The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Sawyer Has Served as Pastor 42 Years Ware, July 22-First Congregational Church Cat Ware: Center, the first church to be established in Ware, will have a special program Aug: 5. to observe- its anniversary. Rev. Roland D. Sawyer, who is now serving his 42d year served longest of any, ministers during the two centuries.

Old Home Day churching the committee annual representing Old Home the Day 'Committee will arrange pro- REV. ROLAND D. SAWYER gram for the day. Miss Marion is- chairman of the combined committees. An interesting and unusual gram will feature the church at 11 a.

m. The Old Home Day former and present Ware residents; is scheduled for the at the church and adjoining grounds. The program will be open the public. During the 200 years a daughter one pastor occupied the pulpit preached the sermon at a regular service. In December, 1930 Ramona Sawyer Barth, an author and minister, gave her first dained, her father's pulpit.

This year is the 125th anniversary of the placing of the first bell in church, toweresent the citizens town of with bell and at" a precinct meeting was voted to allow this, with certain restrictions. A provision was paid for and placed without any expense to the precinct through tax cor otherwise. Funds Delayed The sponsors were unable to the necessary money and it was. before the bell- was placed the church The bell: notified idents 'of the area when the World War I armistice tras signed and momentous happenings earlier years. In 1742 'there were 33 families Ware and John Reed, who had bought large tract from Connecticut, fered land for a church, parsonage and burying ground if the residents would petition the General Court made a precinct and establish preaching of the gospel.

The precinct was: established that year but it 1751 before the first church was built. This structure was of wood measured 30 by 25 feet. Some" changes were made during half century and in -Increasing church. population A new brought structure was erected the same spot served until 1843 without change. that year the building was remodeled and moved several rods from original site, to the place where now stands.

Rev. Grindell Rawson "was the pastor to be called and ordained services when the first church ready for use. The program of ordination was May 9, 1751, clergymen traveling long distances to take The parish was established years before the church was built to this day separate meetings parish and church are annual affairs. REPORT CONCERT. DATES Ware, July 22-Another effort made to start band concerts of current season, the Gilbertville Community Band being, scheduled program Thursday night at Grenville: Park.

Concerts scheduled for the past three. weeks were rained out committee is arranging substitute dates. Heywood Wakefield Band these will be next Sunday. night. cancelled concerts, and one Heywood Wakefield and Gilbertville bands will give other programs later.

The apartment house at 10-14 Bank owned by Ware Savings Bank will have but one family after Aug. 1. One tenant will move on that Bank officials are anxious the house vacated so it may torn down to make a parking space. The Atlantic Pacific Tea Co. may part of the parking space.

Arthur. S. Denis: has charge of the Rotary Club meeting? night at Quabbin Social Club. Roland McDonald, Marine Corps League servofficer will speak. Bowman' S.

Beeman of South St. wil tomorrow for Escalon, attend the wedding Sunday of his son, Leonard, a member of the Escalon School faculty. Beeman will travel to Pittsburgh, by' automobile his son, Sheldon, and make the of the trip by plane. PALMER D. OF' I.

BAKE WEDNESDAY. Palmer, July 22--Palmer Circle, Daughters of Isabella, will hold its annual clambake Wednesday at the Lakeview shelter at Forest Lake. Miss Doris Kartz and Miss Marion Pratt are, cochairmen. The group will enJoy sports and other festivities at the clambake, and the cochairmen re-: pbrt that a large number have, signed up to attend. What may have been the world's first fashion" books were written in the 16th Century, one by a Swiss painter and the other by a Spaniard, Welcome Home Event For of G.

Co. May Be Annual Affair co ception Northampton, of guardsmen July of 22-The Co. on their return from training camp each summer eco become an nual event, Councilman Francis J. Lyons said: today. The Ward 1 councilman who was instrumental in arranging for the early Saturday morning rehe is seeking to determine if the ception at the state armory, said a city can join in in arranging for (the annual event.

STAFFORD SPRINGS Arm Is Crushed When Caught in Washer Rollers soemn high mass in St. Edward's Church. Rev. Anthony R. Caron was ccebrant, Rev.

Wiiam Shieds, deacon, and Rev. Francis: S. Morrissey, subdeacon. Mrs. Howard Learned was organist and, Richard Mullins of Hartford was soloist.

Bearers were Tony Lusa, Wallace Day. Edward Gilman, John Bourgeois, William Silk, and Attilio Frassinelli. A delegation of town officials and employees at Warren Memorial Town Hall attended the service in a group. Burial was in St. Edward's Cemetery with Fr.

Caron conducting the committal service. G. Gnutti. of Main St. was admitted George Daigle, 60, of Silver is a patient in Johnson Memorial, Hospital with a badly crushed arm received Friday when he was caught in a cloth washer at the Warren Woolen plant where he is employed.

