcement perspective on the foster care/child in need ofcare (CINC) system; Judicial perspective on entry into the fostercare/CINC system and improved outcomes for children; Impact ofsubstance use in foster care; Child welfare/CINC-related continuingeducation for judges; Toxicology testing in CINC cases; Licensureof foster parents; A day in the life of a foster parent; A day inthe life of a practice model; Acceleration of adoption process andimproving outcomes; Title IV-E funding; Department for Children andFamilies response to September Committee requests; Approval ofSeptember 22-23 minutes.

    Oct. 21 112-N 9:00 a.m. Special Committee on Foster CareOversight

    Overview of 2020 HB 2744; It Takes A Village program; Youth withhigh needs; Prevention strategies to divert children from fostercare; Kin support; Education and foster care; Closing comments fromDepartment for Children and Families; Discussion andrecommendations for Committee’s report to the 2021 Legislature.

    Oct. 30 112-N 9:00 a.m. Special Committee on Kansas MentalHealth Modernization and Reform


    Tom Day, DirectorLegislative Administrative Services

    Doc. No. 048555

    State of KansasPooled Money Investment Board

    Notice of Investment RatesThe following rates are published inaccordance with

    K.S.A. 75-4210. These rates and their uses are defined in K.S.A.12-1675(b)(c)(d) and K.S.A. 12-1675a(g).

    Effective 10-19-20 through 10-25-20 Term Rate 1-89 days 0.09% 3months 0.11% 6 months 0.11% 12 months 0.13% 18 months 0.13% 2 years0.14%

    Scott MillerDirector of Investments

    Doc. No. 048544

    State of KansasWichita State University

    Notice of Intent to Lease Land and/or Building SpaceBeginningPublication Date: Vol. 39, No. 43, October 22, 2020EndingPublication Date: Vol. 40, No. 4, January 28, 2021

    Public notice is hereby given that Wichita State Univer-sityintends to lease available land and building space lo-cated onWSU’s main campus, WSU’s Innovation Campus and on property owned byWSU adjacent to the main cam-pus on 17th and Hillside streets. Theuniversity will con-sider leasing such property and/or space tothose whose presence on campus would advance the university’sap-plied learning vision or its mission as an educational,cul-tural, and economic driver for Kansas and the greater pub-licgood, or otherwise provide supporting services and amenities to thecampus community. Such projects could


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    Vol. 39, No. 43, October 22, 2020© Kansas Secretary of State2020


    include, but not be limited to: (1) development of apart-nership building to provide office and/or laboratory space tosupport education and research, advance innovation, fostermicroenterprises, and/or lease to industry partner-ships in anymarket that aligns with University programs; (2) child carefacilities; (3) adult living and retirement fa-cilities; (4)restaurants; (5) retail, grocery, or pharmacy establishments; (6)financial institutions; (7) event and/or performance center; and(8) parking garage. Because tenant development and/or use must be agood fit with the university’s educational mission and availablespace, please be prepared to provide the following information: (1)name; (2) square footage of space needs and desired lease term andlocation; (3) equipment, design, or other special needs; (4)description of anticipated use; and (5) the anticipated benefits tothe university, its students and the WSU community (e.g. appliedlearning, joint research, faculty start-up, etc.). Additionalinformation such as ren-derings, architectural and design plans,project timeline, and subcontractor list is encouraged. Theuniversity will consider serious proposals and inquiries from anyfinan-cially qualified individual, group, organization, orcompa-ny. If interested, please contact Wichita State UniversityProperty Manager Crystal Stegeman at [emailprotected].This publication is being published pursuant to K.S.A. 75-430a(d),to the extent applicable.

    Crystal StegemanUniversity Property Manager

    Office of the Vice President forAdministration and Finance

    Wichita State UniversityDoc. No. 047620

    State of KansasBoard of Regents Universities

    Notice to BiddersThe universities of the Kansas Board of Regentsen-

    courage interested vendors to visit the various universi-ties’purchasing offices’ websites for a listing of all trans-actions,including construction projects, for which the universities’purchasing offices, or one of the consortia commonly utilized bythe universities, are seeking infor-mation, competitive bids, orproposals. The referenced construction projects may include projectdelivery con-struction procurement act projects pursuant to K.S.A.76-7,125 et seq.Emporia State University – Bid postings:https://www.emporia.edu/about-emporia-state-university/business-office/purchasing/. Additional contact info: phone: 620-341-5134,fax: 620-341-6770, email: [emailprotected]. Mailingaddress: Emporia State University Purchasing, Campus Box 4021, 1Kellogg Circle, Empo-ria, KS 66801.Fort Hays State University –Electronic bid postings: http://www.fhsu.edu/purchasing/bids/.Additional con-tact info: phone: 785- 628-4251, fax: 785-628-4046,email: [emailprotected]. Mailing address: Fort Hays StateUniversity Purchasing Office, 601 Park St., Sheridan Hall 318,Hays, KS 67601.

    Kansas State University – Bid postings: https://www.k-state.edu/purchasing/rfq. Due to Covid-19, Kansas StateUniversity will not be accepting paper bids until further notice.Division of Financial Services/Purchasing, 2323 Anderson Ave.,Kansas State University, Manhat-tan, KS 66506. Additional contactinfo: phone: 785-532- 6214, fax: 785-532-5577, email:[emailprotected] State University – Bid postings:https://www.pittstate.edu/office/purchasing/. Additional contactinfo: phone: 620-235-4169, email: [emailprotected]. Mailingaddress: Pittsburg State University, Purchasing Office, 1701 S.Broadway, Pittsburg, KS 66762.University of Kansas – Electronic bidpostings: http://www.procurement.ku.edu/. Due to Covid-19, theUni-versity of Kansas will not be accepting paper bids untilfurther notice. KU Purchasing Services, 1246 W. Cam-pus Road, Room30, Lawrence, KS 66045. Additional contact info: phone:785-864-5800, fax: 785-864-3454, email:[emailprotected] of Kansas Medical Center – Bidpost-ings: http://www.kumc.edu/finance/purchasing/bid-opportunities.html. Additional contact info: phone: 913-588-1117.Mailing address: University of Kansas Medi-cal Center, PurchasingDepartment, Mail Stop 2034, 3901 Rainbow Blvd., Kansas City, KS66160.Wichita State University – Bid postings:http://www.wichita.edu/purchasing. Additional contact info: phone:316-978-3080, fax: 316-978-3528, email:[emailprotected]. Mailing address: Wichita StateUniversity, Office of Purchasing, 1845 Fairmount Ave., Campus Box12, Wichita, KS 67260-0012.

    Debbie RedekerChair of Regents Purchasing Group

    Purchasing DirectorEmporia State University

    Doc. No. 048393

    State of KansasDepartment of Administration

    Office of Procurement and ContractsNotice to Bidders

    Sealed bids for items listed will be received by the Di-rectorof Procurement and Contracts until 2:00 p.m. on the date indicated.For more information, call 785-296-2376:11/03/2020 EVT0007666Generator Replacement – KDOC Oswego11/03/2020 EVT0007668 RelaceHVAC Units at Lansing Administration Building11/05/2020 EVT0007660Various Aggregate11/05/2020 EVT0007661 Various Aggregate11/05/2020EVT0007662 Canvas Tent11/09/2020 EVT0007664 Agricultural Services –Hay – Eisenhower State Park11/16/2020 EVT0007644 SecuritySystem11/16/2020 EVT0007652 Web Gear Leather andAccessories11/16/2020 EVT0007659 Mass Media Safe DrivingCampaign


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    Vol. 39, No. 43, October 22, 2020 © Kansas Secretary of State2020


    11/19/2020 EVT0007669 Various Aggregates11/23/2020 EVT0007563Electronic Monitoring and GPS Services11/23/2020 EVT0007663 SportsMarketing12/01/2020 EVT0007670 Food Supply

    The above referenced bid documents can be down-loaded at thefollowingwebsite:http://admin.ks.gov/offices/procurement-and-contracts/

    bid-solicitationsAdditional files may be located at thefollowing web-

    site (please monitor this website on a regular basis for anychanges/addenda):http://admin.ks.gov/offices/procurement-and-contracts/

    additional-files-for-bid-solicitations11/12/2020 A-014161 FortHays State University; Tomanek Hall EPDM Roof Replacement

    Information regarding prequalification, projects, and biddocuments can be obtained at 785-296-8899 orhttp://admin.ks.gov/offices/ofpm/dcc.

    Richard “Beattie, DirectorOffice of Procurement andContracts

    Doc. No. 048557

    (Published in the Kansas Register October 22, 2020.)

    North Central Regional Planning Commission

    Notice to BiddersRequest for bids for thermal imagers will beaccepted

    by the North Central Regional Planning Commission (NCRPC) until10:00 a.m. (CST) Friday, November 6, 2020, at 109 N. Mill St.,Beloit, KS 67420, at which time they will be publicly opened andread aloud at the same address. Copies of the request for bid andproject speci-fications can be accessed by going tohttp://procurement.ncrpc.org/HS/projects.html or by contacting theNCRPC at 785-738-2218 or [emailprotected]. This action isbeing taken on behalf of the Southwest Kansas Region-al HomelandSecurity Council. Estimated project value exceeds $25,000.

    Lisa PetersHomeland Security Coordinator

    Assistant Executive DirectorDoc. No. 048545

    (Published in the Kansas Register October 22, 2020.)

