Egg Fast Recipe – Migas – Low Carb Keto | Gluten Free Breakfast Any Time (2024)

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Posted by Susie T. on October 28, 2014 in Breakfasts, Easy Button Low Carb Keto Recipes, Gluten Free Recipes, Low Carb Keto Recipes | Comments Off on Egg Fast Recipe – Migas – Low Carb Keto | Gluten Free Breakfast Any Time

Egg Fast Recipe – Migas – Low Carb Keto | Gluten Free Breakfast Any Time (1)

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Over the past 14 years of our low carb life, the Fluffys, of Fluffy Chix Cook, have systematically set out to recreate low carb versions of former high carb crushes. We’ve decarbified everything from Chicken and Dumplings to Psylli Pasta and even our latest,No Wonder Bread (coming soon to a book near you). But we really don’t know why we waited so long to decarbify Migas, one of the Fluffys’ major Tex-Mexbreakfast crushes. It’s really not that difficult to morph Migasinto a delicious and nutritious, low carb keto dish!

Egg Fast Recipe – Migas – Low Carb Keto | Gluten Free Breakfast Any Time (2)

For those of you who are not chiliheads or Tex-Mex T-Rexes, Migas are most likely a Mexican or New Mexican variation of the classic dish, Chilaquiles; a regional dish from Mexico (and maybe even Central America), popularized by Austinites. They could very well be the national dish of Austin! True chilaquiles (pronounced chile-kee-lays) were nothing more than crispy (stale) tortilla pieces simmered in a sauce and sometimes topped with a bit of cheese, or a little egg or meat. It was a way for smart Mexican mamas to extend the meal to feed more mouths.

Egg Fast Recipe – Migas – Low Carb Keto | Gluten Free Breakfast Any Time (3)

Over time, Chilaquiles became a dish served at any meal and are a true comfort food: lots of savory sauces from white sauce, to green sauce and beyond—to red chile sauce; gooey gobs of molten cheese; chicken, pork, shrimp and crab, you name it! And most are topped with sour cream and sometimes, avocado.

Egg Fast Recipe – Migas – Low Carb Keto | Gluten Free Breakfast Any Time (4)

Migas are a compilation of the above gooey ingredients with less sauci-tude. Many will argue that Migas are not descended from chilaquiles, but are rather descended from a Spanish dish called Migas, brought to Mexico via conquistadors. Spanish migas were bits of stale bread sautéed with onion in hot oil and topped with bits of meats or cheese. The Mexicans morphed it to use bits of torn up stale tortillas. And the Austinite Tex-Mex aficionados, threw a wad of cheese into them, pimped them out with more protein ingredients and upped the egg content. They also started using stale tortilla chips. (Lots of “bits” floating around this thread…apologies.)

Regardless of origin one thing is sure: migas rock and Fluffy Chix love them. And now, we can enjoy them as legal low carb keto and gluten free meals, breakfast through dinner. Thanks to Lo Lo Psylli Wraps nuked in the microwave until crispy, the tortilla bite remains: part chewy and part crispy.

Egg Fast Recipe – Migas – Low Carb Keto | Gluten Free Breakfast Any Time (5)

We even claim this dish in the name of Egg Fasts! It only has 3g of total carbs per serving and only 1g of carbs comes from the Lo Lo Wrap and 1g of carb comes from the salsa. The other comes from the egg and cheese. Because we’re not purists, we claim it!

Hope you will try Migas and then tell us all about it in the comments! Feel free to garnish at will. Add sour cream, avocado, any meats. You can even sautéed Pico de Gallo, salsa (red or green), or onions and chiles. You can make it as easy or complex as you want!

Category Breakfasts Easy Button Low Carb Keto Recipes Gluten Free Recipes Low Carb Keto Recipes

Want an Egg Fast recipe that doesn't look, feel or taste like an Egg Fast recipe? Try the Tex-Mex will love them. (Yes, we're not purists and Fluffy Chix Cook’s Egg Fast Rules include psyllium husks and condiments in moderation. So we seize this Egg Fast recipe and name it as our own!!)



Serving Size

1 recipe (about 1 1/2 cups)

Prep Time

5 minutes

Cook Time

5 minutes

Egg Fast Recipe – Migas – Low Carb Keto | Gluten Free Breakfast Any Time (7)


Migas are another item we appropriated from Mexico. Chilaquiles are a Mexican dish featuring softly fried corn tortillas, half way crispy, half way chewy. Then they drench them in sauce or salsa (usually tomatillo sauce) and fry in hot oil, then top with melted cheese and serve with fried eggs.
Migas are our Tex-Mex salute. I first enjoyed these in a little restaurant on 2nd and Congress, called Las Manitas, in Austin, during my college days—nearly a million years ago. They've been a staple ever since!
Serving Ideas Serve with lots of hot coffee!
Nutritional Information
Per Serving: 532 Calories; 47g Fat (79.8% calories from fat); 23g Protein; 3g Carbohydrate; 1g Dietary Fiber; 2g Effective Carbs
Copyright © 2014 Fluffy Chix Cook. All rights reserved.


