AEW Dynamite results, live blog (May 15, 2024): Okada/Harwood title match (2024)

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with a new episode of AEW Dynamite, airing tonight (May 15) at 8 pm ET on TBS.

This week’s episode comes our way from Everett, Washington’s Angel of the Winds Arena. It will feature the latest build toward AEW’s Double or Nothing PPV in Las Vegas on May 26.

That will include Kazuchika Okada defending his Continental championship against FTR’s Dax Harwood in a prelude to The Elite vs. Team AEW in Anarchy in the Arena a week from this Sunday! We’ll also see Blackpool Combat Club’s Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley team up against Kyle Fletcher & Don Callis’ hired gun Jeff Cobb, AEW World champ Swerve Strickland in an Eliminator against Brian Cage, and a contract signing for TBS titleholder Willow Nightingale’s highly anticipated PPV match against Mercedes Moné!

We’ll also see an AEW Tag title Eliminator featuring champions The Young Bucks and Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels, a grudge match pitting Women’s World champ Timeless Toni Storm against Harley Cameron, the return of HOOK, and a whole lot more.

Come right back here at 8pm ET when the Dynamite live blog kicks off once the show starts on TBS. It will be below this line here.

Enjoy the show!


Still waters flow, sea breezes blow. Wild flowers grow abundant at your feet, but me? I’m just here to liveblog this here pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with the intro video.

Blackpool Combat Club (“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley) vs. Jeff Cobb & Kyle Fletcher

Don Callis is on commentary for this one.

Chaos before the bell, Danielson running hot and wiping everybody out, Moxley choking Fletcher with his t-shirt, running knee right as the bell rings and it’s Bryan and Jeff to start.

Dragon smashing him into the corner, laying chops in, tag to Mox, running dropkick to Cobb’s taped-up knee, single leg, tag back to Danielson, splitting the wishbone! Figure four leglock applied in the middle of the ring, tag to Jon, elbow drop to Mr. Athletic’s chest but he pops up and rams Moxley into the corner for a tag!

Fletcher with rabbit punches, to the corner, laying chops in, up in the turnbuckles, Jon biting his forehead to set up a superplex, cover for two! Into a cross armbar, Cobb breaks it up, tag to Bryan, diving knee across the back of Kyle’s neck and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Moxley and Fletcher trading right hands, tag to Cobb, waistlock, Jon throwing back elbows to break free, pass him aside, German suplex connects! Danielson tags in, missile dropkick, corner dropkick takes Fletcher out, chest kicks and chops waylay Jeff in the corner!

Backflip up and over, off the ropes, Axe Bomber! Chest kicks, Cobb ducks the buzzsaw finale, Kyle runs interference, low bridge on Jeff, suicide dive wipes Fletcher out! Mr. Athletic throws Dragon back inside, puts him down with a spinebuster, fist drop, mocking “Yes!” fingers, flipping the crowd the bird, standing moonsault!

Bryan back up, charges in, swinging back suplex counters the Busaiku Knee! Tags made, Moxley hard off the ropes, trading forearms with Fletcher! Down and out in the corner, Jon pops up with a huge lariat! Ace Crusher cuts Cobb off as he runs in, Fletcher with a Michinoku Driver... SO CLOSE!

Revolution Tombstone Piledriver... STILL NO! Heels thinking Doomsday Device, Moxley escapes, Busaiku Knee, flash roundhouse kick, underhooks...

Blackpool Combat Club win by pinfall with Death Rider from Jon Moxley on Kyle Fletcher.

Post-match, Konosuke Takesh*ta runs in and hits a high cradle German suplex on Moxley! Elbow follows it up while Cobb and Fletcher work Danielson over... CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI MAKES THE SAVE WITH A PRYBAR!

We get a hype reel for Christian Cage vs. Shane “Swerve” Strickland and the betrayal of the Mogul Embassy.