    North Central Regional Planning Commission

    Notice to BiddersRequest for bid for a search and rescue trailerwill be ac-

    cepted by the North Central Regional Planning Commis-sion(NCRPC) until 10:00 a.m. (CST) Friday, November 6, 2020, at 109 N.Mill St., Beloit, KS 67420, at which time they will be publiclyopened and read aloud at the same address. Copies of the requestfor bid and project speci-fications can be accessed by going tohttp://procurement.

    ncrpc.org/HS/projects.html or by contacting the NCRPC at785-738-2218 or [emailprotected]. This action is beingtaken on behalf of the Southeast Kansas Regional Homeland SecurityCouncil. Estimated project value ex-ceeds $25,000.

    Lisa PetersHomeland Security Coordinator

    Assistant Executive DirectorDoc. No. 048551

    State of KansasDepartment of Revenue

    Division of VehiclesNotice of Intent to Establish a NewLine-Make

    for an Existing New Motor Vehicle DealerNotice has been receivedfrom Reed Hyundai, LLC of

    their intent of selling Genesis line-make franchised vehi-clesfrom the location of 7050 W. Frontage Rd., Merriam, KS 66203.

    Pursuant to K.S.A. 8-2430(a)(5), any existing new motor vehicledealer may protest the proposed addition of the new franchise ofGenesis line-make franchised vehicles if that existing new motorvehicle dealer has a franchise agreement for the same line-makevehicle as that which is to be sold or offer for sale by ReedHyundai, LLC at 7050 W. Frontage Rd., Merriam, KS 66203, andprovided that the existing new motor vehicle dealer is physical-lylocated such that its relevant market area, as defined in K.S.A.8-2430(e) includes the location where the new Genesis line-makefranchised dealership will be located.

    Pursuant to K.S.A. 8-2430(a), any petition or complaint by anydealer with standing to protest must be filed with the Director ofVehicles within thirty (30) days of this no-tice. Such petitions orcomplaints must be directed to the following address:

    Kansas Department of RevenueDirector of VehiclesZibellBuildingPO Box 2505Topeka, KS 66611

    Mark A. BurghartSecretary

    Doc. No. 048546

    State of KansasDepartment of Revenue

    Division of Property ValuationDirective # 20-051

    Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal PracticeThisdirective is adopted pursuant to the provisions of

    K.S.A. 79-505(a) and shall take effect and be in force from andafter the Director’s approval date.

    For the 2021 and 2022 valuation years, the county or districtappraiser shall perform all appraisal functions in conformity withUniform Standards of Professional Ap-praisal Practice (USPAP),2020-2021 Edition, the Apprais-al Standards Board of The AppraisalFoundation, as



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    Vol. 39, No. 43, October 22, 2020© Kansas Secretary of State2020


    required by K.S.A. 79-505(a)(1) and as further definedherein.

    USPAP Standard 5 shall be followed in developing a massappraisal for ad valorem taxation purposes. USPAP Standard 6 shallbe followed in reporting a mass appraisal for ad valorem taxationpurposes. Standards 5 and 6 may also be adhered to in revaluingindividu-al properties that initially have been appraised throughmass appraisal methods and techniques, but whose val-ue estimatesare reexamined and reconsidered as a result of the hearing andappeals processes. Supporting docu-mentation must be developed andreported for all model component overrides and adjustments.

    USPAP Standard 1 shall be followed in developing a “single realproperty appraisal” and USPAP Standard 2 shall be followed inreporting the results of a single real property appraisal. Mostproperties in Kansas can be val-ued though the Orion computerassisted mass apprais-al (CAMA) system; however, some parcels inKansas do not lend themselves to mass appraisal methods andtechniques. If a parcel cannot be credibly appraised with a massappraisal model (see Standards Rule 5), USPAP Standards 1 and 2would apply.

    USPAP Standards 3 and 4 shall be followed in devel-oping andreporting an appraisal review. An appraisal review is the processof developing an opinion about the quality of an appraiser’s workthat was completed as part of an appraisal or appraisal reviewassignment. It is the responsibility of the county and districtappraiser to ana-lyze all relevant property appraisals provided bya prop-erty owner during the appeals process. A comparison ofdescriptive data, including subject property characteris-tics andcomparable property information between the mass appraisal andsingle property appraisal report, and explanation of the findings,does not constitute a Stan-dard 3 review.

    A county or district appraiser will be required to report theassignment results for a single property that was ap-praised aspart of a mass appraisal assignment. USPAP Advisory Opinion 32advises there may be many mass appraisal models used to value auniverse of properties, and while a property record may describethe valua-tion of a specific property, to understand the individualproperty result valued through mass appraisal requires anexamination of all information required in Standards Rule 6-2. Thesecond sentence of the PREAMBLE states: It is essential thatappraisers develop and communicate their analyses, opinions, andconclusions to intended us-ers of their services in a manner thatis meaningful and not misleading. Additionally, the ETHICS RULEstates an appraiser must not communicate assignment results withthe intent to mislead or defraud, and that an ap-praiser must notuse or communicate a report that is known by the appraiser to bemisleading or fraudulent. If a Kansas county or district appraisercommunicates mass appraisal results for a single property, USPAPre-quires the communication to be meaningful and must not bemisleading.

    The workfile for the mass appraisal assignment shall contain theinformation and analyses to support the valuation models developedfor all properties in the ju-risdiction and provide anunderstanding of individual

    property valuation results. Substantial documentation andjustification shall be provided for model adjustments and overridesmade to individual parcels.

    Appraisals developed for ad valorem taxation in Kansas mustcomply with Kansas law, and regulations promul-gated by thedirector of property valuation. Most of these requirements do notpreclude compliance with any part of USPAP, but some place specificrequirements on the scope of work. The director of propertyvaluation has identified the following assignment elements that arenecessary in Kansas to properly identify the ad valorem appraisalproblem and develop credible assignment results:

    • The purpose of ad valorem taxation is to finance the taxingdistricts in Kansas (see K.S.A. 79-1468, K.S.A. 79-1801, K.S.A.79-1803, and K.S.A. 79-1806). County or district appraisers arerequired to develop the ap-praisal estimates that become theassessments used by the taxing districts (see K.S.A. 79-5a27,K.S.A. 12-5250, K.S.A. 12-1775, K.S.A. 79-1409, K.S.A. 79-1411a andK.S.A. 79-1411b). Therefore, county com-missioners serve as theclient and the taxing dis-tricts are the intended users of theappraisal. This scope of work compliance requirement applies toStandards Rule 1-2(a), 2-2(a)(i), 3-2(a), 4-2(a), 5-2(a) or 6-2(a),as applicable. The definition of intended user has a specificmeaning in USPAP. Parties who receive a copy of the appraisal as aconsequence of disclosure requirements do not become intended usersof the report. (USPAP Advisory Opinion 36). Taxpayers and propertyowners are not intended users of the appraisal prepared for advalorem tax-ation in Kansas unless specifically stated as such inthe appraiser’s Scope of Work document.

    • The definition of fair market value for ad valorem appraisalsin Kansas is found in K.S.A 79-503a. This scope of work compliancerequirement applies to Standards Rule, 1-2(c), 2-2(b)(v), 3-2(c),5-2(c) or 6-2(e), as applicable.

    • The effective appraisal date for all property in Kan-sas isJanuary 1, as required by K.S.A. 79-1455. This scope of workcompliance requirement applies to Standards Rule 1-2(d), 2-2(vi),3-2(d)(ii), 4-2(d), 5-2(d), 6-2(d), as applicable.

    • A minimum standardized set of physical propertycharacteristics has been determined relevant and necessary for theeffective and efficient mass apprais-al of real property in Kansas,as required by K.S.A. 79-1477. This scope of work compliancerequirement applies to Standards Rule 5-2(e) and 6-2(i).

    Kansas laws and regulations which prevent compli-ance with apart of USPAP may require the appraiser to invoke The USPAPJURISDICTIONAL EXCEPTION RULE. Only the part of USPAP negated bylaw or reg-ulation becomes void. Law includes constitutions,legis-lative and court-mandated law, and administrative rules andordinances. Regulations include rules or orders having legal force,issued by an administrative agency, such as appraisal directivesissued by the director. In-structions from a client do notestablish a jurisdictional exception. Following are jurisdictionalexceptions for ad

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    Vol. 39, No. 43, October 22, 2020 © Kansas Secretary of State2020


    valorem appraisal assignments which must be disclosed if invokedby the appraiser (USPAP FAQ 106):

    • Land devoted to agricultural use in Kansas shall be appraisedat both market value and use value as re-quired by K.S.A 79-1476.The market value apprais-al of agricultural land shall follow USPAPrules. However, the prescribed methods used to develop use valuesare a statutory requirement. Use value appraisal estimates shall beutilized for ad valorem taxation of agricultural land. Therequirement to value agricultural land by use value for assessmentpurposes is a jurisdictional exception.

