5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (2024)

How to tell real silver from the fake stuff…

5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (1)

Do you have silver jewelry?
Since you’re reading my blog, I’m going to assume that you do. But do you know what kind of silver jewelry it is? Or if it’s even real?
If you said “um…no?” that’s okay! I didn’t know for the answers for the longest time either. Before I was a jeweler, I knew that sometimes the silver would fall off my jewelry, my skin would turn green, and sometimes the jewelry I wore would actually break and be a different colored metal on the inside. But I still didn’t really know it might be something other than silver, or how to tell real silver from the phony.
As I am very stubborn, this was something that took a while to dawn on me…

As I am very stubborn, this was something that took a while to dawn on me…

Just because a piece of jewelry is gray, shiny, and looks like silver, that doesn’t mean it really is solid silver.

In addition to being very stubborn, I can also be extremely trusting, fairly gullible, and outright dense at times.

So, without further ado, here are my five basic tests to identify real silver jewelry. Hopefully this will help you be able to tell real silver from the phony stuff!

1. Your silver may not be fully silver if…. it’s not marked as Silver.

I know, this seems a little obvious, but also very telling. There are actual laws and fines involved for the mis-marking and mis-representation of precious metal jewelry. So real, solid, quality silver jewelry should be marked: SS, 925, ST, STERLING, or even just SILVER.

2. Your silver may not be fully silver if…. it turns you green.

This one is a little bit misleading. Most fake silver jewelry is tin over brass, copper, or some other non-descript base metal. Most of these will turn a person a range of colors. However, having a metal turn you green is due entirely to how one’s own body chemistry reacts to the metal. For example, copper usually turns some people green, but I can wear copper without any problems, as can quite a few other people.

Here’s the other misleading part. Some poor unfortunates are actually allergic to silver. Even actual, solid, 100% pure silver will turn their skin green in a heart beat, often including a rash along with it. But in general, if you know you’re not allergic to silver… if it turns you green, it’s not silver!

3. Your silver may not be fully silver if…. you buy it off the street (not at a craft fair) from someone with a sad story.

We all know this, right? You’re out for the evening walking to the restaurant, and a lady comes up to you in obvious distress. Her car broke down, and she needs cab fair to get home right now to her kids, and she feels really awful about parting with it, but would you buy this pendant her mother gave her so she can get home tonight? The jewelry involved is usually “gold”, and sometimes it’s “silver”- but it’s always fake, and you’re not the first mark she’s found tonight.

4. Your silver may not be fully silver if…. it’s less than $10.

There are exceptions to this example. At times an artist or a store is having a serious promotion to help attract attention, and sometimes the artist is just starting out, and doesn’t have a clear understanding of what it costs to make jewelry. Without a doubt, however, solid silver jewelry priced less than $10 is not even covering costs- but is actually costing them money to sell. So all those fabulous cheap jewelry shops with tables piled high with silver pendants for priced 3 for $4.95 … they’re not really silver.

5. Your silver is probably not true silver if…. it’s stamped “China” “Taiwan” or any other country that produces masses and masses of inexpensive jewelry for export.

This is also somewhat misleading. There are many fine artisans in these countries, who produce amazing, high quality work. Just like in the USA, however, they will stamp their jewelry in a responsible manner with their artist’s mark and the materials involved. If there’s no artist’s mark, it looks mass produced, and you’re in doubt it’s probably not silver.

So there you go – five basic warning signs that your silver isn’t silver. These aren’t definitive, and they may be incomplete, so use your best judgement!

What other warning signs can you think of?

For more information in identifying the real deal from the phony, click here.

  1. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (2)

    Howardon September 21, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    Be careful on those online auction sites too. Most auction sites will help you if you get conned, but it still happens.
    Caveat emptor (buyer beware). One useful technique is to use a credit card rather than a debit card or cash. There are some laws to protect you against credit card fraud. Call your credit card company if you get ripped off, they will help you recover your money.


