AEW Dynamite live results: Continental title match (2024)

Kazuchika Okada makes his second defense of the AEW Continental Championship on tonight’s Dynamite.

Okada will defend his belt against Dax Harwood as the feud between The Elite and Team AEW continues tonight before culminating at Double or Nothing with Anarchy in the Arena.

A World title eliminator is also set for tonight’s show, with World Champion Swerve Strickland facing Brian Cage.

Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson of the Blackpool Combat Club will take on Jeff Cobb & Kyle Fletcher in tag team action.

The Young Bucks will face Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal in another tag team bout.

Women’s World Champion Toni Storm will take on Harley Cameron in a non-title match.

TBS Champion Willow Nightingale & Double or Nothing challenger Mercedes Mone will sign the contract for their title bout on the show.

International Champion Roderick Strong & his Double or Nothing challenger Will Ospreay will go face-to-face.

TNT Champion Adam Copeland will call out Malakai Black after issuing a challenge to Black for a barbed wire cage match at Double or Nothing.

Hook will also make his return on the show.


AEW Dynamite comes on the air with the IWGP Champion Jon Moxley making his entrance, as Jeff Cobb & Kyle Fletcher are already in the ring for the opening contest. Excalibur welcomes us alongside Tony Schiavone, Taz & Don Callis, as Cobb & Fletcher attack Moxley immediately. Washington’s own Bryan Danielson’s music hits and he sprints out from the back to even the sides. A callback to Anarchy in the Arena, Danielson’s music keeps playing as he & Moxley continue the brawl before the match officially began.

Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley defeated Jeff Cobb & Kyle Fletcher

(An action-packed tag match to kick off the show, as the crowd was loudly behind Moxley and the hometown Danielson. This was a good win for the Blackpool Combat Club, as the post-match was finally able to build off Takesh*ta seemingly challenging Moxley a few weeks back for the IWGP Title. One would assume that match will be made official soon for the PPV.)

With the match underway, Danielson & Moxley took turns lighting up Cobb in the corner, zoning in on the leg. Cobb was able to back Moxley into his corner, where Fletcher made the tag and took over, only for Moxley to no sell the strikes, unleashing some of his own. Moxley raked the back and bit at the forehead, as Danielson flew off the top with a knee to the hung-up Fletcher. Right when things went to break, Fletcher back dropped Moxley to the outside and it was Moxley who was isolated.

Moxley was finally able to create some space with a bounce back German suplex on Cobb, allowing Danielson to run wild off a hot tag. A fast-paced sequence between Cobb & Danielson led to Yes Kicks from Danielson, who low bridged Cobb to the outside. Danielson ended up wiping out Fletcher with a dive, but rolled into a Cobb slam back inside. Cobb missed a standing moonsault, but dodged a Busaiku Knee into a spinning back suplex. Moxley & Fletcher tagged in, traded heavy shots before Fletcher was turned inside out with a King Kong Lariat. Cobb was caught with a Cutter, but it was enough time for Fletcher to hit a Michinoku Driver for two.

Locomotion corner strikes from Cobb & Fletcher, who hit a spinning Tombstone on Moxley for a near fall. A Doomsday Device attempt was cut off by Danielson, who hit a Busaiku Knee on Cobb, while Fletcher was planted by a Moxley Death Rider for the victory. Konosuke Takesh*ta appeared after the match ended and hit a German Suplex out of the corner on Moxley, as he & Danielson were beat down by the Don Callis Family until Claudio Castagnoli ran out to make the save with a weapon in hand. Takesh*ta once again signaled for the IWGP Title. I wouldn’t be surprised if this leads to a six man tag next week.

-A video package for Swerve Strickland is shown and his media appearances since becoming AEW World Champion. We then see highlights from last week and The Embassy turning on Strickland, with Strickland gaining revenge on Collision.

