Why Do I Crave Sugar? 4 Potential Causes (2024)

Sugar cravings are often caused by imbalances in blood glucose levels. Low blood sugar levels might cause you to crave something sweet in order to bring up these levels. Other factors that can play a role include psychological stress, medications, hormone imbalances, and health conditions.

It’s not unusual to crave carbs, sugar, and chocolate when you are stressed or dealing with depression. Cravings can be your body’s way of letting you know it’s not getting something it needs, such as a specific vitamin or mineral. Having certain cravings, such as for chocolate or other sweets, is also often linked to how you feel emotionally.

You don’t have to completely deprive yourself of the treats you enjoy. The key is understanding why you are craving them and making sure that your overall diet is balanced and nutritious.

Learning a little more about the connection between food and mood can empower you to control your cravings rather than letting them control you.

How to Overcome an Addiction

Why We Get Cravings

A food craving is defined as an intense desire for a specific food. Most people experience cravings at one time or another, and there are many factors that determine their frequency and intensity.

Common Causes of Food Cravings

  • Psychological or emotional stress
  • Certain prescription and over-the-counter medications
  • Hormone imbalances (especially in relation to pregnancy and the menstrual cycle)
  • Physical and mental health conditions (such as type 1 diabetes, depression, and eating disorders)

Research has shown that cravings can also be driven by memories rather than bodily cues. Consistently having a certain food at a certain time creates a mental link—you might say it almost “feeds” the craving.

For example, if you grab a snack from the vending machine at work at the same time each afternoon, your desire for the snack may be less about satisfying hunger and more out of habit.

Sweets and decadent meals are often associated with vivid memories of food at social gatherings, such as holidays, parties, and family get-togethers. If you find yourself thinking about your Grandma’s molasses cookies or your mom’s famous apple pie, you may be missing your family members, not the food.

It might sound like cravings are “all in your head,” but that doesn’t mean you're imagining them. In fact, they're most often based in biology.

In 2004, researchers used fMRI machines to look at people's brains as they experienced food cravings.They noticed similarities in the neuroanatomy of food-craving brains and those of people who were addicted to drugs and alcohol (who may also experience cravings for these substances).

In a 2011 study, researchers found that when one area of the brain was activated, it temporarily decreased food cravings, particularly for sweet foods and carbohydrates.

Findings from similar studies have helped researchers understand the phenomenon of food addiction, which can be another factor if someone is experiencing persistent cravings.Research has also shown that some foods tend to be more "addictive" than others, including highly processed foods with a high glycemic load.

The way the mind and body (especially the gut) are connected, the mechanisms that drive hunger, as well as our unique memories, tastes, and dietary needs make food cravings very complex.

The Serotonin Theory

One theory about food cravings involves serotonin, a neurotransmitter needed for mood regulation. Researchers believe that having an imbalance of serotonin in the brain contributes to the development of depression.

When you're craving carbs, you're usually being drawn to foods that encourage serotonin production. In a sense, reaching for sugary, carbohydrate-rich foods can be a way of self-medicating depression.

Research seems to support this theory: Having a meal high in carbohydrates tends to raise levels of serotonin, while a high-fat, high-protein meal may reduce them. The effect of carb cravings on low mood may be stronger when people eat food with a high glycemic index, such as candy, as these cause a higher peak in blood sugar levels.

The Role of Tryptophan

Tryptophan is an amino acid that is a precursor of serotonin. That means your body needs tryptophan to make serotonin. Tryptophan may also produce a calming effect through interactions that take place within the realm of the gut-brain axis.

Several studies have proposed that low levels of tryptophan can increase hunger and drive food cravings, as well as contribute to symptoms of depression.

A diet with plenty of high-tryptophan foods may be helpful in boosting mood and managing cravings. Tryptophan is naturally found in protein-rich foods such as seafood, eggs, and poultry, and can also be taken in the form of a supplement.

Press Play for Advice on Eating to Boost Your Mood

Hosted by Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares strategies for eating to boost your mood, featuring psychiatrist Drew Ramsey. Click below to listen now.

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Chocolate Cravings

Researchers have isolated certain alkaloids in chocolate that may raise the levels of serotonin in the brain. These studies have speculated that cravings for chocolate (so-called "chocoholism") may have a biological basis with serotonin deficiency being one factor.