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (3)

      Sonjaon January 1, 2021 at 8:07 am

      We have a silver tea set that was left to us on the bottom reads. Reed and Barton king Frances 1653 creamer,1652 sugar and 1660 and 1955 and 1925 on other piece. Are they real?


      • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (4)

        Kaelinon January 1, 2021 at 8:13 am

        Hi Sonja! Reed and Barton were premier silversmiths who specialized in high quality silver plated tea sets. The markings are not dates, but rather item numbers. Despite being plated, they are highly collectible, and sought after.

        Here’s an example of the set for reference: https://www.sterlingshop.com/King_Francis_5_PC_Tea_Coffee_Service_p/18113.htm


        • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (5)

          Pamela J Muiron July 16, 2023 at 1:15 pm

          The item I have is a gift from a aunt that passed away and it came from Scotland and she made sure that I got silver or is it just something covered


        • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (6)

          Alecon July 22, 2023 at 4:02 pm

          Credit cards don’t always help usually they just tell you that there is nothing they can do
          Having tried


        • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (7)

          Donna Longon May 23, 2024 at 6:14 pm

          Hello my friend bought a silver star with larimar stone in the middle the piece is
          Not marked anywhere and
          Almost too shiny . I have a really good magnet tool and I held it up to the pendant and it did not stick to it .


      • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (8)

        Lisa Jeromeon May 31, 2022 at 5:42 pm

        Hey, I’m Interested in buying a supposed Silver necklace but the markings are unreadable apart from Italy, it’s a fake Chanel but I’m more interested if its Silver or not, is the fact there are markings at all mean its s good chance its Silver?.


        • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (9)

          Catherine Chatfieldon August 21, 2022 at 10:54 am

          Lisa – the fact it’s a fake Chanel should probably tell you that everything about it is fake, including any marks. I really wouldn’t take the risk unless you don’t mind wasting the money.


        • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (10)

          Virginia Batistaon April 14, 2023 at 12:34 am

          I have a necklace marked 925 on the chain and the pendant but the pendant is magnetic. Is it real or fake? Should I test it?


      • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (11)

        Edward Judeon August 14, 2023 at 9:15 pm

        I have a old Barton I think silver plate and spoon idk isnit silver I thought it was a always


      • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (12)

        Blessed Fathaon August 22, 2023 at 4:15 am

        I would say they’re real but would have to see pictures.


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (13)

      sally woodon September 25, 2022 at 3:05 am

      sayablingj jewelry is from.china not california. and is not marked 925 silver..plated..nice but looks like costume jrwelry..hard to return. only psys 10dollars for return to china. ..cant give real review..beware


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (14)

      Mary Annon July 10, 2023 at 1:25 am

      Listia won’t help you if you get scammed. It’s a breeding ground for counterfeit goods.


  2. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (15)

    Howardon September 23, 2010 at 3:44 pm

    How about a link to your very complete earlier blog article on silver and gold marking. I had read it before and it would be a great addition for those folks who want more information.


  3. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (16)

    Trying to do an estate sale within the family.. some tea sets may be early–1920s ??? some 1960 Williamsburg VA place settings etc etc. Need to know how to identify through markings or knowledge of origin. Your blog seems to be the best help yet. Thanks. Unit markings site for who made the item, serial #s marques and so on’ Any help appreciated.



    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (17)

      Kaelinon March 26, 2018 at 8:52 pm

      Hi Dave! If you’d like to email me a picture of the markings ( Kaelin at kaelindesign dot com ), I would be happy to help, or give you a some suggestions on where to go for the information.


      • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (18)

        Matton June 19, 2021 at 7:12 am

        I also have a silver chalice and patin set from the 60s. It was a French export and has the silversmiths stamp along with the mercury head stamp. It doesn’t have a 925 or any numerical stamp to tell purity but I was told that in France that’s how they made there silver. Is that correct?


        • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (19)

          NoOne Specialon June 19, 2021 at 7:18 am

          Correct. The numerical stamping system is fairly modern. European countries especially had their own various legal ways of marking precious metals- and they would change based on what year it was or who was king.


      • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (20)

        Philon November 12, 2022 at 4:32 pm

        Hi Kaelin I was wondering if you knew anything about those Victorian book chain necklaces ? Such as, why are they called what they are and how long where they popular for ? I’ve seen many and have just bought one with a silver locket for my partner for Christmas. Any information would be very much appreciated. Kind regards Philip


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (21)

      Tina L Lentzon October 29, 2021 at 9:11 pm

      I have a ring an 2 pair of earrings and they are marked sterling but they dont test positive. Are these fake?


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (22)

      Cherronon January 14, 2022 at 6:47 pm

      Hi Dave! Have you ever heard of Dr. Lori V? Look on YouTube for her videos. She’s a doctor in antiques and appraisals and tells you exactly what you should be looking for on alot of different things! She used to be a curator and she’s awesome! She educates us so we can know what she knows! Anyway, I hope you check her out! Have a great day!!


  4. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (23)

    Warrenon December 11, 2018 at 7:06 pm

    My silver necklace has wgb on a tag that hangs on the clasp. ??? Is it not real silver . I can not get a straight answer when I Google it. It just brings me to a horrible eBay review and places to buy necklaces.


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (24)

      Kaelinon December 11, 2018 at 7:09 pm

      Hi Warren! For that marking, I’d say it is likely “White Gold Bond” which is a thin layer of white gold over a non-precious base metal.


      • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (25)

        Michael hickleyon September 24, 2019 at 5:44 am

        I have a set of “silver” fish knives and 6 forks On the back handle,about half way along the handle, is a “reference number or code”,R8623779.After that going towards the top of the handle are 4 sets of letters consisting of 2 letters X 3 and 1 set of 3 letters They are HA EA FA & EPA I presume the cutlery to be around 1920’s but could be wrong.There are no I d.marks to say it is silver or electro nickel plated silver.But then .925 wasn’t on silver until the 1940’s.Tge cutlery was tarnished and some areas were black.I used a jewellers silver polishing cloth to clean the cutlery and is is now shiny There is no wear on any of the cutlery Is this real silver?.


        • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (26)

          Kaelinon September 24, 2019 at 6:21 am

          Hi Michael,

          With those markings, you have a set of silver plate from the Atkin Brothers Silver company in England. They likely have a heavier silver plating than we commonly see in America, and with careful maintenance, the plating should last many more years.



        • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (27)

          Shelley Viningon January 30, 2021 at 6:40 am

          Hello please could I send a photo for someone to identify what the marks on my necklace mean please


        • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (28)

          Philon November 12, 2022 at 4:26 pm

          Hi Michael I bought some silver plated items from a charity shop and some of the silver plate had slightly worn through. I bought a bottle of what is called Silver Plate And Polishing Solution. It only cost me £5 and it worked really well. I’m telling you this just incase in time you notice you items plate getting a little thin in places. I’m in England and not sure where you are but I’m sure you could get the solution I mentioned in most countries. All the best Phil


          • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (29)

            Robbieon June 28, 2023 at 7:29 pm

            Hi, my silver ring has 825 on the inside. Could you tell me if it’s real please?

    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (30)

      Kim Baretton March 28, 2021 at 4:28 pm

      I have a set of old garham king edward forks and spoons that have sterling on it .is it worth anything


      • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (31)

        Cherronon January 14, 2022 at 6:53 pm

        Hi is it Gorham? And I think those are pretty collectible. I believe Gorham is very good!


  5. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (32)

    Michelleon December 19, 2018 at 3:17 am

    Hello! I bought a silver ring at a pawn shop for $30, had it sized too. It doesn’t smell, doesn’t turn my finger green, isn’t magnetic, yet there is no marking whatsoever, but there is room for it. I’m so confused! What do you think?