Daigle was released from the machine after employees of the department worked 15 minutes. to part the rollers with crowbars. Daigle had operated the machine for 30 years. According to the doctors it will not be necessary to amputate the arm. a The.

funeral of Philias C. Taylor of Hicks was Saturday in the Browne funera home, foowed by to the federal bar by Judge J. Joseph Smith of Hartford recently. Gnutti has been practicing law in Stafford Springs three years. He is a member of the Tolland County Bar Association and Connecticut Bar Association.

He graduated the University of Virginia Department of Law in Feb. 1948. He recently was appointed judge of the Stafford Springs Borough Court by Gov. Lodge. Miss Mary A.

Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ward of Parkess was graduated from an insurance course at the home office of the Travelers Insurance Companies in Hartford. Miss Ward is an agent 1807 with the Penny-Hanley Company in a Stafford Springs. it the WEST WEST SEEKS DIVORCE Worcester, July 22-Mrs.

Marie DeVoe Navickas of West Brookfield has filed suit for divorce in Registry Probate here against George Navickas of Stockholm, bi: Me. She charges desertion. 'The couple were married July 29, 1929 in Hartford, and lived in West Brookfield JOHN F. CAVANAUGH' Northampton, July 22 John F. Cavanaugh, 77, Fort Hill died today in his home.

Born in Stamford, son of the late Patrick and Mary (Halvey) Cavanaugh, he had been employed as a letter carrier there for 36 years and came, to this city 11 years ago. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Helen (Cahill) Cavanaush, and a sister, Miss Mary of Stamford. The funeral will be at the Ahearn funeral home. 2 Pomeroy at 8.15 Tuesday with a mass of requiem in Mary's Church at 9.

Burial in St. Mary's Cemetery. LUDLOW 3 ROBERT MISHOL ON SPELLING BEE--Robert Mishol, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mishol of 10 Brimfield Ludlow, a junior in high school, will get the thrill of his life, Tuesday night at 6.30 when he represents Ludlow in a spelling hee on TV over Channel 6.

The Brimfeld St. hoy is recognized as an ex. cellent speller. Ludlow, July 22-A large crowd at? tended the annual picnic of the Unity Athletic Club today at the Ludlow Fish and Game Club. Mr.

and Mrs. Elzear A. Duquette of Holyoke St. announce the engagement of their daughter, Alice, to Leroy Dennis, son of Mr. and Mrs.

IVilfred Dennis of Main Indian Orchard. The wedding will be Saturday morning, Sept. 1, in St. Jean Baptiste Church. Miss Duquette is graduate of Ludlow High School and employed by the Springfield newspapers.

Mr. Dennis attended the local high school and is a veteran of World War II. He is: employed as an airplane mechanic at Westover Air Force Base. The funeral of Andrew Nietupski of 141 Miller St. was Saturday at the Kapinos funeral home, followed by a solemn high mass of requiem in Christ the King Church.

Rev. John Mieczkowski, pastor, was celebrant, 4, Rev. Dyjak, deacon, and Rev. Paquin, subdeacon. Bearers were Andrew Bator, Stanley and: Leonard Nietupski, Stephen Waszkiewicz, Albert Cwieka, and Walter Siok.

Burial was in St. Aloysius' Cemetery, Indian Orchard, with Fr. Mieczkowski reading the committal prayers, THOMPSONVILLE T. W. HARGRAVE, RETIRED CARPET OVERSEER, DEAD Employee of Bigelow-Sanford 40 Years Active 3 In Church of Thompsonville, July 22-Thomas William Hargrave, 72, retired carpet overseer long active in St.

Andrew's Episcopal Church died tonight short illness in Springfield Hospital. Mr. Hargrave, 72, had lived for many in Woodward but moved recently to Frew Ter. 40 Years With seer in the Jacquard Dept. of BigelowHe retired five a years ago as Sanford Carpet Co.

after employment of 10 years with the concern. He had long been senior warden of St. Andrew's Church where he was a member of the vestry, and also a choir singer. His wife, the former Miss Flora Hussion, died two years ago. He leaves no, The near funeral relatives.

will be Wednesday at 11 in St. Andrew's Church with the rector, Rev. R. MacKaye, Atwood officiating. Friends may call at the Leete funeral home Monday from 7 to 9 and Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 9.

Because of Mr. Hargrave's a celebration of Holy Communion announced for Wednesday at 10 at the church in observance of the feast of St. James the Apostle has been cancelled. Enfield Group Will Leave Tuesday for Shrine in Quebec Thompsonville, July 22-A" pilgrimto the shrine of St. Anne 'de Beaupre, near Quebec will be made 'by 37 local residents Tuesday.

