Growing Tips | Mushroom Kit (2024)

Original Mushroom Kit InstructionsAdvanced Growing Tips
Oyster Mushroom Kit Instructions
Kids Growing Kit InstructionsExotic Kit Instructions

Original Mushroom Kit Instructions

Follow these 3 easy steps.

Keep kit out of direct sunlight. A wardrobe, garage of laundry is a good spot.

Step 1. Open the box. If the compost looks brown, close the kit and leave it for a week. Once the compost is frosty white continue to Step 2.

Step 2. Open the plastic and evenly spread the casing over the compost, leaving it loose and fluffy. Leave the kit open.

Step 3. Every 2-3 days mist with water. After two to three weeks mushrooms will begin to form. Twist each mushroom out, removing any remaining stump. Fill in holes with surrounding peatmoss.

Advanced Growing Tips For Original Mushroom Kit

Welcome to advanced mushroom growing. This mushroom growing kit was designed to let you grow mushrooms at home. It contains all the necessary components to grow several crops of mushrooms over an 8 to 12 week period of time. The mushroom compost has already been prepared and inoculated with the white colored mushroom mycelium (A mouldy looking fungus) at the mushroom farm. All you need to do is follow the instructions below and you should have weeks of fun and enjoyment as you harvest one mushroom after another.

Depending on the mushroom variety, the first of the mushrooms are ready to be picked within 3 to 5 weeks after starting the mushroom growing kit. Generally the first crop of mushrooms is the largest, consisting of 35 to 60% of the fruiting mushrooms. Each crop thereafter usually becomes smaller; fruiting fewer and fewer mushrooms, until the kit stops. The mushroom crop fruits at intervals of approximately 10 to 30 days, temperature and variety of mushroom will cause this to vary somewhat. Mushrooms fruit faster at warmer temperature and slower at cooler temperatures. Mushrooms fruit at temperatures between 18-25o C. The best quality and quantity of mushrooms are grown between the temperatures of 17.5 to 20 degrees C. Constant temperatures higher than 24 degrees usually prevent mushrooms from growing, and temperatures over 30 degrees for several hours can kill the mushroom mycelium (the fungus). Cooler temperatures below 12 degrees retard or stop the growth of mushrooms. Freezing temperatures will kill some mushroom varieties, but not all. The quantity of mushrooms this kit will produce will vary. The larger the size of the mushrooms the fewer of them will grow, the opposite is also true, the smaller the size of the mushroom the more of them will grow. Mushroom variety will also affect yields.

Follow all directions completely and save these instructions for later reference.

1. Start your kit. Open the box and remove the bag of dry peat moss called casing. Leave the large bag of compost inside the box. The compost may appear brown if newly inoculated with spawn, or if it is mature, it will look frosty white or mouldy, as the mushroom mycelium grows through it. If the compost is brown and newly inoculated, close the kit up and keep it at 18-22 degrees for 7-10 days, before adding the peat moss casing layer. You will notice that the bag of compost is not sealed closed this is to allow the mushroom fungus to breathe. If you do not plan on starting the kit immediately, simply fold the plastic bag back down on to itself and close up the box the way it was before you opened it. This kit is designed to be started immediately, a short delay of a week or two is OK, a delay of a month or more is to long and not a good idea. It may still grow, but fewer mushrooms will be produced the longer you wait. If you wish to delay, starting your kit for a few weeks, store the kit below in a cool as location as possible.

2. Set up your kit and applying the casing. Inside the box is a small bag of dry peat moss mixed with a little lime, this is called casing. Casing is used as a covering to hold water and protect the mushroom mycelium growing in the compost. Open large plastic bag. Now spread the casing evenly over the entire surface of the compost. Do not pack the casing down, leave it loose and fluffy. The casing should cover all the compost, and be approximately 2cm deep. After applying the casing to the compost, mist or sprinkle the casing with an additional one-cup of water. Wait about 5 minutes and then scratch or ruffle the entire surface of the peat moss to a depth of ¾ inch. A nail or fork can be used to ruffle the casing. The roughness of the casing creates a microclimate where the young mushrooms can form. This completes setting up your kit. It is a good idea to write the date you start your kit on the box and on these instructions for later reference.

3. Grow locations. Now that you have finished setting up your kit, you will need to place your kit somewhere for it to grow. The best location will be a room where the temperature stays between 15 to 24 degrees C. The ideal fruiting temperature range for Portabella and White Button mushrooms is between 17 to 20 degrees F. Your mushroom kit does not need to be kept in the dark, but under no circ*mstance should you allow direct sun light to shine into your mushroom kit. The sunlight can dry out, overheat, and even kill your kit. Ambient light will cause Portabella mushroom caps to become darker brown in color. White Button mushrooms exposed to ambient light will get a sight blushing of color, but will still stay whitish in color. Mushrooms grown with light or without light, will taste the same. It is also important to protect your kit from insects of all kinds that's why an indoor location is preferable to an outdoor location. Flies and their larva, mites and slugs all love to eat mushrooms and even the mushroom mycelium. (See 10 below) It is important to leave the top of your mushroom kit open for air ventilation or no mushrooms will grow.