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (33)

      Kaelinon January 2, 2019 at 3:57 pm

      Without seeing it- I’d say it’s possible that it’s a real silver ring, just mass produced, or created by someone who didn’t know to hallmark their work. Sometimes you can get a real bargain at pawn shops!


  6. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (35)

    Victoron October 21, 2019 at 10:17 am

    Hi I have two pieces of what I think is silver… Well it doesn’t stick to a magnet I did the ice test n it melted the ice fast like if it was boiling .. I hit them together n it made a high long ding sound … But it has no marking n the if I hold them for more then half an hour I. My sweaty palms my palms did not get green … The spoon is a fruit salad spoon about 12″ lenght … The only test left is the acid test …but can it be silver even though it has no marking of any kind …???


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (36)

      Kaelinon November 19, 2019 at 11:42 am

      No, it could (and likely is) some form of stainless. Short of acid, you could also take your spoon, and put it in a plastic bag with a hardboiled egg. If it darkens within 24 hours, silver, otherwise stainless.


      • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (37)

        Dickon March 11, 2021 at 2:32 pm

        Hello, I found that onions also work. Thinly slice onions and as they sit out in oxygen they release sulfur dioxide. That is why onions from mcdonalds have that funky onions taste… they have been sitting out all day.
        I used thinly sliced onions on a silver coin and it gave a really cool colored toning as well as striping that reminded me of making leaf-prints… really neat.
        On an unrelated note: If you want your onions to keep that fresh onion flavor, rinse them immediately in cold water after slicing them!


      • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (38)

        Susan Moranon January 13, 2022 at 1:12 am

        Hi I have an old silver clogg trinket box…the only mark I see is foreign..I’ve done a couple of tests and it appears to be silver..


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (39)

      Geoffreyon June 20, 2024 at 7:28 am

      If it was stainless steel then the magnet would have stuck. I don’t think this lady read your reply very well like I did.

      I’m curious because I have certain silverware marked community silverware but inside them is sterling silver. I cut the forks in half just to check. And both were sterling silver. Community was created in the 1930s, but this is not by any known designer. It had am F emblem.


  7. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (40)

    Liz Allenon November 26, 2020 at 10:21 am

    Hi I have a vintage coffee pot no name but has markings RPMB and then numbers P5157 then numbers 501 any Idea? thanks Liz


  8. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (41)

    Brittany Buckhalteron November 30, 2020 at 7:35 pm

    If something says plated does it mean it’s not real sterling silver?


  9. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (42)

    Amanda Baileyon December 10, 2020 at 3:29 pm

    I have what I believe is a real silver ring. It is stamped MEXICO 925 TC211, But the 9 spot is not legible as a 9 it seems worn but does not stick to a magnet. Any advice is helpful


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (43)

      Leah Jimenezon October 3, 2021 at 6:03 pm

      Hi I bought A bag of junk jewelry for crafting and there’s a necklace with 4 hanging leaves. Only one leaf says “SS” and the others do not?? Would there be a reason for that? I did the smell test-negative. Magnet-negative. Ice-the ice melted rather quicker than another piece of ice I placed out the same time. Any help would be appreciated.


  10. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (44)

    Michele Pepinon January 23, 2021 at 4:33 pm

    I have a silver tilting handled teapot marked CC in large letters and trw beneath the CC letters. The stand and warmer are missing. Can you tell me something about the marks?


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (45)

      NoOne Specialon January 23, 2021 at 5:54 pm

      Hi Michele!

      Without seeing a picture of the teapot and it’s marks, it is very hard to give further detail. However, you can check your marks against this handy visual guide: https://www.925-1000.com/americansilver_C.html

      The CC mark could very well be by Charles Carpenter, but I do recommend having it professionally appraised as silver markings vary considerably if the teapot came from overseas.


      • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (46)

        Violeton September 25, 2021 at 8:51 am

        It is really a great and helpful piece of information. I’m glad that you shared this useful info with us. Thanks for sharing.