The party will leave by chartered bus at 5 a. m. from Enfield St. and Park Ave. and the return will be Saturday night.

Although pilgrimages have been made to shrines in York State and other nearer places, this will be the first trip from here to Quebec. The affair is sponsored by the Mount Carmel Society and Auxiliary, with arrangements in charge of Mrs. Jennie' Porto of Enfield St. and Miss May Gatto of Park Ave. Playgrounds Plan Clinics On Sports Thompsonville, July 22 Sports clinics scheduled for the week on the public playgrounds are as follows: Baseball.

Herb Kegley, Monday, Hazardville, 9 to 11.45; Tuesday, Lafayette 9 to 11.45. Football, Eddie Carlson, Wednesday, Lafayette to. 9.45; Memorial Park, 10 to 10.15; Hazardville, 11 to 11.45. Basketball, Leo Porcello, Friday, Hazardville, 9 to 10.15; Memorial Park, 10.30 to 11.45. Tennis, Tuesday, Miss Mary Parakilas, Lafayette 1 to 2.15; Memorial Park, 2.30 to 3.45; Hazardville, Miss Helen Curtis, Tuesday, 1 to 2.15, Second game in the girls softball tournament will be Wednesday at 9.30 with Memorial Park playing at Lafayette St.

playground. Rose Reveruzzi and Miss Agnes Nigro, both of Park have left, by plane for a vacation at the Hotel Biltmore, Coral Gables, Fla. Patrolman Vincent Ash and Mrs. Ash, Walnut" 4 are on an automobile trip to Florida. The governing board of the Thompsonville Chamber of: Commerce will meet Monday at 7.30 in the home of the president, Harold D.

Richards, Pearl to decide whether the Chamber will participate in the project of an Enfield queen and float the Tobacco Festival at Hartford in September. Communion "in observance of St. James' Day will be celebrated Wednesday at 10 at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church by the rector, Rev. R.

MacKaye Atwood. The final practice for the Little League: All Stars preparatory to playing Manchester in the District 8 tournament has been called by the coach, George LaGrange, for Monday at 6 at Little League. Field. The tournament game will be Tuesday night and persons willing to share their cars. with youngsters desiring to attend the game are to report at Higgins School at 5, SUFFIELD: Suffield, July 22-Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Lund: of Marlboro, N. are parents daughter, Susan Arlene, born on July 18. Maternal grandfather is Howard Hastings of Hill Suffield. Mrs.

Emma Hale of Unionville has been the guest of Mrs. J. R. Gregg of. Day.

Ave. 1 Douglas Lloyd of. Russell Ave. is attending Camp Pioneer, at New Hartford with a of Suffield Boy Scouts. Mrs.

Dan Miller, of Pittsburgh is spending a number of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John' Edmonds, of Taintor The Leo Group of the Third Baptist Church realized about $42 from their food sale Saturday. Miss Joan Hegeweld of New Haven will be the guest of Mrs. Charles Bishop of Mapleton Ave.

this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Furman of River Blvd are parents of daughter born Tuesday' in Hartford Hospital. After' and redes rating, Kent Memorial Library will be open tomorrow from 2 until 8.

Townspeople having library books are requested to return them at an early date. The funeral of. Robert H. Loomis 'of 10 Mapleton Ave. will be Monday at 2 at the funeral chapel with Rev.

Dr. J. Melvin Prior officiating. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. Eighty-nine 'Suffield children completed the swimming L'1 lessons at Babb's Beach, Congamond, Mrs.

John Zimtruk and infant daughter, Catherine Marie, have returned from Hartford Hospital The Suffield Rotary Club meets Tuesday at 6 at' Suffield Academy. George Samuel is in charge of the program. ENGINEER AT U. OF MASS. Amherst, July, 22-Ralph S.

Hayward, 50, of 76 McClellan who died suddenly today, was born in South Ryegate, on Jan. 30, 1901. Trouble Seeks Out Those McGraths at Arcanum Field Northampton, July 22-After today it will take a brave McGrath to have anything to do with a ball game at Arcanum Field. In pregame practice this afternoon, Harold a player with the Florence AA, made a throw to a base and collapsed. He was removed: to Cooley Dickinson Hospital for treatnient of a 7: pulled muscle in his back, 34 AMHERST.

of Ludlow were awarded the contract Amherst, July 22-Scott Brothers for the construction of the pumping station and furnishing and installing it, on Stanley St. Their bid was 300, plus any rock excavation of per cubic yard. 1: The only other bidder was Ralph Hall of Stoneham, whose bid 962 and $12 a yard for the construetion of the sewer in the eastern district. Haley and Ward of Boston, consult. ing engineers, will supervise the work.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown of angle are at Bar Harbor, Me. Mr. and Mrs.

