How to cook sausages in the oven (baked sausages) (2024)

Prep Time


Cook Time

25 minutes




Baking dish


8 thin sausages
Mashed potato and simple salad, to serve



Preheat oven to 220C/200C fan forced. Line a baking dish with baking paper.


Place sausages in the lined dish. Bake, turning once, for 20-25 minutes or until golden and cooked through.


Serve sausages with mash and salad.

How to cook sausages in the oven (baked sausages) (1)

How long do you cook sausages in the oven?

It depends on the thickness of the sausage, but generally speaking, the average sausage cooked in a lined baking dish will take about 20-25 minutes to become golden and cooked through.

Is it better to cook sausages in the oven?

If you’re looking for an easy, healthier way to cook sausages, baking them in a large baking dish is the way to go. It requires no additional oil and still achieves a lovely crispy skin and juicy, tender meat.

How can you tell if sausages are cooked?

Check if your sausages are cooked by cutting into one in the middle. If the meat is firm it’s ready, but if it’s still pink and soft, it needs more time. Thickly slicing sausages before cooking can reduce cooking time.

Do I need to prick my sausages before baking?

The jury is still out on this one, but no, you do not need to prick them before cooking. Some say pricking sausage before bakingreduces the fat content of the sausage, asit allows fat to escape the sausage casing during cooking.However,there’s no hard evidence to saypricking the sausagemakes much – if any – difference to the nutrition count. (And, if you’re letting out fat, you’re letting out flavour!)

Check out these recipes –

Sausage, potato & fennel roast
Sweet potato and maple pork sausage tray bake
Tray-baked sausages with potatoes & cherry tomatoes


How to cook sausages in the oven (baked sausages) (2024)


How to cook sausages in the oven (baked sausages)? ›

Preheat Oven To 350°F. Place Thawed Links 1 Inch Aside On A Parchment Paper Lined Sheet Pan. Bake For 15 To 18 Minutes Or Till The Inside Link Temperature Reaches 160°F And The Sausage Is Browned, Turning Links As Soon As.

What is the best way to cook sausages in the oven? ›

How to cook sausages in the oven (baked sausages)
  1. Preheat oven to 220C/200C fan forced. Line a baking dish with baking paper.
  2. Place sausages in the lined dish. Bake, turning once, for 20-25 minutes or until golden and cooked through.
  3. Serve sausages with mash and salad.

Do you need foil to cook sausages in the oven? ›

Adding foil will make for easier cleanup and will ensure the sausages don't stick to the pan. If you want your sausages to be less greasy, put a wire rack on top of the pan. It should be a rack that fits securely inside the pan and won't slide around when you're handling the pan.

Do you cut sausage before cooking in oven? ›

You can either slice the sausages in half, lengthwise, to get a crisp on the exposed interior (great for sausage sandwiches), leave them intact and crisp the casings, or cut them into coins or chunks.

How long to bake sausage at 400 degrees? ›

Most fresh sausage needs to be cooked to 165℉ (74℃). Check the package for the required safe cooking temperature. Small breakfast sausage links and patties take about 15 to 20 minutes to cook in a 400℉ (200℃) oven. Link sausage, like Italian sausage or bratwurst take about 30 minutes to cook in a 400℉ (200℃) oven.

What is the best cooking method for sausages? ›

In summary, it is important to cook raw — or even pre-cooked — sausages completely before you eat them. This can be done in many ways. The healthiest way to cook them is by boiling or baking. Also, make sure you don't eat overly charred or burnt sausages, which can have high amounts of harmful compounds.

Is it better to cook sausages in the oven or pan? ›

The fat in the sausages provides flavour, but if you'd prefer to reduce it, the best way is to bake the sausages. Prick them first with a skewer so more fat can drain out during cooking.

Do you poke holes in sausage before baking? ›

Sure, some recipes suggest that you poke or score the casings, because it might prevent the sausages from bursting at the ends, while helping the interior cook slightly faster and more evenly. However, you should skip that step and simply cook the sausages at the right temperature for the proper amount of time.

Do you need to flip sausages in the oven? ›

Cook the sausages in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Make sure to turn them over halfway through cooking. Once your sausages are fully cooked, serve and enjoy!

Should sausages be pricked before cooking in the oven? ›

Although pricking them reduced the possibility of the sausages exploding, this is an unnecessary step when you cook sausages of high quality. Furthermore, much of the juices will seep out resulting in a dryer, less tasty sausage.

How to tell if sausage is cooked? ›

Use a meat thermometer to make sure your sausage is between 160 and 165 °F (71 and 74 °C). If you don't have a meat thermometer, check that the sausage is firm and has clear, runny juices. Cut it open and make sure the inside is brown, not pink.

What temperature do you cook raw sausage? ›

With the internal temperature of 160 degrees F, the inside of the meat should no longer be pink. You need to cook the sausage at a temperature of 350 degrees F. Cooking it with a fire that is at a higher temperature than that will cause the casing to burst and the delicious liquid and fat to drain away.

How do you cook sausage without drying it out? ›

The best way to cook a fresh sausage (and it won't hurt a smoked sausage) is to poach it first. Start by getting a pan of salted water up to poaching temperature, so between 160 and 190 degrees, uncovered. Add your sausages and cook thoroughly. For the size of our sausages, this takes about 25 minutes.

How do chefs cook sausages? ›

Chef claims we've been cooking sausages all wrong - correct way is a game-changer
  1. Let the sausage chill 20 minutes before cooking. ...
  2. Pop your bangers in the pan. ...
  3. Add a teaspoon of duck or goose fat to the pan. ...
  4. Sausages should not be touching and should be kept on a constant heat. ...
  5. Rest the bangers before serving.
Dec 14, 2023


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