Malakai Black Responds To Adam Copeland

Adam Copeland made his entrance, but was attacked on stage by the House of Black. He’s thrown to the ring, where Buddy Matthews hit a Curb Stomp, as Brody King threw in some chairs. Malakai Black came to the ring with the TNT Title and microphone in hand, as King & Matthews held up Copeland. Black said he doesn’t understand Copeland’s facade of who he thinks he is. Black ordered Matthews to take Copeland’s wedding ring, as King choked out Copeland. Black placed the ring in his pocket and was about to deliver a double corner chair shot with Matthews before Kyle O’Reilly sprinted out to make the save briefly, but was wiped out by King. Black leveled O’Reilly with The End kick and then hit the trifecta double dropkick/cannonball with Matthews & King. We never got an official answer from Black to Copeland’s Double or Nothing challenge.

-Commentary recap Eddie Kingston’s potential serious leg injury at New Japan’s Resurgence this past weekend in his match with Gabe Kidd. We see The Young Bucks & Jack Perry attacking Kingston after his match as payback for Kingston joining Team AEW last week ahead of Anarchy in the Arena. We go backstage to The Elite on Dynamite and said Kingston must’ve been bit by the injury bug, as Perry said it might be 4 on 3 now at Anarchy in the Arena. The graphic shows Kingston removed from the match, as Okada blows a kiss to Dax Harwood ahead of their match tonight and calls him bitch for good measure.


-A commercial for The Young Bucks Reebok shoes is shown. Excalibur said he was told The Bucks will be wearing the shoes at Double or Nothing.

-Renee Paquette is backstage with FTR and talks about being down a man in Anarchy in the Arena. Wheeler said The Elite might think it’ll be 4 on 3, but they believe they’ve found a fourth guy for the match, as Harwood said it appears Okada is The Elite’s bitch. We’re told Okada vs. Harwood will be tonight’s main event.

The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) defeated Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal in an AEW Tag Team Title Eliminator

(Daniels & Sydal got the crowd behind them and controlled a majority of this match, but no way were The Bucks losing this one. Post match was the bigger story, with the EVPs flaunting their power once again.)

Jack Perry joins commentary for this, as Daniels has new music, which is performed by Frankie Kazarian’s band. Excalibur pointed out the last time Daniels faced The Bucks it was when SCU was forced to disband as a team. Sydal & Nicholas started off with Sydal firing off leg strikes and showing off his speed before Daniels & Matthew tagged in. Daniels & Sydal were able to showcase some double team offense, but Nicholas barely got a blind tag, allowing The Bucks to control throughout commercial.

When things returned, Sydal leapt and made a hot tag to Daniels, who ran wild. Death Valley Driver connected, as The Bucks crashed into each other, leading to a DDT/STO combo. Daniels ultimately ate a superkick, as Sydal was launched over the barricade by Matthew. Daniels cut off Nicholas in the corner, wanted a hurricanrana, but Matthew held his brother’s leg and Daniels crashed and burned. The Tony Khan Driver connected and The Bucks won it.

Post match, The Bucks took the microphone on stage and talked about Daniels putting his hands on Matthew last week. They’re trying to rid the locker room of toxicity and Daniels is trying to ruin it. Tonight, they’re the bear of bad news and fired Daniels. They told him not to worry, they’ll take care of his family by paying him for 30 days before providing a security escort, thanking him for his 5 years of service. Perry raised a drink to The Bucks on commentary before pouring it on Tony Schiavone, who dejectedly called Perry a son of a bitch, which popped Taz.

-Renee Paquette is backstage with Timeless Toni Storm, Luther & Mariah May as she told them that Luther, May & Saraya are all barred from ringside tonight for Storm’s match with Harley Cameron. Storm said if they want to hurt Mariah May, they’ll have to answer to the bosom she clings to. Storm said after what Serena Deeb did to her last week, she’ll end up like everyone in Vegas, flat on their back with an ass in their face. Chin, tit*, Shoe.


