What are adaptogens, and do they actually work? — Calm Blog (2024)

Table of Contents
Explore what adaptogens are, including the different types and what they can do to your mind and body. Plus, when and how you should take adaptogens. What are adaptogens? Do adaptogens really work? 5 impacts on the body and mind What do adaptogens do to your body? What do adaptogens do to your mind? Scientific skepticism and research findings 6 types of adaptogens and their unique benefits 1. Ashwagandha 2. Rhodiola Rosea 3. Holy Basil 4. Ginseng 5. Cordyceps 6. Maca Are adaptogens regulated by the FDA and are they safe? FDA regulation of adaptogens How to ensure safety and quality Should I take adaptogens? When and how to incorporate adaptogens into your wellness routine Assessing your needs Consultation with healthcare providers Starting with adaptogens Incorporating adaptogens responsibly When not to use adaptogens What are adaptogens FAQs How long does it take to feel the effects of adaptogens? Can adaptogens be used in conjunction with traditional medications? Are there any side effects or risks associated with taking adaptogens? How can I choose the right adaptogen for my specific needs? Is there anyone who should avoid taking adaptogens? Calm your mind. Change your life. Start your 14-day free trial of Calm Premium. Stress less, sleep more, and feel better with Calm. Listen to the full audio on Calm, the #1 app for sleep, meditation and relaxation What do you find difficult about sleep? How does stress show up for you? How often do you meditate? FAQs References

Physical Wellbeing

Written By Calm Editorial Team

What are adaptogens, and do they actually work? — Calm Blog (2)

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

Explore what adaptogens are, including the different types and what they can do to your mind and body. Plus, when and how you should take adaptogens.

As more people try to find natural ways to improve health and wellbeing, adaptogens have grown in popularity in recent years. These herbs and mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional medicine around the world, and may have the potential to support resilience to all types of stress, boost energy levels, and promote mental clarity.

What are adaptogens?

Adaptogens are a class of natural substances, often sourced from herbs and mushrooms, and are thought to promote health and wellbeing.

Everyone experiences stress, whether it’s from a hectic schedule, environmental factors, or emotional challenges, and adaptogens are believed to help keep the body's response to it more balanced.

Stress can affect the body in multiple ways, including energy levels, the immune system, and overall health. Adaptogens are said to influence the production and regulation of stress hormones and help maintain homeostasis, which is the body's state of balance.

Although adaptogens are becoming increasingly popular, especially among those looking for natural approaches to stress and overall health, it's important to remember that their effectiveness can vary from person to person, and they're most beneficial when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle.

Do adaptogens really work? 5 impacts on the body and mind

What do adaptogens do to your body?

  1. Adaptogens may support adrenal health, helping regulate the body's hormonal response to stress.

  2. They may improve physical endurance and stamina for engaging in rigorous activities.

  3. Adaptogens might help regulate the immune system, aid recovery post-exertion, and support the body in maintaining internal balance.

What do adaptogens do to your mind?

  1. Research indicates adaptogens might alleviate mental fatigue and increase attention and endurance, especially under stress.

  2. They may boost your mood and improve your mental clarity while also helping you to manage anxiety and establish emotional equilibrium.

Scientific skepticism and research findings

While the benefits of adaptogens are backed by traditional uses and increasing scientific evidence, there’s still some skepticism in the scientific community. This is partly because the ways adaptogens work are complex and not fully understood and partly because the variability of plant-based compounds can make research in this area challenging. There’s a need for more standardized and rigorous clinical trials to provide clearer guidelines on their use and effectiveness.

6 types of adaptogens and their unique benefits

Adaptogens each have unique properties and benefits for different aspects of health and wellbeing. Always approach the use of adaptogens with informed caution, especially with regard to sourcing and potential interactions with other medications or health conditions.

1. Ashwagandha

Often heralded for its stress-reducing capabilities, ashwagandha is a staple in Ayurvedic medicine. It's thought to help the body manage stress more effectively by lowering cortisol levels, a hormone linked to stress. Ashwagandha is believed to improve sleep quality and enhance energy and cognitive health.

2. Rhodiola Rosea

Renowned for its energy-boosting and fatigue-reducing effects, rhodiola rosea is thought to help enhance mental performance, particularly in times of stress. It's also associated with improving physical endurance and resilience, making it a popular choice among athletes and those with demanding lifestyles.

3. Holy Basil

Also known as tulsi, holy basil is celebrated for its wide-ranging health benefits. It's thought to combat stress, improve mental clarity, and offer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Holy basil may also aid in balancing various bodily systems, contributing to overall wellbeing.