William Ahern daughter, Patricia of Triangle are spending 'the summer at GeorgeMe. Mrs. Ahern's sister, Mrs. George LaFogg of South Prospect has been' visiting then Amherst Council, Knights of Columbus. will have the annual clambake at 1 p.

at the Cushman Clambake Club. Gerald Fitzgerald chairman, assisted by Charles Crosscan, John Mahar, Henry Martin and Edgar Tessier. Amherst Lodge of Odd Fellows will meet Monday evening. Kelhoochun Council, Degree of will meet Tuesday evening. There will be an interchurch mending bee for relief Tuesday beginning at 1 p.m., in the First Congregational Church.

A A high mass of requiem will be celebrated: Monday at 8 in St. Brigid's Church, for Michael J. Diggins. Services were held on Sunday and burial was in St. Brigid's Cemetery.

Pfc. Stephen Wales of the Air Force a. student at the University of Connecticut at Storrs, studying for advancement as a clerk-typist. Prof. John Hyde of the college of architecture at the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, with Mrs.

Hyde and their children, John and Mary Jane, are visiting his father, William Hyde, of North Pleasant St. Amherst Grange had an outing, picnic supper and evening of 'cards on Saturday, at Lake: Wyola, in The program, in charge of Guy Reed, chairman, opened at 2 p. in Bennett's Grove. Mr. and Mrs.

Zebedee "Bethea and Mr. and 'Mrs. Vernon Daley left on Sunday to motor to City, where they will visit their brothJefferson Stamps, and his family. The first game in the baseball league playoffs for the town championship will take place Monday at 6.30 p. on Community Field, between Louis Foods, the winners and North Amherst teams.

Games in the Softball League Monday, on Hitchco*ck Field 1,, will be the First Church vs. the Journal; on Hitchco*ck No. 2, No. Amherst, vs. Masons, On Tuesday, games will be between Rowes VS.

Redmen: on Field No. 1, and East St. VS. South Amherst, on Field No. 2.

A Vacation Bible School, sponsored the First Congregational and Grace Churches will be held in the First Church from Monday to Aug. 3, Mondays through Fridays. Rev. Kenneth Taylor, will. be in charge.

LUDLOW CONCERN GIVEN CONTRACT They'll Build: Pumping Station, Stanley St. Announce Troth Of Miss Ruth Wales 22-Mr. and Mrs. Earle F. Wales of Bay South! Amherst, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Elaine, to John James O'Connor of 96 Congress Holyoke.

Miss Wales is a graduate of Amherst High School and is a senior in the Holyoke Hospital School of Nursing. Mr. O'Conner is a graduate of the Holyoke High School and is employed by the General Electric in Holyoke: The date of the wedding has not been set. WILLIAMSBURG Williamsburg; July 22-Supt. L.

A. Merritt announces that Gerald Ritter of the Williamsburg High School faculty, who received his master's degree in education at Clark University June, has" now completed a course in driver training at the State Teachers' College: in Fitchburg, and has been" certified: to teach driving. This course used in connection with the driver education course now taught in the lochl high school, and is planned to make better drivers of our young people. The Mothers' Club: softball team, which has been practicing very steadlily of late, has scheduled a' game with their husbands on Tuesday night at the Helen E. James School diamond.

Amy and Walter Corbiere, children of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corbiere of Woodmont, are visiting their grandparents, Supt. and Mrs. L.

A. Merritt of North St. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lockwood of Nash Hill Rd.

are parents of William Robert, born Friday at Dickinson Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathers of Nash St. and Mrs.

Hazel Lockwood of Northampton. HAYDENVILLE Haydenville, July $22-Michael Dymerski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dymerski of Pine is recuperating at Dickinson Hospital from a recent appendicitis operation. Miss Fay Page of Providence is spending few weeks.

at the Mc- PITTSFIELD but was reported responding to treatment Last Friday night, Harold's brother, umpiring a game at Arcanum Field, was hit by a thrown ball in the last play of the game, and knocked unconscious. He was taken to Cooley Dickinson Hospital where several his chin. stitches were, taken to close a gash on Kusick Home on High where sho Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Smith and daughters left today for Lincoln, for a vacation.

Mr. Smith will stay for.a week, but Mrs. Smith and the children will remain for three weeks. Judith Breguet, daughter of Mr. in and Mrs.

John Breguet of High is spending two weeks with her uncle and Mr. and Mrs. Elson Brown of Rutherford, N. J. EASTHAMPTON Duda Appointed Entomologist at Stamford, Conn.

Stamford, July 22-Edward J. Duda of Easthampton, today was entomologist of Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories. He assumes his new duties immediately. For the past' three years Mr. Duda has been associated with the Maine tion Forest Service working in co-operawith the U.