-Malakai Black is backstage staring at Adam Copeland’s wedding ring, saying this was everything that has held Copeland back. Black said the Barbed Wire Cage Match means there’s still that part of Copeland that still exists. Black accepts, but says when he wins, Copeland must bend a knee to the House of Black.

HOOK defeated Sebastian Wolfe

A T-Bone suplex sent Wolfe flying, as HOOK hit the crossface strikes and sank in REDRUM for the quick win.

HOOK took the mic from Justin Roberts post-match and said he’s here for the FTW Championship and Chris Jericho, calling him out. Jericho came out with Big Bill, waving and giving finger guns to fans, as Taz said this makes him want to vomit. Jericho said it’s great to have HOOK back, but hopefully he learned a lesson after hitting himself in the face with a baseball bat. Jericho said he’s so happy to be here, even if he has to share it with HOOK.

HOOK said the spotlight should be on Jericho, as he wants his FTW Title back, tonight. Jericho said this isn’t a fighting moment, it’s a teaching moment, as the world doesn’t revolve around HOOK, he should think of others and be less selfish, like Jericho. The crowd chanted Please Retire and Jericho addressed it saying if he does, he’ll be inducted into every Hall of Fame possible. Jericho said when one loses a title, you must build your way up again and brings up a Qualification Match on Collision this week and maybe if HOOK wins, he can get a shot at some point. HOOK said that sounds great, then bonked Jericho in the head with the mic. Bill attacked and the numbers were too much until Katsuyori Shibata sprinted out to make the save, as Bill & Jericho bailed. Jericho was shown bleeding from his head from the mic shot.

Swerve Strickland defeated Brian Cage in an AEW World Title Eliminator

(Credit to both competitors in this one, as this was one hell of a back-and-forth battle. This was a hard-fought win for Strickland, who had an even tougher time post match with The Patriachy. Nick Wayne seemingly got his revenge on Strickland a year after Swerve left Wayne laying in a pool of blood at his home. So that’s some real good storytelling here, as Christian got revenge for his “son.”)

Strickland wasted no time attacking at the bell with a charging double knee, as he low bridged Cage to the outside and tried a dive, but Cage caught him in a suplex position. Strickland landed on the apron and hit a pump kick before delivering a double stomp to the arm. Strickland tried wrapping Cage’s arm around the post, but Cage used his good arm to post Strickland and gain control. Cage wanted his suplex from the apron inside, but Strickland snapped the arm and hit a rolling Flatliner for two. Taz brought up how Cage is a former FTW Champion, along with HOOK, Jack Perry and himself, not mentioning Ricky Starks at all, which I found interesting. Cage pressed Strickland over his head and just dumped him in the corner, as things went to commercial.

When things returned, Cage connected with his impressive suplex from the apron back into the ring for two. Strickland dodged a powerbomb, sent Cage to the corner and hit a Helluva Kick to the injured arm. Both traded shots until Cage turned Strickland inside out, but Strickland popped up and leveled Cage. Strickland connected on the uppercut to the back off the second rope before catching an attempted Cage leap frog into a brainbuster for a near fall. Strickland attempted another rolling Flatliner, but ate a Cage pump knee. Cage wanted Weapon-X, but Strickland rolled through into a short arm scissors, only for Cage to power up into a buckle bomb. Strickland avoided the Drill Claw and fired off an uppercut headbutt, as Cage fell to the apron hung up, where Strickland connected on a slingshot double stomp.

Back inside, Strickland hit the 450 Splash, but Cage kicked out. Cage dodged Big Pressure and hit a pop up powerbomb for two of his own. Cage again wanted Drill Claw, but Strickland fought out and the two traded strikes. Cage wanted another pop up, but Strickland got just enough of a double stomp before snapping back the arm of Cage. This led to the House Call to give Strickland the win in a great match.