4. Ginseng

Ginseng, particularly Asian and American varieties, is one of the most widely recognized adaptogens. It's believed to improve stamina, mental performance, and immune function. Ginseng may also play a role in managing stress and better physical health, especially in older populations.

5. Cordyceps

Originating from traditional Chinese medicine, cordyceps is a type of fungus noted for its potential to increase energy levels, enhance physical performance, and support respiratory health. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often use cordyceps to boost endurance and recovery.

6. Maca

Maca is a root vegetable native to Peru, often consumed for its energy-boosting and libido-enhancing properties. It's believed to improve stamina and endurance, support mood, and contribute to hormonal balance.

Are adaptogens regulated by the FDA and are they safe?

It’s important to understand the regulatory status and safety of adaptogens before you use them.

FDA regulation of adaptogens

As supplements, adaptogens aren’t regulated by the U.S. Drug and Food Administration (FDA) with the same stringency as pharmaceutical drugs. That means the FDA doesn’t need to approve their safety and effectiveness before they’re marketed. Instead, it’s up to manufacturers to ensure their products are safe and their label claims are accurate. However, the FDA does monitor the market for any potentially harmful supplements and can remove dangerous products.

This regulatory approach means that the quality and purity of adaptogen products can vary significantly from one brand to another. Be diligent in selecting products from reputable suppliers that provide transparent information about sourcing, manufacturing processes, and testing standards.

How to ensure safety and quality

  • Research brands: Look for brands with a strong reputation for quality and transparency. Check if they provide detailed information about their product sourcing and manufacturing processes.

  • Look for testing: Choose products that have been third-party tested for purity and potency. Certifications or approval from recognized authorities may indicate a higher quality.

  • Consult healthcare providers: Before incorporating adaptogens into your routine, consult a doctor, especially if you have existing health conditions or you’re taking medications. They can provide guidance on potential interactions and help determine whether adaptogens are appropriate.

  • Be wary of bold claims: Be cautious of products making bold health claims that seem too good to be true. The FDA doesn’t allow dietary supplements to claim they can treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure diseases.

  • Educate yourself: Understand specific adaptogens to help you make informed decisions. Research their uses, potential benefits, and any known side effects or interactions.

Should I take adaptogens? When and how to incorporate adaptogens into your wellness routine

Deciding whether adaptogens have a place in your wellness routine is a personal choice that needs careful consideration of your individual health and circ*mstances.

It’s important to understand their potential benefits and limitations, consider your personal health goals and conditions, and seek advice from healthcare professionals. With the right approach, adaptogens might contribute to your overall wellbeing.

Assessing your needs

  • Understand your goals: Clearly define what you hope to achieve — maybe it’s reducing stress, enhancing energy, or improving mental clarity —to help guide your choice of adaptogen.

  • Assess your health: Consider any current health conditions or symptoms, and how adaptogens might impact your body.

💙 Use Jay Shetty’s Check-In Tool to assess where you are and where you’d like to be by asking yourself the right questions.

Consultation with healthcare providers

Before starting any new supplement, including adaptogens, talk with a healthcare professional about whether they’re right for you, and how they might interact with any medications or conditions.

Starting with adaptogens

  • Choose the right adaptogen: Each adaptogen has different benefits, so pick one that matches your specific health needs.

  • Begin slowly: Adaptogens can have different effects on people, so start with a low dose to observe how your body reacts.

  • Monitor your response: Keep track of any changes in your symptoms or overall wellbeing to help you determine whether the adaptogen is effective, and if you need to adjust your dosage.

Incorporating adaptogens responsibly

  • Be consistent: Adaptogens should be taken consistently as part of your daily routine. Follow the recommended duration of use and notice any changes in your body's response over time.

  • Prioritize quality: Choose products from reputable brands that provide transparent information about sourcing, manufacturing, and testing.

  • Stay informed: The latest findings on adaptogens can help you make decisions about continuing or adjusting your use.

💙 Learn how to stay consistent with taking your adaptogens with Jay Shetty’s guidance on how to Turn Choice Into Routine.

When not to use adaptogens

  • Be mindful of medical conditions: Be cautious if you have certain health conditions or are undergoing specific treatments. Consult healthcare professionals before use if you’re pregnant, nursing, or have an autoimmune disorder.

  • Be open about your medications: If you're taking medication, discuss with a healthcare provider whether adaptogens might have a negative effect.

  • Listen to your body: If you experience adverse effects while using adaptogens, stop using them and consult a doctor.