S. Bureau of Entomology in control of the spruce budworm. He also has done extensive work in the control of the bronze birch borer and the -headed spruce sawfly, all major pests of forest trees. Mr. Duda is a graduate of Easthampton High School and received his B.

S. degree at the New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University in 1948. His first major studies at the Bartlett laboratories will be of mites, including the red spider mite, which have built up to major proportions on shade trees, shrubs and garden plants this summer. CHESTERFIELD Alice C. Curtis Is Sunday Bride Chesterfleld, July 22-A wedding of interest: took place this.

afternoon in the. Congregational Church, when Miss Alice Corinne Curtis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Curtis, became the bride of Russell Taylor Bisbee, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Bisbee. The ceremony, using the double ring service, was by Rev. Allen H. Gates, pastor of the local church. Traditional wedding music was played by the organist, Ernest Parker.

The soloist was Mrs. Lester LeDuc. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Miss Mary Jane Curtis, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor 'and bridesmaids were Mary. Lou Bisbee, sister of- the bridegroom, and Miss Lois Morin of Greenfield, cousin of the bride.

Carolyn Doloores Bisbee' was flower girl. Robert L. Bisbee of Farmingdale, Long Island, served his brother as best man. Ushers were Charles Allen Bisbee, Henry' B. both of this toown, and Pfc.

William H. Bisbee Ft. Devens, brothers of the groom, and William W. Curtis, brother of the bride, GREAT BARRINGTON COMPLETES PRODUCTION TEST Brattleboro, July 22-With 411 pounds of butterfat and pounds of milk to her credit, Woodgreen Posch Rag Apple, registered. HolsteinFriesian cow owned by Spencer H.

Logan, Lindenbrook Farms, Great Barrington, has completed: a 277-day production test in official Herd Improvement Registry. She was milked two times daily, and was six years, two months of age when she began her testing period. Testing was supervised by the University of; Massachusetts in cooperation with the Holstein-Friesian As sociation of America. BRATTLEBORO, VT. COW COMPLETES RECORD Brattleboro, July.

22-With 473 pounds of butterfat and 12,260 pounds of milk testing 3.9 per cent to her credit, Loudvale Fayne Edmac, registered Holstein-Friesian cow owned by Leo Aloisi, Northampton, Mass. has completed a 244-day production test in official Herd Improvement registry, She was milked two times, daily and was five years old began her testing period. Testing was supervised by the University of Massachusetta in co-operation with The Holstein- Association of America, HOUSATONIC GAGE -DAGRUEL Housatonic, July 22-The marriage of Miss Elsie Marion Gage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Gage of Lee, to John Joseph Dagruel, son of Mr.

and Mrs. August Dagruel of this village took place Saturday in Corpus Christi Church, with Rev. Herbert F. Carroll, pastor officiating. The bride was given in marriage by her father.

She wore a white, satin gown, the shoulder neckline, long pointed sleeves and padded hipline, and a fingertip veil, and carried a white prayer book with streamers and white roses. Mrs. George Hardenburg, sister of the bridegroom was matron lot honor. Daniel Murphy, cousin of the bridegroom was best man, Blandford, July 22-All reservations for the bridge and canasta party at the Blandford Club Tuesday afternoon at 1. should be made with Mrs.

Albert Shaw of North St. by Monday. The hostess committee of the club will sponsor a food sale at the club Mrs. house Leonard at 12.30. 0 Woronoco Rd.

has returned from Washington, D. where she was the guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Capt. and Mrs. Harold Finlayson, and son. CABBIE, CHILD LEAP SAFELY CRASH Several Escape Hurts When Auto Strikes Taxicab North Adams, July 22-A A North policeman was among several Persons who apparently escaped serijous Injury in a two-car automobile crash here tonight.

Patrolman William E. Duffy was in front of his home at 139 Prospect St. in a taxicab which was hit and damaged by a car driven by 'James N. Oster of 17. Kimpton, -Clarksburg.

The latter has been summoned to District Court tomorrow morning to answer to a negligent driving charge. Kenneth Gamache, driver of the cab, jumped from the vehicle before collision 'as did nine-year-old Mary Ann Duffy, daughter of the poMrs. Gloria Gamache, wife of the operator, was badly shaken: She sat in the front seat. Riding. with Oster, home on furlough from the Air Force, were Robert Clark, 20, of East Main this city, and Miss Walda Bend, 18, of Park Adams.

2 Korea Veterans Return to States On Rotation Plan North 'Adams, July 22-Two -local veterans of the Korean War have landed, in this country from Korea under the rotation plan. Cpl. Charles B. Costa, 20,, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Manuel Costa of 36. Franklin enlisted Aug. 2, 1948 a and was sent Japan with a cavalry unit. He was to Korea at the outbreak hostilities. Cpl.

