Why don't we eat horses? (2024)


By Brian Montopoli

/ CBS News

The European horse meat scandal continues to expand: This week, the Switzerland-based company Nestle SA announced that it would pull beef pasta meals off supermarket shelves in Europe after the discovery that they contained horse meat. Most U.K. supermarkets had already been forced to pull what were ostensibly beef products after the discovery that they contained horse meat, and regulators are now trying to trace how the horse meat made its way through a complicated supply chain into various products.

So far, Americans have not been touched directly by the scandal, since the companies involved do not export beef to the United States. But the anger over the discovery has raised the question: Why is eating horse meat considered taboo in some nations yet unremarkable in others?

In the United States, United Kingdom and some other nations, horse meat is largely reviled. Asked to explain why she would not eat horse meat, New York City resident Victoria Milton compared them to pets, saying that "people have horses and they love them and they're part of their family."

In many other nations, however, eating horse meat is no big deal - and in some cultures, it's even considered a delicacy. Mexico, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Japan, Germany, Indonesia, Poland and China are among the nations where many people eat horse meat without a second thought.

There was a time when Americans did not have quite so much compunction about eating horse: A World War II-era photograph published by the Seattle Times in 2010 shows men holding a sign advertising "U.S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED HORSE MEAT - NOT RATIONED." Those two words at the end are key: While beef was being rationed by the government at the time, horse meat was not. In the 1940s and 1950s, according to New York University professor of Food Studies Marion Nestle, there was a de facto "black market" for horse meat in which people would go into pet food stores to buy horse meat for their own consumption, viewing it as an inexpensive and tasty alternative to beef.

Anne Bellows, a professor of food studies at Syracuse University, said that food taboos "adjust themselves to circ*mstances." She argued that when cultures are facing hard times, taboos tend to go out the window. "Sometimes the choices we make are related to how needy we are," she said.

Horse meat was once a primary ingredient in pet food. In the 1920s, according to Nestle, slaughterhouses opened pet food companies to dispose of horse meat. It remained a major ingredient in pet food until at least the 1940s. Today, Nestle said, most pet food companies do not profess to use horse meat, partially for fear it would discourage people from buying the product.

While Americans have largely avoided horse meat except in lean times, U.S. plants were slaughtering horses for food as recently as 2006. More than 100,000 horses were slaughtered for food that year, mostly for export to Europe and Asia. The United States soon after effectively banned slaughtering horses for food by preventing tax dollars from being spent on horse meat inspection. (The ban lapsed in 2011, but no money has been allocated for new inspections.) Against the wishes of animal rights activists, horses are still being shipped to Canada and Mexico for slaughter and, in many cases, human consumption.

One reason that horses have never been used primarily for food, Bellows said, was economic: A young horse had more use as a worker or mode of transportation, and once the horse got too old to work its meat was not particularly desirable. (Glue is another story.) Horses are also not particularly efficient in converting grass and grain into meat, which diminishes their desirability as food.

But the taboo in the United States is also tied to the perception that horses fall into or near the category of pets with distinct personalities. It's a perception that was reinforced in popular culture with television shows like "Mr. Ed" and the novel and film adaptations of "Black Beauty."

"We have this whole western thing where the horses were part of the whole western culture and the frontier," said Nestle. "And this whole romantic cowboy stuff. You don't eat your cowboy pets."

Compared to beef, there are not significant health risks to eating horse meat - indeed, there are those who hail it for being "low fat, full of protein" and delicious. Those who have eaten horse meat describe it as slightly redder, softer and sweeter than beef, though the differences are not glaring. In continental Europe, it is often made into sausages or cooked as a steak. (There are some concerns about the presence of a anti-inflammatory drug called phenylbutazone or "bute" in horse meat, though the risk from consumption issaid to be very low.)

Horse meat is far from the only food taboo, of course - Many Islamic and Jewish people do not consume pork, for example, and most Americans would not eat cats and dogs - though humans appear to be the only animal that shies away from eating certain animals out of some sort of moral obligation.

James A. Serpell, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society, said "it's very difficult to think of a completely rational" argument for why certain animals are deemed acceptable to eat while others aren't.

"We have this tendency for a kind of morality that we apply to human beings to leach out to other species," he said, "and then the criteria for which it leaches out to is seemingly rather arbitrary."

