The Only Chicken Soup Recipe You’ll Ever Need (2024)

Grandma Stella left our family with a lot of special things—the verbally passed-down "recipe" for her garlicky pan-fried meatballs, a family-wide ability to flip a frittata with our eyes closed, and the skills for dominating a casino craps table just a few among them. But of all the critical life lessons I learned from my grandma, how to make this chicken soup is easily one of my most prized.

The woman was known for her incredible cooking, which was somehow impossibly simple and utterly, knee-weakeningly good at the same time. A regular day at her house would involve every meal lovingly made from scratch, and she always had a joyful attitude as she cooked and pushed us to eat more even when we were at maximum capacity. A week of her meals was never (ever)—regardless of the season—without a pot of homemade chicken soup.

Lots of people have homemade chicken soup recipes, I’m sure. But the truth is, I’ve never had a single one at someone’s home or in a restaurant that holds a candle to hers in any way. So often they are made with store-bought broths that are oversaturated with sodium or have an unnatural yellow hue, or ruined with overcooked herbs, too-soggy vegetables, or rubbery cubes of chicken. Don’t even get me started on the ones with limp, doughy noodles that sit in the pot for hours, overcooking to an even more extreme degree with every spoonful you take (or don’t).

"Italians cook everything simply" can't always be the answer to why their food tastes so good, but the spare number of ingredients Grandma Stella would use and the fact that each one only seemed to fortify the soup's natural sweetness is a fact that undoubtedly adds to its goodness. Hers was as bare-bones as one can get: a grocery-store chicken, water, onion, carrots, and a few drops from a can of tomato purée, with rice or a small pasta stirred in at the end. While it doesn't sound like the makings of a life-changing dish, I say in sincerity, it has: I cannot live without it.



My version is an adaptation of hers. I like to have some form of greens with most meals, and I go out of my way to get a well-raised chicken. Plus, I use tomato paste (which I tend to have on hand more regularly than cans of tomato purée) and add a bay leaf, garlic, whole black peppercorns, and a few drops of fish sauce—typically the Thai-style version I keep on my condiment shelf—to up the umami. But the bones of the recipe I owe to her, as well as the warm feeling I get all over whenever I take the first spoonful.

Here are my rules of thumb for making this perfect chicken soup.

Buy a Good Chicken I always do this anyway—in the hopes that supporting small, earth- and animal-conscious farmers will mean more responsibly raised options and fewer factory farms down the road. But buying a good chicken is critical when making any broth or stock for soup or beyond. Look for one that's been pasture-raised, looks juicy and not syrupy in the packaging, and is no more than around 4½ to 5 pounds. When in doubt, buying from a butcher that sources from local, family-owned farms is usually a good bet.

Remove the Chicken Skin I used to figure that fat added flavor—always and ever. But my grandma once told me that her soup came out just as flavorful after she removed the chicken skin. I quickly agreed and loved that it also made less work—without the skin, you don't have to skim off any excess fat from the top of the soup before serving. Nowadays I tear off the skin and discard before putting the chicken (or anything else) in the pot.



Keep the Broth Extra-Simple It's okay to put all kinds of things in a basic chicken broth—from the celery lying around in the crisper drawer to whatever produce odds and ends you have in the fridge. But for this specific soup, I've found that simple is best. Loading up on carrots yields a pungent sweetness and saturated color, and garlic and onion add plenty of flavor on their own. In particular, not adding celery goes a long way, eliminating any bitterness or aggressively "vegetal" flavor from the broth.

Salt Sparingly I would almost never advise a cook to hold back on seasoning a dish with a reasonable amount of salt, except in the case of homemade broth or stock. This one should mostly taste of vibrant carrots, subtly sweet tomatoes, and good chicken, and you only need a small amount of salt—think a pinch or two in the whole pot—to make it sing. If you'll also be garnishing with lots of Pecorino Romano cheese, like my family does, or using the suggested few drops of fish sauce, that will also add a little more sodium to the finished dish.

