AEW Dynamite live results: Kenny Omega vs. Wheeler Yuta (2024)

AEW Dynamite live results: Kenny Omega vs. Wheeler Yuta (1)

AEW Dynamite airs live tonight from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with Kenny Omega’s first match since Forbidden Door set to headline.

Omega will face Wheeler Yuta on tonight’s show. Yuta pinned Omega at May’s Double or Nothing pay-per-view in the main event Anarchy in the Arena match.

Matches from two different tournaments will also be held on tonight’s show.

In a match rescheduled from last week after Britt Baker was pulled from the show due to illness, Baker faces Ruby Soho in an Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament quarterfinal match.

The Blind Eliminator Tournament for a future Tag Team title match kicks off tonight, with Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin taking on Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland in the quarterfinals, plus MJF & Adam Cole in action in another quarterfinal bout.

Promos from Chris Jericho of the Jericho Appreciation Society, and Jon Moxley of the Blackpool Combat Club are also set for the show.

Our live coverage begins at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

AEW Dynamite live results: Kenny Omega vs. Wheeler Yuta (2)


AEW Dynamite comes on the air with Excalibur welcoming us alongside Tony Schiavone and Taz, as they throw it to backstage moments ago where Renee Paquette is with Darby Allin & Keith Lee, both on opposite teams tonight. Allin said if Lee feels lost in the shuffle since losing the Tag Titles, then do something about it and pull his head out of his ass instead of pouting on the apron. Allin walked away and Lee smirked, saying that was both ballsy and stupid. Taz on commentary said Allin shouldn’t poke the bear.

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin defeated Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) in a Blind Eliminator Quarterfinal

(If there was one word to describe this opener, it would be fun. Allin & Cassidy were tossed around quite a bit by Lee and it looked like their injuries would finally be their downfall, but ultimately the miscommunication set the stage for Swerve in Our Glory to fall.)

Allin immediately slapped Lee to start and as a result was hit with one of the biggest beals I’ve ever seen. Allin escaped a Supernova, tagged Cassidy, who tried his light offense until Lee double chopped him to the mat. Excalibur said he had never seen someone’s soul leave their body. Cassidy put his hands in his pockets, but suffered another chop, as Allin & Cassidy took turns hitting multiple Coffin Splashes and Orange Punches. Strickland made the tag and had a nice fast sequence with his former rival Strickland, who avoided a float over stunner and hit a leaping uppercut to the back. Allin appeared to tweak his knee in the process. Strickland was isolated briefly until the tables were turned on Allin, who found himself picked apart by the former Tag Team Champions.

Strickland tried a superplex on Allin, but Lee added a little more to it, by turning it into a Tower of Doom, powerbombing his partner in the process. Cassidy made the tag, as Allin had the ring steps dropped on his ribs outside by Strickland. Cassidy locked on a sleeper on Lee ringside, but Lee walked up the steps with Allin still trapped under them. Back inside, Lee blocked the DDT and Stundog Millionaire multiple times until finally Cassidy hit it and Allin followed with Code Red for two as Strickland broke it up by hitting a 450 on his partner, which made him smile. Lee & Strickland both tried for home run shots and collided with one another, as Cassidy hit a top rope DDT on Strickland and a diving one to the floor on Lee. This allowed Allin to wrap up Strickland with the Last Supper for the win. Lee gave a fist bump to Cassidy post match.

-We see footage of the Buddy Wayne academy and Darby Allin talking about young Nick Wayne running around while they were training as an 8 year old. Allin talked about Buddy passing away and the anger he had when receiving the news. Allin made a pact with himself to watch over Nick Wayne and make sure he gets everything he ever wanted in life. Allin recommended Tony Khan watching Nick’s matches and how at 17, was offered an AEW contract, but now he’s 18 and his time in an AEW ring is coming soon.