Edward H. Tatro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Tatro of Ownes ton enlised Nov.

7, 1948 and was sent Japan in February 1949. His outfit went to Korea last June. He was: awarded the army commendation ribbon with metal pendant of meritorious achievement Korea early this month, PHILAMON GREGOIRE Adams, July 22 -Philamon Gregoire, 78, died early this morning at the home of a daughter, Drs. John Netherwood of '150 Rich' St. A native of.

Canada he had lived in Adams since a young man and worked at the four years ago. Berkshire Mills until his, retirement He leaves two daughters, Mrs. Netherwood and Mrs. Celina Motatt of Boston; two sisters, Mrs. Marie Bovin New Bedford and Mrs.

Rose Dorey of Greenfield; grandchildren, two and survive. at grandchildren and several nieces "The body will be at Trottier funeral home in Adams until services Wednesday morning at 9 in Notre Dame Church. Burial will be Bellevue Cemetery. Calling hours at the funeral "home be Monday. and Tuesday.

from 2 to 5 and 7 to 11. N. Harry G. 18, is at Sampson, Y. for training after enlisting in the Air Force.

He is son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O. Clark of .943 Massachusetts Avenue, and a graduate of Drury High in 1950. During the past year Pvt.

Clark attended the North Adams State College. A The North Adams' Organized Army Reserve Corps arrived at Pine Camp, N. Y. last night for 15 days' training. Lt.

Harold B. Twitchell of this city, platoon leader of. Co. 376th led the group of 18 from this area. DOG BITES BOY Roger North Adams, July 22-Ten-year-old Ritcher of 587 Rd.

may MONTGOMERY SEEK NEW BIDS Montgomery, July 22-At a meeting of the Montgomery School Committee, it was voted to reject any, bids received for the transportation of students of grades seven and eight to Huntington. Accordingly interested parties are asked to submit or resubmit new bids for. such transportation on the basis of specifications as previously described. Such bids should be mailed to, or received at, office of superintendent of schools (mail address, Huntington) not later than 4 Friday, July 27. NORFOLK Norfolk, July 22-The Norfolk Lions Club will meet Wednesday at 6.15 at Stemann House for a dinner meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Giansiracusa are entertaining this week Mr. and Mrs. Edward Touma of Niagara Falls, N.

Y. Sidney Toomey was installed as commander of Roberts Post, American Legion, at the meeting in Arcanum Hall. Also, Maurice Dutcher was installed as first, vice-commander; Charles mander; Smith as second vice-comJoseph Garrity as sergeantat-arms, and Christopher Birmingham as service officer. Maj. John F.

Dyer is at Camp Edwards, for summer unit training. Mr. So and Mrs. Frank Riiska left Friday afternoon for Bridgeton, where they plan to spend a week. Maurice Dutcher West is en The enjoying a swimming two-week instructions vacation.

which at have Toby been conducted for' two weeks of the Pond, under the sponsorship Red Cross as part their water safety program, have ended, WILLIANSTOWN Williamstown, July 22-The funeral of John Walter Allison, business administrator at the North Adams Hospital, will be -at St. Patrick's. Church heart tomorrow at 9. He died suddenly of a attack Friday, Burial will be in Eastlawn Cemetery. Members of Holy were Name Society of St.

Patrick's Church at the Hopkins funeral home tonight for recitation of the rosary. Tracy Dibble, a national. executive committeeman of American Legion, will speak on "Communism and How We Can Combat It." at 8 Monday The night in the Mitchell School gym. local American: Legion, with Ralph Martel as chairman, is sporsoring the lecture. 0 I GEORGE E.

ST. JOHN NAMED EDITOR Cadet of Mr. and Mrs. George St. John shipman George E.

St. John, son of 341 Chapel Lee has been appointed editor chief of "Midships," the yearbook the United States Merchant Marine Academy. have his doubts about a dog being man's best friend. He was bitten afternoon by a dog said by police to be owned by Mary Leavens of 1245 Massachusetts' Ave. Dr.

Antoine Dumouchel treated the boy and Mrs. Leavens was requested. to confine her dog. Not 'Where Lost' But 'Where Found' North Adams, July 22-The' police "lost and found department" saw both sides of human nature this week end. Shortly before 6 Saturday afternoon James Rosston of 47.

Wall St. turned in: a wallet with $6 and personal papers he 'found near the golf driving range in State Rd. at Grey. lock. The property was recovered later by its owner, Robert J.