4. Water & Maintenance. Once you have placed your kit somewhere to grow, make sure you keep the surface of the casing moist. A moderate spray misting or sprinkling of water on the casing surface once a day is adequate. Do not let the casing dry out, as it is very hard to remoisten it and mushrooms will not grow in dry casing. Keep your kit out of drafts and away from heat sources, which will dry out your kit. You want to keep the surface of the kit moist at all times without over watering the kit. The kit has no drainage and excessive watering will build up, flood and drown the mycelium. Give the kit enough water each day to off set evaporation. You may water more often, if the temperature is warmer than 21 degrees C. Do not cover the top of the kit to prevent the kit from drying out, as this causes air circulation problems and high levels of carbon dioxide. High levels of carbon dioxide will prevent mushrooms from growing or produce long stringy undesirable mushrooms.

5. Mushrooms begin to grow. Within 7 to 14 days, after placing the casing on the compost, you will notice the white mushroom mycelium beginning to grow up into the casing. Sometimes the mycelium grows through the casing and covers 20 to 30 percent of the casings surface this is OK. On day 12 to 14 after casing small 1cm diameter mushrooms begin to form on the casing surface Mushrooms may grow anywhere on the casing surface, individually or in clusters. On day 17 to 21 after casing, the mushrooms will be ready to harvest if grown at 18 âۉ€Å“ 23 degrees. Mushrooms will just about double in size every day when they are young.

6. Harvest your crop. The mushrooms can be picked as buttons with closed caps or allowed to fully mature with caps open. A mushroom is mature and ready to be picked, when the thin veil covering the gills under the mushroom begins to tear open. The size of the mushroom has nothing to do with maturity; even small mushrooms should be picked when the veil tears open. To pick your mushrooms rotate them a complete turn in place and slowly pull them out of the casing, trying not to disturb the adjacent mushrooms. Do not cut the mushrooms off inside the kit, as this leaves a stem in the casing to rot. Once you have picked your mushrooms, water the casing again with 1/2 cup of water to replenish the water the mushrooms removed. In one to four weeks, depending on the mushroom variety and the temperature, another crop of mushrooms will usually appear. Be patient, most kits produce two very large crops of mushrooms and then several smaller fruiting. After picking the second crop of mushrooms, water the kit again with 1/2 cup of water and then wait for crop three.

7. Contaminants & insects. As your kit ages, it is not uncommon to see tiny black flies and contaminant moulds beginning to grow on the casing surface. The flies generally show up, if at all heaviest toward the end of the kit's life. The flies can easily be controlled, by coating the inside upper portion of the large compost bag with a thin coat of (only) vegetable cooking oil. This acts as flypaper and they stick to it. Moulds usually do little immediate harm and may be left alone, until you discard your kit. Just because a few contaminants show up, don't rush to discard your kit wait a while to be sure no further mushrooms will grow.

8. End of production. Your kit contains a fixed amount of mushroom nutrients, when these are used up; the kit will stop producing mushrooms and become idle. In time the mushroom mycelium slowly dies and becomes nutrients for plants. This begins around 12 weeks or later from the time you started your kit. Your kit can then be recycled by, adding it to your compost pile or mixing it into your garden for fertilizer.

9. Caution. A natural reproductive process for mushrooms is to produce spores. Spores are produced when mushroom caps reach maturity and open, releasing spores. Most of the spores fall and stay inside or around the kit, but some do drift away. If the spores are in heavy enough concentration and close to an item they may discolor it. Clean up can usually be done by washing with soap and water. It is a good idea to place a few sheets of newspaper under the kit, and keep the kit at least two feet away from furniture or walls. By picking your mushrooms before the veil breaks or shortly after, you will reduce or eliminate the release of spores. The spores are generally harmless to humans, unless you are allergic to fungi.

10. Summary. Remember these instructions are general in nature, mushroom variety, growing temperatures, the age of your kit and the individual care you provide will all affect the success and productivity of your kit. Enjoy growing and eating your fresh mushrooms.

Mushroom & Herb Kit Instructions

Follow these 3 easy steps to grow perfect mushrooms:

Keep kit out of direct sunlight. A wardrobe, garage of laundry is a good spot.

Step 1.Open the box. If the compost looks brown, close the kit and leave it for a week. Once the compost is frosty white continue to Step 2.

Step 2.Open the plastic and evenly spread the casing over the compost, leaving it loose and fluffy. Leave the kit open.

Step 3.Every 2-3 days mist with water. After two to three weeks mushrooms will begin to form. Twist each mushroom out, removing any remaining stump. Fill in holes with surrounding peatmoss. When your mushrooms stop emerging it is time to grow your herbs.

Follow these 4 easy steps to grow fresh herbs:

Step 1.Empty your spent mushroom compost out of the plastic bag and directly into the waxed box provided.

Step 2.Loosen and break up the mushroom compost with a gardening fork, or by hand, wearing gloves.

Step 3. Sow your seeds, following the directions on the seed packet.