Post match, Strickland threw two chairs in the ring and laid out Cage before Christian Cage’s music hit and he walked out with Mother Wayne. Nick Wayne appeared behind Strickland and delivered a low blow, as Killswitch hit a pump kick for good measure. Nick showed a family portrait of Strickland and his family before smashing it over the face of Strickland, busting him opened badly. Christian made his way to the ring and told Strickland he embarrassed his son last year by attacking him in Washington in a similar manner. Cage said he’s forced now to embarrass Strickland and asked if his daughter is proud of her absentee father? Cage wiped Strickland’s bloody face on the family photo. Cage said tonight, he took Strickland’s blood and at Double or Nothing, he takes the World Title.


-A commercial for Meal & a Match is shown, hosted by Renee Paquette & RJ City, now on the AEW YouTube channel.

-Renee Paquette is backstage with HOOK & Katsuyori Shibata and asks if the numbers game is becoming too much for him against Chris Jericho? HOOK said the numbers game doesn’t matter; he’ll beat who he has to in order to get a shot at Jericho. Shibata holds up his phone and asks even if that means him, as he wants another shot at Jericho too. HOOK said if that’s how it’s got to be, so be it and they both agree.

Samoa Joe walks in and laughs saying he thought HOOK had promise, but Jericho has him looking like a fool. Joe said he saw something in HOOK, but maybe he was wrong and walked off. HOOK yelled he’d fight Joe when Shibata held up his phone and said he’s too large to be wearing a floral print.

Timeless Toni Storm defeated Harley Cameron

After an aggressive start by Cameron, Storm was able to work a headlock take down before Cameron gained control with knee strikes. Cameron charged, but ran into a Thesz Press by Storm, who launched Cameron to the outside with a hip attack. Serena Deeb was shown at the top of the ramp and distracted Storm enough for Cameron to take control during commercial.

The crowd was loudly behind Storm, who mounted her comeback with a corner back stabber and snap piledriver before a fisherman’s suplex got two. Cameron battled back with a Sole Food and Shining Wizard for two of her own. Cameron got a head of steam, but ran into a sit out choke bomb by Storm. Both ladies trade near falls before Storm pump faked a punch, Cameron ducked and Storm connected with Storm Zero for the win. Deeb stared down Storm with a smile on her face post-match, as Storm told her to piss off. I’m not really sure how Serena Deeb could be viewed as a babyface, as the crowd loudly supported Storm throughout and Deeb’s appearance led to the heel, Cameron, getting the upper hand in the match.

-Arkady Aura is backstage with International Champion Roderick Strong & Will Ospreay, who said he’s got a sour taste in his mouth after what happened to himself courtesy of Shane Taylor. Ospreay said he’s tired of how confident Strong is around him, but it’s due to being surrounded by the Undisputed Kingdom. Ospreay said Strong doesn’t respect him no matter where they’ve competed around the world. Strong said that’s the smartest thing Ospreay has ever said, as Ospreay might have a woman and child, but he’s still a child himself, not having to deal with the adversity Strong has had to endure. He will expose Ospreay as a fraud. Ospreay said no longer can Strong bad mouth him like he did in Ring of Honor years ago, he’ll show at Double or Nothing why he’s the best wrestler in the world. This was an excellent back and forth between champion and challenger.

TBS Title Contract Signing Between Willow Nightingale & Mercedes Mone

Renee Paquette is in the ring and introduced both ladies to the ring, as Nightingale told Stokely Hathaway & Kris Statlander that she’s got this and they left at the ramp. Paquette said there’s so much history between the two, but also the AEW debut of Mone at Double or Nothing. Nightingale said she respects Mone, but does Mone respect the TBS Title? The title celebrates professional wrestling on this very channel and a legacy built of fighting and dedication, something every woman who has held that title represents. Now Nightingale is the face of TBS and said throughout all the doom and gloom, her smile is her strength and that’s why this title means so much to her. Nightingale said she’s never going to allow Mone to take that away from her and signs the contract to Willow chants from the crowd.