Circe, 71 Hathaway St. However. 10 minutes earlier police at learned that although bathing is free the municipal beach, Windsor Lake, a swim local man $5. Leo Loholdt, 5 Oak reported wallet, money and personal papers including his automobile driver's taken from his clothing. LEE Mrs.

Edith Ingram Leaves Seven Sons July 22-Mrs. Edith (Barton) 68, of Prospect St. died at her, home early this morning after a short illness. She was the widow. of the late Walter.

J. Ingram. 'She leaves seven sons: Elliot, mer pro ballplayer now of Meadsville, Edward of: Greenfield, Walter, of Jackson Heights, Loong Island; Donald of Stockbridge, Bruce of Simsbury, Douglas of Vernon Center, and Richard of Lee. She also leaves 15 grandchildren. Mrs.

Ingram was born' in Stockbridge and lived in Lee for 50 years. The body is at the Kelley funeral home where friends may call Monday from 2 to 5. and 7 to 10 p. m. The funeral will be Tuesday afternoon at 2 at the funeral home with Rev.

Edward J. Day, rector of St. George's Episcopal Church, officiating. Burial will be. in Fairmont Cemetery.

WINSTED Rev. Fr. Smith Is Transferred Winsted, July 22 (P) -After eight years as pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic Church of the Franciscan' Order here, Rev. Gregory Smith nounced today was being transferred to St.

Anthony's Shrine Church, Boston," effective. after Sept. 1.0 He will be succeeded here by Rev. Alvin Hughes of Holy Cross Church, Callicoon, N. Y.

FAREWELL PARTY IS TONIGHT FOR RAFOSES Southwick, July 22-Rev. and Mrs. Otto T. Rafos will be given a farewell party in the home of Mr. Mrs.

Ommund Pedersen of East Hartland, Monday at 8. Mr. Rafos resigned as miniser of the Pilgrim Congregational Church 'after serving five years. The resignation was fective July 1. Mr.

Rafos will become the 3 pastor of Calvary Chapel, Chicago, on Aug. seoon move his family to that city. BARKHAMSTED Barkhamsted, July 22-Cub Pack 40 second pack meeting at the People's State Forest. The theme was "Wild Indians." After a picnic supper, Den 1 acted out an Indian story and performed a war dance. Den 2 laid a trail which Den 1 followed through woods.

The whole pack made their. own Indian costumes. There will be no more pack meetings until September, The Junior Fellowship met at the church under the direction of Mrs. Horace Dunbar and Rev. Arthur Berry, The employees of Barreuthers Brothers and their families held their annual picnic at People's Forest.

Kenneth Church and Jack Hall at- Canaan, July 27-The Woman's College Club of Litchfeld County held a picnic meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry Cleaveland in Harwinwas "Flower arrangement." Those atton, Mrs. Frank Wheeler, of Trades winds, was a the speaker, Her subject tending from Canaan were Mrs. Samuel G. Camp, Mrs.

Horace Stump, Mrs. Wilmer Shultz, Mrs. A. E. Cobb, Mrs.

Cinclair Kennedy, Mrs. Shultz's mother, Mrs. Whittaker and Mrs. G. Roger Newkirk of Lakeville, A bus will 'be at the' Railroad Parking place Monday at 4 p.

m. to carry the All-Star-Little League to Torrington, where they' will play a game against Thomaston. Other persons interested may ride on the bus. During the game there will be brief comments by selectmen and mayors. First Selectman Robert.

May of Canaan, will speak before the game Monday night, 'CYCLIST HURTS KNEE Westfield, July 22-John Augustowicz of 13 Hanover suffered minor left knee injuries in a Saturday accident reported by police today. TICKETS ISSUED FOR GE EXHIBIT NOW TOTAL 9000 'More Power for America' Will Be in City This Week: Pittsfield, July 22-With more than 9000 tickets already issued for the General 'Electric, "More Power for train exhibit which, opens has here Monday afternoon, the company. announced that all reservations to see the exhibit must be made from 7. to 9 p. m.

Lanesboro Sewer Board to Seek Help From City ers of Pittsfield, July 22-The commissionthe sewage disposal system at Garden Circle, Lanesboro, have sent a copy of the act which established the system to City Solicitor Francis J. Quirico for study and at a later meeting of the council the three Lanesboro men will appear explain what they hope for the way. of co-opera4 tion from Pittsfield in establishing the first sewer setup in the town of Lanesboro. aided Garden, Thomas Enright in Circle association was having legislation passed establishing, system, which It is hoped eventually will widen out to encompass the entire town and thereby 3. the pollution of Pontoosua Lake which lies in both municipalities, The commissioners for.

the Garden Circle project are M. J. Guinan, Michael: J. Ferris and Walter Barnes, Woman Injured In Car Smash In Early Hours Pittsfield, July 22-An early morn ing accident In Lakeway Drive jured one and caused cone siderable damage to the car in which she was driving. According to the report made to the police by Ellsworth J.