What are adaptogens FAQs

How long does it take to feel the effects of adaptogens?

The time it takes to notice the effects of adaptogens can vary depending on the person, the specific adaptogen, and the way it’s used. Some people may begin to feel a difference within a few days, while others may not feel the effects for several weeks or months. Adaptogens are usually taken for an extended period to allow the body to adapt and respond. Monitor your experience and adjust as needed, in consultation with a healthcare provider, to help you gauge their effectiveness for you.

Can adaptogens be used in conjunction with traditional medications?

Adaptogens are natural substances, but they can still interact with traditional medications. They may reduce or strengthen the effectiveness of your medication, potentially leading to side effects or a medication not working as it should. Consult a healthcare provider before combining adaptogens with any medications.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with taking adaptogens?

Adaptogens are generally considered safe for most people when they’re used appropriately. However, like any supplement, they can cause side effects, such as upset stomach, headaches, or changes in energy levels. The risk of side effects can be higher if the adaptogen is not sourced or used correctly. Choose high-quality products and start with a low dose to see how your body reacts. If you experience any adverse effects, stop taking the adaptogen and seek advice from a healthcare provider.

How can I choose the right adaptogen for my specific needs?

Selecting the right adaptogen depends on understanding your health goals and any specific conditions you want to address. Research the benefits and traditional uses of various adaptogens, and consult a healthcare provider or a professional trained in herbal medicine for personalized recommendations based on your health history and needs.

Is there anyone who should avoid taking adaptogens?

While adaptogens are beneficial for many, it’s important that some people proceed with caution or avoid them altogether. This includes pregnant and nursing women, as the effects of many adaptogens on fetal development and breast milk aren’t well studied. People with autoimmune diseases, those undergoing surgery, or those with certain medical conditions should exercise caution.

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What are adaptogens, and do they actually work? — Calm Blog (13)

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What are adaptogens, and do they actually work? — Calm Blog (14)What are adaptogens, and do they actually work? — Calm Blog (15)

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What do you find difficult about sleep?

Falling asleepStaying asleepRestless sleepWaking upSomething else

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How does stress show up for you?

AnxietyOverwhelmIrritationAvoidanceAll or none of the above

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How often do you meditate?


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5 tools you need to sleep better tonight

  • Improve your sleep with these science-backed tips
  • From neuroscientist and sleep expert, Dr. Matthew Walker
  • Bite-sized audio lessons for long-term results

Sleep Better

Easy Tips for Better Sleep

Dr. Mathew Walker Neuroscientist and Sleep Expert
  • Don't Try, and Don't Worry! 4 min
  • Your Sleep Type 5 min
  • Sleep and Your Mood 4 min
  • Your Sleep Environment 4 min
  • Sleeping with Your Phone 4 min

Sleep Better

`, urls: ['/blog/vivid-dreams','/blog/how-to-prevent-nightmares','/blog/why-dont-i-remember-my-dreams','/blog/stress-dreams','/blog/waking-up-tired','/blog/how-to-get-more-deep-sleep','/blog/how-to-get-over-jet-lag','/blog/sleep-anxiety','/blog/screen-time-before-bed'] }, { title: 'grounding', html: `

Get grounded in three minutes

  • Calm your body and mind using your breath
  • From former monk and bestselling author, Jay Shetty
  • Short audio practice to help you find balance

Calm Your Mind

Jay Shetty Author, Coach, Former Monk

Calm Your Mind

`, urls: ['/blog/5-4-3-2-1-a-simple-exercise-to-calm-the-mind','/blog/how-to-stop-intrusive-thoughts','/blog/box-breathing','/blog/driving-anxiety','/blog/grounding-techniques','/blog/how-to-stop-overthinking'] }, { title: 'fall_asleep', html: `

Ready to fall asleep with ease tonight?

  • Quiet your mind and body using this guided exercise
  • From mindfulness specialist Chibs Okereke
  • Soothing audio session to unwind into sleep

Get To Sleep

Chibs Okereke Mindfulness Instructor

Get To Sleep

`, urls: ['/blog/racing-thoughts-at-night','/blog/why-do-i-keep-waking-up-at-3am','/blog/breathing-exercises-for-sleep'] }, { title: 'work_stress', html: `

How to beat work stress & burnout like a boss

  • Relieve stress and anxiety quickly during the workday
  • From stress and burnout specialist, Chibs Okereke
  • Short exercises to help you find your calm

Take a Break

Quick Breaks

Chibs Okereke Mindfulness Instructor
  • Managing Overwhelm 5 min
  • 60 Second Reboot 1 min
  • Step Away From the Computer 4 min
  • Let's Unplug 4 min

