The Vegan's Guide to Rice: Choosing Vegan Rice Products (2024)

Rice is a staple food for half of the world’s population, providing more than one-fifth of the calories consumed by people. As a plant-based food, rice is indeed vegan. However, some vegans point to rice’s carbon footprint as infringing upon more expansive definitions of veganism.

Learn more about this incredible grain, what’s in store for its sustainability practices, and which non-vegan ingredients might find their way into your next rice dish.

Why Rice Is Always Vegan

Rice is the edible seed of the grass Oryza sativa, commonly known as Asian rice, a single species of plant with a staggering 40,000 varieties. Other rice varieties include Oryza glaberrima (African rice) and wild rice (made from the Zizania and Porteresia genus of grasses).

Rice varies greatly in grain length (short-, medium-, and long-grain), color (white, brown, black, purple, and red), growing method, thickness, stickiness, fragrance, and more. In the United States, rice can mostly be divided into brown and white varieties. Brown rice keeps the bran and germ of the seed intact, removing only the hard, inedible part and preserving its whole grain nature. In contrast, white rice has had its hull, bran, and germ removed, making it less fibrous and easier to digest.

When Is Rice Not Vegan?

Whether steamed or boiled, rice always meets the plant-based requirements. Still, for vegans who are also cognizant of the carbon footprint of their foods, the rice industry’s labor -, water-, and energy-intensive cultivation process often raises concern.

Rice traditionally grows in recently seeded or soon-to-be-seeded fields that are flooded with water. These rice paddies require nearly 300 gallons of water to grow just 1 pound of milled rice. What’s more, the water prevents oxygen from penetrating the soil, creating a perfect place for methane-emitting bacteria to proliferate. The longer the flooding, the greater the emissions.

In fact, among all plant-based foods, rice is the most greenhouse-gas-intensive grain, accounting for 1.5% of total global greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing planned flooding, focusing on drought-resistant rice varieties, and creating integrated agriculture–aquaculture—for example, raising fish in the water of the rice paddies—could all substantially help lower rice’s carbon footprint.

Beyond the grain itself, rice can be found breads, puddings, porridges, soups, and as a side with dishes that include non-vegan ingredients.

Common Types of Vegan Rice

While plain, steamed rice makes a great plant-based side dish, vegans can enjoy many more rice-based foods and drinks. These naturally vegan rice varieties often give plant-based eaters the green light.

  • Amazake (Traditional Japanese sweet, slightly-alcoholic fermented rice drink)
  • Boiled/steamed rice
  • Dolmas (Mediterranean rice wrapped in grape leaves)
  • Horchata (Latin American sweet rice milk that typically contains cinnamon and sometimes vanilla)
  • Mochi (Japanese sweet pounded rice)
  • Puffed rice (Popular in cakes and cereals)
  • Rice milk
  • Rice noodles

Types of Non-Vegan Rice

The Vegan's Guide to Rice: Choosing Vegan Rice Products (2)

Cuisines all over the world use rice in their cooking, but many recipes contain non-vegan ingredients. These traditionally non-vegan rice dishes do often have vegan alternatives, so check for plant-based recipes if you’re looking to DIY, or ask your server if dining out.

  • Bibimbap (Korean rice dish often served with egg or meat on top)
  • Biryiani (Indian fried rice with meat and fish)
  • Étouffée (Creole-style shellfish served over rice)
  • Fried rice (Found the world over, this dish can be fried in animal or vegetable oil and often contains egg, meat, or seafood)
  • Mexican Rice (Typically contains chicken broth)
  • Premade Rice Mixes (Can contain non-vegan stock and dairy as well as animal-derived vitamins)
  • Paella (Spanish yellow rice that can have meat and seafood)
  • Pilaf (Cooked in broth instead of water, pilaf has many variations, both vegan and non-vegan)
  • Rice and beans (With myriad variations, this combo often contains meat stocks and other non-vegan ingredients)
  • Rice Crispies Treats (Typically contains dairy and eggs, but vegan options exist)
  • Rice pudding (Dessert rice withmany regional variations that often contains dairy and eggs)
  • Risotto (Rice fried in non-vegan butter and cooked in animal or vegetable broth)
  • Sake (Rice wine that comes in both vegan and non-vegan varieties)
  • Spanish rice (Saffron rice made with chicken broth)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is white rice vegan?

    Plain white rice is, generally speaking, vegan. It contains only the rice grain without the hull, making it a good alternative for people who have trouble processing high-fiber foods. White rice often comes topped with non-vegan butter, so be sure to order yours plain.

  • Is basmati rice vegan?

    A long, slender rice with a lighter fragrance, taste, and texture than jasmine rice, basmati rice served steamed or boiled is indeed vegan. Look for basmati in dishes from India, Nepal, and Pakistan which can contain non-vegan meat and dairy.

  • Is brown rice vegan?

    Brown rice refers to any variety of rice that keeps the bran and germ intact, making it, by definition, a plant-based food. Brown rice can appear in an array of cuisines from around the world, some of which include non-vegan ingredients.

  • Is jasmine rice vegan?