Adam Copeland makes his entrance and gets waylaid by Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews on the stage! Blackout in the ring, chair in hand, Brody King has joined the fray and they hold Copeland up while Black gets a microphone. He orders Matthews to take Adam’s wedding ring, and he passes it to Malakai, who pockets it.

They lean Adam in the corner and set chairs on either side of his head but Kyle O’Reilly makes the save! He takes Black and Matthews out but King wipes him out with a lariat and throws him out of the ring like a sack of garbage! Malakai takes him down with Black Mass!


Commentary throws to a video package detailing the injury Eddie Kingston suffered at the New Japan show over the weekend and the beatdown the Elite gave him afterward.

The Elite cut a promo backstage where they say it’s so unfortunate and it’ll have to be a handicap or a forfeit before Kazuchika Okada says he’s going to destroy Dax Harwood tonight, bitch.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, FTR are interviewed by Renee Paquette.

They say they’ve got a new fourth lined up and Dax Harwood calls Okada the Elite’s bitch, since he wants to call names.

Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal vs. Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson)

“SCAPEGOAT” Jack Perry is on commentary for this one.

Sydal and Nicholas to start, Jackson piefaces him and Matt throws hamstring kicks and a jumping knee! Whip reversed, satellite bridging schoolboy for two, tags made! Daniels with the bird glove, clubbing blows in the corner, whip reversed, falling lariat, a punch knocks Nicholas off the apron! Back suplex, Christopher lands on his feet, tag to Sydal!

Whip into an enzuigiri, STO, standing corkscrew moonsault... NOPE! Nicholas with a diving double axhandle and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Bucks working Sydal over, he fends them off with leg kicks and elbows, double Frankensteiner for some breathing room! Tag to Daniels, lariats, whip reversed, slide under a superkick, Death Valley Driver connects! Bucks working Christopher over, nobody for him to tag, setting him up... TONY KHAN DRIVER DOES IT!

Young Bucks win by pinfall with the Tony Khan Driver on Christopher Daniels.

Post-match, the Young Bucks cut a promo on the ramp.

They berate Daniels for speaking down to them last week and tell him he should know better. They’re trying to clean the locker room of toxicity and he’s trying to screw things up, so unfortunately they have some bad news for him tonight... YOU’RE FIRED! They’re not evil, they got him a sweet severance package and he’ll get paid for at least another thirty days.

They even arranged for security to escort him out of the building immediately.

Jack Perry dumps his beer out over Tony Schiavone as he leaves.

Toni Storm and company are interviewed backstage.

Storm says her maternal instincts are in overdrive and hugs Mariah May close as she tells Harley Cameron she’s going to beat her up and so on and forth.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, Malakai Black cuts a promo at Adam Copeland’s wedding ring.

He says it represents everything that’s holding him back and he accepts the barbed wire cage match on the condition that when he wins, Adam will bow the knee to the House of Black.

HOOK vs. Sebastian Wolfe

HOOK right out the tags with a Tazplex, crossface strikes, right into it...

HOOK wins by submission with Redrum.

Post-match, HOOK grabs a microphone and says he’s here for Chris Jericho and his FTW Championship.

Enter the Learning Tree.

Jericho says he hopes HOOK learned some lessons from hitting himself in the face with a baseball bat and he’s glad to be here and to share the spotlight. HOOK says he’s not here to share, he wants all the spotlight on Chris getting his ass beat for the FTW Championship tonight.

Chris says this isn’t a fighting moment, it’s a teaching moment, and HOOK needs to learn to be less selfish and to think of others, like Jericho does. And furthermore he has to learn that you don’t just immediately get a rematch, and he’ll have to do a qualifier on Saturday to potentially earn a shot later.

HOOK says that’s great and clocks him in the head with the mic! “Big” Bill Morrissey tries to pull him away, standing switch, German suplex on the big man! Jericho recovers and the beatdown begins but Katsuyori Shibata makes the save and sends them both packing!

Jericho pulls his hand from his hair bloody and crying.

Shane Strickland cuts a promo backstage.