In some cases, feeling like you need chocolate might indicate you’re not getting enough magnesium in your diet. Although chocolate (particularly dark chocolate) does contain some magnesium, nuts and legumes also contain magnesium and don’t have as much sugar and are generally more satisfying.

Chocolate also contains “drug-like” constituents such as anandamides, caffeine, and phenylethylamine, which can wield a powerful influence on mood. People who feel addicted to chocolate may be feeling the one-two punch of chocolate and sugar, thus satisfying their need for more serotonin.

Coping With Food Cravings

While you might feel better at the moment, overindulging in sweets to cope with stress has long term physical consequences such as weight gain. There are also emotional consequences. Over time, a high-sugar diet may worsen symptoms of depression (especially if you tend to feel guilty about having or "giving in" to cravings).

There are some ways you can learn to cope not only with cravings but what is causing them. It’s important to address what’s really driving you to reach for a cookie when you’re upset so you can better care for your mind and body.

Acknowledge Behaviors

Practice becoming more aware of your emotional triggers for eating. The next time you pick up a "comfort food," stop and ask yourself why you're reaching for it.

Feeling sad, anxious, or lonely? Identify your feelings, then pause and reflect on the action you usually take (such as reaching for a sweet treat). Try replacing comfort food with another comforting, enjoyable activity, such as going for a walk, taking a warm bath, or curling up with a good book.

Sometimes, you might realize that you’re not particularly upset—but just bored. Eating is a physical, emotional, and often a social activity, so it makes sense to pursue it if you need some stimulation.

To break the habit, practice the same type of awareness as you do when you’re feeling down and “swap” the action of reaching for a snack for another activity.

It can also help to make sure you always have healthy snacks on hand. That way, if you are tempted to reach for something out of boredom, you'll be less likely to pick something high in fat and sugar.

Get Active & Eat Well

If you’re working on finding new activities to replace snacking or distract yourself from cravings, you may want to try using the opportunity to exercise. Regular physical activity stimulates “feel-better” endorphins, which can help improve your mood.

As you’re tuning in to your body, you may also find that there are times when you think you’re hungry, but you’re actually dehydrated! When you first feel a craving, reach for your water bottle or fill up a glass of water first. You may find this was just what your body needed.

After you’ve rehydrated, check back in with your body. If you’re still feeling hungry, the next step is to pause and think about what to eat. What you’re hankering for at the moment may not be what your body really needs.

Foods That Fight Depression

Practice Mindfulness & Moderation

Similar to how your mind might think you’re hungry when you’re actually thirsty, the meaning of a particular craving may be more complex than it seems. This is where practicing mindfulness can be helpful.

Sugar cravings are amplified and most intense when you’re hungry. If you go too long without a meal or a snack, your body is likely to start looking for a quick source of energy. While this might address your hunger now, you aren’t likely to stay feeling satisfied until your next meal.

Sugar and fat stimulate hunger, making it more likely you’ll end up eating beyond the need to satisfy your craving if you reach for these foods.

When you’re truly hungry, choose nutritious foods that will address your hunger and provide your body with the energy it needs. If you still want dessert after a balanced meal, have a little. But if you’ve had something filling and satisfying to eat, you may find that you no longer want the dessert.

Avoid completely depriving yourself and don’t beat yourself up if you “give in” to a craving. Focus on looking for healthier substitutes instead. For example, choose a small serving of dark chocolate avocado mousse instead of a chocolate bar. Or allow yourself the dessert you really want—but only have one small portion.

Mindful eating helps you plan meals and snacks intentionally, rather than mindlessly grazing all day. You may find it useful to keep a food journal, meal diary, or use an app to help you track.

Remember: No food is “bad” in and of itself. It’s the quantity and frequency that determine how the foods impact your overall health.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you’ve tried addressing your cravings on your own without success, you may want to talk to your doctor. Sometimes, cravings for certain foods can be a sign of an underlying health condition. For example, you might crave certain foods if you are deficient in essential vitamins and minerals.

Medications can stimulate appetite or cause blood sugar problems, including drugs used to treat depression and bipolar disorder.Other prescription and over-the-counter medications can affect your appetite as well.

If you have constant sugar cravings, talk to your doctor about the medications you’re taking. You may be able to adjust the dose or switch to a different drug.

