AEW Dynamite live results: Kenny Omega’s important announcement (2024)

EVP Kenny Omega will have an announcement on tonight’s AEW Dynamite.

A week after being attacked by The Elite’s Kazuchika Okada, Young Bucks, and Jack Perry, Omega will have a response with an important announcement on tonight’s episode in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

TNT Champion Adam Copeland will defend his title against Brody King as the feud between Copeland and House of Black continues.

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland will go face-to-face with his Double or Nothing challenger Christian Cage on tonight’s episode.

Orange Cassidy will take on Trent Beretta in a battle of former Best Friends.

Mariah May will face Harley Cameron in a women’s division contest.

“The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho and partner Big Bill will be in tag team action on the show.

Serena Deeb will speak on the show ahead of challenging Toni Storm for the AEW Women’s World Championship at Double or Nothing later this month.

AEW Dynamite live results: Kenny Omega’s important announcement (1)

AEW Dynamite comes on the air with Adam Copeland walking backstage and approached by Arkady Aura and asked his thoughts on facing Brody King tonight. Copeland said he doesn’t feel great, as his mind has been going to places he doesn’t want it to, but tonight, it stops. Copeland said Tony Khan has agreed tonight will be a No DQ match. The House of Black wanted the Rated R Superstar, tonight they’ll get him.

Excalibur welcomes us alongside Tony Schiavone, as Taz is out due to issues with his knees, but said on social media he’d be back next week.

Orange Cassidy defeated Trent Beretta

(I think it’s not a matter of if, but when Callis will side with Beretta, as that pairing makes far more sense than Callis & Cassidy, which we’re expected to believe currently. The match felt like a preview of a rematch that might happen at Double or Nothing, as Cassidy was able to outsmart Beretta in getting the victory tonight.)

Beretta was in control early on the outside, but an Irish whip allowed Cassidy to leap frog the barricade and gain the advantage as the brawl spilled into the crowd. Beretta crawled through the fans, Cassidy delivered ten punches and hit a suplex onto the concrete. Beretta responded by delivering a back drop back over the barricade ringside, but Cassidy swept out the leg and Beretta crashed onto the railing. Back inside, Cassidy fired off a desperation Orange Punch, as both men were down. Don Callis made his way to commentary as things went to break.

Both men slugged it out when things returned, as Callis said he likes the potential of Cassidy, which is why he left with him last week. Beretta countered a Stundog Millionaire, but couldn’t avoid the spinning DDT. Cassidy delivered a few little kicks and ramped it up, but Beretta again was there to respond with a half and half suplex. Beretta flipped the crowd off and spiked Cassidy with multiple piledrivers and a knee strike. Beretta went to rip off a turnbuckle pad, but was caught by the ref, so Cassidy ripped off a buckle pad of his own, dodged a Beretta charge, who hit the exposed buckle allowing Cassidy to get the school boy and pin.

Post match, Beretta attacked ringside and hit a spike piledriver onto the ring steps. Not done, Beretta followed with a slingshot into the ring frame. Cassidy scurried for a chair, as Beretta brought out a toolbox. Don Callis left commentary and stood between the two as Kris Statlander and referees joined, separating the two. Callis helped Cassidy to the back, as Statlander pleaded with Beretta to stop.

The Elite are shown earlier today arriving in a car, pulling into Tony Khan’s parking spot, as they said he’s not going to be there today. We then see a video package from last week and Kenny Omega’s return, only to be left laying by The Elite. They also showed the comments from Jack Perry saying that Omega’s not as good as he thinks he is. What hurt Perry the most is that Omega wasn’t the hero they needed him to be, as AEW doesn’t need him anymore. Everyone has to sacrifice and Omega made his.


Kenny Omega is shown from a hospital bed, apologizing that he’s not there tonight, but the EVPs had other plans in mind. 15 years of friendship, it’s hard not take what they did personally, despite Matthew Jackson saying it wasn’t last week. Omega said May 26th is the 5 year anniversary of where this all happened and issues a challenge for The Elite vs. Team AEW in Anarchy in the Arena. Omega said FTR are the first two members of the team and the other two will reveal themselves sooner than The Elite might hope.

-Tony Schiavone introduces Serena Deeb to the stage and said she’s excited to wrestle for the Women’s Title at Double or Nothing. Deeb is aware everyone loves Toni Storm, but has heard people saying she won’t be able to defeat Storm. Deeb said losing at Double or Nothing is not an option, as several months ago, she made her return after 15 months, the hardest time in her life. Deeb brought up suffering three seizures and how scary it was. Through the uncertainty, the vision Deeb kept was becoming World Champion.