  11. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (47)

    Denise Lison February 2, 2021 at 3:23 pm

    I have a small piggy bank which tarnishes all the time it appears antique but has no markings whatsoever its very heavy for the size that it is and it cleans up very nicely simply with cigarette ashes(a trick someone told me about) do u think this could possibly be real silver?


  12. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (48)

    Michelleon March 20, 2021 at 3:06 am

    What does 9254 on my silver chain means


  13. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (49)

    Debbieon May 8, 2021 at 6:06 pm

    Are the Bradford exchange rings the real thing ?


  14. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (50)

    Debbieon May 8, 2021 at 6:08 pm

    Are Bradford exchange rings the real deal ?


  15. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (51)

    Carol Wilkeson September 14, 2021 at 9:40 am

    I have a silver compact with the marking 52 M ,is it real silver?


  16. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (52)

    Raymond Childson October 1, 2021 at 7:35 pm

    I want to purchase a Gotham oval platter. The seller says it’s sterling but the word “sterling” appears nowhere. Thee markings are Y414 141N “Gotham” R, P N S- each letter in square shapes and an anchor in a shield. Is this sterling?


  17. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (53)

    Emergen Con October 22, 2021 at 11:37 pm

    Thank you very much for this useful article. I like it.


  18. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (54)

    maxava0012on November 12, 2021 at 9:46 am

    your article is soo amazing. I am so impressed. Thank you so much it’s very helpful for us


    • 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (55)

      Baby Girlon December 4, 2021 at 3:12 am

      It is really a great and helpful piece of information. I’m glad that you shared this useful info with us.Thanks for sharing.


  19. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (56)

    Kartikion December 6, 2021 at 6:22 am

    I have got the brooch silver written on pin and c clasp, is it real silver?


  20. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (57)

    Hartzonlyon June 9, 2022 at 10:23 am

    I have a silver ring marked 925BBJ. What does the BBJ stand for? I thought I was buying a sterling silver ring that was real.


  21. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (59)

    Andyon July 13, 2022 at 3:34 am

    Why would a piece of jewelry be marked “Sterling” and .925?


  22. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (60)

    tech no webon September 3, 2022 at 4:07 am

    awesome blog about silver.


  23. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (61)

    Astraon October 9, 2022 at 9:13 pm

    Hello! How do I get rid of that orange color? I know it’s not real silver but it holds a lot of sentimental value to me and I want to take good care of it. Thank you!


  24. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (62)

    Robin Daughrityon February 12, 2023 at 11:03 pm

    I have several pieces of a Service set. One is marked with an open eagle symbol, Wm (m underlined) Rogers, Open Star and underneath is the number 33. I am fairly certain it is silver plated but am curious as to what the 33 means.

    I also have two sizes of tea/coffee pots and a cream and sugar dish with FB Rogers on the bottom

    A round platter with Gorham Heritage E (Anchor symbol)P (Electroplated I believe) YH320 and an extremely heavy rectangle serving tray with handles yet no markings on the bottom.

    I have been searching for information on these but have yet to find anything.


  25. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (63)

    Theresa Nagelon June 28, 2023 at 7:08 pm

    If the stamp says S 925 is that a fake? in other words its genuine ONLY if 925 or SS but not when cobined?


  26. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (64)

    エッチ 下着on February 3, 2024 at 4:43 am

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  27. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (65)

    سئو سایت چیهon February 3, 2024 at 6:37 am

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  28. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (67)

    Casibom güncel girişon February 3, 2024 at 8:38 pm

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  29. 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (68)

    دیبا موویon June 26, 2024 at 4:14 am

    Just wanted to let you know that your website is amazing! The insights and resources have been incredibly beneficial. Thank you for all the fantastic work you put into it..



  1. How to know if my necklace is real silver - Jewelry Directory - […] 5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver – Kaelin Design […]

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5 Warning Signs your Silver isn’t Silver (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.