    A long-grain, aromatic white rice, jasmine rice is popular in many Thai foods. Served plain, it is almost always vegan, but it also appears in many non-vegan dishes.

  • Is yellow rice vegan?

    Popular in countries as diverse as Spain, Iran, Ecuador, India, and South Africa, yellow rice gets its golden hue from turmeric, annatto, or saffron. By itself, yellow rice does not include any animal ingredients, but it also appears in non-vegan paellas and pilafs.

The Vegan's Guide to Rice: Choosing Vegan Rice Products (2024)


The Vegan's Guide to Rice: Choosing Vegan Rice Products? ›

Plain white rice is, generally speaking, vegan. It contains only the rice grain without the hull, making it a good alternative for people who have trouble processing high-fiber foods. White rice often comes topped with non-vegan butter, so be sure to order yours plain.

Is jasmine rice ok for a plant-based diet? ›

Next, jasmine rice is a fragrant and kind of white rice, making it also vegan-friendly. Another kind of rice on the list is basmati rice. Often confused with white rice and jasmine rice, it is longer than the former and less flavorful than the latter.

What are three plant-based foods that vegans should consider eating and why? ›

Protein from beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, tofu, tempeh and seitan, along with healthy fats from avocado, nuts, seeds, and coconut and olive oils, can also keep your blood sugar stable. High-protein vegan diet: Protein is one of the nutrients often lacking in a vegan diet.

What is the healthiest rice? ›

1. Brown rice. Whole grain rice such as brown rice is less processed and refined than white rice. As a result, brown rice contains more nutrients such as fiber and minerals such as magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Which rice is best for a vegan diet? ›

Brown rice refers to any variety of rice that keeps the bran and germ intact, making it, by definition, a plant-based food. Brown rice can appear in an array of cuisines from around the world, some of which include non-vegan ingredients.

Who should not eat jasmine rice? ›

Like all rices, jasmine rice is relatively high on the glycemic index. Even brown jasmine rice can cause your blood sugar levels to spike, which may cause complications for people with Type II diabetes.

What is the downside of a plant-based diet? ›

While a well-balanced plant-based diet can provide a wide range of nutrients, certain essential nutrients are more abundant in animal-derived foods. Plant-based diets can sometimes lead to nutritional deficiencies such as vitamin B12, iron, zinc, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Can I eat eggs on a plant-based diet? ›

Eggs can and should be part of a plant-based diet, and these five suggestions showcase how easy it is to incorporate the incredible egg into your plant-forward dishes.

Why are rice noodles not vegan? ›

Wheat, buckwheat and rice noodles are all common and on their own present no dangers for a vegan as they are all plant-based. This can also be true for less-common noodles made with seaweed, acorn or mung bean. Egg noodles, on the other hand, clearly are not suitable for vegans as they combine their flour with egg.

Why is white rice not vegan? ›

That being said, just like the cereal in your pantry, white rice is artificially fortified with nutrients. It is then further refined and polished to appear more palatable. But, don't worry. The further refinement of white rice does not exclude it from being considered vegan.

What rice has no carbs? ›

It's Skinny rice is also known as shirataki rice. Like It's Skinny pasta, It's Skinny rice has ZERO carbs in a 1 cup serving and only 9 calories in the entire two-serving bag! That's right!

Which rice is a Superfood? ›

With its nutty, dense texture, brown rice is one of the better-for-you starch options; it's high in B vitamins, zinc, and magnesium.

Which rice is the least toxic? ›

The arsenic in brown rice appears to be less bioavailable than the arsenic in white rice. The texture of brown rice may cut down on the release of arsenic from the grain, or perhaps the bran in brown rice helps bind it up.

Is basmati or jasmine rice better? ›

Choose jasmine rice when you want a fluffy, creamy dish. Try basmati in a pilaf, salad, or grain bowl where you want the texture of the individual rice grains to shine through. Both work well as a delicious base under sauces and curries, it just depends on the type of texture you are looking for.

Is jasmine rice inflammatory? ›

Gamma-Oryzanol is an antioxidant found in the Thai jasmine rice nose. Gamma-oryzanol has anti-inflammatory effects, antioxidants and helps nourish the heart. Gamma-Ticotrienol is another vitamin found in rice gem.

Is jasmine rice gut friendly? ›

Jasmine rice is one such food item that is rich in fiber content. Due to this it helps in easing digestion and providing relief from digestive issues such as constipation. Presence of fiber helps to keep your gut healthy by helping the body to absorb more nutrients from the food and making your stool softer.

Does jasmine rice have lectins? ›

What's more, rice contains lectins and other inflammatory anti-nutrients, posing particular challenges for individuals with pre-existing digestive or immune concerns. Understanding these potential pitfalls is vital for making informed dietary choices and tailoring rice consumption to your individual health needs.

Is jasmine rice healthier than white rice? ›

White jasmine rice and other types of white rice have an almost identical nutritional profile. Jasmine rice contains slightly more calories and fat than some other white rices, but not enough to significantly affect a person's nutritional goals, or how full they feel after eating.


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