  • 1 tortilla Lo Lo Psylli Wraps
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon bacon drippings
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • kosher salt
  • fresh ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon jalapeno chile pepper, chopped with seeds
  • 1 tablespoon Picante Sauce—or your favorite fresh salsa
  • 1/4 cup cheddar cheese, shredded


  1. Microwave Lo Lo Psylli Wraps on high for 30 seconds. Flip and cook another 30 seconds, flip and cook 15 more seconds. Wrap should now be crispy. If it isn't, then continue cooking until very crispy. Break into large pieces or chips.
  2. Place butter in a nonstick omelet pan over high heat. Add the eggs, cook until beginning to set. Add jalapenos, salsa and cheddar shreds. Stir and cook until eggs are soft set (still wet). Stir in chips. Serve immediately.

Nutrition Facts

Egg Fast Recipe – Migas – Low Carb Keto | Gluten Free Breakfast Any Time

Serves: 1 serving

Amount Per Serving:

1 recipe (about 1 1/2 cups)

Calories 532
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 47g 72.3%
Saturated Fat 0
Trans Fat
Cholesterol 0
Sodium 0
Total Carbohydrate 0
Dietary Fiber 0
Vitamin A Vitamin C
Calcium Iron

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Fluffy Chix Cook



diabetic friendly,

egg fast recipes,


gluten free recipes,

grain free,

Induction recipes,

low carb recipes,

low carb Tex-Mex,

low carb tortillas,

low carb wraps,

Page 4 recipes,

paleo recipes,

sugar free recipes

©2024 Copyright © 2019 Fluffy Chix Cook. All rights reserved.

Egg Fast Recipe – Migas – Low Carb Keto | Gluten Free Breakfast Any Time (8)

Copyright © 2010 Fluffy Chix Cook. All rights reserved.

Egg Fast Recipe – Migas – Low Carb Keto | Gluten Free Breakfast Any Time (2024)


What is the egg fast for 5 days? ›

An egg fast is a short-term, restrictive ketogenic diet that includes mainly eggs, cheese, and butter or another fat source. It lasts three to five days and may aid short-term weight loss. Still, it may have potential risks like nutritional deficiencies — particularly if you follow it for longer than advised.

Are boiled eggs keto? ›

No, hard-boiled eggs don't affect ketosis. The cooking method does not alter the carb content of eggs. Whether you prepare hard-boiled, scrambled eggs or an omelet, the egg-based dish will retain its high-protein and high-fat profile, as long as you don't combine it with any foods that are high in carbs.

Can you lose 25 pounds in 2 weeks? ›

Losing weight the healthy way — slowly — takes time, so don't plan to drop 25 pounds in as little as two weeks. At one to two pounds per week, losing 25 pounds will take you a little more than 12 weeks, or three months.

What happens if you eat only eggs for 30 days? ›

Although eggs are nutritious, the egg diet doesn't have enough variety or calories to be considered a healthy or sustainable way of eating. With such restriction, weight regain is likely. You'll also miss out on fiber, calcium, and other essential nutrients by sticking to the egg diet for more than a few days.

Is it OK to eat eggs 5 days a week? ›

So, enjoy eggs in your weekly diet, but like everything in life, moderation is key. If you are in general good health, seven eggs per week should be fine.

Do eggs help lose belly fat? ›

Proteins are more satisfying than fats and carbohydrates. Eating eggs will not magically remove your belly fat and extra weight, but by keeping you from feeling hungry for longer, eggs contribute to your weight loss success. Eating a high-protein diet is one strategy for losing weight.

What is the result of egg diet for 7 days? ›

It depends how many eggs you eat but unless it's thousands you'll lose about 6 pounds of water in 3–4 days along with about 2 lbs of lean and fat mass as your metabolism switches to burning fat. Over the next 3 days on average, you'd lose about 0.4–0.6 lbs per day, so about a pound and a half of fat.

What is the maximum number of eggs you can eat in a week? ›

While recent studies still don't offer a consistent answer, the average healthy person likely suffers no harm from eating up to seven eggs per week. In fact, eggs are a nutritious food. They are relatively low in calories and saturated fat, and rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals.


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