-Tony Schiavone is backstage waiting for Jungle Boy Jack Perry to arrive. Perry said he’s not a thug like HOOK; they need to fight in the ring like professionals, so he’s going to Tony Khan’s office to demand a FTW Title match. HOOK came bursting into the shot and got in a few shots before Perry took off in his car for the second week in a row.


-Footage of the bonding time between MJF & Adam Cole is shown as they are training at the gym. MJF is doing reps on the bench, but Cole is preoccupied on his phone to spot him. MJF was making fun of another person when Cole told him that wasn’t cool, but they both said he reminded them of Tony Schiavone. Cole then did a crazy amount of reps and baffled MJF as the segment ended.

The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & Daddy Ass defeated The Blade & The Bollywood Boyz (Harv & Gurv Shira)

(Well, there’s not much to say about the actual match, since we barely saw any of it. Instead, it looks like The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass are continuing their QTV feud.)

After an early shoulder block, Billy Gunn was going to moon the crowd, I guess, but referee Aubrey stopped him. Caster made the tag and ran wild with bodyslams and backdrops aplenty leading to Scissor Me Timbers. The Acclaimed & Gunn triple scissored into commercial where Caster was attacked from behind and isolated.

Bowens made the hot tag and hit a huge Fame-Asser before Gunn jumped in and hit the One and Only on Harv Shira. Caster capped things off with a Mic Drop for the win that took place about 30 seconds after they returned from commercial.

Harley Cameron interrupted on the big screen, upset The Acclaimed & Gunn ruined her singing a few weeks ago on Rampage. Cameron said she’s money on the mic and said next week she’ll have a video for them. Gunn took the mic and said he had two words for Cameron, suck it.

-Highlights of Eddie Kingston winning the New Japan Strong Openweight Title against KENTA, achieving his dream of winning a title in Japan is shown. We then cut to a video of Jon Moxley talking about his history with Kingston. Through good times and bad, both of them made it out, as he questioned why Kingston walks around so angry? They should make every day count instead of complaining about the new generation having no respect. Moxley said Kingston should let the past be the past and told Kingston to answer his phone. We see a graphic of the upcoming Blood & Guts and how both the BCC & Elite have one empty slot they each have to fill in the coming weeks.

-Renee Paquette is backstage with RJ City and Matt Hardy, who is waiting to find out his partner in the Blind Eliminator tournament on Rampage. RJ told him it’s Jeff, but not Hardy, instead Jarrett.


Don Callis Makes Chris Jericho An Intriguing Offer

Chris Jericho came to the ring to a massive ovation from the Edmonton crowd. Jericho said over the last few months, things haven’t gone the way he would’ve liked with the amount of losses he’s suffered. Jericho talked about how traveling in Alberta has invigorated him and potentially be the best Chris Jericho ever. Jericho is interrupted by Don Callis, whose entrance music sounded like just buzzing. Callis was booed out of the building when he said Jericho needed change. Six years ago Callis suggested Jericho main event the Tokyo Dome with Kenny Omega. Meanwhile, Jericho said he was the one who helped Callis get back into the wrestling business and into AEW. Callis said he’s had to build a new family since Kenny Omega destroyed his old one, a family built on trust. Callis said when he thinks about trust, he thinks of his best friend, Chris Jericho. If Jericho is ready to change history one more time, will he join the Don Callis Family? Jericho said he doesn’t join factions, he creates them, but his answer is, maybe.

-Video packages on the men’s Owen Hart Semi Finals this week on Collision is shown as CM Punk & Samoa Joe reignite their almost 20 year rivalry, while Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs start up their feud once more.

-Renee Paquette is backstage with Doc Sampson and Roderick Strong, who is in a neck brace. Sampson said they need to be careful with Strong’s injury history, but Strong said he feels fine. Adam Cole walks in and tells Strong to be careful, as Strong questions the friendship between Cole & MJF. Cole just then got a text from MJF and said he needed to go, but he’d check in with Strong later.

AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole defeated Matt Menard & The Butcher in a Blind Eliminator Tournament Quarterfinal

(First off, Happy Birthday to Adam Cole! Now, if you like abdominal stretches, have I got the match for you. We all know it’s not if, but when or who will turn on each other first? This match was about the new “friendship” between MJF & Cole, as they are one step closer to winning this tournament. They could get a few more weeks out of this pairing before the wheels fall off.)

MJF did the Cole poses during the entrance, as Butcher & Menard attacked from behind, putting boots to the unlikely allies. Menard fires off forearms, but MJF starts no selling, slaps Menard in the face before getting an abdominal stretch. MJF wanted Cole’s assistant and reluctantly it worked briefly before Menard got a hip toss escape. MJF was isolated the whole commercial, including Menard & Butcher getting their own assisted abdominal stretch, which MJF got a low blow escape. MJF finally made the tag to Cole, who ran wild with a pump kick and neckbreaker over the knee on Menard. MJF yelled for a double clothesline, as Butcher & Menard both ate superkicks. Instead of granting MJF his wish, Cole lowered The Boom on Menard to win it.

Post match, MJF took the mic and asked the crowd if there were any Devil worshipers here tonight? He also asked if there were fans of a guy with a super over name and told Cole to do the name thing. Cole obliged, as MJF said they should have another bro session this weekend. The crowd chanted Yes, as Cole again obliged and MJF wished Cole Happy Birthday as streamers fell. Backstage workers came out with party hats and cake, as MJF put a hat on Cole. MJF started serenading Cole with Happy Birthday, as Cole stops him and said he appreciates it, but he’s done enough. MJF chanted with the crowd to make a wish, as MJF looked to the camera and said he’s going to shove Cole’s face in the cake. Cole turned the tables and MJF went into the cake. Cole thanked MJF for celebrating his birthday and went to the back, smirking.

-Renee Paquette is backstage with Britt Baker, asking her thoughts on Ruby Soho’s comments last week. Baker doesn’t care about what people think about her, but Soho lied when saying she’s taken everything Baker has cared about. Baker will always have her pride, something Soho can’t say she has. Baker shows the Owen Hart Foundation belt she won last year, against Soho.


-Renee Paquette is again backstage with Chris Jericho, Daniel Garcia & Sammy Guevara. Paquette asked about his maybe to Don Callis earlier tonight. Garcia said they need Jericho, but it’s Jericho who said both Garcia & Guevara need room to grow. Paquette informs them that Garcia & Guevara have been selected as partners in the Blind Eliminator Tournament. I wish we actually got more names picked out of a tumbler and said who they are instead of just “hey, you two are teaming.” As someone who was a big fan of the Battlebowl concept, just seems like a missed opportunity, especially when you have folks like Paquette & RJ City who could make the announcements entertaining.

Ruby Soho (w/Toni Storm & Saraya) defeated Dr. Britt Baker in an Owen Hart Tournament Match

(I thought this match came nowhere close to their Double or Nothing match last year for their Owen Hart tournament final. I understand how The Outcasts constantly interfere, but it really hampers the match at times and also makes the officials look real dumb as well. I’m happy Soho advanced, it’s something different, but this match could’ve been so much more.)

Both ladies worked early hammerlocks, but Baker hit a misdirect Sling Blade, which sent Soho to the floor to regroup. Baker went out to follow and was just standing around staring at Saraya & Storm before Soho hit a leg sweep into commercial, which saw Soho remain in control, as Saraya & Storm continued to interfere.

Baker fought back with forearms and clotheslines, which led to a swinging fisherman’s neckbreaker for a near fall. Baker wanted Lock Jaw, took way too long, as Soho tried No Future, but Baker countered. Storm tripped up Baker, allowing Soho to hit a Saito Suplex for two of her own. Soho missed a top rope dive, as Baker got a backslide into Lock Jaw, but yet again, Saraya interfered. Soho sent Baker face first into the Owen Hart title belt held by Storm, as Soho hit No Future for two. Soho tried Lock Jaw, but Baker kicked off the ropes and tried Lock Jaw, as The Outcasts pulled Soho to safety. Baker finally took out Storm & Saraya with superkicks, but as they went to repeat the spot that ended their Finals last year, Soho had the victory roll countered and held onto Storm during the roll up to steal it. Saraya & Storm went to the back, as Skye Blue walked out on stage to have a faceoff with Soho ahead of their semi final match.