Timeless Toni Storm interrupted and said she wanted to hear from her challenger, not a charity case. Deeb said Storm better start caring, as she’ll fight for her life to become Women’s Champion at Double or Nothing. Storm said everything Deeb has gone through, she doesn’t give a single, solitary sh*t. After a face off, Storm tried a cheap shot, but Deeb blocked and decked Storm with a right hand, leaving the champ KO’d. Luther ran out and carried Storm to the back. I felt really bad for Deeb here, as she was telling a serious story about her comeback, but the fans just chanted Let’s Go Oilers and also cheered for Storm’s line about not caring about Deeb’s comeback.

-Lexy Nair is backstage with Orange Cassidy in the trainers room when Rocky Romero walked in to check on him. Romero brought up getting off the phone with Tony Khan and said if he beats Jay White tonight, then Cassidy, himself and a partner can get a Trios Title shot and brings up Tomihiro Ishii and maybe mend the fence with Trent Beretta. Cassidy couldn’t believe Romero suggested that and wished Romero luck before leaving.

Mariah May defeated Harley Cameron (w/Saraya)

Don Callis remains on commentary for the evening and said he’s always scouting and mentioned Kenny Omega and what he’s done for Callis. This is Cameron’s Dynamite in ring debut, as she’s had a few matches back in the AEW Dark days. Cameron attacked at the start with a series of kicks and Shining Wizard for two. Cameron continued to mock May, who fought back with overhand corner chops and forearms. A side slam led to a shotgun dropkick, as Cameron scurried to the apron. Cameron suckered May in with a high kick and dragged May to the floor where she was beaten up by Saraya as things went to commercial.

Back from break, Saraya is trash talking fans, as May & Cameron collide to lead to the reset. They slug it out with May winning the exchange, but cut off by a Cameron clothesline. May answered with a charge of her own and sit out choke bomb for two. May fired off a headbutt and followed with a top rope dropkick, which set the stage for a Sweet Cheek Music attempt, but Saraya pulled Cameron to the outside. May went out and leveled Saraya, as back inside, was almost met with a flash inside cradle for two. May popped up and connected on May Day for the victory.

Post match, Saraya attacked with Cameron until Mina Shirakawa ran out from the back. Saraya threw Cameron in front of her and she took a spinning back elbow to level Cameron. Shirakawa was picked up and hugged by May, as Shirakawa faked a kiss, but opted to dance instead, sharing a champagne toast. Don Callis questioned just what the hell is going on, as Excalibur wondered where Toni Storm was, forgetting she was just knocked out in the previous segment.

-Arkady Aura is backstage with PAC and asks if we’ll see Death Triangle reuniting any time soon? PAC’s delayed response of not being concerned at the moment with Death Triangle was interrupted by Switchblade Jay White & The Gunns. They mock PAC losing to Okada at Dynasty and questioned if White should go after the International Title, but first, he needs to go beat Rocky Romero. They told PAC to have fun with his new friend and walked off.

-Malakai Black vignette aired about his feud with Adam Copeland. Black said Copeland was so pivotal to the industry, but started becoming painfully aware of his own mortality. He gave up everything to have a wife and child, but needs to be reminded of who he really was. Not the father or champion he believes he is, but the cold-hearted son of a bitch that Black must remind Copeland about, so Copeland can truly live again.


-A video package about “visionary pioneers” Matthew & Nicholas Jackson is shown about how they are fighting the good fight and Change the World. They cut to the Bucks backstage saying whoever put that together deserves a raise as they need more of that instead of Kenny Omega. They handed a rundown saying the AEW World Champion is next and tell Swerve Strickland good luck before rolling their eyes.

Christian Cage Continues To Take From Swerve Strickland

Strickland came to the ring without Prince Nana and said he’s in a real foul mood, a fighting mood. We see footage of last weeks attack by The Patriarchy on Strickland & Nana, as Strickland then says when you become World Champion, everyone wants a piece of you, physically and literally, since Killswitch took some of his hair last week. Strickland said he’s the Connor McDavid of All Elite Wrestling, which got a big pop from Edmonton and told Christian Cage to get out here.