    • Kansas statutes require the following subclasses of tangiblepersonal property to be appraised at fair market value:manufactured homes, oil and gas interest, material and equipmentused in operat-ing oil and gas wells, tax roll motor vehicles (witha 24M tag), trailers (non-business use), commercial and industrialmachinery and equipment no longer being used in the production ofincome, and other personal property not elsewhere classified (suchas aircraft, hot air balloons, golf carts, snowmobiles, watercraftand boat trailers). The county or district appraiser may choosefrom one of two options to develop and report the appraisal of suchproperty: ◦ The appraisal methodologies developed and ad-

    opted by the Division of Property Valuation and published inappraisal guides shall be followed by the county appraiser. (seeK.S.A. 79-1412a sixth, K.S.A. 79-1412(b), K.S.A. 79-1456.

    ◦ County or district appraisers may deviate from the guides onan individual property. Single property appraisals shall bedeveloped by fol-lowing USPAP Standard 7 and reported underrequirements of USPAP Standard 8 (see K.S.A. 79-1456(b).

    • The valuation of non-exempt commercial and in-dustrialmachinery and equipment (class 2, sub-class 5) and certain motorvehicles is prescribed by statute (K.S.A. 79-5105a and amendmentsthereto). These valuation methods are based upon a mathe-maticalformula and the director of property valu-ation invokes ajurisdictional exception to USPAP.

    Approved October 15, 2020.David N. Harper, Director

    Division of Property ValuationDoc. No. 048556

    State of KansasDepartment of AgricultureDivisions ofConservation

    Notice to ContractorsSealed bids for the primary spillwayreplacement at

    Floodwater Detention Dam 7-12 in Finney County, will be receivedby Pawnee Watershed Joint District No. 81 until 7:00 p.m. November16, 2020, at PO Box 367, 20476 SE US-283 Hwy., Jetmore, KS 67854,at which time and place bids will be publicly opened and readaloud.

    Description of WorkPrimary Spillway Replacement includesexcavating to

    remove existing primary spillway and installing new a primaryspillway consisting of 60inch diameter precast concrete manhole and30-inch diameter PVC pipe. Esti-mated quantities include 7,500cubic yards of excavation, 7,900 cubic yards of earthfill, 193 feetof 30-inch AWWA C905 PVC pipe, 70 cubic yards of flowable fill andappur-tenant items.

    All work shall be completed in conformance with the projectConstruction Drawings, Construction Specifica-tions and StormwaterPollution Prevention Plan.Work Timing

    The work is to commence within twenty (20) calen-dar days afterthe Notice to Proceed is issued. Notice to Proceed is anticipatedto be issued on January 4, 2021. Completion of the work is desiredwithin 120 days after such notice.

    A copy of the invitation to bid, plans, and specifica-tions canbe reviewed and/or obtained from Pawnee Wa-tershed Joint DistrictNo. 81, PO Box 367, 20476 SE US-283 Hwy., Jetmore, KS 67854, phone620-357-6420.

    A site showing will be conducted by Pawnee Water-shed JointDistrict No. 81 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. No-vember 5, 2020 atthe site.

    All bids must be accompanied by a certified check, ca-shier’scheck, or a bid bond for not less than 5 percent (5%) of the totalbid price (including alternates), made payable to Pawnee WatershedJoint District No. 81.

    Andrew LyonExecutive Director

    Doc. No. 048547

    State of KansasDepartment of Health and Environment

    Notice Concerning Proposed Kansas Air Quality Class I OperatingPermit Renewal

    Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of Health andEnvironment (KDHE) is soliciting comments regarding a proposed airquality operating permit. AGC Flat Glass North America, Inc. –Spring Hill Plant has applied for a Class I operating permitrenewal in accor-dance with the provisions of K.A.R. 28-19-510 etal. The purpose of a Class I permit is to identify the sources andtypes of regulated air pollutants emitted from the facili-ty; theemission limitations, standards, and requirements applicable toeach source; and the monitoring, record keeping, and reportingrequirements applicable to each source as of the effective date ofpermit issuance.

    AGC Flat Glass North America, Inc. – Spring Hill Plant, 20400 N.Webster, Spring Hill, KS 66083, owns and operates a glassmanufacturing plant located at 20400 N. Webster, Spring Hill, KS66083.

    A copy of the proposed permit, permit application, allsupporting documentation, and all information relied upon duringthe permit application review process are available for publicreview during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. atthe KDHE, Bureau of Air (BOA), 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka,KS 66612-1366 and


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    at the Johnson County Department of Health and Envi-ronment,11811 S. Sunset, Suite 2700, Olathe, KS 66061. To obtain or reviewthe proposed permit and supporting documentation, contact AllanDdamulira, 785-296-6024, at the central office of the KDHE or MikeBoothe, 913-715-6939, at the Johnson County Department of Healthand Environment. The standard departmental cost will be assessedfor any copies requested. The proposed per-mit, accompanied withsupporting information, is avail-able, free of charge, at the KDHEBOA Public Notice website,http://www.kdheks.gov/bar/publicnotice.html.

    Please direct written comments or questions regarding theproposed permit to Allan Ddamulira, KDHE, BOA, 1000 SW Jackson,Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In order to be considered informulating a final permit de-cision, written comments must bereceived no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, November 23, 2020.

    A person may request a public hearing be held on the proposedpermit. The request for a public hearing shall be in writing andset forth the basis for the request. The written request must besubmitted to Allan Ddamulira, KDHE BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310,Topeka, KS 66612-1366, no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, November23, 2020 in order for the Secretary of Health and Environ-ment toconsider the request.

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a 45-day reviewperiod, which will start concurrently with the public commentperiod, within which to object to the proposed permit. If the EPAhas not objected in writing to the issuance of the permit withinthe 45-day review period, any person may petition the administratorof the EPA to review the permit. The 60-day public petition pe-riodwill directly follow the EPA’s 45-day review period. Interestedparties may contact KDHE to determine if the EPA’s 45-day reviewperiod has been waived.

    Any such petition shall be based only on objections to thepermit that were raised with reasonable specificity during thepublic comment period provided for in this notice, unless thepetitioner demonstrates that it was im-practicable to raise suchobjections within such period, or unless the grounds for suchobjection arose after such period. Contact Keith Johnson, U.S. EPA,Region 7, Air Permitting and Compliance Branch, 11201 Renner Blvd.,Lenexa, KS 66219, 913-551-7960, to determine when the 45-day EPAreview period ends and the 60-day petition period commences.

    Lee A. Norman, M.D.Secretary

    Doc. No. 048550

    State of KansasDepartment of Health and Environment

    Notice Concerning Kansas/Federal Water Pollution Control Permitsand Applications

    In accordance with Kansas Administrative Regula-tions 28-16-57through 63, 28-18-1 through 17, 28-18a-1 through 33, 28-16-150through 154, 28-46-7, and the au-thority vested with the state bythe administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,various draft water pollution control documents (permits, noticesto

    revoke and reissue, notices to terminate) have been pre-paredand/or permit applications have been received for discharges towaters of the United States and the state of Kansas for the classof discharges described below.

    The proposed actions concerning the draft documents are based onstaff review, applying the appropriate stan-dards, regulations, andeffluent limitations of the state of Kansas and the EnvironmentalProtection Agency. The final action will result in a FederalNational Pollut-ant Discharge Elimination System Authorizationand/or a Kansas Water Pollution Control permit being issued,subject to certain conditions, revocation, and reissuance of thedesignated permit or termination of the designated permit.

    Public Notice No. KS-AG-20-221/225Pending Permits for ConfinedFeeding Facilities

    Name and Address of Applicant

    Legal Description Receiving Water

    Oatney Farms, Inc.9516 W. Morgan Ave.Partridge, KS 67566

    SE/4 of Section 34T23S, R07WReno County

    Lower ArkansasRiver Basin

    Kansas Permit No. A-ARRN-B009

    The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit foran existing facility for 300 head (300 animal units) of cattleweighing more than 700 pounds. There will be no change in theoperation or permitted number of animal units from the previouspermit. This facility has an approved Waste Management Plan on filewith KDHE.

    Name and Address of Applicant

    Legal Description Receiving Water

    Steven L. and Jessie M. Macke561 160th Rd.Baileyville, KS66404

    S/2 of Section 23T02S, R11ENemaha County

    Missouri River Basin

    Kansas Permit No. A-MONM-B005

    This is a permit renewal for an existing facility for 999 head(999 animal units) of beef cattle weighing greater than 700 pounds.Waste control facilities consist of two sediment basins, aretention control facility and a vegetative buffer.

    Name and Address of Applicant

    Legal Description Receiving Water

    Simon Beachy6052 Udall Rd.Chetopa, KS 67336

    SE/4 of Section 13T34S, R20ELabette County

    Neosho River Basin

    Kansas Permit No. A-NELB-M015

    This is a renewal permit for an existing facility for 30 (42animal units) of mature dairy cows, 5 head (2.5 animal units) ofcattle less than 700 pounds; for a total of 44.5 animal units ofcattle. An earthen wastewa-ter retention structure captures andcontrols process wastewater from the milk parlor. There is nochange in the permitted animal units form the previous permit. Thefacility is currently unpopulated.

    Name and Address of Applicant

    Legal Description Receiving Water

    Wauneta Van Der Veen404 1st St.Prairie View, KS 67664

    SE/4 of Section 11T02S, R20WPhillips County

    Upper RepublicanRiver Basin

    Kansas Permit No. A-URPL-B007

    This is a renewal permit for an existing confined animal feedingfacility with a maximum capacity of 75 head (75 animal units) ofbeef cat-tle weighing more than 700 pounds. There will be no changein the permitted number of animal units from the previous permit.This facility has an approved Waste Management Plan on file withKDHE.