He says he ended a chapter with the Mogul Embassy and now his focus is defending his title against Christian Cage, and yeah he got put in a coffin, but he’s the one that’ll put Christian in his grave. For Brian Cage tonight, he’s the last nail in the coffin of the Mogul Embassy.

Brian Cage vs. Shane “Swerve” Strickland

Double knees, right hands, Cage turns him around with repeated corner lariats! Arm drag, Brian rolls away from a stomp, Swerve right back on him, standing switch, land on his feet off a back suplex, low bridge sends the Machine to the floor! Strickland off the ropes, suicide dive, Cage catches him and marches him around the floor!

Shane gets his balance and exits to the apron and a kick sets up a stomp off the apron! Right hand, smashing Brian’s arm into the barricade, wrenching it over the post, back inside, rolling thunder jumping reverse STO... NOPE! Cage cuts him off, shoulder blocks in the corner, he’s in charge and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Strickland fighting back into it, big boot to the arm, snapmare, jockeying for position over a suplex, Cage takes him out with a lariat but Strickland pops up into an elbow drop! Diving corkscrew uppercut, Swerve fired up, whip reversed, catch Brian, hoss him up, sheerdrop brainbuster... STILL NO!

Knee cuts him off, setting Weapon X up but Shane floats out of it into the short armscissors! Cage with the counter powerbomb into the turnbuckles, fireman’s carry, F-5 connects... NOT ENOUGH! Suplex reversed, victory roll for two, duck the discus lariat and Strickland staggers him with an uppercut!

Kick puts Cage on the apron, Swerve Stomp to the floor! Back inside, cover for two, pop-up powerbomb, a Liger Bomb, Strickland kicks out! Countering a powerbomb into a double stomp, Swerve grabs his arm and hits the Ode to Jim Breaks armbreaker...

Shane “Swerve” Strickland wins by pinfall with House Call.

Post-match, Christian Cage and Mother Wayne come to the stage but it’s a distraction for Nick Wayne to slide in with a low blow! Killswitch joins the fray and they beat Strickland down! They smash a family portrait over Swerve’s head and his eye immediately starts gushing blood!

Cage cuts a promo, saying Swerve embarrassed his son, Nick Wayne, by attacking him in his gym last year, so now he’s forced to embarrass Strickland. He grinds the picture of Swerve and his wife and daughter into the wound! He says tonight he took his blood, and in two weeks he’ll take his title.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, we get a house ad for Renee Paquette and RJ City’s Meal and a Match show on the TBS YouTube.

HOOK and Katsuyori Shibata are interviewed backstage.

HOOK says the odds mean nothing to him and whoever he has to beat to get to Chris Jericho, he’ll beat. Shibata asks if that includes him because he wants another shot at Jericho. Push comes to shove, HOOK says it’s fine by him if Shibata gets another shot at Jericho.

Samoa Joe rolls up to say it’s sad because if HOOK stopped playing himself he might actually be dangerous. HOOK says he’ll fight Joe, and Shibata says Samoa is too large to wear florals, which Katsuyori, buddy, pal, I love you but that’s just wrong, florals are for everybody.

Harley Cameron vs. Toni Storm

Storm in control early, hip attack, Serena Deeb on the stage with some kind of flag, Cameron takes advantage of the distraction to smash her face into the apron as we go to break.

Back from commercial, Toni up and over, lungblower in the corner, snap DDT, holding onto it, bridging fisherman suplex.. NOPE! Harley with a lariat, off the ropes, countered with a chokebomb... STILL NO! Double leg, jackknife, reversed, sunset flip, no deal, duck a roundhouse, fakeout sets her up...

Toni Storm wins by pinfall with Storm Zero.

Will Ospreay and Roderick Strong have their face-to-face backstage.

Ospreay calls them all bellends and says he hates how comfortable Strong is being back here with him and maybe it’s because his pals will jump him if he makes a move or maybe it’s because he’s retired the Tiger Driver ‘91. He’s done it to people he loves and respects but he doesn’t respect Roddy because he doesn’t respect him.