If not, once your doctor is on board, you'll be able to work together on developing strategies for coping with cravings and their cause. You can also seek additional assistance from a dietician or mental health professional.

A dietitian can help you come up with a satisfying meal plan to ensure that you are eating balanced meals throughout the day. This can help decrease those cravings. A mental health professional could help you identify potential triggers and find alternative ways to deal with cravings.

If you or a loved one are struggling with depression, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

Why Do I Crave Sugar? 4 Potential Causes (2024)


Why Do I Crave Sugar? 4 Potential Causes? ›

Sugar cravings are often caused by imbalances in blood glucose levels. Low blood sugar levels might cause you to crave something sweet in order to bring up these levels. Other factors that can play a role include psychological stress, medications, hormone imbalances, and health conditions.

What medical condition makes you crave sugar? ›

— There's a good chance you or someone you know frequently craves sugar. While some of that is normal, if you're always wanting something sweet, it could signal hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar.

What are you deficient in when you crave sugar? ›

Food cravings are linked to nutrient deficiencies. If you're constantly craving sweets, get more magnesium, chromium, and tryptophan in your diet. These nutrients are found in whole, natural foods, such as broccoli, dried beans, liver, eggs, poultry, legumes, and grains, or you can get them via supplementation.

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Low Serotonin Levels

“Low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin have been linked to sugar cravings, as well as a variety of other symptoms such as mood disorders, anxiety, and sleep disturbances,” Dr. Ungerleider explains.

What hormone imbalance causes sugar cravings? ›

Cravings seem to be closely related to your body's hormonal regulation. Any spike or drop in those levels leads to cravings. Rises in estrogen and progesterone levels tend to correlate with rises in cortisol (stress hormone) levels which lead to cravings for carbohydrates, including sugar.

What is the root cause of sugar cravings? ›

Ghrelin, known as the hunger hormone, stimulates your appetite. And research shows that an increase in ghrelin levels may contribute to your sugar cravings. “Low serotonin levels can also trigger cravings for sugar,” explains Taylor. “So, if you're feeling down or stressed, sugar can be especially appealing.”

What vitamins stop sugar cravings? ›

Overall, B vitamins are regarded as essential supplements to curb sugar cravings. Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in your metabolism and energy, as well as the digestion of your food. It regulates the production of insulin. A zinc deficiency may result in sugar cravings and an increased appetite.

What does a sugar face look like? ›

Here are the tell-tale signs on your face that sugar is the culprit aging your skin: The surface of your skin looks hard and shiny. Deep, crosshatch lines appear along your upper lip. Discoloration and hyperpigmentation mark your skin.

What vitamin deficiency causes sugar cravings? ›

Vitamin B deficiency causes cravings for sweets

Sweet cravings when the mood is tense, moody, sad can also be because your body is seriously lacking in B vitamins. B vitamins including B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid) are vitamins involved in the production of energy.

Why does the female body crave sugar? ›

Just before your period when estrogen is low and progesterone is on its way down, levels of feel-good beta-endorphins in your brain bottom out. This hormonal imbalance can cause intense sugar cravings for women in perimenopause or with PMS as your body attempts to boost serotonin and endorphins.

What hormone does sugar block? ›

Sugar not only provides major highs and lows in mood and energy, it can also disrupt one of the most powerful hormones in the body: insulin. And insulin is closely connected to all of the other hormones in your body, including estrogen and testosterone.

What do sweet cravings indicate? ›

Sugar cravings are often caused by imbalances in blood glucose levels. Low blood sugar levels might cause you to crave something sweet in order to bring up these levels. Other factors that can play a role include psychological stress, medications, hormone imbalances, and health conditions.

Is craving sugar a symptom of diabetes? ›

Additionally, insulin resistance can have you craving carbs and sweets that instantly spike your blood sugar. If you've been experiencing strong food cravings lately — especially for sweets — make an appointment with a diabetes specialist to undergo blood testing.

Why can't I tolerate sugar anymore? ›

Sugar intolerance does not involve the immune system response that occurs with an allergy. Instead, someone who is intolerant of a certain sugar has trouble digesting or processing it. Sugar intolerance is relatively common. It causes a range of digestive issues, which vary in severity from person to person.


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