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    Name and Address of Applicant

    Legal Description Receiving Water

    Erbe Hog FarmMike Erbe7565 Udall Rd.Altoona, KS 66710

    NW/4 of Section 31T29S, R17EWilson County

    Verdigris River Basin

    Kansas Permit No. A-VEWL-S003

    The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit foran existing facility for 800 head (320 animal units) of swineweighing greater than 55 pounds and 300 head (30 animal units) ofswine weighing 55 pounds or less, for a total of 1,100 head (350animal units) of swine. There will be no change in the operation orpermitted number of animal units from the previous permit. Thisfacility has an approved Waste Management Plan on file withKDHE.

    Public Notice No. KS-Q-20-177The requirements of the draftpermit public noticed

    below are pursuant to the Kansas Surface Water Quali-tyStandards, K.A.R. 28-16-28(b-g), and Federal Surface WaterCriteria.Name and Address of Applicant

    Receiving Stream Type of Discharge

    Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism3400 HatcheryDr.Junction City, KS 66441

    Republican River Process Wastewater

    Kansas Permit No. I-LR15-PO02Federal Permit No. KS0083275

    Legal Description: NW¼, S21, T11S, R5E, Geary County, Kansas

    Facility Name: Milford Fish Hatchery

    The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permitfor an existing facility. This facility is a State fish hatcherywhere fish are reared for stocking in public and private waters ofthe State of Kansas. Domestic sewage from three residences, avisitor center, the fish hatchery, wastewater from the starterfacilities, and solids flush from the raceways are directed to the3-cell stabilization lagoon. The proposed permit contains limitsfor biochemical oxygen demand, to-tal suspended solids, E. coli,and ammonia, as well as monitoring for flow, pH, total phosphorus,and total recoverable copper.

    Persons wishing to comment on the draft documents and/or permitapplications must submit their comments in writing to the KansasDepartment of Health and En-vironment if they wish to have thecomments consid-ered in the decision-making process. Commentsshould be submitted to the attention of the Livestock WasteManagement Section for agricultural related draft doc-uments orapplications, or to the Technical Services Sec-tion for all otherpermits, at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment,Division of Environment, Bu-reau of Water, 1000 SW Jackson St.,Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612-1367.

    All comments regarding the draft documents or ap-plicationnotices received on or before November 21, 2020, will be consideredin the formulation of the final determinations regarding thispublic notice. Please re-fer to the appropriate Kansas documentnumber (KS-AG-20-221/225, KS-Q-20-177) and name of theapplicant/permittee when preparing comments.

    After review of any comments received during the public noticeperiod, the Secretary of Health and Envi-

    ronment will issue a determination regarding final agen-cyaction on each draft document/application. If response to any draftdocument/application indicates significant public interest, apublic hearing may be held in confor-mance with K.A.R. 28-16-61(28-46-21 for UIC).

    All draft documents/applications and the support-ing informationincluding any comments received are on file and may be inspected atthe offices of the Kan-sas Department of Health and Environment,Bureau of Water, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, Kansas.These documents are available upon request at the copy-ing costassessed by KDHE. Application information and components of plansand specifications for all new and expanding swine facilities areavailable at http://www.kdheks.gov/feedlots. Division ofEnvironment offices are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mondaythrough Fri-day, excluding holidays.

    Lee A. Norman, M.D.Secretary

    Doc. No. 048552

    State of KansasDepartment of Transportation

    Notice to ContractorsElectronic copies of the letting proposalsand plans are

    available on the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)website at https://kdotapp.ksdot.org/Proposal/Proposal.aspx. Thewebsite will allow the contractor to request approval from KDOT tobid as a prime contrac-tor and be included on the “Bid HoldersList,” or to be included on the “Non-Bid Holders List” as asubcon-tractor/supplier. KDOT’s approval is required to bid as aprime contractor. To bid as a prime contractor, KDOT needs to benotified of the intent to bid no later than the close of businesson the Monday preceding the sched-uled letting date. Failure toobtain prior approval to bid as a prime contractor on any projectslisted below will be reason to reject your bid. The Secretaryreserves the right to reject bids that do not comply with allrequire-ments for preparing a bidding proposal as specified in the2015 edition of the Kansas Department of Transpor-tation StandardSpecifications for State Road and Bridge Construction.

    KDOT will only accept electronic internet proposals using theBid Express website at http://www.bidx.com until 1:00 p.m. (CST)November 18, 2020. The KDOT bid letting will be conducted remotelyby audio broad-cast ONLY at 3:00 p.m. (CST) Wednesday, November 18,2020. To join the conference call dial 866-620-7326 and enterconference code 5895748207. KDOT has tested the process, but in theevent of an unforeseen issue, KDOT will provide updates.

    Each bidder shall certify that such person, firm, associ-ation,or corporation has not, either directly or indirect-ly, enteredinto any agreement, participated in any col-lusion, or otherwisetaken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding inconnection with the submitted bid. This certification shall be inthe form of a required contract provision provided by the state toeach prospec-



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    tive bidder. Failure to complete the required contract provisionand certify the completeness of the preceding statement whenelectronically signing the proposal will make the bid nonresponsiveand not eligible for award consideration.

    District One – NortheastAtchison – 59-3 KA-5885-01 – U.S. 59,from the Jeffer-

    son/Atchison county line north 14.4 miles to the west citylimits of Atchison, overlay, 14.4 miles. (Federal Funds)

    Brown – 36-7 KA-6005-01 – Various locations on U.S. 36, pavementmarking, 24.3 miles. (Federal Funds)

    Doniphan – 36-22 KA-6004-01 – Various locations on U.S. 36,pavement marking, 27.9 miles. (Federal Funds)

    Leavenworth – 24-52 KA-5883-01 – U.S. 24, from the K-16/U.S. 24junction east 10.2 miles to the portland ce-ment concrete pavement(PCCP) west of the Wyandotte/Leavenworth county line, milling andoverlay, 10.2 miles. (State Funds)

    Statewide – 32-106 KA-5868-01 – K-32, from the K-32/U.S. 24junction east to the Douglas/Leavenworth county line and from theDouglas/ Leavenworth county line east to the Leavenworth/Wyandottecounty line, surface recy-cle, 17.2 miles. (State Funds)

    Statewide – 159-106 KA-5880-01 – U.S. 159, from the north citylimits of Effingham north to the Atchison/Brown county line andfrom the Brown/Atchison county line north to the south city limitsof Horton, milling and overlay, 13.8 miles. (State Funds)

    District Two – North CentralChase – 50-9 KA-5887-01 – U.S. 50,from the Marion/

    Chase county line northeast 8.8 miles and from the Sim-monsCreek bridge (#65) east to 1,209 feet west of the west U.S.50/K-177 junction, milling and overlay, 10.3 miles. (FederalFunds)

    Clay – 14 C-4987-01 – Various major collector roads and localroads, pavement marking, 170.0 miles. (Federal Funds)

    Dickinson – 15-21 KA-5851-01 – K-15, from the Mar-ion/Dickinsoncounty line north 20.6 miles to the south city limits of Abilene,milling and overlay, 20.6 miles. (Federal Funds)

    Geary – 244-31 KA-6030-01 – K-244, from the K-244/RS270 junctioneast to the K-57/K-244 junction, crack re-pair, 3.9 miles. (StateFunds)

    Mitchell – 24-62 KA-3950-01 – U.S. 24, bridge #012 over BrownCreek located 7.61 miles east of K-128, bridge re-placement.(Federal Funds)

    Mitchell – 24-62 KA-3963-01 – U.S. 24, bridge #014 over MulberryCreek located 11.15 miles east of K-128, bridge replacement.(Federal Funds)

    Statewide – 9-106 KA-5861-01 – K-9, from the east city limits ofConcordia east to the Cloud/Washington county line (excluding theCity of Clyde) and from the Cloud/Washington county line east tothe north city limits of Clifton, surface recycle, 18.7 miles.(State Funds)

    Statewide – 15-106 KA-5865-01 – K-15, from the Dick-inson/Claycounty line north to the south city limits of Clay Center and fromthe east K-15/K-18 junction north to the Dickinson/Clay countyline, milling and overlay, 23.1 miles. (State Funds)

    District Three – NorthwestLogan – 83-55 KA-5884-01 – U.S. 83,from the Scott/

    Logan county line north approximately 29 miles to the east U.S.40/U.S. 83 junction, overlay, 29.1 miles. (Federal Funds)

    District Four – SoutheastAllen – 54-1 KA-3913-01 – U.S. 54,bridge #013 over the

    Union Pacific Railroad located approximately a quarter mile eastof U.S. 59, bridge replacement. (Federal Funds)

    Cherokee – 7-11 KA-6032-01 – Various locations on K-7, pavementmarking, 11.1 miles. (Federal Funds)

    District Five – South CentralHarper – 179-39 KA-6029-01 – K-179,from the Okla-

    homa/Kansas state line north to the south city limits ofAnthony, crack repair, 11.1 miles. (State Funds)

    Reno – 50-78 KA-5829-01 – U.S. 50, from the 2-lane/4-lane divideeast to the Harvey/Reno county line, milling and overlay, 19.8miles. (Federal Funds)