Strong says he’s right, he doesn’t respect him for being so talented in the ring and such a dummy outside of it, and he doesn’t care who everyone else thinks Ospreay is, he knows who he is, a coward, a fraud, and a child. Will says this is for years of him looking down on him and burying him to Ring of Honor guys and he’s going to take the title from him and show everyone why he’s the best and why he’s on another level.

Renee Paquette is in the ring to preside over a contract signing between Mercedes Mone and Willow Nightingale.

Nightingale says she respects Mone and she means that, but she needs to know if she respects the TBS Championship. She talks about the title celebrating the legacy of wrestling on this channel, built on fighting, hard work, and dedication, and now she’s the face of it.

Every time this smiling face walks down to the ring you see on her tron “nothing matters, smile anyway” and for her that means her smile is her strength, and the title is what matters to her.

Mercedes scoffs at talking legacy with her, and in 2015 in Brooklyn while Willow was still training she was changing the game forever. You want to talk about dedication, what about breaking down doors and kicking in glass ceilings. She claimes Nightingale wouldn’t be here without her and says she respects her and thinks she’s a great champion, but there’s a difference between being great and being the greatest.

At Double or Nothing, losing will be the best thing that ever happened to Willow, because her legacy is all about winning. Nightingale tells her to keep believing that, because the last time they wrestled, she walked away a champion and Mercedes didn’t walk away at all!

Mone attacks but doesn’t put Willow down, and Nightingale hosses her up... DOCTOR BOMB THROUGH THE TABLE!

And so we go to break.

Dax Harwood vs. Kazuchika Okada (c) (AEW Continental Championship)

Bit of light lucha libre in the feeling out, circling, Harwood with a side headlock, shot off, shoulder block, drop down, slide under, double leg, Okada bails to the floor. back inside, chops in the corner, side headlock, shot off, drop down, putting Dax into the corner hard and sending us to break.

Back from commercial, Kazuchika sends Dax to the floor with a dropkick, big boot on the floor, trading forearms... OKADA WITH A HANGING DDT OFF THE BARRICADE! Back inside, Rainmaker reversed into a series of rolling German suplexes! Off the ropes, big boot, uppercut, right jab from Harwood into a Dragon suplex!

Wrist control, trading forearms, off the ropes, dropkick ducked, upkick sends Dax crashing into the turnbuckles! Reverse Neckbreaker connects, cover for two! Up top, Harwood cuts him off, climbs up with him, jockeying for position... SUPERPLEX! Trading forearms from their knees and to their feet, whips reversed back and forth, Dax with a lariat!

Slingshot powerbomb reversed into a Frankensteiner, roll through, rana pin from Harwood for two! Double leg, Kazuchika kicks him away, looking for the Tombstone, reversed, Dax connects with it, cover for two! Double leg, Sharpshooter applied in the middle of the ring!

Okada crawls and gets the ropes for the break! To the floor, grabbing the title from the timekeeper’s area, Dax cuts him off and puts him back inside but the Rainmaker kicks the rope for a secret low blow! Wristlock...

Kazuchika Okada wins by pinfall with a Rainmaker, retaining the AEW Continental Championship.

Post-match, the rest of the Elite hit the ring to attack Dax! Bryan Danielson and Cash Wheeler make the save but the Elite overwhelms them! DARBY ALLIN IS BACK AND HE MAKES THE SAVE! HE’S THE FOURTH FOR ANARCHY IN THE ARENA!

The babyfaces stand tall.

That’s the show, folks.

AEW Dynamite results, live blog (May 15, 2024): Okada/Harwood title match (2024)


AEW Dynamite results, live blog (May 15, 2024): Okada/Harwood title match? ›

Okada crawls and gets the ropes for the break! To the floor, grabbing the title from the timekeeper's area, Dax cuts him off and puts him back inside but the Rainmaker kicks the rope for a secret low blow! Wristlock... Kazuchika Okada wins by pinfall with a Rainmaker, retaining the AEW Continental Championship.