Take a Break

`, urls: ['/blog/how-to-recover-from-burnout','/blog/beat-burnout','/blog/sunday-scaries'] }, { title: 'sleep_sounds', html: `

The music you need for better sleep

  • Get more restful sleep with delta wave music
  • Produced with Binaural Beats, scientifically shown to enhance sleep
  • 8 hours of music for deep sleep

Get Deep Sleep

Delta Waves for Deep Sleep

Curated by experts at Calm
  • Halting Thoughts (Delta 145 Hz - 147 Hz) 60 min
  • Slow Release (Delta Binaural) 60 min
  • Careful Mind (Delta 83 Hz - 84 Hz) 60 min
  • Calm Body (Delta Binaural) 59 min

Get Deep Sleep

`, urls: ['/blog/what-is-green-noise','/blog/sounds-to-help-you-sleep','/blog/best-music-to-fall-asleep-to'] }, { title: 'anxiety', html: `

The 11 anti-anxiety tools you need in your life

  • Relieve anxiety with these game-changing tools
  • From clinical psychologist & online educator, Dr. Julie Smith
  • Bite-sized audio sessions for long-term relief

Overcome Anxiety

Overcome Stress and Anxiety

Dr. Julie Smith Clinical Psychologist and Educator
  • Calm Your Heart with Deeper Breaths 3 min
  • Challenge Your Negative Thoughts 4 min
  • Guided Breathing to Release Tension 10 min
  • Distance Yourself From Anxious Thoughts 5 min
  • Create Emotional Safety 4 min

Overcome Anxiety

`, urls: ['/blog/panic-attack-vs-anxiety-attack','/blog/how-to-calm-anxiety-attack','/blog/breathing-exercises-for-anxiety','/blog/feeling-anxious-for-no-reason','/blog/flight-anxiety-tips','/blog/affirmations-for-anxiety'] }, { title: 'relationships', html: `

How to cultivate happier and healthier relationships

  • Strengthen your connections (even during conflict)
  • From the Head of Mindfulness at Calm
  • 12 audio sessions to create lasting change

Improve Your Relationships

Relationships with Others Series

Tamara Levitt Head of Mindfulness at Calm
  • Nurturing Relationships 10 min
  • Holding Space 10 min
  • Listening 10 min
  • Boundaries 10 min
  • Empathy 10 min

Improve Your Relationships

`, urls: ['/blog/how-to-overcome-social-anxiety','/blog/questions-to-ask-to-get-to-know-someone','/blog/taking-a-break-in-a-relationship','/blog/anxiety-in-relationships','/blog/long-distance-relationship','/blog/emotional-connection','/blog/first-date-nerves'] } ] appAudioData.forEach(instance => { if (instance.urls.includes(currentPath) && ctaToReplace) { const ctaToReplaceWrapper = ctaToReplace.closest('.sqs-row') if (ctaToReplaceWrapper) { ctaToReplaceWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', instance.html) ctaToReplaceWrapper.remove() } return } })}); // Audio Sample Functionality Codewindow.onload = function() { // Replace 'audioFileURL' with the direct link to your audio file const audioFileURL = 'https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57b5ef68c534a5cc06edc769/t/65a78d86aa34af6af3428203/1705479566073/SLEP_0184_DreamWithMe_EN_2CH_MK_20230802_HomepageCutdown.mp3/original/SLEP_0184_DreamWithMe_EN_2CH_MK_20230802_HomepageCutdown.mp3'; // Getting the play/pause button by its ID and icons by their IDs const playPauseButton = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-play-pause-button'); const playIcon = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-play-icon'); const pauseIcon = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-pause-icon'); // Check if elements exist if (playPauseButton && playIcon && pauseIcon) { // Initially hide the pause icon pauseIcon.style.display = 'none'; // Creating the audio object const audio = new Audio(audioFileURL); // Event listener for play/pause button playPauseButton.addEventListener('click', function() { if (audio.paused) { audio.play(); playIcon.style.display = 'none'; pauseIcon.style.display = 'block'; } else { audio.pause(); playIcon.style.display = 'block'; pauseIcon.style.display = 'none'; } }); // Dispatch the custom event after the player is ready let e = new Event("amplitudeaudioloaded"); document.dispatchEvent(e); }};

physical healthadaptogens

Calm Editorial Team

What are adaptogens, and do they actually work? — Calm Blog (2024)


What are adaptogens, and do they actually work? — Calm Blog? ›

Adaptogens may support adrenal health, helping regulate the body's hormonal response to stress. They may improve physical endurance and stamina for engaging in rigorous activities. Adaptogens might help regulate the immune system, aid recovery post-exertion, and support the body in maintaining internal balance.