Step 4.Move your kit outside to a filtered light position. If you water and fertilise regularly your herbs will soon be ready to harvest.

Oyster Mushroom Kit Instructions

Watch this video for instructions:

Kids Growing Kit Instructions

Exotic Kit Instructions

Growing Tips | Mushroom Kit (2024)


Growing Tips | Mushroom Kit? ›

You want to keep the surface of the kit moist at all times without over watering the kit. The kit has no drainage and excessive watering will build up, flood and drown the mycelium. Give the kit enough water each day to off set evaporation. You may water more often, if the temperature is warmer than 21 degrees C.

How many times can you reuse a mushroom grow kit? ›

Yes, you can most definitely reuse mushroom grow kits! Mushroom grow kits are generally designed to give you more than one harvest depending on the species of mushroom inside your growing kit. There is enough water nutrition available in the substrate to give you multiple harvests over a period of 2-10 weeks.

How to get the most out of a mushroom grow kit? ›

Give your block some fresh air

Leaving the plastic on your kit helps to keep moisture in, preventing the block from drying out. Feel free to spray it periodically when it's looking parched as you would inside. After a couple of weeks, you should expect mushrooms after heavy rainfall or after a big temperature shift.

Do mushroom growing kits work? ›

If you can find a high quality kit, then yes- absolutely. There are loads of different branded mushroom kits available, and lots of different species of mushrooms you can grow… so it's worth it to do a little bit of research before diving in.

Why is my mushroom kit not growing? ›

Humidity is quite important for mushrooms. If there isn't enough humidity, the mushrooms may slow down and/or stop growing. It would be like if we don't hydrate ourselves on a hot day or when we're exercising – we begin to slow down and not feel too good. Solution: You should mist more often.

Can mushroom grow kits go bad? ›

Most mushroom kits will store for 3-6 months in the fridge if necessary. To store your kit, keep it in the fridge. This puts the mycelium into hibernation and will prevent it escaping the box early. Don't keep it somewhere it could exceed 30 degrees Celsius.

What speeds up mushroom growth? ›

Gypsum is a mineral that helps speed up the mushroom growing process in small amounts.

Should mushroom kits be kept in the dark? ›

Contrary to popular belief, these mushrooms don't need to be kept in the dark and actually thrive in low light! But please make sure to keep your Grow Kit out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources and strong air currents. They grow well indoors but are sensitive to drying out.

How can I make mycelium spread faster? ›

Light: While mycelium doesn't require light to grow, a small amount can help stimulate growth. 5. Nutrition: Using a nutrient-rich substrate can also enhance growth. Remember, it's important to maintain sterile conditions to prevent contamination.

What is the most valuable mushroom to grow at home? ›

Some easier to cultivate and sell but high value mushrooms are maitake, lion's mane, and depending where you are shiitakes. The mushrooms that are the most profitable tend to be mushrooms going for the supplement or health field rather than culinary.

What boosts mushroom growth? ›

Adequate air, moisture, carbohydrates, and nitrogen are all needed to help the compost pile stimulate mushroom growth. As we said earlier, mushroom cultivation isn't easy. However, if you use these tips, you'll be well on your way to a fruitful yield.

Where is the best place to grow a mushroom kit? ›

While this can be good, airflow is also important and small enclosed spaces can cause your mushrooms to suffer from lack of oxygen. We recommend placing your grow kit on your kitchen bench, out of direct sunlight.

What is the easiest mushroom kit to grow? ›

Oyster mushrooms are by far the easiest and most reliable mushrooms to grow. For beginners we recommend our Mist & Grow Oyster mushroom grow kits. Simply cut an X in one side of the bag, cover with a humidity tent, and mist a few times daily. Within 7-10 days a cluster of baby mushrooms will appear!

How do you encourage mycelium to grow? ›

So, let's find ways to keep our mycelium healthy. I cover new soil with cardboard, then cover it with a healthy layer of organic matter. Then, I let the organic matter compost and the mycelium will start to inhabit the organic matter, then spread to the cardboard.

How many harvests can you get from a mushroom grow kit? ›

Expect to grow: 2-3 harvests of mushrooms / 150g - 300g

The first flush will always be the biggest. We've had some customers grow up to 4 flushes of mushrooms from our kits but on average you'll get 2 harvests. Once the kit has run out of nutrients and water it will be "spent" and won't produce any more mushrooms.

How many times can you harvest a mushroom bag? ›

However, for commercial production, harvesting three times( three flushes) is considered viable. Just for information, occasional Mushrooms will continue to pop up for weeks so long as the bags are kept in proper humid and temp conditions, and are kept free from infections.

Are mushroom grow bags reusable? ›

With that said, the mushroom grow bags are durable and can be used for a long time. When they are filled, the bags have a sturdy stand-up shape and a strong bottom seal while still being breathable. Not to mention, you can reuse them, making these mushroom grow bags an economical option.

Can you reuse mushroom spawn bags? ›

You could use the bags again for spawn or fruiting blocks, but the integrity of the bag and filter patch decreases after multiple sterilizations, so you are better off using new bags to reduce the chances of contamination.


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