    Sumner – 81-96 KA-4530-03 – U.S. 81, east bank of the NinnescahRiver, adjacent to U.S. 81, located 1.4 mile north of the U.S.81/K-55 junction (just west of the KTA) and the east bank ofNinnescah River adjacent to the in-tersection of East 100th AvenueNorth and U.S. 81, flood damage. (Federal Funds)

    District Six – SouthwestFinney – 28 C-4971-01 – All paved majorand minor

    collector roads and local roads, pavement marking, 200.0 miles.(Federal Funds)

    Finney – 156-28 KA-5852-01 – K-156, from the east city limits ofGarden City, northeast approximately 22 miles to the westK-156/K-23 junction, milling and overlay, 21.5 miles. (FederalFunds)

    Finney – 50-28 KA-5886-01 – U.S. 50, from the U.S. 50 and TownsRoad intersection near Garden City, east 9.8 miles to theFinney/Gray county line, milling and over-lay, 9.8 miles. (FederalFunds)

    Scott – 86 TE-0485-01 – Kansas and Oklahoma Railroad corridorfrom Alice Avenue to 6th Street in Scott City, pe-destrian andbicycle paths, 0.6 mile. (Federal Funds)

    Stanton – 160-94 KA-5840-01 – U.S. 160, from theCol-orado/Kansas state line east to the south K-27/U.S. 160junction, milling and overlay, 16.8 miles. (State Funds)

    Julie LorenzSecretary

    Doc. No. 048548

    State of KansasDepartment of Transportation

    Notice to Consulting FirmsThe Kansas Department ofTransportation (KDOT) is

    seeking qualified consulting engineering firm(s) for the projectlisted below. Interested consulting firms must: (a) be prequalifiedby KDOT or (b) otherwise demonstrate qualification in the followingcategories: Category 212 Highway Design – Minor Facility andCategory 222 Stan-dard Span Bridge Design. Consultants may create ateam

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    to meet the prequalification requirements. A PDF must be emailedto David Lutgen, P.E., Contracts Engineer at[emailprotected]. Responses are to be limited to eightpages. The subject line of the reply email and the file name mustread “KA-6020-01 RFP – Firm Name.” Re-quest for Proposals (RFPs)must be received by 12:00 p.m. October 30, 2020 for the consultingfirm to be considered.

    If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT a re-sponse maystill be submitted. Firms not prequalified must also providedocumentation that demonstrates the firm is qualified for eachspecified category listed in this notice for the project. Firms mayuse the KDOT prequali-fication form to provide this documentation.KDOT 1050 Prequalification category definitions (Blue Book) can befound at http://www.ksdot.org/descons.asp. All firms doing businesswith KDOT must be registered and in good standing under the laws ofthe State of Kansas at the time of contracting and must comply withapplicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.Scope ofServices to be Performed

    Project – Reconstruct and add shoulders along US-281 in OsborneCounty from the north junction of US-24/US-281 to the south citylimits of Portis (State Street), includ-ing replacement of Bridge(036) (North Fork Solomon River).

    Phase I – Prepare Plans to Materials: Including kick-off andcoordination meetings with KDOT, field review, and engineer’sestimate. Anticipated completion by Summer 2021.

    Phase II – Prepare Plans to Field Check. Anticipated completionby Winter 2022.

    Phase III – Prepare Final Plans: Incorporate KDOT de-signcomments, finalize plans sheets and cost estimates. Anticipatedcompletion by Winter 2023.

    Anticipated Letting – Spring 2024Anticipated Schedule forSubsequent Events

    RFPs are due by 12:00 p.m. (CST) October 30, 2020. Evaluationand ranking of technical proposals to occur on or about November 4,2020 after which time all firms that submitted will be notified oftheir ranking. Nego-tiations with the most highly ranked firm tocommence on or about November 18, 2020. Agreement in place and ineffect December 8, 2020. RFPs are to be delivered via email to[emailprotected] for Proposal

    1. No costs shall be contained in the RFP.2. The RFP must notexceed eight (8) pages total to ad-

    dress the pertinent topics.3. Please use the following namingconvention for

    submittal… KA-6020-01 RFP – Firm Name.4. RFPs submitted shallconsist of the proposal and

    a. a completed and signed Special Attachment No. 7 (“Certificateof Final Indirect Costs”), and

    b. a completed and signed Special Attachment No. 8 (“TaxClearance Certificate”), and

    c. a completed and signed Special Attachment No. 10 (“PolicyRegarding Sexual Harassment”)

    5. Subconsultants will need to complete these attach-ments aswell.

    6. All these forms are attached to the original emailannouncement.

    7. RFPs shall describe any processes or procedures, in-cludingbest practices, that will be used to perform tasks and to producedeliverables described above under “Scope of Services to bePerformed.”

    8. Also, include items such as:a. Project manager/engineer inchargeb. History of projects with similar tasksc. Availability ofstaff to meet schedule without

    overtimed. Familiarity with KDOT standards and contente. Anysubconsultant and their role (if any) that

    will be performing services on the project.EvaluationFactors

    RFPs will be evaluated based on the factors listed be-low,evenly weighted, to rank the most qualified firm in order ofpreference as first, second, third, etc.

    1. the quality and completeness of the response2. qualificationsand experience of consultant design

    personnel/manager proposed for services3. proposed projectapproach4. availability to respond to the work5. past performancehistory for similar projects/ser-

    vices for KDOT.The highest ranked firm will be asked to enterinto

    negotiations with KDOT for an agreement. In the event KDOTcannot reach agreement with the ranked firm, it will terminatenegotiations with such firm and com-mence negotiations with thenext highest ranked firm, and so on, until either an agreement isreached for a sat-isfactory scope of services for a fair andreasonable price, or KDOT decides to pursue other alternatives.Exhibits to this RFP

    • Special Attachment No. 7 (“Certificate of Final Indi-rectCosts”)

    • Special Attachment No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”)•Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sex-

    ual Harassment”)Contract Terms and Conditions

    A standard KDOT agreement for engineering and technical serviceswill be used for this project. Special at-tachments for the Kansas“Tax Clearance Certificate,” the “Certification of Final IndirectCosts,” and the Special At-tachment No. 10 (“Policy RegardingSexual Harassment”) will also eventually become attachments to thecontract.

    Questions shall be sent by email to KDOT at[emailprotected].

    Calvin E. Reed, P.E., DirectorDivision of Engineering andDesign

    Doc. No. 048536

    State of KansasDepartment of Transportation

    Notice to Consulting FirmsThe Kansas Department ofTransportation (KDOT) is

    seeking a consulting firm for each of the project groups listedbelow. Interested consulting firms must: be pre-



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    qualified by KDOT or otherwise demonstrate qualifica-tion incategory 212 Highway Design – Minor Facility. A PDF (2Mb maximumsize) of the response must be emailed to[emailprotected]. Proposal re-sponses are limited totwelve pages; the subject line of the reply email and the PDF filename must read “Shoul-der Widening_FIRM NAME.” The proposal isrequired and must be received by 12:00 p.m. October 30, 2020 forthe consulting firm to be considered.

    If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT, a proposal maystill be submitted. Firms not prequalified must also providedocumentation that demonstrates the firm is qualified for eachspecified category listed in this notice for the project. Firms mayuse the KDOT prequalification form to provide this documentation.KDOT 1050 Prequalification category definitions (Blue Book) can befound at http://www.ksdot.org/descons.asp. All firms doing businesswith KDOT must be regis-tered and in good standing under the lawsof the State of Kansas at the time of contracting and must complywith applicable state and federal laws, rules andregu-lations.Background and Scope of Projects

    The rehabilitation and shoulder widening projects have beenidentified in the Eisenhower Legacy Trans-portation ProgramExpansion Pipeline. These projects are scheduled for letting in FY2023 (July 2022 – June 2023). KDOT intends to select the mosthighly qualified firms to perform professional services associatedwith the design of these expansion projects. The projects arepackaged into groups, each group includes one or two projectsanticipated to be bundled for letting. Project groups and KDOTproject numbers are included in Ta-ble 1. Firms can submit on anyand all groups and may express preference(s) for up to two groups;however, there is no guarantee that a firm will be selected for anygroup or any expressed preference(s). Available as-built plans foreach project can be obtained by contacting Da-vid Lutgen, P.E. at[emailprotected] and for questions.

    Table 1: Rehabilitation and Shoulder Widening Bundles

    Group/ Project Numbers

    Route and Scope Length Project Termini

    Group A

    7-19 KA-5803-01 K-7 Crawford CountyWiden and Add Shoulders

    10.97 mi North City Limits of Girard to the Crawford/BourbonCounty Line

    7-6 KA-5804-01 K-7 Bourbon CountyWiden and Add Shoulders

    11.14 mi Crawford/Bourbon County Line to 0.4 miles southeast ofUS-69

    Group B

    160-96 KA-5805-01 US-160 Sumner CountyRehabilitate and AddShoulders

    8.96 mi East I-35 to the West City Limits of Oxford

    Group C

    42-96 KA-5806-01 K-42 Sumner CountyRehabilitate and AddShoulders

    6.40 mi 0.2 miles east of the K-2/K-42 Junction to theSumner/Sedgewick County Line

    42-87 KA-5807-01 K-42 Sedgewick County Rehabilitate and AddShoulders

    9.07 mi Sumner/Sedgewick County Line northeast to south of W71st St at Clonmel. MP 3.7 to MP 5.3 is exempted from theproject.