What day of the week is AEW Dynamite on? ›

AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live on TBS from the fabulous KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA! Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight's event. It's Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Where is AEW Dynamite taped? ›

After the AEW Dynamite live broadcast wrapped up on TBS from the Blue Arena in Loveland, Colorado on Wednesday night, June 5, 2024, five matches were taped for this week's live episode of AEW Rampage on TNT. – The Lucha Brothers' Penta El Zero Miedo defeated The Butcher.

What TV channel is AEW Wrestling on? ›

Broadcasting. In the United States, Dynamite airs live Wednesdays on TBS at 8pm ET.

Who is the longest reigning AEW champion? ›

As of June 2, 2024, there have been five reigns between five champions. Jade Cargill was the inaugural champion and has the longest reign at 508 days, which is also the longest reign of any AEW championship. Willow Nightingale has the shortest reign at 35 days.

Where can I watch AEW Double or Nothing 2024? ›

Watch 2024 AEW Double or Nothing
  • Date: May 26, 2024.
  • Location: MGM Grand Garden Arena -- Las Vegas.
  • Start time: 8 p.m. ET ("Buy In" pre-show starts at 7 p.m. ET)
  • Watch live: Bleacher Report and TrillerTV.
May 26, 2024

Is AEW owned by WWE? ›

All Elite Wrestling (AEW) is an American professional wrestling promotion based in Jacksonville, Florida. It is owned by father and son duo Shahid and Tony Khan, with the latter being the president and chief executive officer.

How long is an AEW collision? ›

AEW: Collision is a 2-hour, in-ring show featuring more wrestlers, more stories and more action to super-serve fans.

How to watch AEW without cable? ›

To enjoy the benefits of the live TV you love right at your fingertips, all you need to do is:
  1. Sign up for an account here at, or through the Sling TV app (select devices).
  2. Install the Sling TV app on your mobile device or tablet. ...
  3. Sign in and start watching!

Is AEW live or taped? ›

AEW Collision, also known as Saturday Collision or simply Collision, is an American professional wrestling television program produced by the American promotion All Elite Wrestling (AEW). It airs live every Saturday at 8 p.m. Eastern Time on TNT, with some exceptions.

Is AEW Rampage taped before Dynamite? ›

Episodes of Rampage are typically taped after the live broadcast of the preceding episode of Dynamite, and on some occasions, Collision, but some Rampage episodes also air live.

Where is AEW wrestling filmed? ›

AEW Dynamite was shot in various arenas in the United States, as well as in Canada. Daily's Place, an amphitheater connected to TIAA Bank Field in Downtown Jacksonville, is among the filming locations. Arthur Ashe Stadium, NY, USA.

How many years is the WWE? ›

History of WWE
FoundedJanuary 7, 1953
Founder(s)Jess McMahon or Vincent J. McMahon
ParentCapitol Wrestling Corporation Ltd. (1953–1982) Titan Sports, Inc. (1982–1999) World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. (1999–2002) World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (2002–2023) TKO Group Holdings, Inc. (2023–present)
4 more rows

How many shows does AEW have? ›

All Elite Wrestling's schedule consists of three television airings along with various pay-per-views throughout the year. The television programming consists of Dynamite (Wednesdays), Rampage (Fridays) and Collision (various days of the week).

What channel does wrestling come on regular TV? ›

WWE SmackDown, also referred to as Friday Night SmackDown is a weekly program that debuted Since April 29th 1999. It currently airs on the Fox network in the United States.

Where can I watch AEW Dynamite episodes? ›

All Elite Wrestling Dynamite - Watch now.

How much is the PPV for AEW double or nothing? ›

PPV price: $49.99

The price for AEW "Double or Nothing" is set at $49.99 for standard PPV.

Are all in 2024? ›

It will be the second annual All In by AEW, third All In overall, and will take place during the United Kingdom's August Bank Holiday weekend on August 25, 2024, at Wembley Stadium in London, England, United Kingdom.


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