Sohles of 40 Oswald he stopped his car near the pumping sta tion when he saw a headlights ap4 proaching him from the wrong side of the road near the turn beyond the station. His ca car was hit by 'a car driven by George L. Foley of 25 Cop. ley the report says and there end was considerable damage to the front of the Sohles car. A passenger in the Sohles car, Mrs.

Ina Sohles, wife of the driver received a knee Injury of a be and be a the two date. have be lease ice leave Iligh with rest Sgt. Potter Is Back From Korea Potter, Pittsfield, July 22-Sgt. Williant son. of Patrolman and Mrs William Potter has arrived home from a tour.

of duty in Korea. Potter received his promotion in Sgt the field. for meritorious service. The young soldier was a member of the reserve and attending plain College when called Theater Schedules 9.10; Berkshire Drive "The Prowler," "Your Navy Now," 10.55, 4.05, 6.30, on a Trail," 1.40, 9.05. 4.30, 7, Questions Asked," 2.05, 9.25; Sir, Mr.

Boones," 1, 3.25, 0 50, 8.20. 1, 3.45, Goes to the Races," 2.30, 6.35, 9.30; "The Lion 5.15, 8.10. Union Ran All the Way," 2,3 4.25. 6.45, 9.15; "The 1, 3.25, 5.45, 8.10. HOUSATONIC EDWARD M.

HOLMES Donald Housatonic, July. 22-Edward Mace in Holmes, 74, died Friday night short his home in Pine following a illness. He was born In this F. town on Aug. 8, 1876, son of Charles had and Sarah MacDonald Holmes and been a lifelong resident.

Mr. Holmes was employed for 15 years at Snyder's store, and for 10 years by He Gerard Brothers, grocers, of this town Holmes had been retired several years. Mn was a member of Cincinnatus Lodge, RAM; Monument Chapter Berkshire Commandery Knights Templar, of Pittsfeld; Tad conic Lodge of Odd- Fellows, and the Order of the Eastern Star. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Walter Atwood, with whom he made his home; two brothers, John H.

Holmes of Housatonic and of dren. New Mr. Haven, Holmes and was three the grandchild of the late Bertha Hannum. The body is at the Birches funeral home in Great Barrington where the funeral HINSDALE big, chairman. UP- COUNTRY RADIO WHAI of Greenfield, 1240 KC Hinsdale, "July 22-The thrift sak held recently in the old Frissell stort by the women of the First Congregai tional.

Church netted approximately $100,. according to Mrs. Herbert Esi MONDAY 6.00-Farm Hour 12.80-News 8.53-News 12.45-Information 7.00-Weatherman Time 7.05-Timetable 1.00-Newa 4 7.15-Birthday Box 1.15-Food Show 7.80-News 1.45-After. Mualo. 7.85 Timetable 2.30-Nay Show 8.00 -County Newe 2.45-News Must 8.00-News 5.00-Storyland 8.15-Shelbu'ne Falls: Express 8.30-World 8.35-Miniatures Digest 5.15-Young Puritan 5.30-Singing 8.45-Devotions Marshal 9.

News 5.55 Club House 9.15-Air Newspaper 9.30-Chapel Time 6.10-County News 10.00-Melodies 6.43-Sports 10.23-News Safety 7.00-Ful. Lewis, Time 10.45-Stars 10.30-Kitch. Sing Kapers 7.30-Musia. Time 7.45-Newg 10.55-Happy Felton 8.10-Minstrels 11.00-Ladies Fair 8.25-Braves-Pirat. 11.30- 11.25-News 10.30-Ball Scores day Queen for -I Love Myster 11.00-NeWa 12.00-Kurt 12.15-Organatres Massey 11.15-United Nation WARE of Ware, 1850 KO MONDAY Hour.

11.35-News 7.05-Rise 7.00-News 12.00-Polka Tunes 7.50- 8.00-Hita Birthday Party Band 7.30-Local 7.45-Weather News 12.45-Mindy Carson Shine 12.30-Local News 1.00-Classics Bits stand 8.53-News 19 2.55-News 9.15-Easy 9.00-Radio Chapel: 3.00-Diac Caravan Rhythm Time 9.25-The 9.30-Man Recordand 4.00-News 9.55-News 5.00-Orchestral 4.05--Tops In Pope 10.00-Listen 10.30-Class. Col. Ladies 5.30-Song 10.35-Something 6.00-Local Newe Old 6.15-Sporte 10.55--News 6.30 -Candlelight 11.30-Guest 11.00-Bands, Parade 7.00-News 11.45 7.06-Club 1260 Cit the Record.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.