Kenny Omega defeated Wheeler Yuta

(A very fun main event that saw Yuta really controlled a majority, with Omega selling his injuries. The plan of Don Callis backfired at the end, as Yuta couldn’t put away Omega again. Post match felt insanely rushed, even for Dynamite, as it we barely saw Dark Order get in the ring before going off the air.)

With this being his first action since Forbidden Door, Omega’s right shoulder & neck are taped up and Yuta attacked right at the bell. Both men traded chops until Omega unleashed a corner attack, high back drop and big back breaker. Omega connected with a Kotaro Crusher, but as he went for You Can’t Escape, Omega really hesitated and Yuta got his knees up on the moonsault. A dropkick sent Omega outside, where Yuta followed with a great looking tope. Omega tried fighting back on the apron, but Yuta zoned in on the taped up neck. It was all Yuta during commercial, until Omega mounted his comeback.

Omega hit the running palm strike to bounce Yuta like a basketball and violent fisherman’s buster for two. Yuta dodged a V-Trigger and countered into an Angle Slam for a near fall of his own. Yuta went to the top, but took too long, as Omega quickly followed to hit a massive leg trapped superplex. Both men traded forearm shivers before Yuta planted Omega with a nice bridging German for two. This led to rolling German attempts by Yuta, as Omega fought free and popped Yuta in the back with a V-Trigger and two Snap Dragons. Yuta nearly got a roll up, but Omega charged with another V-Trigger.

Yuta countered One Winged Angel into the Seatbelt pin, but Omega was up first with a powerbomb and V-Trigger. As Omega went for the home run shot, Don Callis came out and was held back by security. This allowed Konosuke Takesh*ta lay out Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb, as Yuta followed up with a massive splash, but got two. Yuta went to climb the ropes, but Omega punched through the legs to the face and hit One Winged Angel to win a fun main event. Post match, Claudio Castagnoli hit the ring with Takesh*ta to put the boots to Omega until The Young Bucks & Hangman Adam Page hit the ring with chairs to even the odds. Castagnoli ate a BTE Trigger, but as Page went for a chair shot, Dark Order ran in to take the chair away at the last second of the show.

AEW Rampage 7/7/23

· Matt Hardy & Jeff Jarrett vs. Daniel Garcia & Sammy Guevara in a Blind Eliminator Quarterfinal

· Big Bill & Brian Cage vs. Trent Beretta & Matt Sydal in a Blind Eliminator Quarterfinal

· Hikaru Shida battles Marina Shafir

· Hangman Adam Page & The Young Bucks take on Evil Uno, John Silver & Alex Reynolds

AEW Collision 7/8/23

· CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe in an Owen Hart Tournament Semi Final

· Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs in an Owen Hart Tournament Semi Final

· FTR vs. Switchblade Jay White & Juice Robinson in a Tag Title Eliminator Match

· Athena vs. Willow Nightingale in an Owen Hart Tournament Semi Final

AEW Dynamite 7/12/23

· Darby Allin & Orange Cassidy face the winner of Jarrett & Hardy vs. Garcia & Guevara in a Blind Tournament Semi Final

· MJF & Adam Cole face the winner of Bill & Cage vs. Beretta & Sydal in a Blind Tournament Semi Final

· Ruby Soho vs. Skye Blue in an Owen Hart Tournament Semi Final

· Nick Wayne makes his AEW in ring debut against Swerve Strickland

· Chris Jericho takes on Komander

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AEW Dynamite live results: Kenny Omega vs. Wheeler Yuta (2024)


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