    Group D

    156-42 KA-5802-01 K-156 Hodgeman County Rehabilitate and AddShoulders

    15.05 mi West of Jetmore east to 228 Road

    KDOT is seeking consultant services to prepare con-structiondrawings for pavement rehabilitation and wid-ening for the additionof shoulders for the projects listed above. The scope of theservices will vary for each project and may include culvertextensions, traffic engineering, hydrology/hydraulics, designerconstruction services, and permitting assistance for some projects.Safety analy-sis may be required to validate the shoulder widthbased on traffic and crash histories for each location. Survey willbe completed for all projects by December 31, 2020. Geotech will beprovided by KDOT early in the project development.

    The project scopes include:• Visit the project site location.•Perform preliminary road and bridge design for

    plans to field check, to include determining the size, type, andlocation of any bridges located within the project limits.

    • Develop final plans.• Provide electronic plan files compliantwith KDOT

    Graphic Standards Manual, including CAD confor-mance checks andControlCAD indexed DGN files with ProjectWise attributes.

    • Provide construction cost estimates bi-annually as well as atevery major project milestone.

    Special ConditionsProject Manager Consultant: These projects arebeing

    managed by a Project Manager Consultant (PMC) on be-half ofKDOT. The PMC will be the primary contact for the selectedfirms.

    Schedule Reporting: Project schedules will be devel-oped duringproject negotiation. A basic schedule tem-plate, prepared by thePMC, will be reviewed and spe-cific dates will be defined by theconsultant in order to achieve the critical milestones. Monthlyschedule prog-ress reports and updates will be required throughoutthe project from the consultants and reviewed with the PMC to trackprogress for KDOT.

    Quality Control: Consultants will be required to pro-vide aQuality Control (QC) plan at project kick-off. QC audits will beconducted by the PMC throughout the project. The audits will checkcompliance with the con-sultant’s QC plan.Schedule

    These projects are scheduled to be let in FY 2023; there-fore,the design activities must be scheduled to deliver complete plansbetween July 2022 and December 2022. These projects may follow anaccelerated delivery sched-ule with some submittals requiredearlier than a typical KDOT design project to meet the lettingrequirements.


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    Instructions for ProposalThe main text of consultant’s proposalmust not ex-

    ceed twelve (12) pages (not including the cover letter) toaddress the topics listed in Table 2 below. The follow-ing outlineis the expected submittal organization, con-tent and page lengthfor the technical proposals for each bridge group. Duplication ofcontent in technical propos-als is expected.

    Table 2: Proposal Content Content Pages

    Cover Letter Within the cover letter, indicate project grouppreferences

    1 page

    Content Pages

    Overview• Qualifications and Experience

    ◦ Project manager for the group (and for each project, ifneeded)

    ◦ Names, qualifications, education, training, and expertise ofproposed team members

    • Past performance on similar projects, including references andcontact information

    • Group Delivery Process ◦ Approach to schedule ◦ Qualitycontrol process

    4 pages

    Project Approach

    Highlight concepts for cost-effective and optimized solutionsfor projects in each group of projects on which the consultant isproposing. Include unique qualifications or experience that mayinform theselection of firms and assignment of project groups.

    1-2 pages per group

    Selection ProcessNo cost or pricing information shall besubmitted

    with the proposal. Proposals including cost or pricinginformation will not be considered in the selection pro-cess torank proposals. Per standard KDOT consultant selection process,consultants will be selected from the technical proposal submittedfor each project group and awarded all projects in that group.Selected consultants will proceed quickly through scoping, feenegotiation, and NTP. Each project within a group will becontract-ed separately. Fee negotiation will include estimates forpreliminary engineering and final design; there will not be acontract pause for final design negotiation after field check.

    Technical proposals will be evaluated based on the fac-torslisted in Table 3 below to select the most qualified firms. Allevaluation factors are weighted equally.

    Table 3: Evaluation FactorsEvaluation Factor

    Qualifications and Experience

    Past Performance

    Group Delivery Process: Approach to Schedule

    Group Delivery Process: Approach to Quality Control

    Project Group Approach: Unique Qualifications and Solutions

    Familiarity with KDOT Design Standards and Project Area

    The KDOT Consultant Selection Committee will select the mosthighly qualified firms expressing interest based

    on Qualifications and Experience, Past Performance, GroupDelivery process, Project Group Approach, and Familiarity with KDOTdesign standards and project area. The PMC will not be on the KDOTConsultant Se-lection Committee.

    The selected firms will be asked to enter into negotia-tionswith KDOT for an agreement. In the event KDOT cannot reachagreement with a selected firm, it will ter-minate negotiations andcommence negotiations with the next highest ranked firm, and so on,until either agreement is reached for a satisfactory scope ofservices for a fair and reasonable price, or KDOT decides topur-sue other alternatives.Contract Terms and Conditions

    A standard KDOT agreement for engineering and technical serviceswill be used for this project. Special at-tachments for the Kansas“Tax Clearance Certificate,” the “Certification of Final IndirectCosts,” and the Special At-tachment No. 10 (“Policy RegardingSexual Harassment”) will also eventually become attachments to thecontract.

    The firm’s accounting systems must have the followingcapabilities before the firm may be awarded a contract.

    • Valid, reliable, and current costs must be available withinthe system to support actual costs and pric-ing data.

    • Capability to provide a means of measuring the rea-sonablenessof incurred costs.

    • Capability to identify and accumulate allowable costs bycontract or project records which will rec-oncile with the generalledger.

    • Ability to provide supporting documentation of ac-tualexpenditures for each billing, based on costs.

    Questions can be sent to [emailprotected]Norton, P.E.,

    PMC Coordinating EngineerDivision of Program and ProjectManagement

    Doc. No. 048534

    State of KansasDepartment of Transportation

    Request for CommentsThe Kansas Department of Transportation(KDOT)

    requests comments on the amendment of the StatewideTransportation Improvement Program (STIP) FY 21-24. Thecomprehensive list of project(s) being amended to the STIP may beviewed online at:http://www.ksdot.org/bureaus/burProgProjMgmt/stip/stip.asp. Theproject list includes projects for counties, cities, and projectson the state highway system. Along with the list of projects is anAdministrative Narrative Modification #1 for updates that haveoccurred in the Program Financing and Perfor-mance Measurenarrative sections of the STIP.

    The amendment of the STIP requires a public com-ment period of14 days. To make comment on this STIP amendment, contact KDOT’sDivision of Program and Project Management, 2nd Floor Tower, 700 SWHarrison, Topeka, KS 66603-3754; phone 785-296-3254.



  • 1332 Kansas Register

    Vol. 39, No. 43, October 22, 2020© Kansas Secretary of State2020

    Notices/Executive Branch/Bonds

    This information is available in alternative accessible formats.To obtain an alternative format, contact the KDOT Office of PublicAffairs at 785-296-3585 (Voice/Hearing Impaired–711).

    The comment period regarding the STIP amendment for theseprojects will conclude November 4th, 2020.

    Julie LorenzSecretary

    Doc. No. 048549

    State of KansasKansas Water Authority

    Notice of MeetingThe Kansas Water Authority (KWA) will havetheir

    meeting by webinar at 10:00 a.m. Monday, October 26, 2020. Foradditional meeting information or how to ac-cess the meeting, visitthe Kansas Water Office website at www.kwo.ks.gov or call785-296-3185.

    Katie Patterson-IngelsCommunications Director

    Doc. No. 048560

    State of KansasOffice of the Governor

    Executive Directive No. 20-525 Authorizing PersonnelTransactions

    By virtue of the authority vested in the Governor as the head ofthe Executive Branch of the State of Kansas, the followingtransaction is hereby authorized:

    The request of Kraig Knowlton, Director of Personnel Services,to establish the Disability Examiner Reviewer job classificationand assign the job classification to pay grade 29 is herebyapproved, effective October 4, 2020.

    The request of Kraig Knowlton, Director of Personnel Services,to establish step 5 of pay grade 25 as the entry rate for theHighway Patrol Trooper Trainee job classifi-cation is herebyapproved, effective October 4, 2020.

    The request of Kraig Knowlton, Director of Personnel Services,to place all current employees in the Law En-forcement Officer IIIjob classification on the steps of pay grade 35 indicated below ishereby approved, effective October 4, 2020. Years in Rank Step 0-310 4-5 11 6-8 12 9-10 13 11-13 14 14-15 15 16+ 16

    The request of Kraig Knowlton, Director of Personnel Services,to place all current employees in the Highway Patrol Lieutenant jobclassification on the steps of pay grade 36 indicated below ishereby approved, effective October 4, 2020. Years in Rank Step 0-311

    4-5 12 6-8 13 9-10 14 11-13 15 14-15 16 16+ 17

    The request of Kraig Knowlton, Director of Personnel Ser-vices,to place all current employees in the Highway Patrol Captain jobclassification on the steps of pay grade 38 indi-cated below ishereby approved, effective October 4, 2020. Years in Rank Step 0-315 4-5 16 6-8 17 9-10 18 11+ 19

    I have conferred with the Secretary of Administration, theDirector of the Budget, the Director of Personnel Ser-vices, andmembers of my staff, and I have determined that the requestedaction is appropriate.Dated October 13, 2020.