Brian Montopoli

Brian Montopoli is the national reporter and political analyst for CBSNews.com.

Why don't we eat horses? (2024)


Why don't we eat horses? ›

American opposition to equine slaughter

equine slaughter
In most countries where horses are slaughtered for food, they are processed in industrial abattoirs similarly to cattle. Typically, a penetrating captive bolt gun or gunshot is used to render the animal unconscious.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Horse_slaughter
is rooted in the special place horses occupy in our nation's history, culture, and imagination. Far from being food animals, equines are cherished icons and symbols of freedom and the frontier ethic that helped build this nation.

Why don't humans eat horses? ›

No horses are bred for meat production and there are stringent laws against using meat from a horse that has been medicated or injected with antibiotics. Using meat from a horse that has been treated with non-equine medicine or has not been inspected by a veterinarian is banned outright.

Why do we not slaughter horses for food in America? ›

Is horsemeat safe for human consumption? No. U.S. horsemeat is dangerous to humans because of the unregulated administration of numerous toxic substances to horses before slaughter. In the U.S., horses are raised and treated as companion animals, not as food-producing animals.

What does it mean when Americans don't eat horses? ›

Further west, consuming horse meat has had a more fraught history: Pagan groups in Europe were accustomed to it, but Pope Gregory III issued an edict against eating it in 732 (apparently to target the pagans).

Why are so many horses sent to slaughter? ›

Over the years, the industry grew largely as a result of indiscriminate and over-breeding by some people who began to use slaughter as a convenient way to get rid of their unwanted horses quickly, rather than take responsibility for them by either taking the time to place them or by paying a licensed veterinarian to ...

What is horse meat called? ›

Horse meat is called “sakura niku” or cherry blossom meat, thus horse meat hot pot is referred to as sakura nabe. There are multiple theories as to the origin of the expression. Some claim it derives from the pink color of the meat which is similar to the beautiful cherry blossoms.

Is horse meat healthy for humans? ›

Horse meat is one of the healthiest types of meat. It is lean, contains a lot of iron and is rich in vitamin B.

Why is it taboo to eat horses? ›

An eighth-century pope banned horse eating in Christian countries – not out of concern for horse wellbeing – but because it was associated with paganism, particularly among German tribes. Not only was selling horsemeat was illegal in France, there was also a taboo around it.

When did the US stop eating horse meat? ›

On May 24, 2007, the last slaughterhouse in the USA producing horsemeat for human consumption was closed by State statute (1).

Can you legally eat horses in the US? ›

Is Horse Meat Illegal in the United States? While it is not illegal for someone in most states to eat meat from horses, there are very strict rules surrounding its purchase. It is illegal for someone in the United States to sell meat from a horse for commercial human consumption.

Why can horses eat grass but not humans? ›

Unlike cows, horses are not ruminants and they only have one stomach. They are, however, able to use cellulose (a main component in grass) as a food source, unlike humans. An adult horse has twelve incisors at the front of the mouth, for cutting grass as they bite.

Does Canada eat horse meat? ›

Horse meat is eaten in Canada and various countries in Europe, Asia and South America. Horse meat is exported to Japan and other countries from facilities that are licensed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.

What country eats the most horse meat? ›

China has the largest population in the world and is also the world's largest consumer of horse meat. there are not very many laws that prohibit the consumption of many types of meat, as long as there is a market for doing so. Horse meat is typically dried in China to make sausage, or served alongside signature dishes.

Is horse meat in dog food? ›

For example, you may have heard that there is horse meat in dog food. The truth is that horse meat was indeed once a primary ingredient in dog food. However, while it is permitted for use in pet foods in other countries, horse meat is no longer used in dog food in the United States.

What famous racehorse was slaughtered? ›

Much to the outrage of many horse racing enthusiasts, reports indicate that in 2002, Ferdinand was sent to slaughter in Japan with no fanfare or notice to previous owners. He likely became either pet food or steaks for human consumption.

Have horses ever eaten meat? ›

Although it's rare, there are some documented instances of wild horses nibbling on some meat. This unusual behaviour could be influenced by various factors, like nutritional deficiencies or plain old curiosity! Still, it's important to remember that these meat-eating horses are the exceptions and not the norm.


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