Rosalina's Ex-Boyfriend! (2024)

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"Rosalina's Ex-Boyfriend!" is the 186th video of SML Movies.


  • 1 Synopsis
  • 2 Plot
  • 3 Characters
  • 4 Trivia
    • 4.1 References


Rosalina's Ex-Boyfriend wants to visit her after years of not talking! But he's a fighter! Mario then gets jealous!


The video starts off with Rosalina showing Mario a globe and tells him about the stars and their birth signs. After that Rosalina gets a text from her ex-boyfriend. Mario was jealous because of Rosalina talking to him. He then asked her why she is still talking to him, she explained that he “just wanted to catch up”, Mario didn’t believe it and that he was nervous seeing her ex-boyfriend. They opened the door, and it was revealed that D-Money was Rosalina’s ex-boyfriend, at first, he beats up Mario and he fell down, D-Money then hugged Rosalina, then hugged Mario.

He then explained everything about how met Rosalina and how he broke up with her. After talking for a while. Mario asked Black Yoshi for advice, he was making Kool-Aid and then told everything about him, Mario also told Black a Yoshi he wanted to fight D-Money. Black Yoshi then poured more Kool-Aid into the cup. Black Yoshi then trained Mario, he was getting tired and Black Yoshi didn’t wanted Mario to lose. After a few more practices, Mario was finally ready to beat D-Money. He then went to the living room and told him he wants to fight him, D-Money accepts it, but Rosalina tried to stop Mario for beating D-Money. After for a few loses. Mario presumably fought D-Money back, while led D-Money into the ground. Rosalina and Black Yoshi were cheering, Rosalina then kissed Mario. D-Money told Mario how he fought him and thanked him, Mario was injured from fighting, and then D-Money left. Mario told Rosalina about how he kicked his butt, Rosalina then agreed.



  • This marks the first appearance of D-Money.
  • This is the first time Mario's racist side is shown, as he is shocked that D-Money is black and even seems slightly angry because of it.
  • It's revealed that Mario was born in November in the SML universe (Possibly same Birthday as Logan). However, Nintendo Mario was born on October as mentioned on a Nintendo Power magazine.
  • This is the first time Mario's been involved in a major fight since "The Final Battle", and the first one he does around Rosalina.
  • The day this video was uploaded, an EF-3 Tornado struck parts of Pensacola and Ferry Pass, Florida, very close to where the SML Apartment was. While the apartment was surprisingly undamaged, it came close, and destroyed many buildings.
  • This is the first time that an SML video has Rosalina in the name.
  • This episode was uploaded 1 year after Chef Pee Pee Quits! Part 4.


  • D-Money might be loosely a parody of famous Olympic boxer and activist, Muhammad Ali, who died on June 3, 2016, from Septic Shock.
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Junior Kidnaps Penelope!The Golden Nugget!Jeffy's Club!Brooklyn Guy The Mind Reader!The Tornado!Jeffy Attacks The Judge!Cody's Hot Dog Restaurant!Goodman's Heart Transplant!The RIGGED Game!The Stake Out!StinkenJeffy's Mad Cow Disease!Junior's Crazy Assumption!Jeffy The Lawyer!The Free Pizza!Junior's Big Playtime 2Jeffy's Piano Lessons!Bad Super Bowl Commercials!Junior's Valentine's Day Gift!Brooklyn Guy's Missing Wife!Jeffy Ball Z Episode 5Goodman's Apple Vision Pro!The Talent Show!Jeffy The Dealer!The Acorn!Cody Goes To Kindergarten!Duggie's KFC Pizza!Chef Junior!Shrek's Endless Cheesecake!Jeffy and The Jeffmunks!Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Part 2Junior Finds A Missing Plane!Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Part 3The Pot Of Gold!Brooklyn Guy's Makeover!Jeffy's Shooting Star!Five Nights At Freddy's: Sister LocationBrooklyn Guy's Ear Problem!Junior's Trust Issues!Easter Bunny Goes To Jail!Junior Sues McDonalds!Jeffy The Chiropractor!King Joseph!The Hostage Situation!Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Part 4The Power Outage!Brooklyn Guy's Tax Fraud!Jeffy's Diss Track!Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Part 5Brooklyn Guy Tries To Help!Cody's Stolen Penny!Jeffy's Forget Ray!Cody Peterson!Pac-Man's Divorce!Jeffy's Bowling Ball!The Business Deal!Jeffy's Naughty Magazine!Jeffy's Mother's Day!John F. Kennedy!Jeffy's Traffic Light!The Avengers Of D!Jeffy's Lie Detector!Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Part 6The Charleyyy And Friends Problem!Final Destination!Jeffy's Escape Room!Brooklyn Guy's Clones!Junior's Sports Drink!Jeffy The Spy!Junior's Big Playtime!Junior Goes To Jupiter!Summer School!The Father's Day Heist!
Rosalina's Ex-Boyfriend! (2024)


Who is Rosalina's ex-boyfriend? ›

They opened the door, and it was revealed that D-Money was Rosalina's ex-boyfriend, at first, he beats up Mario and he fell down, D-Money then hugged Rosalina, then hugged Mario. He then explained everything about how met Rosalina and how he broke up with her.

Who married Rosalina? ›

In Black Yoshi's Mistake!, Mario proposed to Rosalina. Surprised and delighted, she said yes. In Mario's New Hat!, the two got married. Though she almost called it off when Mario mysteriously disappeared.

Who is Rosalina's boyfriend? ›

She is technically the only princess from the Mario Universe who does not have a boyfriend of her own.

Are Rosalina and Peach dating? ›

Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy. Peach & Rosalina's Relationship is unknown, as we've never witnessed them get any interactions with eachothers. But we can tell that they are good friends, and Peach is amazed by Rosalina and her status.

Who did Peach marry? ›

Princess Peach kidnapped. At the beginning of Mario Odyssey, after Mario gets punched all the way to the Cap Kingdom. Peach will be forced by Bowser to marry him, which means she will have to wear a wedding dress to the wedding at the Moon.

Who is Luigi's girlfriend? ›

Daisy is one of the main characters of 1993's Super Mario Bros. film, loosely based on the games, portrayed by Samantha Mathis. She is a student of archaeology at New York University with whom Luigi falls in love.

Did Peach and Bowser have a baby? ›

By the end of the game, it is revealed that Princess Peach is not, in fact, Bowser Jr.'s mom, but plenty of Mario fans think that the fact that Peach doesn't immediately naysay the possibility that she could have had Bowser's child serves as evidence that the princess and Bowser have had romantic relations.

Does Rosalina have a crush? ›

Rosalina is portrayed as having a crush on Daisy in most works. Despite this, Rosalina will usually be the one giving kisses. With their main colors being complementary with each other, some art may experiment with color palettes and theming as well.

What is Rosalina's secret? ›

In a backstory which is unlocked gradually as the game progresses, Rosalina tells the story of how she was a girl who travelled in a spaceship to help a lost Luma find its parents, hiding the fact that she herself had lost her own mother.

Whose daughter is Rosalina? ›

Who are Princess Rosalina's parents in Super Mario? Rosalina's parents are unknown. The most widely agreed upon theory is that Rosalina is Peach's daughter from either the future or an alternate dimension.

Is Luma Rosalina's child? ›

Lumas are star-like creatures that appear in Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2. They are Rosalina's adoptive children and unlike most Stars, they have a tear drop-like shape, and come in many colors.


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.