Cage came to the stage with The Patriarchy and ran down the Edmonton Oilers before telling Strickland last week was by design, as every week Cage will take something from Strickland until finally taking the World Title. Cage said Strickland has been riding a wave of momentum, but waves crash and it’ll fall at Cage’s feet. Cage deserves to stand at the top of the mountain as World Champion. When Swerve’s House is foreclosed on, all Strickland will be able to see is his stupid gold teeth, unless Cage takes them as well. As The Patriarchy got closer, Strickland said he wasn’t alone, as The Mogul Embassy showed up behind Strickland, who told Cage to get in the ring so he can beat his ass like Kendrick did to Drake. Strickland said Cage made it where he was by playing the politic game, while Strickland busted his ass. Strickland brought up when Cage is faced with an uncomfortable position, he’ll say I Quit.

Cage was about to respond when Brian Cage & The Gates of Agony attacked Strickland from behind. Cage screamed orders, as Strickland was planted with a pop up triple powerbomb. Referees tried to make the save, but were dispatched easily, as Cage press slammed Strickland to the floor. They ripped apart the commentary table and se the steps up and delivered a slam through the table. The Embassy stared down at Strickland, while The Patriarchy made their way to the back, meeting The Young Bucks, shaking hands. Cage said he’s looking forward to conducting more business with them. Matthew questioned if that would’ve been considered a “bitch move” going back to Strickland’s comments a few weeks ago about The Bucks.

-Arkady Aura is backstage with Willow Nightingale, who said she’s not feeling great physically after the Manitoba Massacre last week, but fine otherwise. Nightingale said she’s ready for Mercedes Mone at Double or Nothing and is ready for Dynamite, Rampage, Collision and any challenger, even someone from overseas. Nightingale said she’s sorry that Mone got hurt in their match, but since then, she’s been on the run of her life, winning the Strong Women’s Title, The Owen Hart Cup and now the TBS Title. Double or Nothing, Mone better be ready for the fight of their lives.

Switchblade Jay White (w/The Gunns) defeated Rocky Romero

(I wish this match went longer, but due to the time these two had, this felt like a sprint. Romero controlled a lot of this one and it wasn’t until the end where White got the win, without help I should point out. Post match, it’s definitely looking like either Death Triangle or the combination of PAC, Romero & probably Orange Cassidy will face The Bang Bang Gang for the Trios Titles next.)

White’s early trash talk nearly resulted in a flash pin from Romero, who got two off a school boy. Romero suckered White into chasing him to the floor, where Romero hit a dropkick through the ropes and follow up dive. Back inside, White cut off the Romero locomotion lariats before they could get going and turned Romero inside out with a lariat that took things to commercial.

Romero mounted his comeback by floating over a suplex and delivering a springboard spinning DDT. To the floor they went, as Romero snapped off a hurricanrana off the ring steps. Back inside, Romero with a high cross body for another near fall. White tried a Sleeper Suplex, but Romero slid through into a two count. Romero wanted Sliced Bread, but White almost caught Blade Runner, only for Romero to spin out into another close two. The running Sliced Bread connected for a fourth near fall, as Romero went for it again, only this time planted Romero with a Bloody Sunday. Blade Runner soon followed, giving White the victory. Post match, The Gunns pounced on Romero until PAC walked out from the back. The Bang Bang Gang bailed, as PAC was left staring them down.

-A training video for Samoa Joe is shown.


Chris Jericho & Big Bill defeated Mo Jabari & Harlon Abbott

Jericho acted like a 1980s fiery babyface to start against Jabari before tagging in Bill, who delivered a series of corner splashes, big boots, Boss Man Slam and two choke slams. Jericho tagged in to pick up the pieces and hit a Judas Effect on Abbott for the win.

Post match, Jericho thanked the crowd and faked mixing up Edmonton for Calgary, but said sometimes you make mistakes when you’re creating memories for people around the World. Jericho said he wishes he could be on Dynamite for two hours straight, but thanks the big redwood Big Bill, who is taking pointers from The Learning Tree. Jericho also thanks Shibata and said their match got the highest rating on CageMatch last week. Jericho thanked HOOK, who hit himself in the face with a baseball bat at Dynasty. Jericho was cut off by Tony Schiavone, who walked in the ring and informed them HOOK will be returning next week. Jericho was thrilled and waved to the crowd.


Adam Copeland defeated Brody King to retain the TNT Title in a No DQ Match

(While last week we had a FTW Rules and Manitoba Massacre, I didn’t initially think another No DQ match was necessary. However, if you look at the story they’re trying to tell with the House of Black trying to make Copeland channel what Malakai Black said earlier as “the cold hearted son of a bitch he used to be”, then I get it. The crowd was really into this, especially the finish, as Copeland is indeed getting more aggressive in the last few weeks, so perhaps Black’s strategy is working.)