    Laura KellyGovernor

    Doc. No. 048553

    State of KansasOffice of the Governor

    Executive Directive No. 20-526 Authorizing Expenditure ofFederal Funds

    By virtue of the authority vested in the Governor as the head ofthe Executive Branch of the State of Kansas, the followingtransactions are hereby authorized:

    Pursuant to the authority of the Secretary of the KansasDepartment for Aging and Disability Services to receive and expendfederal funds, and pursuant to the authority granted the Governorby Section 179(a) of Chapter 5 of the 2020 Session Laws of Kansas,approval is hereby grant-ed to the Parsons State Hospital andTraining Center for expenditure in FY 2021 of monies in the federalfund en-titled “Coronavirus Grant Fund.”

    I have conferred with the Director of the Budget and members ofmy staff, and I have determined that the guidelines set forth inKSA 75-3711 and 75-3711c have been applied and that none of theforegoing actions ex-ceeds the limitations contained therein.DatedOctober 13, 2020.

    Laura KellyGovernor

    Doc. No. 048554

    State of KansasKansas Development Finance Authority

    Notice of HearingA public hearing will be conducted at 9:00 a.m.Mon-

    day, November 9, 2020, in the offices of the Kansas De-


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    velopment Finance Authority (KDFA), 534 S. Kansas Ave., Suite800, Topeka, on the proposal for the KDFA to issue its AgriculturalDevelopment Revenue Bond for the project numbered below in therespective maximum principal amount. The bond will be issued toassist the borrower named below (who will be the owner andop-erator of the project) to finance the cost in the amount of thebond, which is then typically purchased by a lender bank who then,through the KDFA, loans the bond pro-ceeds to the borrower for thepurposes of acquiring the project. The project shall be located asshown:

    Project No. 001069 Maximum Principal Amount: $316,865.48.Owner/Operator: Nathan Porting; De-scription: Acquisition of 160acres of agricultural land and related improvements and equipmentto be used by the owner/operator for farming pur-poses (the“Project”). The Project is being financed by the Lender for NathanPorting (the “Beginning Farmer”) and is located at Section 33,Township 2, Range 10, Marshall County, Kansas approximately 3 milessouth of Axtell, Kansas on 110 then 2 miles west on LimestoneRoad.

    The bond, when issued, will be a limited obligation of the KDFAand will not constitute a general obligation or indebtedness of thestate of Kansas or any political sub-division thereof, includingthe KDFA, nor will it be an indebtedness for which the faith andcredit and taxing powers of the state of Kansas are pledged. Thebond will be payable solely from amounts received from therespective borrower, the obligation of which will be suf-ficient topay the principal of, interest and redemption premium, if any, onthe bond when it becomes due.

    All individuals who appear at the hearing will be giv-en anopportunity to express their views concerning the proposal to issuethe bond to finance the project, and all written commentspreviously filed with the KDFA at its offices at 534 S. KansasAve., Suite 800, Topeka, 66603, will be considered. Additionalinformation regarding the project may be obtained by contacting theKDFA.

    Rebecca FloydPresident

    Doc. No. 048558

    State of KansasKansas Lottery

    Temporary Administrative Regulations


    111-4-3639. “777” instant ticket lottery game num-ber 222. (a)The Kansas lottery may conduct an instant winner lottery gameentitled “777.” The rules for this game are contained in K.A.R.111-3-1 et seq. and 111-4-3639.

    (b) The “play and prize symbols” and “captions” for this gameare as follows:

    Play Symbols Captions05 FIV06 SIX


    Symbol of a flame with a 7 in it

    Prize Symbols CaptionsFREE TICKET$2.00 TWO$$4.00 FOUR$10.00TEN$20.00 TWENTY50.00 FIFTY$100 ONE-HUN$500 FIVE-HUN

    $10000 10-THOU

    (c) For this game, a play/prize symbol shall appear in 33 spotswithin the play area or areas, except that a play symbol of a 7 ina flame shall have no prize symbol asso-ciated with it.

    (d) The ticket numbers in each book of tickets in this gameshall start with 000 and end with 149.

    (e) The price of instant tickets sold by a retailer for thisgame shall be $2.00 each.

    (f) “777” is a key number match game. The player will scratchthe play area to reveal three “WINNING NUM-BERS” and 15 “YOURNUMBERS” with a prize amount below each of the “YOUR NUMBERS,”except that a play symbol of a 7 in a flame shall have no prizesymbol below it. If a player matches any of the “YOUR NUMBERS” toany of the “WINNING NUMBERS,” the player wins the prize shown belowthat number. If a player reveals three or more play symbols of a 7in a flame, the player wins the prize amount shown in the prizelegend on the front of the ticket that consists of thefollowing:

    Find WinThree–symbols of a 7 in a flame $7


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    Four–symbols of a 7 in a flame $17Five–symbols of a 7 in a flame$77Six–symbols of a 7 in a flame $177

    Seven – symbols of a 7 in a flame $10,000

    (g) Each ticket in this game may win up to 15 times.(h)Approximately 1,200,000 tickets shall be ordered

    initially for this instant game. Additional ticket orders shallhave the same prize structure, the same number of prizes per prizepool of 150,000 tickets, and the same odds as were contained in theinitial ticket order.

    (i) The expected number and value of instant prizes in this gameshall be as follows:

    PrizeWinners Per

    1,200,000 Prize CostFREE FREE TICKET 120,000 $0 $2 $2 88,000$176,000 $4 $4 16,600 $66,400 $2 x 2 $4 16,800 $67,200 $7 withthree 7s $7 24,000 $168,000 $10 $10 3,760 $37,600 $2 x 5 $10 3,760$37,600 ($4 x 2) + $2 $10 3,760 $37,600 $17 with four 7s $17 10,400$176,800 $20 $20 2,400 $48,000 $2 x 10 $20 2,400 $48,000 $4 x 5 $202,400 $48,000 $50 $50 640 $32,000 $10 x 5 $50 640 $32,000 ($4 x 10)+ ($2 x 5) $50 640 $32,000 $77 with five 7s $77 2,400 $184,800 $100$100 48 $4,800 $50 x 2 $100 48 $4,800 $10 x 10 $100 48 $4,800 $177with six 7s $177 200 $35,400 $500 $500 16 $8,000 $100 x 5 $500 16$8,000 $50 x 10 $500 16 $8,000 $10,000 with seven 7s $10,000 3$30,000 $10,000 $10,000 3 $30,000 Players Loyalty Program $13,392$13,392

    SUB-TOTAL 298,998 $1,339,192.00

    “7s” denotes the 7 in a flame play symbol(j) The odds of winninga prize in this game are ap-

    proximately one in 4.01. (Authorized by K.S.A. 74-8710;implementing K.S.A. 74-8710, and 74-8720; effective, T-111-10-9-20,Aug. 19, 2020.)

    111-4-3640. “Hot 777” instant ticket lottery game number 223.(a) The Kansas lottery may conduct an in-stant winner lottery gameentitled “Hot 777.” The rules for this game are contained in K.A.R.111-3-1 et seq. and 111-4-3640.

    (b) The “play and prize symbols” and “captions” for this gameare as follows:

    Play Symbols Captions06 SIX08 EGT09 NIN11 ELVN12 TWLV


    Symbol of a flame with a 7 in it

    Prize Symbols CaptionsFREE TICKET$5.00 FIVE$10.00 TEN$15.00FIFTEEN50.00 FIFTY$100 ONE-HUN$500 FIVE-HUN

    $25000 25-THOU

    (c) For this game, a play/prize symbol shall appear in 45 spotswithin the play area or areas, except that a play symbol of a 7 ina flame shall have no prize symbol asso-ciated with it.

    (d) The ticket numbers in each book of tickets in this gameshall start with 000 and end with 059.

    (e) The price of instant tickets sold by a retailer for thisgame shall be $5.00 each.

    (f) “Hot 777” is a key number match game. The player willscratch the play area to reveal five “WINNING NUM-BERS” and 20“YOUR NUMBERS” with a prize amount below each of the “YOURNUMBERS,” except that a play symbol of a 7 in a flame shall have noprize symbol below it. If a player matches any of the “YOURNUMBERS” to any of the “WINNING NUMBERS,” the player wins the prizeshown below that number. If a player reveals three or more playsymbols of a 7 in a flame, the player wins the prize amount shownin the prize legend on the front of the ticket that consists of thefollowing:

    Find WinThree–symbols of a 7 in a flame $17

  • 1335Kansas Register

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    Four–symbols of a 7 in a flame $27Five–symbols of a 7 in a flame$77Six–symbols of a 7 in a flame $177

    Seven – symbols of a 7 in a flame $777Eight – symbols of a 7 ina flame $25,000

    (g) Each ticket in this game may win up to 20 times.(h)Approximately 750,000 tickets shall be ordered ini-

    tially for this instant game. Additional ticket orders shallhave the same prize structure, the same number of prizes per prizepool of 150,000 tickets, and the same odds as were contained in theinitial ticket order.