Shred, Don’t Chop It’s far less enjoyable to fish around for a bulky cube of chicken or one oversized carrot round when eating soup. I’d rather have a little bit of everything in one bite. Grandma would cook the carrots whole in the broth and smash them with a fork or her fingers before adding them back to the soup at the end. She would also pull the chicken instead of chopping it (she loved to steal bites of the steaming chicken while shredding it from the bones), which made it more tender and distributed a little meat into every single spoonful. Plus, both methods are just easier and feel more rustic and unique—I never make this soup any other way.


  • 1 whole chicken (about 4¼ lb.), skin removed
  • Neck and back bones of 1 additional chicken (optional)
  • 1 lb. carrots (about 5 medium-large), peeled, ends trimmed
  • 1 large yellow onion, halved through the stem
  • 1 small head of garlic, top ½ inch cut off
  • 20 black peppercorns, plus freshly ground black pepper for serving
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Kosher salt
  • 34 cup brown or white rice
  • 1 tsp. tomato paste
  • 14 tsp. Asian fish sauce
  • 3 cups finely torn or chopped Tuscan kale (from about 1 bunch)
  • Finely grated Pecorino Romano and crushed red chile flakes, for serving




Step 1

In a stockpot or large pot, add the chicken, bones (if using), carrots, onion, garlic, peppercorns, bay leaf, and a pinch of salt. Add just enough water to cover the chicken, about 11 cups (add a little more only if needed). Bring to a boil over high heat, then lower the heat to maintain a moderate simmer. Cook, skimming any impurities that rise to the surface, until the broth is richly flavored and the carrots are fully tender, about 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Step 2

Set a fine-mesh strainer over another large pot or a large heatproof bowl that can fit at least 10 cups. Strain the broth. Let the solids rest in the strainer until they’re cool enough to handle.

Step 3

Meanwhile, make the rice: In a small pot, add rice, 1½ cups water, and a generous pinch of salt. Bring to a strong simmer over medium-high heat, then reduce the heat to maintain a very low simmer and cover the pot. Cook until the water is fully absorbed and the grains are tender, about 15 minutes for white rice and 20 minutes for brown. Turn off the heat and let the rice rest, covered.

Step 4

Using your fingers, pull the chicken meat from the bones, prioritizing the meat you like best (you may have some left over) and shredding it into small strands. Transfer the carrots to a medium bowl and smash into bite-size chunks with the back of a fork (you will have about 2¼ cups). Add the carrots and 2¼–2½ cups of chicken back to the pot with the broth. (Reserve any remaining chicken for another use.) Retrieve the garlic and squeeze the cloves into the broth, if desired. Stir in the tomato paste and fish sauce until incorporated.

Step 5

When ready to serve, bring the soup back up to a gentle simmer. Gently fluff the rice with a fork, then stir it into the broth. Add the kale and cook until the rice is warmed through and the kale is just wilted but still bright green, about 3 minutes. Taste and adjust the seasoning with salt as needed.

Step 6

Ladle the soup into bowls. Top generously with pepper, Pecorino Romano, and red chile flakes to taste.

The Only Chicken Soup Recipe You’ll Ever Need (2024)


How to add extra flavor to chicken soup? ›

Add noodles or rice, veggies (carrots, celery, onion, spinach, kale, garlic, broccoli, etc), chicken chunks or pulled chicken, and throw a cinnamon stick in there. Maybe some lemon juice and fresh herbs (parsley, thyme, rosemary, etc) and you've got a super flavorful soup with a little hint of spice.

What is the number one soup in the world? ›

According to the Taste Atlas Awards, the international food database, the Filipino favorite, Sinigang, is hailed as the best soup in the world.

Do they still make chicken soup for the Soul books? ›

Today, 30 years after we first began sharing happiness, inspiration and hope through our books, we still publish a new title every month.