Despite this being a No DQ match, this started with Copeland trying to work headlocks. King easily escaped, tried a powerbomb, but Copeland low bridged King to the apron. Copeland charged for a Spear, but King cut him off with a neckbreaker through the ropes and controlled throughout the break. The crowd wanted tables, so King brought one out, but faked them out and threw it back under the ring.

When things returned, King tried for a charge against the guard rail, but Copeland moved and King smashed hard. Copeland was relentless with chair shots to the back before both fought to the apron. Copeland avoided a piledriver by gouging the eyes, allowing him to hit a DDT on the chair off the edge of the ring, busting King open in the process. King smiled at the punishment, spitting at Copeland, who slapped King across the face. Back inside, Copeland went up top for a cross body for a near fall. Copeland broke apart a chair before wedging it in the corner. He went to attack, but was leveled with a roundhouse lariat by King, who is dripping blood now. Copeland was smashed in the corner, but dodged a King charge with a leg sweep into a Crossface with the cross bar of the chair as things went to break again.

Copeland set up a table ringside and wanted a suplex, but King sent Copeland crashing to the floor. King tried a suplex of his own, but Copeland fought out. King attempted his hanging sleeper in the corner, but Copeland rolled out, as both men rose and hit double clotheslines and big boots leading to the reset. Both men rose again, this time King hitting a lariat, but Copeland attempted a fireman’s carry, only for King to collapse on top and hit a corner cannonball for two. Copeland escaped a powerbomb into a sit out slam, wanted a Spear, but King leap frogged into a spike piledriver.

Both men rolled to the apron, where Copeland managed a Death Valley Driver on the corner of the ring. King slowly recovered, as Copeland charged and hit a Spear through the ropes through the table ringside. Both slowly rolled back inside where Copeland connected with a Spear for the victory.

Post match, King attacked Copeland before Kyle O’Reilly ran out for the save. O’Reilly & Copeland teamed up to clothesline King to the floor as Copeland looked at King’s blood on his hands before staring up at O’Reilly.

-Arkady Aura is backstage with Mercedes Mone, who said they’re 18 days away from her debut. AEW is where the best wrestle and she thrives in that spotlight. Mone brings up sitting courtside at the Celtics game tomorrow and throwing out the first pitch at the Red Sox game. Mone is ready for Double or Nothing, as Willow Nightingale took something from her she’ll never get back, time. Mone said she’ll be ready because she is that bitch, as there should be an asterisk on Nightingale’s victory. She’ll wipe the stupid smile from Nightingale’s face and take her title.

-Lexy Nair is backstage with Kyle O’Reilly & Adam Copeland, who is being checked out by the doctor. Copeland thanked O’Reilly for his help, but O’Reilly said he can owe him a favor on Collision, the Cope Open. Copeland asked if that’s what this was all about, helping him to get closer to the TNT Title? Copeland agrees and the match for Saturday is official.

-The Elite come to the ring and said they asked the network for an overrun, as the show doesn’t end until they say it does. The Young Bucks hand the microphone to Kazuchika Okada, who has a message for Kenny Omega. The Best Bout Machine says get well soon and blows a kiss to the camera. Matthew Jackson tells Tony Khan, who is at home watching in Jacksonville, that he’s the best boss they’ve ever had, if only he got out of his own way. It left The Bucks no choice but to give Tony Khan a Tony Khan Driver. Last week, Omega gave them no choice but to give an EVP Trigger to an EVP. Nicholas said the only reason FTR helped Omega was because they hate the Bucks. The Elite accepts Anarchy in the Arena and wishes them good luck in finding two partners, as The Elite runs the show.

FTR comes out from the back and said they found two guys with big enough balls for the job and to accept a match like Anarchy in the Arena. Eddie Kingston walks out and is amped up before the music for Bryan Danielson hits and the American Dragon comes out to a massive ovation. They all hit the ring and have a face off, with Matthew Jackson saying they shouldn’t think about placing a finger on them, but Kingston swung first, as it’s a wild brawl to end the show, a security and refs frantically tried to separate everyone.

AEW Collision & Rampage 5/11/24

· Adam Copeland defends the TNT Title against Kyle O’Reilly

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AEW Dynamite live results: Kenny Omega’s important announcement (2024)


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