Do adaptogens actually work? ›

There are many herbs and mushrooms that qualify as adaptogens, and what experts know about most of them is still limited. But growing research shows that adaptogens help the body regulate in many ways, including improving mood, balancing hormones, fighting fatigue and boosting the immune system.

What are the negatives of adaptogens? ›

Adaptogens are well tolerated by adults, but some noted common side effects include: Nausea. Diarrhea. Dry mouth.

What is the most powerful adaptogen in the world? ›

Considered by many to be the superstar of the adaptogen world, ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an evergreen shrub native to parts of the Middle East, India, and Africa.

Which adaptogen is best for anxiety? ›

These five adaptogens may give your brain a boost and help you handle stressful situations:
  1. Ashwagandha. This herb is one of the more studied varieties. ...
  2. Rhodiola rosea. ...
  3. Schisandra chinensis. ...
  4. Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian ginseng) ...
  5. Holy basil.

What is the king of the adaptogens? ›

But the King of Adaptogens still remains Eleutherococcus senticosus, Any adaptogen formula should include this herb. It is balancing, supportive, provides tremendous support for the immune system, increases energy and endurance.

Who shouldn't use adaptogens? ›

Pregnant and breastfeeding women. Diabetics. People with high or low blood pressure. People with stomach ulcers or history of them.

Do adaptogens give you a buzz? ›

Yes, some adaptogens can give you a buzz. These include green tea, holy basil, ginseng, cordyceps mushrooms, Schisandra berries and maca root. Medicinal mushrooms and maca root are well known for giving you an energy buzz without the anxiety or accelerated heart rate that caffeine often entails.

Do adaptogens cause weight gain? ›

Adaptogens are compounds found in plants and some fungi that are believed to help your body increase resilience to stress, reduce inflammation, improve metabolism, moderate appetite, and potentially help with weight loss.

How long does it take for adaptogens to work? ›

The time it takes to notice the effects of adaptogens can vary depending on the person, the specific adaptogen, and the way it's used. Some people may begin to feel a difference within a few days, while others may not feel the effects for several weeks or months.

What is the queen of adaptogens? ›

The adaptogen queen, Ashwagandha, is known for its ability to regulate cortisol and other stress hormones. More specifically, Ashwagandha Root is thought to support the stress response and stress recovery by promoting a relaxed state of mind and body.

What foods are high in adaptogens? ›

Here are some of the more common adaptogens and their potential benefits:
  • Ginseng. A popular herb among tea drinkers, ginseng comes in two forms as an adaptogen: Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). ...
  • Eleuthero. ...
  • Schisandra. ...
  • Ashwagandha. ...
  • Rhodiola. ...
  • Tulsi (Holy basil) ...
  • Astragalus. ...
  • Cordyceps.
Aug 26, 2021

Do adaptogens help with inflammation? ›

Adaptogens can help manage cortisol levels so they decrease in the evening and relax the nervous system for sleep. Reduce inflammation and pain: Stress and inflammation often go hand-in-hand.

What is the strongest calming herb? ›

Kava (Piper methysticum)

The root of a plant native to the South Pacific, kava is perhaps the best-researched herb for anxiety relief. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies show that kava significantly reduces anxiety.

What is the Chinese herb for anxiety? ›

Xiao Yao San (XYS) is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formulation of eight herbs. It has a long history of use for treating depression and anxiety, and to relieve stress.

Who shouldn't take rhodiola? ›

Rhodiola is not generally recommended because the claimed beneficial effects on health have not been confirmed in high-quality studies in people and do not outweigh the risk of side effects or drug interactions. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, children, and people with autoimmune disorders should avoid rhodiola.

Do adaptogen drinks actually work? ›

In fact, some research backs up these claims, suggesting that adaptogens do have the potential to reduce stress, improve attention, increase endurance, and fight fatigue.

How long does it take for an adaptogen to work? ›

The time it takes to notice the effects of adaptogens can vary depending on the person, the specific adaptogen, and the way it's used. Some people may begin to feel a difference within a few days, while others may not feel the effects for several weeks or months.

Are adaptogens a fad? ›

Adaptogens (edible plant extracts) are far from an American health fad. They have been used to treat a variety of ailments over several millennia, particularly in parts of Asia and India. While they're experiencing a resurgence in wellness practices today, adaptogenic herbs can only do so much.


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Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.