What adds depth to chicken soup? ›

A splash of vinegar or wine can add depth and complexity to the flavors of your chicken noodle soup. Try adding a small amount of apple cider vinegar or a dry white wine for a delightful tangy note. Just remember to add it gradually, tasting as you go, to avoid overpowering the soup.

How can I deepen my soup flavor? ›

"If your broth is lacking in savory richness, try adding roasted onion, tomato paste, mushrooms, seaweed, soy sauce, or miso. These ingredients add umami flavor and depth to broth," she says. The choice of ingredient depends on the recipe, though.

What is the most important ingredient in soup? ›

For clear, brothy soups, stock is your most important ingredient. If you want to make a good soup, you need to use an excellently flavored stock — otherwise, the entire pot could be tasteless.

What not to do when making soup? ›

The 7 Biggest Mistakes You Make Cooking Soup
  1. Boiling instead of simmering. You want a small bubble or two to rise to the surface of the liquid every few seconds. ...
  2. Not using enough salt. ...
  3. Ignoring water. ...
  4. Overcooking the vegetables. ...
  5. Adding tomatoes at the beginning. ...
  6. Neglecting to garnish. ...
  7. Not trying a pressure cooker.
Nov 19, 2014

What is the secret ingredient in soup? ›

It may sound a bit strange and unusual for some, but vinegar is a common ingredient in some soup recipes, and there is a good reason for it. If you think about it, vinegar is really a flavor-enhancer (umami). That's why it is so often used in cooking, sauces, and salad dressings. The same is true with soups.

What is the best soup to eat everyday? ›

6 delicious and healthy soups
  • Chicken Vietnamese Pho.
  • Green spring minestrone.
  • Herb and yoghurt-based soup.
  • Lamb shank and barley soup.
  • Pumpkin soup with star croutons.
  • Lentil and vegetable soup with crusty bread.
Apr 26, 2020

Why do Chinese eat so much soup? ›

Sweet soups such as tong sui are enjoyed for their aroma, mouthfeel, and aftertaste. Many soups are eaten and drunk as much for their flavour as for their health benefits and touted for their purported revitalizing or invigorating effects.

What gives soup a good flavor? ›

You can extract a clean, strong broth from a combination of water and several pantry ingredients. It's all about layering powerful flavor-enhancers that you probably already have on hand—bacon, tomato paste, herbs, peppercorns, a Parmesan rind, and, of course, kosher salt.

Why is Chicken Soup for the Soul? ›

They called it Chicken Soup for the Soul because they wanted it to soothe and provide comfort, just like their grandmothers' cooking. They took the book to New York, hoping to sell it to one of the big publishers, but every single one turned them down.

Are the Chicken Soup stories true? ›

According to Wikipedia, the original book was on the New York Times Best Seller List continuously from '94 through '98. If you somehow missed this juggernaut, the books were collections of “inspirational” “true” stories, compiled by Canfield and Hansen.

Are Chicken Soup books still popular? ›

As of 2023, the Chicken Soup for the Soul series has sold over 500 million book copies worldwide. This makes it the second-most popular book series of all time. It is also the most popular self-help book series of all time.

What to do if my chicken soup is bland? ›

Salt and pepper are the basic ones. Adding soup base is another good way to kick it up a notch as is adding a little acid. You can use lemon juice or vinnegar but be sparing, a little is awesome but too much is overpowering.

How do you fix soup that has no flavor? ›

Perk up a Bland Soup With Simple Pantry Staples

Add a splash of vinegar (any kind!), or a squeeze of citrus. Chances are, you could use a little more salt. Go ahead—it's ok. Salt perks up flat flavors and helps balance out bitter-tasting ingredients.

How to spice up can chicken soup? ›

Herbs: Fresh chives, thyme, or cilantro stirred in just before serving. Spices: Your soup is probably salty enough, but what about simmering a bay leaf in there for a while (don't forget to remove it before serving)? Depending on the soup's flavor profile, you could shake in some cumin or red pepper flakes.


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