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Peak ovulation test 6 days ago - faint positive pregnancy test already?
EmzyRandall · 22/06/2022 16:18
Hi, I got my peak ovulation test 17th June. Started feeling weird today, boobs hurting, feeling off. Had a vivid dream last night. Caved and took a pregnancy test despite being 5dpo. Test has come back positive? How! Is this even possible?
OP posts:
KatySp · 22/06/2022 16:22
At 5DPO the egg is only just in the womb, did you do OPKs before your positive one?
Looks more like a 10DPO test to me
LolaLoo2 · 22/06/2022 16:25
Were you daily testing in the lead up to your peak? I agree with PP that this resembles more of a 10DPO test.
I'd assume that you peaked a few days earlier and either detected a secondary LH rise (can happen and does happen before AF) or just completely missed the first peak (they can literally be so short that you miss it).
No matter what, those tests are 100% BFP! Good luck keep us updated. 🤞🏼
Rubygloomy · 22/06/2022 16:25
Ovulation tests turn positive if you're pregnant too.
So your peak ov test could have just been a positive pregnancy test!
EmzyRandall · 22/06/2022 16:27
@KatySp @LolaLoo2I lost twins at 9 weeks in April. Me and my husband have been trying for less than 2 weeks… I am a bit nervous this could maybe be lingering hormones? Although I did miscarry 12 weeks ago on Monday and I’ve had a period since.
No I started getting some ovulation pains so tested and it was peak
attached is my test from 17th June
OP posts:
LolaLoo2 · 22/06/2022 16:32
@EmzyRandall so sorry to hear about your losses 👼🏼
It does seem like a new pregnancy, however it's not wise for me to say either way.
Did you get a negative pregnancy test since your loss?
EmzyRandall · 22/06/2022 16:34
@LolaLoo2 i used a cheapie strip test from savers one of the ones you get a box of 5 for £1 and it showed negative. Maybe I should of used a first response. Maybe I should re test in a few days to see if darker?
thank you x
OP posts:
KatySp · 22/06/2022 17:08
Oh gosh I'm so sorry for your loss.
It is possible for it to take a while for HCG to go down and these tests are so sensitive. They are supposed to be 10(I forget the units) but I was getting positives 3 weeks after my 11 week miscarriage and EPU said my HCG level was 4.
Depending on how good your EPU is, perhaps you can see what they suggest but I reckon they will just say to test in a week.
Your HCG doubles every 48hr roughly. Take another FR test in 2 days and compare the lines. If darker it would suggest a new pregnancy.
Ovulation pain doesn't always happen at the point of ovulation, it could be before during or after (I've googled this so much and this is the only answer I can find - not helpful) If this was the first OPK you did then it is possible that your peak lasted a few days and your first peak was a few days before. So it's possible you ovulated a few days before.
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EmzyRandall · 22/06/2022 21:24
@KatySp thank you for your message! I have been having aching boobs but I will definitely re test in a couple of days x
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