Mone, who is getting her share of boos from the crowd this week, laughs at Nightingale bringing up legacy. Mone brought up in 2015, while Nightingale was training, she was changing the game. Mone talked about breaking down doors and glass ceilings, as Nightingale wouldn’t be here without her. Mone respects Nightingale as champion, but there’s a difference between being great and the greatest of all time. Mone struts around and gets more boos, as she talks about her recent appearances saying that’s what a CEO does. Mone said her legacy is all about winning and signs the contract.

Nightingale brought up the last time they wrestled, she walked away a champion, while Mone didn’t walk out at all. Mone slapped Nightingale and took the TBS Title, trying for a belt shot, but Nightingale dodged and hit a gut wrench powerbomb through the table as the crowd erupted for that. Refs & doctors rushed to the ring and checked on Mone, who was clutching her back, while Nightingale was smiling at the stage. I thought this was a great contract signing segment.


Kazuchika Okada defeated Dax Harwood to retain the Continental Title

(These two put on a fantastic main event, as the crowd really bit at some of the near falls Harwood had. Okada continues to play the heel role well and especially with how he’s retained his title recently. The big story here is the return of Darby Allin as the fourth man on Team AEW and he got a huge pop from the Washington crowd. I do hope they ultimately pay off the Allin & Jay White feud though, so hopefully that’s still to come down the line, but with Team AEW in need of a babyface for Anarchy in the Arena, a healthy Allin is a great fit.)

Harwood quickly looked for a Sharpshooter in the early going, but Okada scurried to the outside to regroup. Back inside, Okada gained control, but took too long to follow up and Harwood fired off stiff chops. Okada put on the brakes to avoid a back drop and posted Harwood as things went to commercial.

Back from break, Harwood dodged a corner charge and connected on a spinebuster for the double down. Harwood went to the corner, but Okada was there to meet him, dropkicking Harwood to the outside. Okada delivered a running boot against the LED screen and followed with a signature draping DDT off the barricade. Okada wanted the countout win, but Harwood broke the count at 9. Okada wanted a Rainmaker, but Harwood collapsed. Okada tried again, but Harwood ducked and fired off rolling German suplexes. Both trade heavy shots before Harwood delivered a Dragon Suplex.

Harwood again tried for a Sharpshooter, but Okada up kicked out and Harwood flew back to the corner. Harwood fought off a Tombstone, wanted a piledriver, but Okada countered into an Air Raid Crash neckbreaker for two. Okada took too long to follow up with his top rope elbow, as Harwood cut him off with a big superplex. Both rolled to their knees and traded headbutts, forearms and chops, as Okada tried a discus lariat, but Harwood connected first. Harwood wanted his bounce back powerbomb, but Okada floated over and both traded near falls. Harwood countered the Tombstone into one of his own for a very close two. Harwood went up top, but crashed and burned, missing a headbutt.

Okada wanted a Rainmaker, but Harwood spun out, swept the legs and sank in a Sharpshooter. Okada used his size to easily get the ropes and went to the floor, grabbing the Continental Title. Harwood threw him back in the ring, as referee Bryce took the title away, but with his attention turned, Okada kicked the ropes while Harwood was getting back in and delivered a Rainmaker for the victory.

Post match, The Elite hit the ring and pounced on Harwood, as Bryan Danielson & Cash Wheeler sprinted out, only to get beaten down as well. The numbers were too much until Darby Allin’s music hit and Allin appeared being The Elite and smashed them with his skateboard. Allin & Perry brawled as the crowd erupted for their hometown boy. The graphic is shown and Allin is the fourth man on Team AEW, as he cleared the ring with FTR & Danielson to close the show.

AEW Collision & Rampage 5/18/24

  • Will Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor
  • Serena Deeb vs. Anna Jay
  • Qualifying Match for the FTW Title
  • Deonna Purrazzo vs. Robyn Renegade
  • Rush in Action

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AEW Dynamite live results: Continental title match (2024)


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