    (i) The expected number and value of instant prizes in this gameshall be as follows:

    PrizeWinners Per

    750,000 Prize CostFREE TICKET FREE TICKET 37,500 $0 $5 $5 65,000$325,000 $10 $10 20,000 $200,000 $5 + $5 $10 20,000 $200,000 $15$15 5,000 $75,000 $5 x 3 $15 5,000 $75,000 $10 + $5 $15 5,000$75,000 $17 with three 7s $17 22,000 $374,000 $27 with four 7s $2712,500 $337,500 $50 $50 1,000 $50,000 $5 x 10 $50 1,250 $62,500 $10x 5 $50 1,,250 $62,500 $77 with five 7s $77 3,475 $267,575 $100$100 100 $10,000 $50 x 2 $100 100 $10,000 $5 x 20 $100 100 $10,000$177 with six 7s $177 300 $53,100 $500 $500 15 $7,500 $50 x 10 $50015 $7,500 $777 with seven 7s $777 35 $27,195 $25,000 with eight 7s$25,000 2 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 2 $50,000 Players Loyalty Program$18,957 $18,957

    TOTAL 199,644 $2,348,327 “7s” denotes the 7 in a flame playsymbol

    (j) The odds of winning a prize in this game are ap-proximatelyone in 3.76. (Authorized by K.S.A. 74-8710; implementing K.S.A.74-8710, and 74-8720; effective, T-111-10-9-20, Aug. 19, 2020.)

    111-4-3641. “Flaming 777” instant ticket lottery game number224. (a) The Kansas lottery may conduct an instant winner lotterygame entitled “Flaming 777.” The rules for this game are containedin K.A.R. 111-3-1 et seq. and 111-4-3641.

    (b) The “play and prize symbols” and “captions” for this gameare as follows:

    Play Symbols Captions01 ONE02 TWO03 THR04 FOR05 FIV06 SIX08EGT09 NIN


    Symbol of a flame with a 7 in it

    Prize Symbols CaptionsFREE TICKET10.00 TEN$15.00 FIFTEEN17.00SEVNTN20.00 TWENTY50.00 FIFTY77.00 SVTSV$500 FIVE-HUN$1000ONETHOU$75000 75-THOU

    Bonus Play Symbols CaptionsSymbol of a flame WIN$57

    Symbol of a gold bar GLDBARSymbol of a money roll MNYROL

    Symbol of a coin COINSymbol of a money bag MNYBAG

    Symbol of a wallet WALLET

    (c) For this game, a play/prize symbol shall appear in 57 spotswithin the play area or areas, except that a play symbol of a 7 ina flame shall have no prize symbol asso-ciated with it.


  • 1336 Kansas Register

    Vol. 39, No. 43, October 22, 2020© Kansas Secretary of State2020


    (d) The ticket numbers in each book of tickets in this gameshall start with 000 and end with 029.

    (e) The price of instant tickets sold by a retailer for thisgame shall be $10.00 each.

    (f) “Flaming 777” is a key number match game with a bonus playarea. The player will scratch the play area to reveal six “WINNINGNUMBERS” and 25 “YOUR NUM-BERS” with a prize amount below each ofthe “YOUR NUMBERS,” except that a play symbol of a 7 in a flameshall have no prize symbol below it. If a player matches any of the“YOUR NUMBERS” to any of the “WINNING NUMBERS,” the player wins theprize shown below that number. In the play area, if a playerreveals three or more play symbols of a 7 in a flame, the playerwins the prize amount shown in the prize legend on the front of theticket that consists of the following:

    Find WinThree–symbols of a 7 in a flame $27Four–symbols of a 7in a flame $57Five–symbols of a 7 in a flame $177Six–symbols of a 7in a flame $777

    Seven – symbols of a 7 in a flame $1,777Eight – symbols of a 7in a flame $75,000

    In the “BONUS” play area, if the player reveals a flame symbol,the player wins $57.

    (g) Each ticket in this game may win up to 26 times.(h)Approximately 400,020 tickets shall be ordered ini-

    tially for this instant game. Additional ticket orders shallhave the same prize structure, the same number of prizes per prizepool of 400,020 tickets, and the same odds as were contained in theinitial ticket order.

    (i) The expected number and value of instant prizes in this gameshall be as follows:

    Bonus Area Prize

    Winners Per400,020 Prize Cost

    FREE TICKET FREE TICKET 25,000 $0 $10 $10 25,270 $252,700 $15$15 17,000 $255,000 $17 $17 11,000 $187,000 $20 $20 5,500 $110,000$10 + $10 $20 5,500 $110,000 $27 with three 7s $27 14,000 $378,000$50 $50 900 $45,000 ($15 x 2) + $20 $50 1,000 $50,000 ($20 x 2) +$10 $50 1,000 $50,000 $10 x 5 $50 1,000 $50,000 $57 with four 7s$57 3,500 $199,500 $57 $57 3,000 $171,000 $77 $77 250 $19,250 $20$57 $77 400 $30,800 ($10 x 6) + $17 $77 400 $30,800 $177 with five7s $177 1,056 $186,912 $500 $500 20 $10,000 ($50 x 4) + ($10 x 16)+ ($17 x 4) + $15 $57 $500 30 $15,000 ($77 x 4) + $15 + ($10 x 10)+ $20 $57 $500 30 $15,000 ($10 x 15) + ($50 x 5) + ($20 x 5) $50020 $10,000 $777 with six 7s $777 110 $85,470

    $1,000 $1,000 4 $4,000 ($50 x 4) + $500 + ($20 x 8) + $15 + ($17x 4) $57 $1,000 4 $4,000 $500 x 2 $1,000 4 $4,000 ($50 x 10) + $500$1,000 4 $4,000 $1,777 with seven 7s $1,777 10 $17,770 $75,000 witheight 7s $75,000 2 $150,000 $75,000 $75,000 2 $150,000 PlayersLoyalty Program $26,097 $26,097

    TOTAL 116,016 $2,621,299

    “7s” denotes the 7 in a flame play symbol(j) The odds of winninga prize in this game are ap-

    proximately one in 3.45. (Authorized by K.S.A. 74-8710;implementing K.S.A. 74-8710, and 74-8720; effective, T-111-10-9-20,Aug. 19, 2020.)

    111-4-3642. “Cash Lines” instant ticket lottery game number 244.(a) The Kansas lottery may conduct an instant winner lottery gameentitled “Cash Lines.” The rules for this game are contained inK.A.R. 111-3-1 et seq. and 111-4-3642.

    (b) The “play and prize symbols” and “prize captions” for thisgame are as follows:

    Play SymbolsCaptions01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334

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    Prize Symbols CaptionsFREE TICKET$3.00 THREE$$5.00 FIVE$$10.00TEN$$20.00 TWENTY$25.00 TWENFIV$30.00 THIRTY$50.00 FIFTY$100ONEHUN$500 FIVHUN

    $1,000 ONETHO$15,000 15-THOU

    (c) For this game, a play/prize symbol shall appear in 40 playspots within the play area or areas.

    (d) The ticket numbers in each book of tickets in this gameshall start with 000 and end with 099.

    (e) The price of instant tickets sold by a retailer for thisgame shall be $3.00 each.

    (f) “Cash Lines” is a key number match game. The player willremove the scratch-off material to reveal 30 play symbols and 10prize symbols. If the player match-es all numbers in a complete rowor column, the player wins the prize amount shown for that row andcolumn.

    (g) Each ticket in this game may win up to 10 times.(h)Approximately 900,000 tickets shall be ordered ini-

    tially for this instant game. Additional ticket orders shallhave the same prize structure, the same number of prizes per prizepool of 240,000 tickets, and the same odds as were contained in theinitial ticket order.

    (i) The expected number and value of instant prizes in this gameshall be as follows:

    Get Prize

    ExpectedNumber of

    Prizes in Game


    in GameFree $3 Ticket Free Ticket 108,000 $0.00$5 $5 36,000$180,000.00$10 $10 18,000 $180,000.00$5 x 2 $10 18,000$180,000.00$20 $20 4,500 $90,000.00$10 x 2 $20 4,500 $90,000.00$10+ ($5 x 2) $20 9,000 $180,000.00$25 $25 3,000 $75,000.00$20 + $5$25 3,000 $75,000.00($10 x 2) + $5 $25 3,000 $75,000.00$30 $301,350 $40,500.00$5 x 6 $30 2,250 $67,500.00$3 x 10 $30 2,250$67,500.00$50 $50 375 $18,750.00$30 + $10 + ($5 x 2) $50 525$26,250.00$25 + $20 + $5 $50 525 $26,250.00$5 x 10 $50 375$18,750.00$100 $100 150 $15,000.00

    Get Prize

    ExpectedNumber of

    Prizes in Game


    in Game$50 x 2 $100 150 $15,000.00$10 x 10 $100 75 $7,500.00$25x 4 $100 75 $7,500.00$500 $500 11 $5,500.00$50 x 10 $500 19$9,500.00$1,000 $1,000 10 $10,000.00$100 x 10 $1,000 10$10,000.00$15,000 $15,000 4 $60,000.00Player Loyalty Program$14,000.00Total 215,154 $1,544,500.00

    (j) The odds of winning a prize in this game are ap-proximatelyone in 4.18. (Authorized by K.S.A. 74-8710; implementing K.S.A.74-8710, and 74-8720; effective, T-111-10-9-20, Aug. 19, 2020.)


    111-19-93. Kansas Celebration Drawing. (a) The Kansas lotterymay conduct a drawing entitled

Kansas Register · 2020. 10. 20. · Kansas Register Vol. 39, No. 43 October 22, 2020 Pages 1319-1346 Kansas Register - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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