Resources which are present in unlimited quantity in nature are called exhaustible natural resources. True or False? (2024)

The correct option is B False

Exhaustible natural resources:

  • Exhaustible natural resources are present in limited quantity in nature and can be exhausted by human activities.
  • These are Mostly present in abundance, so there is an endless supply of these resources.
  • The example includes fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas, as well as minerals like iron, copper, aluminum, etc.

Inexhaustible natural resources:

  • The natural resources which are present in unlimited quantity in nature and cannot be exhausted by human activities, are known as inexhaustible natural resources.
  • Examples include wind, sun, solar energy, tides, and geothermal energy.
  • The use of these exhaustible resources mostly causes environmental pollution.

Resources that are present in unlimited quantity in nature:

  • Resources that are present in unlimited quantity in nature are generally called inexhaustible natural resources.
  • Mostly they are not present in abundance, so there is not an endless supply of these resources.
  • They cant be used directly without conversion.
  • An exhaustible resource is an irreplaceable resource, while an inexhaustible resource is replaceable.

Hence, the statement given is a false statement.

Resources which are present in unlimited quantity in nature are called exhaustible natural resources. True or False? (2024)


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